2,956 research outputs found

    Kosmos : Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung ; Bd. 1-3

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    Ich übergebe am späten Abend eines vielbewegten Lebens dem deutschen Publikum ein Werk, dessen Bild in unbestimmten Umrissen mir fast ein halbes Jahrhundert lang vor der Seele schwebte. ..

    Sexual well-being in old age: are older adults well sexually?

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cosmos: a sketch of a physical description of the universe Vol. 3

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    Retrieved from "Biodiversity Heritage Library" Translated from the German by E.C. Otte. New York: Harper & Brothers - 187

    Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain Vol.1

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    AMS Press, Inc. New York 1966 London 1811 CONTENTS Geographical introduction.-Vol i. p. 1. BOOK I. General considerations on the extent and physical aspect of the kingdom of New Spain. Influence of the inequalities of the soil on the climate, agriculture, commerce, and military defence of the country. CHAPTER I. Extent of the Spanish possessions in America. Comparison of these possessions with the English colonies, and with the Asiatic part of the Russian empire. Denominations of New Spain, and of Anahuac. Boundary of the empire of the Aztec kings. - Vol. i. p. 5. CHAPTER II. Configuration of the coast.-Points where the two seas are least distant form one another.-General considerations on the possibility of uniting the South Sea and Atlantic ocean.-Rivers of Peace and Tacoutche-Tesse.-Sources of the Rio-Bravo and Rio-Colorado.-Isthmus of Tehuantepec.-Lake of Nicaragua.-Isthmus of Panama.-Bay of Cupica.-Canal of Choco.-Rio-Guallaga.-Gulf of St. George.-Vol. i. p. 16. CHAPTER III. Physical aspect of the kingdom of New Spain compared with that of Europe and South America.-Inequalities of the soil.-Influence of these inequalities on the climate, cultivation, and military defence of the country.-State of the coasts.-Vol. i. p. 46 BOOK II. General population of New Spain. Division of the inhabitants into casts. CHAPTER IV. General enumeration in 1793.-Progress of the population in the ten following years.-Proportion of births to burials.-Vol. i. p. 89. CHAPTER V. Maladies which periodically arrest the progress of population.-Small-pox, natural and inoculated.-Cow-pox.-Matlazahuatl.-Famine.-Health of miners.-Vol. i. p. 111. CHAPTER VI. Diversity of casts.-Indians or indigenous Americans.-Their number and their migrations.-Diversity of languages.-Degree of civilization of the Indians.-Vol. i. p. 130. CHAPTER VII. Whites, Creoles, and Europeans.-Their civilization.-Inequality of their fortunes.-Negros.-Mixed casts.-Proportion between the sexes.-Longevity according to the difference of races.-Sociability.-Vol. i. p. 204. BOOK III. Particular statistical account of the intendancies of which the kingdom of New Spain is composed.-Their territorial extent and population. CHAPTER VIII. Of the political division of the Mexican territory, and the proportion of the population of the intendancies to their territorial extent.-Principal cities.-Vol. i. p. 263. BOOK IV. State of the agriculture of New Spain.-Metallic mines. CHAPTER IX. Vegetable productions of the Mexican territory.-Progress of the cultivation of the soil.-Influence of the mines on cultivation.-Plants which contribute to the nourishment of man.-Vol. ii. p. 399

    Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain Vol.4

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    AMS Press, Inc. New York 1966 London 181

    Cosmos: a sketch of a physical description of the universe Vol. 2

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    Retrieved from "Biodiversity Heritage Library" Translated from the German by E.C. Otte. New York: Harper & Brothers - 1877 TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE I CAN not more appropriately introduce the Cosmos than by presenting a brief sketch of the life of its illustrious author.* While the name of Alexander von Humboldt is familiar to every one, few, perhaps, are aware of the peculiar circumstances of his scientific career and of the extent of his labors in almost every department of physical knowledge. He was born on the 14th'' of September, 1769, and is, therefore, now in his 80 th year. After going through the ordinary course of education at Gottingen, and having made a rapid tour through Holland, England; and France, he became a pupil of Werner at the mining school of Freyburg, and in his 21st year published an "Essay on the Basalts of the Rhine." Though he soon became officially connected with the mining corps, he was enabled to continue his excursions in foreign countries, for, during the six or seven years succeeding the publication of his first essay, he seems to have visited Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and France. His attention to mining did not, however, prevent him from devotmg his attention to other scientific pursuits, among which botany and the then recent discovery of galvanism may be especially noticed. Botany, indeed, we know from his own authority, occupied him almost exclusively for some years ; but even at this time he was practicing the use of those astronomical and physical instruments which he afterward turned to so singularly excellent an account
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