5,513 research outputs found

    Lossless Intra Coding in HEVC with 3-tap Filters

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    This paper presents a pixel-by-pixel spatial prediction method for lossless intra coding within High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). A well-known previous pixel-by-pixel spatial prediction method uses only two neighboring pixels for prediction, based on the angular projection idea borrowed from block-based intra prediction in lossy coding. This paper explores a method which uses three neighboring pixels for prediction according to a two-dimensional correlation model, and the used neighbor pixels and prediction weights change depending on intra mode. To find the best prediction weights for each intra mode, a two-stage offline optimization algorithm is used and a number of implementation aspects are discussed to simplify the proposed prediction method. The proposed method is implemented in the HEVC reference software and experimental results show that the explored 3-tap filtering method can achieve an average 11.34% bitrate reduction over the default lossless intra coding in HEVC. The proposed method also decreases average decoding time by 12.7% while it increases average encoding time by 9.7%Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Can you tell a face from a HEVC bitstream?

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    Image and video analytics are being increasingly used on a massive scale. Not only is the amount of data growing, but the complexity of the data processing pipelines is also increasing, thereby exacerbating the problem. It is becoming increasingly important to save computational resources wherever possible. We focus on one of the poster problems of visual analytics -- face detection -- and approach the issue of reducing the computation by asking: Is it possible to detect a face without full image reconstruction from the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) bitstream? We demonstrate that this is indeed possible, with accuracy comparable to conventional face detection, by training a Convolutional Neural Network on the output of the HEVC entropy decoder

    Insomniast ja selle ravivõimalusest meditatiivsete meetoditega

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    Insomnia on üks tavalisemaid täiskasvanute uneprobleeme. See halvendab mõne haiguse prognoosi ning suurendab erinevatesse kroonilistesse haigustesse haigestumise riski. Insomnia on aladiagnoositud ja selle ravivõimalused on kättesaadavuse või talutavusega seotud probleemide tõttu piiratud. Artiklis on käsitletud meditatiivsete ravivõtete teaduspõhisust insomnia ravis.Eesti Arst 2017; 96(3):149–15

    Córdoba en la literatura francesa

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    Discurso de agradecimiento leído por Carlos Alvar con motivo de su nombramiento como Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Córdoba

    Política y poesía: la corte de Alfonso VIII.

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