1,349 research outputs found

    Correction: Goldbeck, R.A., et al. Early Events, Kinetic Intermediates and the Mechanism of Protein Folding in Cytochrome c. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2009, 10, 1476–1499.

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    By mistake, we omitted the support from the National Institutes of Health (U.S.A.) in the Acknowledgements section in our paper recently published in Int. J. Mol. Sci. [1]. Therefore, the Acknowledgements section is revised as follows: [...

    A megfelelőség ellenőrzése élelmiszerrel érintkező anyagoknál - ásványi olajok migrációja a csomagolóanyagból az élelmiszerbe = Assessment of conformity of food contact materials - migration of mineral oil components to foodstuffs

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    A szerző általános áttekintő összefoglalást ad a különböző keménypapír csomagolóanyagokból származó, az élelmiszereket szennyező ásványolaj-típusú migránsok témaköréből. A kérdéses vegyületek többnyire a különböző újságok és kartondobozok tintáinak oldószerének komponensei. Közöttük számos, az ember egészségét veszélyeztető anyag található, amennyiben azok migránsként az élelmiszerekkel az ember anyagcseréjébe kerülnek. Ezek az anyagok két nagy csoportba sorolhatók: a MOSH (Mineral Oil origin Saturated Hydrocarbons - Ásványolaj eredetű telített szénhidrogének) és MOAH (Mineral Oil origin Aromatic Hydrocarbons - ásványolaj eredetű aromás szénhidrogének) csoportba. Jelenlegi ismereteink szerint a MOAH csoport jóval veszélyesebb, mint a MOSH. A MOAH migránsok ugyanis gyaníthatóan karcinogén hatásúak az emberi testben. Mivel az EU-ban léteznek korlátozó előírások e migránsok maximálisan mennyiségére nézve az élelmiszerekben, szükségszerű, hogy a csomagolóanyagok migránsaiként vizsgáljuk azokat. Ebben a dolgozatban a szerző néhány, az EU szabályozórendszerében érvényes hivatalos határértéket is megemlít. A fentebb említett két csoport nagyszámú, különböző típusú szénhidrogén molekulát foglal magában. Ez az oka annak, hogy e vegyületek analitikája bonyolult. A szerző munkahelyén egy LC-GC-FID kapcsolt technikát alkalmaznak a MOSH és MOAH típusú vegyületek meghatározására különböző élelmiszermintákból. Ahhoz, hogy a kapcsolt technikával nyert összetett kromatogramokat helyesen lehessen értelmezni, igen jól képzett laboratóriumi személyzetre van szükség, amely képes felismerni a MOAH és MOSH vegyületek csúcs-sorozatait és meg tudják különböztetni azokat, amelyek nem ezektől a vegyületektől, hanem a mintákban található egyéb szénhidrogénektől származnak. The author has written a general survey on the topic of mineral oil origin migrants arising from the several paperback packaging materials of foodstuffs, polluting the processed foods. Mainly these polluting mineral oil origin compound are the solvent component of printing inks of different newspapers, paperback covering. Amongst these materials can be find numerous type of hazard compound for the human metabolism, migrating into the foodstuffs and forwarded into the human gut by the consumed foods. These compounds are typed in two main groups: MOSH (Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons) and MOAH (Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons). As the contem porary knowledge de MOAH group is more hazardous than MOSH. They doubt the MOAH migrants can cause risk of cancer in the human body. While in the EU there are several limitations of these chemicals in the food products, there is a necessity to investigate them as packaging migrants. In this article the author describes a few official limitation data of these compounds forced by the European legislation. These two groups mentioned above, involve vast number of different type of hydrocarbon molecules. That’s why the analysis of these compounds is very complicated. At the author’s workplace they use a hyphenation technics, involving an LC-GC-FID system to investigate the MOSH and MOAH compounds from different food samples. To achieve correct interpretation of complex chromatograms delivered by the hyphenated system, needs very well skilled laboratory stuff, which is able to recognise the MOAH and MOSH origin peak series and they can divide the several peaks originating the other non-MOSH and non-MOAH hydrocarbons existing in the sample

    The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries: LibX a Case Study

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    With the ubiquity and familiarity of Google and similar resources, users are turning to search engines rather than to the library to find information. By using LibX (http://libx.org), libraries now have a free tool they can offer that instantly connects their users to the library’s resources, no matter where the user is on the web. Once a resource is offered by a library, librarians must become familiar with what it is and how to use it. In order to support the new tool, librarians should develop promotional strategies that will further encourage the use of the tool. Additionally, they must find effective and efficient ways to offer instruction sessions and materials. By studying a variety of marketing techniques and instruction formats used by libraries, educational institutions, and small businesses, this session will focus on how one can determine the best methods to inform and instruct users on how to use the library’s tools and services. I will introduce LibX and show what has been done to promote this tool, as well as discuss some of the instruction methods and user studies that have been incorporated

    What is MLE, who speaks it, and is it safe?

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    Some youth in London speak a non-standard variety of English whose lexical items are difficult for non-speakers to understand. This study collected naturally produced speech samples from students of various ethnicities and class backgrounds who spoke this dialect. It also polled students about their identity, as well as about their use of particular slang words. The recordings were glossed to determine the kind of slang used, as well which populations were more or less likely to use slang. The surveys were analyzed to determine relevant background characteristics of those who used slang versus those who did not. This study concludes that one’s geographic background, as well as one’s class and peer group, impact the variety of English spoken. The idea of language as a method of counter culture is advanced, claiming that speakers are using this dialect as a way to signify resistance against the highly rigid class systems of the U.K

    Determination of lignocellulolytic properties and genetic study of wild microorganisms isolated from different brazilian regions for bioethanol production

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    Orientadores: Francisco Maugeri Filho, Gonçalo Amarante Guimarães PereiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: O etanol vem novamente despertando de modo crescente a atenção de pesquisadores, empresas e governo, devido ao aumento do preço do petróleo e perspectivas de esgotamento das fontes não-renováveis de combustíveis fósseis, bem como, preocupações de natureza ambiental, relacionadas à emissão de substâncias que comprometem o meio ambiente. O estabelecimento de metas extremamente ambiciosas para aumento do consumo do etanol nos próximos anos requer um aumento substancial da produção de etanol e, nesse sentido, estimula a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de tecnologias que permitem o uso de novas matérias-primas na produção de etanol, como a biomassa lignocelulósica. No entanto a ampliação desta tecnologia é limitante devido ao alto custo das enzimas, indicando desta forma a importância da busca por novas fontes de enzimas capazes de contribuir para este processo. Em face disto, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as propriedades lignocelulolíticas de micro-organismos silvestres isolados de diversas regiões brasileiras, bem como realizar um estudo genético visando à produção de bioetanol. Inicialmente foi realizada uma seleção das cepas que apresentaram capacidade de produção de celulases, a partir de micro-organismos silvestres isolados de diversas regiões do país. Após a seleção, a cepa nomeada AAJ6 foi selecionada como potencial produtor de celulases e identificada molecularmente como Acremonium strictum. Posteriormente, foram realizados estudos de recuperação, purificação e caracterização enzimática das enzimas produzidas pelo microorganismo em estudo. A precipitação com acetona 60% foi o método que resultou em melhores porcentagens de recuperação, registrando 80,67% de recuperação para as endoglucanases (CMCase), 65% para a atividade de papel de filtro (FPase) e 25% para celobiase. Em relação à purificação, a resina Q-Sepharose foi selecionada como mais eficiente para a purificação das enzimas do complexo celulase produzidas por Acremonium strictum. Quanto à caracterização enzimática, as faixas de temperatura e pH estudadas não tiveram diferença significativa (p<0,05) em relação à atividade de endoglucanase (CMCase). Já para a atividade de FPase e celobiase, a faixa temperatura ótima foi de 54 a 57 °C e o pH ótimo foi de 4,7. Para a b-glicosidase, apenas a temperatura foi significativa, favorecendo temperaturas mais elevadas (54 a 57 °C) para a atividade enzimática. Paralelamente conduziram-se fermentações para produção de celulases empregando diferentes substratos, tanto substratos comerciais (carboximetilcelulose, SERVACEL® e AVICEL®) como bagaços de cana-de-açúcar pré¿tratados com diferentes intensidades. O bagaço de cana submetido a um pré-tratamento leve (12 kgf/cm²; 188,5°C) foi o que melhor induziu o micro-organismo em estudo a produzir as maiores atividades celulolíticas em comparação aos demais substratos estudados, registrando valores máximos de CMCase de 134,42 U/L em 240 horas de fermentação, 10,82 U/L de FPase em 192 horas, 27,72 U/L de celobiase em 96 horas e 3,48 U/L de b-glicosidase em 240 horas. Com o avanço da biotecnologia e da biologia molecular, a identificação de genes presentes num determinado micro-organismo já se tornou essencial. Em face disto, foi realizado o sequenciamento 454 do genoma do Acremonium strictum e dois genes de celulases foram identificados, sendo um gene de endoglucanase da família 74a e um gene de b-glicosidase. Estas enzimas foram isoladas, sequenciadas e clonadas em E.coli através do vetor pGEM-T Easy de forma que futuros trabalhos possam abordar os produtos de expressão destas enzimas em Saccharomyces cerevisiae visando à produção de bioetanol de segunda geraçãoAbstract: Ethanol has increasingly attracted the attention of researchers, companies and governments due to the increase in oil prices and prospects of depletion of nonrenewable fossil fuels, as well as environmental concerns related to emissions of substances that compromise the environment. Excessively ambitious goals for the increased consumption of ethanol in the for the years ahead requires a substantial increase in ethanol production and, accordingly, encourages research and development of technologies that allow the use of new raw materials for ethanol production, such as lignocellulosic biomass. However the expansion of this technology is limited due to the high cost of enzymes, thus indicating the importance of searching for new sources of enzymes able to contribute to this process. In the face of this, the present work intended to study the lignocellulolytic properties of wild microorganisms isolated from various regions of Brazil as well as conducting a genetic study aimed at producing bioethanol. Initially a selection of strains that were capable of producing cellulases was carried out. Than, the the selected strain, named AAJ6 and molecularly identified as Acremonium strictum, was shown to be a potential producer of cellulases. Subsequently, studies were performed for recovery, purification and characterization of the enzymes produced by this microorganism. Precipitation with 60% acetone was the method that led to improved recovery percentages, about 80%, for the endoglucanases (CMCase), 65% for filter paper activity (FPase) and 25% for cellobiase. With regard to purification, choromatographic column with Q-Sepharose resin was selected as the most efficient for the purification of the cellulase enzyme complex produced by Acremonium strictum. As enzymatic characterization, the temperature and pH ranges studied did not differ significantly (p<0.05) compared to the activity of endoglucanase (CMCase). As for the cellobiase and FPase activity, the optimum temperature range was 54 to 57 °C and optimum pH was 4.7. For the b-glucosidase, only temperature was significant, favoring higher temperatures (54 to 57 °C) for enzyme activity. Parallel fermentations were conducted for cellulase production using different cellulosic substrates (carboxymethylcellulose, SERVACEL® and AVICEL ®) and sugarcane bagasse pretreated with different intensities. Bagasse that underwent t mild pretreatment (12 kgf/cm², 188.5 °C) was the best inducer for microorganism under study, and led to the highest cellulolytic activities, being the maximum values 134.42 U/L U/L for CMCase after 240 hours of fermentation, 10.82 U/L for FPase after 192 hours, 27.72 U/L for cellobiase after 96 hours and 3.48 U/L for b-glucosidase after 240 hours. At the current stage of biotechnology and molecular biology, the identification of genes present in a given micro-organism has become essential. In view of this, the 454 sequencing of the genome of Acremonium strictum was carried out and two cellulase genes were identified, being an endoglucanase of the family 74a gene and b-glucosidase gene. These enzymes were isolated, sequenced and cloned into E. coli using the pGEM-T Easy vector so that future work can address the expression products of these enzymes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae in order to produce second generation bioethanolDoutoradoEngenharia de AlimentosDoutora em Engenharia de Alimento

    My My Mister Cum...

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    301 Gender differences in life satisfaction of adolescent and adult patients with cystic fibrosis

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    Tomba d'Ildefons Cerdà Sunyer, al Cementiri de Montjuïc. La làpida de marbre reprodueix una part de la trama de les illes de l'Eixample

    Renssellaer Institute. Jim Hendler. CSCI 4964/COMM 49652 – Web Science. Social Network

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    Social Networks on the World Wide Web - lecture by Dr. Jennifer Golbec

    Faunal Provinces and Patterns of Diversity in Late Cretaceous (Santonian-Maastrichtian) Larger Foraminifera

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    A detailed biogeographical analysis of the global distribution of 25 different genera of larger symbiont-bearing foraminifera from the Late Cretaceous reveals that they exhibit distinct patterns. On a generic level, the distribution is divisible into regional, superregional and global categories. Four Faunal Provinces (FP) were established: 1) Caribbean FP, 2) Asiatic FP, 3a) European Tethys, and 3b) African Tethys. The precise classification of the latter two Faunal Provinces into subprovinces requires further detailed studies. The European Tethys can be divided into western and eastern subprovinces. The analysis of generic diversity shows a maximal value in the western part of the Southern European Tethys. A second peak, with a minor value, is situated in the eastern part. Maximum diversity appears to result from the large available area (shallow shelf regions) and corresponding physical and biological factors (high temperature, high insolation, high mutation rate). The prevailing sea surface currents are the main influence on the distribution of the larger foraminifera, as well as on the extent of the bioprovinces. The center of diversity in the Late Cretaceous European Tethys is comparable in its characteristics with the modern “hotspot” of marine diversity, which is situated in the Indopacific Ocean. Therefore, it is possible to speak of a displacement of the “hotspot” from the European Area of the Tethys in the Late Cretaceous to the Indopacific region in modern oceans. The displacement is the result of paleogeographic changes that occurred since the Late Cretaceous.Faunenprovinzen und Diversitätsmuster in Spätkretazischen (Santonian - Maastrichtian) Großforaminiferen Die umfassende Analyse von 25 unterschiedlichen Genera von Großforaminiferen aus der Oberkreide bezüglich ihrer globalen Verbreitung zeigt signifikante Muster. Diese sind auf Gattungsniveau in eine regionale, eine überregionale und eine globale Kategorie unterteilbar. Insgesamt lassen sich vier Faunenprovinzen (FP) aufstellen: 1) Karibische FP, 2) Asiatische FP, 3a) Europäische Tethys, und 3b) Afrikanische Tethys. Diese sind durch das Auftreten bzw. durch Absenz spezifischer Taxa definiert. Die Faunenprovinzen der Europäischen und der Afrikanischen Tethys zeigen interferierende Muster die im Grenzbereich amalgamieren. Eine eindeutige Differenzierung bedarf deshalb weiterer Analysen. Die Europäische Tethys kann weiterhin in einen westlichen sowie einen östlichen Bereich gegliedert werden. Die Auswertung der Diversität zeigt einen maximalen Wert im westlichen Bereich der südeuropäischen Tethys. Ein weiteres Diversitätsmaximum befindet sich im östlichen Teil. Die Diversitätsmaxima sind vermutlich in der zur Verfügung stehenden Fläche (flache Schelfbereiche) und den damit einhergehenden Faktoren (große Individuenzahl, hohe Temperatur, starke Sonneneinstrahlung, hohe Mutationsrate) begründet. Oberflächenströmungen sind im Wesentlichen für die Verbreitung von Großforaminiferen verantwortlich und beeinflussen damit auch gleichzeitig die Biodiversität. Das Diversitätszentrum in der oberkretazischen europäischen Tethys ist in seinen Eigenschaften mit dem heutigen “hotspot” der marinen Diversität, das sich im Indopazifischen Ozean befindet, vergleichbar. Man kann daher von einer Verlagerung des “hotspot” aus dem europäischen Bereich der Tethys in der Oberkreide in den Indopazifik heute sprechen. Maßgebliche Voraussetzung für diese Verlagerung war die Veränderung der paläogeographischen Situation von der Oberkreide bis heute