813 research outputs found

    Banco del Trabajo - Perú

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    Sector financiero :: Remesas

    La interdisciplina, entendida como estrategia metodológica de integración de contenidos

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    Se presentan las diferentes modalidades de interdisciplina en función de los grados y las formas de integración de las disciplinas para ámbitos de la investigación y la enseñanza. Se analizan los impactos que tiene en el aprendizaje la estructura curricular exclusivamente disciplinar imperante en la escuela secundaria y se propone una modalidad de integración de contenidos que amortigüe la parcelación derivada de dicha estructura. La implementación de instancias de integración de contenidos de diferentes asignaturas en el tratamiento de problemas complejos –que superan los límites de una disciplina aislada– podría impactar positivamente en el logro de algunas competencias esperables tales como la comprensión de algunos aspectos de la realidad –social y natural–, siempre compleja y multicausal, el pensamiento crítico y la participación responsable

    The second fundamental form of the real Kaehler submanifolds

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    Let f ⁣:M2nR2n+pf\colon M^{2n}\to\R^{2n+p}, 2pn12\leq p\leq n-1, be an isometric immersion of a Kaehler manifold into Euclidean space. Yan and Zheng conjectured in \cite{YZ} that if the codimension is p11p\leq 11 then, along any connected component of an open dense subset of M2nM^{2n}, the submanifold is as follows: it is either foliated by holomorphic submanifolds of dimension at least 2n2p2n-2p with tangent spaces in the kernel of the second fundamental form whose images are open subsets of affine vector subspaces, or it is embedded holomorphically in a Kaehler submanifold of R2n+p\R^{2n+p} of larger dimension than 2n2n. This bold conjecture was proved by Dajczer and Gromoll just for codimension three and then by Yan and Zheng for codimension four. In this paper we prove that the second fundamental form of the submanifold behaves pointwise as expected in case that the conjecture is true. This result is a first fundamental step for a possible classification of the non-holomorphic Kaehler submanifolds lying with low codimension in Euclidean space. A counterexample shows that our proof does not work for higher codimension, indicating that proposing p=11p=11 in the conjecture as the largest codimension is appropriate

    A Bayesian Framework for Multivariate Differential Analysis accounting for Missing Data

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    Current statistical methods in differential proteomics analysis generally leave aside several challenges, such as missing values, correlations between peptide intensities and uncertainty quantification. Moreover, they provide point estimates, such as the mean intensity for a given peptide or protein in a given condition. The decision of whether an analyte should be considered as differential is then based on comparing the p-value to a significance threshold, usually 5%. In the state-of-the-art limma approach, a hierarchical model is used to deduce the posterior distribution of the variance estimator for each analyte. The expectation of this distribution is then used as a moderated estimation of variance and is injected directly into the expression of the t-statistic. However, instead of merely relying on the moderated estimates, we could provide more powerful and intuitive results by leveraging a fully Bayesian approach and hence allow the quantification of uncertainty. The present work introduces this idea by taking advantage of standard results from Bayesian inference with conjugate priors in hierarchical models to derive a methodology tailored to handle multiple imputation contexts. Furthermore, we aim to tackle a more general problem of multivariate differential analysis, to account for possible inter-peptide correlations. By defining a hierarchical model with prior distributions on both mean and variance parameters, we achieve a global quantification of uncertainty for differential analysis. The inference is thus performed by computing the posterior distribution for the difference in mean peptide intensities between two experimental conditions. In contrast to more flexible models that can be achieved with hierarchical structures, our choice of conjugate priors maintains analytical expressions for direct sampling from posterior distributions without requiring expensive MCMC methods.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Quais histórias devemos contar sobre a emergência de doenças? : o valor da narrativa no ensino de Ciências

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    En este trabajo abordamos los aportes del formato narrativo a la enseñanza de los contenidos vinculados a la salud y la enfermedad. En este sentido describimos las características de este formato y resaltamos los aportes que el mismo puede hacer al aprendizaje de contenidos científicos escolares, en particular, en este caso, los referidos a la emergencia de las enfermedades. Proponemos reflexionar respecto de qué historias es preciso contar en las clases de ciencias de manera tal de privilegiar aquellas centrales que facilitan la comprensión del mundo social y natural. Asumimos que los relatos posibilitan acceder a una mirada de conjunto de los fenómenos anclados en contextos ricos y complejos.This study presents the contributions of the narrative format to the teaching of content related to health and disease. In this sense we describe the characteristics of this format and highlight its contributions in supporting science teaching and learning of different contents, in particular, those referring to the emergence of diseases. The researches intend to reflect regarding the kind of stories used in science classes, so that stories could be a vehicle through which experiences and events are communicated amongst people and could provide an understanding of the social and natural world. Hence, in this paper, we explore the potential role that narrative might have not only to communicate scientific ideas but also to generate knowledge and understanding of the phenomena anchored in rich and complex contexts.Neste trabalho, abordamos as contribuições da narrativa ao ensino de conteúdos vinculados à saúde e à doença. Neste sentido, descrevemos as características deste gênero e ressaltamos as contribuições que o mesmo pode fazer à aprendizagem de conteúdos científicos escolares, em particular, neste caso, dos que se referem à emergência das doenças. Propomos uma reflexão sobre quais histórias são necessárias contar nas aulas de ciências de maneira a privilegiar aquelas que facilitam a compreensão do mundo social e natural. Assumimos que os relatos possibilitam acesso a uma visão global de fenômenos enraizados em contextos ricos e complexos.Fil: Revel Chion, Andrea. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Aduriz Bravo, Agustin. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Reflections on Community Planning in San Francisco

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    This paper builds on a dialogue between barrio planners and municipal planners on spatial and economic changes in San Francisco’s Mission District. The Mission is a predominantly Latino neighborhood with vibrant streets that have reflected and been transformed by the investments and displacement of recent decades. Though the Mission has seen tremendous upheaval with the influx of new capital and communities, this paper contends that efforts of community members shaped the development of the neighborhood with street-level planning expertise. We find that an attempt by community members to define their own development proposals and engage in land use decisions– rather than waiting to react to developer-designed proposals– created new possibilities for cultural and economic resiliency. Through skillful navigation of the economic crisis, convergence of multiple voices, and a sustainable grassroots planning process, community-led urban planning carved out public space for non-expert voices to be heard. Situated at the convergence of multiple processes, the People’s Plan and Pueblote are examples of the transformations of plans and regulations to address community needs

    School scientific argumentation. Contributions to a quality literacy

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    Se presentan y discuten los aportes que el aprendizaje y dominio de la competencia argumentativa puede hacer al aprendizaje de contenidos científicos escolares y, simultáneamente, al dominio de estrategias metacognitivas y autorregulatorias. Se exponen diferentes posturas en torno a los modos de enseñar la competencia argumentativa y se toma posición por un modelo denominado argumentación científica escolar, que exige explícitas instancias de enseñanza. Este modelo se define como la producción de un texto en el cual se explica, considerando que la explicación es una de las funciones fundamentales de la ciencia.This paper presents and discusses the contribution that learning and mastery of argumentative competence can make about the learning of school science content and simultaneously the domain of metacognitive strategies and self-regulatory. Different positions are set around the argumentative ways of teaching competence and one position is taken by a model called school scientific argumentation, which requires explicit instances of teaching. This model is definited as producing a text that explains, whereas the explanation is one of the fundamental functions of science.Fil: Revel Chion, Andrea. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Aduriz Bravo, Agustin. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Análisis histórico-epistemológico de las concepciones de salud desde una perspectiva didáctica : narrando la “historia” de la peste negra medieval

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    En este trabajo presentamos el caso de la peste negra medieval como insumo para analizar y comparar la potencia didáctica de algunos modelos explicativos de la noción de enfermedad. Comenzamos examinando, desde una perspectiva educativa, algunas de las diferentes concepciones de salud que se han generado a lo largo del tiempo, concepciones que se inscriben en perspectivas uni- o multicausales. Proponemos utilizar la narración de “pequeñas historias” con el propósito de que los y las estudiantes las analicen a partir de diferentes enfoques, de manera que puedan explorar las aportaciones de cada uno de ellos