11,433 research outputs found

    A lower bound for the modulus of the Dirichlet eta function on partition P\mathcal{P} from 2-D principal component analysis

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    The present manuscript aims to derive an expression for the lower bound of the modulus of the Dirichlet eta function on vertical lines ā„œ(s)=Ī±\Re(s)=\alpha. An approach based on a two-dimensional principal component analysis matching the dimensionality of the complex plane, which is built on a parametric ellipsoidal shape, has been undertaken to achieve this result. This lower bound, which is expressed as āˆ€sāˆˆā€‰C\forall s \in \, \mathbb{C} s.t. ā„œ(s)āˆˆP(s)\Re(s) \in \mathcal{P}(s), āˆ£Ī·(s)āˆ£ā‰„āˆ£1āˆ’22Ī±āˆ£|\eta(s)| \geq |1- \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2^{\alpha}}|, where Ī·\eta is the Dirichlet eta function, has implications for the Riemann hypothesis as āˆ£Ī·(s)āˆ£>0|\eta(s)| >0 for any such sāˆˆPs \in \mathcal{P}, where P\mathcal{P} is a partition spanning one half of the critical strip on either sides of the critical line ā„œ(s)=1/2\Re(s) = 1/2 depending upon a variable delimiting regions, complementary by mirror symmetry with respect to ā„œ(s)=1/2\Re(s) = 1/2.Comment: 13 page

    An investigation of the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function

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    The zeros of the Riemann zeta function outside the critical strip are the so-called trivial zeros. While many zeros of the Riemann zeta function are located on the critical line ā„œ(s)=1/2\Re(s)=1/2, the non-existence of zeros in the remaining part of the critical strip ā„œ(s)āˆˆā€‰]0,1[\Re(s) \in \, ]0,1[ remains to be proven. The Riemann zeta functional leads to a relationship between the zeros of the Riemann zeta function on either sides of the critical line. Given ss a complex number and sĖ‰\bar{s} its complex conjugate, if ss is a zero of the Riemann zeta function in the critical strip ā„œ(s)āˆˆā€‰]0,1[\Re(s) \in \, ]0,1[, then we have Ī¶(s)=Ī¶(1āˆ’sĖ‰)\zeta(s) = \zeta(1-\bar{s}). As the Riemann hypothesis states that all non-trivial zeros lie on the critical line ā„œ(s)=1/2\Re(s) = 1/2, it is enough to show there are no zeros on either sides of the critical line within the critical strip ā„œ(s)āˆˆā€‰]0,1[\Re(s) \in \, ]0,1[, to say the Riemann hypothesis is true.Comment: 16 page

    On the origin of the canyon diablo no. 2 and no. 3 meteorites

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    Measurements of helium-3, neon-21, and argon-38 in Canyon Diablo meteorites indicated origin of Canyon Diablo-

    Rare gas evidence for two paired meteorite falls

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    Mass spectroscopic analysis of rare gas contents of two paired meteorite fall

    An algebra of discrete event processes

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    This report deals with an algebraic framework for modeling and control of discrete event processes. The report consists of two parts. The first part is introductory, and consists of a tutorial survey of the theory of concurrency in the spirit of Hoare's CSP, and an examination of the suitability of such an algebraic framework for dealing with various aspects of discrete event control. To this end a new concurrency operator is introduced and it is shown how the resulting framework can be applied. It is further shown that a suitable theory that deals with the new concurrency operator must be developed. In the second part of the report the formal algebra of discrete event control is developed. At the present time the second part of the report is still an incomplete and occasionally tentative working paper

    Land-Rich Economies, Education and Economic Development

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    We analyze the emergence of large-scale education systems in a setup where growth is associated with changes in the configuration of the economy. The model is based on three central elements: first, individual preferences over consumption goods generate changes in the composition of individual spending as income grows, embodied in Engel curves. Second, the production of sophisticated services is intensive in human capital. Third, investment in human capital by individual households faces borrowing constraints. Our model uses an overlapping generation framework similar to the one in Galor and Moav (2003). As that paper does, we also model the incentives that the economic Ā“elite may have (collectively) to accept taxation destined to finance the education of credit-constrained workers. In our model this incentive does not necessarily arise from a complementarity between physical and human capital in manufacturing. Rather, we emphasize the demand for human-capital-intensive services by high-income groups. The argument model seems capable to account for salient features of the development of Latin America in the 19th century, where, in particular, land-rich countries such as Argentina established an extensive public education system and a sophisticated service sector before developing significant manufacturing activities.

    Self-consistent 2-phase AGN torus models: SED library for observers

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    We assume that dust near active galactic nuclei (AGN) is distributed in a torus-like geometry, which may be described by a clumpy medium or a homogeneous disk or as a combination of the two (i.e. a 2-phase medium). The dust particles considered are fluffy and have higher submillimeter emissivities than grains in the diffuse ISM. The dust-photon interaction is treated in a fully self-consistent three dimensional radiative transfer code. We provide an AGN library of spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Its purpose is to quickly obtain estimates of the basic parameters of the AGN, such as the intrinsic luminosity of the central source, the viewing angle, the inner radius, the volume filling factor and optical depth of the clouds, and the optical depth of the disk midplane, and to predict the flux at yet unobserved wavelengths. The procedure is simple and consists of finding an element in the library that matches the observations. We discuss the general properties of the models and in particular the 10mic. silicate band. The AGN library accounts well for the observed scatter of the feature strengths and wavelengths of the peak emission. AGN extinction curves are discussed and we find that there is no direct one-to-one link between the observed extinction and the wavelength dependence of the dust cross sections. We show that objects of the library cover the observed range of mid IR colors of known AGN. The validity of the approach is demonstrated by matching the SEDs of a number of representative objects: Four Seyferts and two quasars for which we present new Herschel photometry, two radio galaxies, and one hyperluminous infrared galaxy. Strikingly, for the five luminous objects we find pure AGN models fit the SED without a need to postulate starburst activity.Comment: A&A accepted by referee, AGN library available at http://www.eso.org/~rsiebenm/agn_models/index.htm
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