2,282 research outputs found

    Methods to compute ring invariants and applications: a new class of exotic threefolds

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    We develop some methods to compute the Makar-Limanov and Derksen invariants, isomorphism classes and automorphism groups for k-domains B, which are constructed from certain Russell k-domains. We propose tools and techniques to distinguish between k-domains with the same Makar-Limanov and Derksen invariants. In particular, we introduce the exponential chain associated to certain modifications. We extract C-domains from the class B that have smooth contractible factorial Spec(B), which are diffeomorphic to R 6 but not isomorphic to C 3, that is, exotic C 3. We examine associated exponential chains to prove that exotic threefolds Spec(B) are not isomorphic to Spec(R), for any Russell C-domain R


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    We investigate the filtration corresponding to the degree function induced by a non-zero locally nilpotent derivation and its associated graded algebra. We show that this kind of filtration, referred to as the LND-filtration, is the ideal candidate to study the structure of semi-rigid k-domains, that is, k-domains for which every non-zero locally nilpotent derivation gives rise to the same filtration. Indeed, the LND-filtration gives a very precise understanding of these structure, it is impeccable for the computation of the Makar-Limanov invariant, and it is an efficient tool to determine their isomorphism types and automorphism groups. Then, we construct a new interesting class of semi-rigid k-domains in which we elaborate the fundamental requirement of LND-filtrations. The importance of these new examples is due to the fact that they possess a relatively big set of invariant sub-algebras, which can not be recoverd by known invariants such as the Makar-Limanov and the Derksen invariants. Also, we define a new family of invariant sub-algebras as a generalization of the Derksen invariant. Finally, we introduce an algorithm to establish explicit isomorphisms between cylinders over non-isomorphic members of the new class, providing by that new counter-examples to the cancellation problem

    On exit laws for semigroups in weak duality

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    summary:Let P:=(Pt)t>0\Bbb P:=(P_{t})_{t>0} be a measurable semigroup and mm a σ\sigma -finite positive measure on a Lusin space XX. An mm-exit law for P\Bbb P is a family (ft)t>0(f_{t})_{t>0} of nonnegative measurable functions on XX which are finite mm-a.e. and satisfy for each s,t>0s,t >0 Psft=fs+tP_{s}f_{t}=f_{s+t} mm-a.e. An excessive function uu is said to be in \Cal R if there exits an mm-exit law (ft)t>0(f_{t})_{t>0} for P\Bbb P such that u=0ftdtu=\int_{0}^{\infty }f_{t}\,dt, mm-a.e. Let \Cal P be the cone of mm-purely excessive functions with respect to P\Bbb P and \Cal I mV be the cone of mm-potential functions. It is clear that \Cal I mV\subseteq \Cal R\subseteq \Cal P. In this paper we are interested in the converse inclusion. We extend some results already obtained under the assumption of the existence of a reference measure. Also, we give an integral representation of the mutual energy function