2 research outputs found

    Precision Astrometry of a Sample of Speckle Binaries and Multiples with the Adaptive Optics Facilities at the Hale and Keck II Telescopes

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    Using the adaptive optics facilities at the 200-in Hale and 10-m Keck II, we observed in the near infrared a sample of 12 binary and multiple stars and one open cluster. We used the near diffraction limited images of these systems to measure the relative separations and position angles between their components. In this paper, we investigate and correct for the influence of the differential chromatic refraction and chip distortions on our relative astrometric measurements. Over one night, we achieve an astrometric precision typically well below 1 miliarcsecond and occasionally as small as 40 microarcseconds. Such a precision is in principle sufficient to astrometrically detect planetary mass objects around the components of nearby binary and multiple stars. Since we have not had sufficiently large data sets for the observed sample of stars to detect planets, we provide the limits to planetary mass objects based on the obtained astrometric precision.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 9 tables, to appear in MNRA

    Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the ASAS catalogue -- I. A sample of systems with components' masses between 1 and 2 M_\odot

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    We derive the absolute physical and orbital parameters for a sample of 18 detached eclipsing binaries from the \emph{All Sky Automated Survey} (ASAS) database based on the available photometry and our own radial velocity measurements. The radial velocities (RVs) are computed using spectra we collected with the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope and its \emph{University College London Echelle Spectrograph} and the 1.9-m SAAO Radcliffe telescope and its \emph{Grating Instrument for Radiation Analysis with a Fibre Fed Echelle}. In order to obtain as precise RVs as possible, most of the systems were observed with an iodine cell available at the AAT/UCLES and/or analyzed using the two-dimensional cross-correlation technique (TODCOR). The RVs were measured with TODCOR using synthetic template spectra as references. However, for two objects we used our own approach to the tomographic disentangling of the binary spectra to provide observed template spectra for the RV measurements and to improve the RV precision even more. For one of these binaries, AI Phe, we were able to the obtain an orbital solution with an RV rmsrms of 62 and 24 m s1^{-1} for the primary and secondary respectively. For this system, the precision in Msin3iM \sin^3{i} is 0.08%. For the analysis, we used the photometry available in the ASAS database. We combined the RV and light curves using PHOEBE and JKTEBOP codes to obtain the absolute physical parameters of the systems. Having precise RVs we were able to reach \sim0.2 % precision (or better) in masses in several cases but in radii, due to the limited precision of the ASAS photometry, we were able to reach a precision of only 1% in one case and 3-5 % in a few more cases. For the majority of our objects, the orbital and physical analysis is presented for the first time.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 6 tables in the main text, 1 table in appendix, to appear in MNRA