2,510 research outputs found

    Dear Disaster

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    In the project a metaphor is used depicturing interpretations of a recovery process of overcoming fear and regaining trust in nature after a natural disaster. This is done in order to describe the investigation of a love - hate relationship towards design. The intention with the investigation is to discuss meanings of emotional exchanges in design and analyse relationships between the user and objects. The result is emerged from a therapeutic background of processing natural disasters as well as from an investigation of visual and tactile structures aimed to instinctively evoke curiosity and fascination

    Brand management of functional foods aimed at global markets

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Cover crops and their farming : how can farming of cover crops be encourage?

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    Detta arbete tar upp varför fler bör odla mellangrödor och vad som kan ske om mellangröda inte odlas. HÀr presenteras Àven lösningar pÄ hur fler lantbrukare kan lockas till att börja odla mer mellangrödor och vad som kan göras fÄr att fÄ lantbrukare att fortsÀtta odla mellangrödor. Arbetet tar Àven upp definitionen av mellangrödor, funktioner och hur den pÄverkar markstruktur och hur nÀringsupptaget fungerar. Lantbrukare i SkÄne som odlar mellangrödor har fÄtt vara med i en intervju dÀr de har fÄtt svara pÄ frÄgor kring mellangrödsodling. Med hjÀlp av deras svar och litteraturen besvarades frÄgor som: vad skulle locka fler att odla mellangrödor? Vilka hinder finns idag? Resultatet visade pÄ att fler ÄtgÀrder behöver tas för att locka fler lantbrukare att odla mellangrödor. De som aldrig har odlat mellangrödor behöver lockas pÄ tvÄ sÀtt, först genom att fÄ dem att börja odla mellangrödor och det kan göras genom att utforma ett nytt stöd för de som inte odlat mellangrödor förr. Av att sÀtta en provperiod pÄ 5 Är skulle de kunna se de positiva aspekterna sjÀlv och pÄ sÄ sÀtt fÄ de intresserade. Sedan Àr mÄlet att fÄ dem att fortsÀtta odla mellangrödor och dÄ kan regelverket kring stöden kunna ses över för att göra de lÀttare att följa. Genom att godkÀnna fler sorter kan mellangrödans utveckling eskalera snabbare och pÄ sÄ sÀtt Àndra synen pÄ mellangröda.This study brings up why more farmers should farm cover crops and what happens if they are not grown. Here a solution is presented on how to make more farmers to start growing cover crops and what to do to make them continue. The study also brings up the definition of cover crops, functions and how it influences soil structure and how nutrient flows work. Farmers in SkÄne who farm cover crops have had the opportunity to be interviewed. Only farmers who farm cover crops have been interviewed. With their answers and the literature some questions have been answered for example what would make more farmers to grow cover crops? And what do we do to make them continue? The results show that more arrangements are needed to make more farmers interested in growing cover crops. Those who never farmed cover crops need to be motivated in 2 ways, first by making a new support system for those who never farmed cover crops before. By putting down a 5-year trial time would give them enough time to see the changes themselves and starting their interest to keep going. Later the goal is to make them continue farming cover crops and here the regulations around cover crops can be simplified to make them easier to follow. To approve additional varieties can help to develop cover crop cultivation and change the view on cover crop

    The co-operative movement in Denmark

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    Thesis (M.C.S.)--Boston University This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Microglial activation - tuning and pruning adult neurogenesis.

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    NEW NEURONS ARE CONTINUOUSLY GENERATED IN TWO ADULT BRAIN REGIONS: the subgranular zone of the hippocampus and the subependyma by the lateral ventricles, referred to as the neurogenic niches. During their development from neural stem cells to mature functionally integrated neurons numerous choices are made, such as proliferation or quiescence, cell survival or death, migration or establishment, growth or retraction of processes, synaptic assembly or pruning, or tuning of synaptic transmission. The process is altered by physiological stimuli as well as several brain diseases. Microglia are located within the neurogenic niches and have become interesting candidates for modulating neurogenesis in both the healthy and injured brain. They become activated by foreign antigens or changes in the brain homeostasis and transform this innate immunity into an adaptive immune response by recruiting systemic immune cells. Most studies report an acute decrease in the survival of new neurons following this classically activated microglia reaction. The long-term effects are more complex. In neurodegenerative diseases, microglial activation is more heterogeneous and the transformation from a pro- to an anti-inflammatory cytokine profile and the deactivation of microglia is not well defined. The diversity is reflected by numerous reports describing both beneficial and detrimental effects on neurogenesis, primarily on the proliferation, survival, and cell fate. However, relatively few studies have investigated alterations at later stages of neurogenesis including the functional integration. Though likely, it is not established how a fine-tuned cross-talk between microglia and adult-born neurons would work and how it changes upon microglia activation. This review will therefore launch three hypotheses for how microglia might direct synaptic integration of newborn neurons, currently a fast expanding research field

    Do you feel like a hero yet? - Spec Ops: The Line and the Concept of the Hero

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    Working from a Folklore Studies and Cultural Studies perspective, I discuss the concept of a traditional hero-narrative as well as what makes up the hero-character. I then analyse the 2012 PC game Spec Ops: The Line as a modern contribution to hero-narratives, and as a conscious digression from them. My discussion of the hero-character is based on the work of notable Folklore scholars such as Propp as well as scholars from related fields, for instance Hourihan and Hosiaisluoma. I also discuss some particular aspects of analysing the narrative of a computer game - an interactive form of media - as well as briefly touching upon the intertextual context of Spec Ops: The Line. In my analysis, I come to the conclusion, that Spec Ops: The Line is a conscious subversion of the modern military hero-narrative; it at first sets up expectations of adhering to the genre and theme, which it then flaunts and actively criticises. The protagonist, Captain Martin Walker, starts out a heroic character, but soon fails this role. His final role in the narrative ultimately depends on the player s choices in the game s final chapter

    Could flies explain the elusive epidemiology of campylobacteriosis?

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    BACKGROUND: Unlike salmonellosis with well-known routes of transmission, the epidemiology of campylobacteriosis is still largely unclear. Known risk factors such as ingestion of contaminated food and water, direct contact with infected animals and outdoor swimming could at most only explain half the recorded cases. DISCUSSION: We put forward the hypothesis that flies play a more important role in the transmission of the bacteria, than has previously been recognized. Factors supporting this hypothesis are: 1) the low infective dose of Campylobacter; 2) the ability of flies to function as mechanical vectors; 3) a ubiquitous presence of the bacteria in the environment; 4) a seasonality of the disease with summer peaks in temperate regions and a more evenly distribution over the year in the tropics; 5) an age pattern for campylobacteriosis in western travellers to the tropics suggesting other routes of transmission than food or water; and finally 6) very few family clusters. SUMMARY: All the evidence in favour of the fly hypothesis is circumstantial and there may be alternative explanations to each of the findings supporting the hypothesis. However, in the absence of alternative explanations that could give better clues to the evasive epidemiology of Campylobacter infection, we believe it would be unwise to rule out flies as important mechanical vectors also of this disease
