1,367 research outputs found

    Sars‐cov‐2 pandemic: Not the first, not the last

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    The common trait among the betacoronaviruses that emerged during the past two decades (the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus—SARS‐CoV, the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus—MERS‐CoV, and the recent SARS coronavirus 2—SARS‐CoV‐2) is their probable animal origin, all deriving from viruses present in bat species. Bats have arisen the attention of the scientific community as reservoir of emerging viruses, given their wide geographical distribution, their biological diversity (around 1,400 species, 21 different families and over 200 genera), and their peculiar ecological and physiological characteristics which seem to facilitate them in harbouring a high viral diversity. Several human activities may enable the viral spill‐over from bats to humans, such as deforestation, land‐use changes, increased livestock grazing or intensive production of vegetal cultures. In addition, the globalization of trade and high global human mobility allow these viruses to be disseminated in few hours in many parts of the World. In order to avoid the emergence of new pandemic threats in the future we need to substantially change our global models of social and economic development, posing the conservation of biodiversity and the preservation of natural ecosystems as a pillar for the protection of global human health

    Predictive molecular markers for EGFR-TKI in non-small cell lung cancer patients: new insights and critical aspects

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    In recent years, a number of novel agents have been investigated that target specific molecular pathways in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A great deal of effort has been focused on identifying specific markers that predict treatment response, given that a tailored approach would maximize both the therapeutic index and the cost-effectiveness. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway has emerged as a key regulator of cancer cell proliferation and invasion, and several specific EGFR inhibitors have been examined. Gefitinib and erlotinib are selective EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs), demonstrating good results in selected cases both in terms of objective response rate and of overall survival. At present, EGFR gene mutations are the best positive predictive factors for TKI therapy, and a number of other potential biomarkers are being investigated as additional positive or negative predictors of response. The correct selection of patients that could benefit from these innovative therapies, based on an accurate molecular characterization, is mandatory to provide the best clinical management. Currently, the main factor limiting the characterization of metastatic NSCLC patients is the small quantity of tumor cells available for molecular analysis. In this paper we provide an overview of the most important molecular predictive markers for EGFR-TKIs therapy in NSCLC patients, and focus attention on biological samples suitable for analysis and alternative sampling approaches such as plasma- or serum-derived DNA

    Laurent Gautier (éd.), Figement et discours spécialisés

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    L’ouvrage coordonnĂ© par Laurent Gautier propose une exploration trĂšs complĂšte du figement : sa description et son fonctionnement dans les langues de spĂ©cialité / spĂ©cialisĂ©es Ă  travers 7 articles rassemblĂ©s pour parcourir d’un bout Ă  l’autre ses rĂ©alisations, c’est-Ă -dire en considĂ©rant l’inscription du figement depuis le glossaire jusqu’au discours. Deux avancĂ©es importantes dans le domaine sont actĂ©es : d’une part, le dĂ©passement de l’opposition stĂ©rile entre langue gĂ©nĂ©rale ou commune et l..

    Prevenzione del cancro alla cervice uterina. Primi risulati di un'indagine sul comportamento

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    L’obiettivo della presente tesi ù quello di indagare le intenzioni, gli atteggiamenti e i comportamenti relativi alla prevenzione del cancro alla cervice uterina, attraverso un’indagine sul campo condotta nella regione Toscana

    Jean RĂ©mond, Les Fils d’Ariane ou le don des langues. Essai sur l’acquisition de sa langue native par l’enfant

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    Jean RĂ©mond prĂ©sente son ouvrage comme le prolongement de sa thĂšse, soutenue en 2007 — il a alors soixante-dix ans et est depuis dix ans en retraite du secondaire oĂč il a enseignĂ© l’anglais au lycĂ©e — et intitulĂ©e Grammaire des mĂ©ta-opĂ©rations : outil critique et mĂ©thodologique en didactique de l’anglais LV2 : thĂ©ories, directives et expĂ©riences 1975-1997. Comme l’indique le sous-titre « Essai sur l’acquisition de sa langue native par l’enfant », l’ouvrage analyse une sĂ©lection des Ă©noncĂ©s — ..
