494 research outputs found

    IC 4200: a gas-rich early-type galaxy formed via a major merger

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    We present the result of radio and optical observations of the S0 galaxy IC 4200. We find that the galaxy hosts 8.5 billion solar masses of HI rotating on a ~90 deg warped disk extended out to 60 kpc from the centre of the galaxy. Optical spectroscopy reveals a simple-stellar-population-equivalent age of 1.5 Gyr in the centre of the galaxy and V- and R-band images show stellar shells. Ionised gas is observed within the stellar body and is kinematically decoupled from the stars and characterised by LINER-like line ratios.We interpret these observational results as evidence for a major merger origin of IC 4200, and date the merger back to 1-3 Gyr ago.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics; 18 pages, 13 figures; the tables of Appendix C can be downloaded at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~pserra/IC420

    Star Formation Thresholds in Galactic Disks

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    We report the first results of a detailed study of the star formation law in a sample of 32 nearby spiral galaxies with well-measured rotation curves, HI and H2_2 (as traced by CO) surface density profiles, and new \Ha CCD photometry. Our results strongly support the view that the formation of gravitationally bound interstellar clouds regulates the onset of widespread star formation -- at least in the outer regions of galactic disks.Comment: Will appear in July 1 ApJ. Abbreviated abstract. Postscript version available at http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~clm

    Neutral Gas Distribution and Kinematics of the Nearly Face-on Spiral Galaxy NGC 1232

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    We have analyzed high velocity resolution HI synthesis observations of the nearly face-on Sc galaxy NGC 1232. The neutral gas distribution extends well beyond the optical extent of the galaxy. As expected, local peaks in the HI column density are associated with the spiral arms. Further, the HI column density drops precipitously near the center of the galaxy. Closed contours in the velocity field suggest either that the system is warped, or that the rotation curve declines. The velocity dispersion is approximately constant throughout the system, with a median value of 9.9 +/- 1.8 km/s. When corrected for rotational broadening, there is no indication of a radial trend in the neutral gas velocity dispersion in this galaxy.Comment: 14 pages of text, 10 pages of figures. Accepted to the A

    Kinematics of diffuse ionized gas in the disk halo interface of NGC 891 from Fabry-P\'erot observations

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    The properties of the gas in halos of galaxies constrain global models of the interstellar medium. Kinematical information is of particular interest since it is a clue to the origin of the gas. Here we report observations of the kinematics of the thick layer of the diffuse ionized gas in NGC 891 in order to determine the rotation curve of the halo gas. We have obtained a Fabry-P\'erot data cube in Halpha to measure the kinematics of the halo gas with angular resolution much higher than obtained from HI 21 cm observations. The data cube was obtained with the TAURUS II spectrograph at the WHT on La Palma. The velocity information of the diffuse ionized gas extracted from the data cube is compared to model distributions to constrain the distribution of the gas and in particular the halo rotation curve. The best fit model has a central attenuation tau_H-alpha=6, a dust scale length of 8.1 kpc, an ionized gas scale length of 5.0 kpc. Above the plane the rotation curve lags with a vertical gradient of -18.8 km/s/kpc. We find that the scale length of the H-alpha must be between 2.5 and 6.5 kpc. Furthermore we find evidence that the rotation curve above the plane rises less steeply than in the plane. This is all in agreement with the velocities measured in the HI.Comment: A&A, in press. 13 pages, 19 figure

    The Discovery of a Molecular Complex in the Tidal Arms near NGC 3077

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    We present the discovery of a giant molecular complex (r=350 pc, M_ vir=10^7 M_sun) in the tidal arms south-east of NGC 3077, a member of the M 81 triplet. The complex is clearly detected in the 12CO (J=1-0) transition at five independent positions. The position relative to NGC 3077, the systemic velocity (v_hel=14km/s) and the cloud averaged line width (15km/s) indicate that the object is not related to Galactic cirrus but is extragalactic. The tidal HI arm where the molecular complex is located has an total HI mass of M_HI=3x10^8 M_sun. This tidal material was presumably stripped off the outer parts of NGC 3077 during the closest encounter with M 81, about 3x10^8 years ago. After the complex detected along a torn-out spiral arm of M 81 by Brouillet et al., it is the second of its kind reported so far. Based on published optical observations, we have no evidence for on--going star formation in the newly detected molecular complex. Since the system has all the ingredients to form stars in the future, we speculate that it might eventually resemble the young dwarf galaxies in the M 81 group.Comment: 12 pages (including 3 figures), accepted for publication in the ApJ Letter

    Cost-effectiveness of HIV screening of blood donations in Accra (Ghana)

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    AbstractObjectivesAreas with high HIV-incidence rates compared to the developed world may benefit from additional testing in blood banks and may show more favorable cost-effectiveness ratios. We evaluated the cost-effectiveness of adding p24 antigen, mini pool nucleic acid amplification testing (MP-NAT), or individual donation NAT (ID-NAT) to the HIV-antibody screening at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (Accra, Ghana), where currently only HIV-antibody screening is undertaken.MethodsThe residual risk of HIV transmission was derived from blood donations to the blood bank of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in 2004. Remaining life expectancies of patients receiving blood transfusion were estimated using the World Health Organization life expectancies. Cost-effectiveness ratios for adding the tests to HIV-antibody screening only were determined using a decision tree model and a Markov model for HIV.ResultsThe prevalence of HIV was estimated at 1.51% in 18,714 donations during 2004. The incremental cost per disability-adjusted life-year (DALY) averted was US1237forp24antigen,US1237 for p24 antigen, US3142 for MP-NAT and US7695comparedtothenextleastexpensivestrategy.HIVantibodyscreeningitselfwascostsavingcomparedtonoscreeningatall,gainingUS7695 compared to the next least expensive strategy. HIV-antibody screening itself was cost-saving compared to no screening at all, gaining US73.85 and averting 0.86 DALY per transfused patient. Up to a willingness-to-pay of US2736perDALYaverted,HIVantibodyscreeningwithoutadditionaltestingwasthemostcosteffectivestrategy.OverawillingnesstopayofUS2736 per DALY averted, HIV-antibody screening without additional testing was the most cost-effective strategy. Over a willingness-to-pay of US11,828 per DALY averted, ID-NAT was significantly more cost-effective than the other strategies.ConclusionsAdding p24 antigen, MP-NAT, or ID-NAT to the current antibody screening cannot be regarded as a cost-effective health-care intervention for Ghana

    From Globular Clusters to Tidal Dwarfs: Structure Formation in the Tidal Tails of Merging Galaxies

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    Using V and I images obtained with WFPC2/HST, we investigate compact stellar structures within tidal tails. Six regions of tidal debris in the four classic ``Toomre Sequence'' mergers: NGC 4038/39 (``Antennae''), NGC 3256, NGC 3921, and NGC 7252 (``Atoms for Peace'') have been studied in order to explore how the star formation depends upon the local and global physical conditions. These mergers sample a range of stages in the evolutionary sequence and tails with and without embedded tidal dwarf galaxies. The six tails are found to contain a variety of stellar structures, with sizes ranging from those of globular clusters up to those of dwarf galaxies. From V and I WFPC2 images, we measure the luminosities and colors of the star clusters. NGC 3256 is found to have a large population of blue clusters (0.2 < V-I < 0.9), particularly in its Western tail, similar to those found in the inner region of the merger. In contrast, NGC 4038/39 has no clusters in the observed region of the tail, only less luminous point sources likely to be individual stars. A significant cluster population is clearly associated with the prominent tidal dwarf candidates in the eastern and western tails of NGC 7252. The cluster-rich Western tail of NGC 3256 is not distinguished from the others by its dynamical age or by its total HI mass. However, the mergers that have few clusters in the tail all have tidal dwarf galaxies, while NGC 3256 does not have prominent tidal dwarfs. We speculate that star formation in tidal tails may manifest itself either in small structures like clusters along the tail or in large structures such as dwarf galaxies, but not in both. Also, NGC 3256 has the highest star formation rate of the four mergers studied, which may contribute to the high number of star clusters in its tidal tails.Comment: Accepted to Astronomical Journal. 34 pages including 15 figures and 4 table

    Exploring Neutral Hydrogen and Galaxy Evolution with the SKA

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    One of the key science drivers for the development of the SKA is to observe the neutral hydrogen, HI, in galaxies as a means to probe galaxy evolution across a range of environments over cosmic time. Over the past decade, much progress has been made in theoretical simulations and observations of HI in galaxies. However, recent HI surveys on both single dish radio telescopes and interferometers, while providing detailed information on global HI properties, the dark matter distribution in galaxies, as well as insight into the relationship between star formation and the interstellar medium, have been limited to the local universe. Ongoing and upcoming HI surveys on SKA pathfinder instruments will extend these measurements beyond the local universe to intermediate redshifts with long observing programmes. We present here an overview of the HI science which will be possible with the increased capabilities of the SKA and which will build upon the expected increase in knowledge of HI in and around galaxies obtained with the SKA pathfinder surveys. With the SKA1 the greatest improvement over our current measurements is the capability to image galaxies at reasonable linear resolution and good column density sensitivity to much higher redshifts (0.2 < z < 1.7). So one will not only be able to increase the number of detections to study the evolution of the HI mass function, but also have the sensitivity and resolution to study inflows and outflows to and from galaxies and the kinematics of the gas within and around galaxies as a function of environment and cosmic time out to previously unexplored depths. The increased sensitivity of SKA2 will allow us to image Milky Way-size galaxies out to redshifts of z=1 and will provide the data required for a comprehensive picture of the HI content of galaxies back to z~2 when the cosmic star formation rate density was at its peak.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Contribution to the conference 'Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array', June 8-13, 2014, Giardini Naxos, Ital