69 research outputs found

    Организационно-экономическая сущность информационно-консалтингового обеспечения агропромышленного комплекса

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    В работе сформулированы основные подходы к определению информационно-консалтингового обеспечения АПК, выявлены критерии для выделения этих подходов, уточнена сущность категории "информационно-консалтинговое обеспечение".В роботі сформульовані основні підходи до визначення інформаційно-консалтингового забезпечення АПК, виявлені критерії для виділення цих підходів, уточнено сутність категорії "інформаційно-консалтингове забезпечення".In the work the basic approaches to the definition of the information and consulting provision of agrarian and industrial complex are formulated, criteria for the segregation of these approaches are revealed; the essence of the category "information and consulting provision" is specified

    До питання про культурну атрибутацію шару ранньозалізного віку на городищі Теребовля І

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    У статті на основі досліджень І.Русанової, Р.Миська та М.Ягодинської проведено атрибутацію культурного шару ранньозалізного віку на городищі літописної Теребовлі. Висловлюється припущення, що перші оборонні споруди на городищі Теребовля І «Замкова Гора», вал 3-ій та 4-ий городища збудовані носіями висоцької культури у ІХ-VIII ст. до н.е

    Особенности плазмохимического травления торцов кремниевых пластин для фотоэлектрических преобразователей

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    Выбраны оптимальные режимы плазмохимического травления торцов пластин в реакторе, разработанном в ИЯИ, который по производительности превосходит лучший зарубежный аналог при более высоком качестве обработки пластин

    Perceived stigmatization and fear of negative evaluation: Two distinct pathways to body image dissatisfaction and self-esteem in burn survivors

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    OBJECTIVE: Scars resulting from burn injury can pose social and psychological problems that may affect body image and self-esteem. This study aimed to investigate whether burn severity, age and female gender are associated with body image dissatisfaction and self-esteem, through an association with perceived stigmatization and fear or negative evaluation. DESIGN & MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Burn survivors (N = 224) completed the Fear of Negative Evaluation scale (FNE) and the Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire (PSQ) at 3 months post-burn, and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (RSE) and the Satisfaction with Appearance scale (SWAP) at 6 months post-burn. Path analysis was used to test the relationships. RESULTS: Body image dissatisfaction and self-esteem were moderately associated. Burn severity was directly and indirectly associated with body image dissatisfaction through perceived stigmatization. Female gender and age were indirectly associated with body image dissatisfaction though fear of negative evaluation. Age was indirectly associated with both perceived stigmatization and fear of negative evaluation. Perceived stigmatization and fear of negative evaluation were associated with self-esteem through body image dissatisfaction, the first indirectly and the latter both directly and indirectly. CONCLUSIONS: Findings highlight that both burn-specific factors and psychological vulnerability should be taken into account to deal with social challenges that may affect body image and self-esteem after burns

    Activity impairment, work status, and work productivity loss in adults 5-7 years after burn injuries

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    An important aspect of the rehabilitation of burn patients is social participation, including daily activities and work. Detailed information on long-term activity impairment and employment is scarce. Therefore, we investigated activity impairment, work status, and work productivity loss in adults 5-7 years following burn injuries, and investigated associations with burn-specific health-related quality of life (HRQL) domains. Adult participants completed the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment General Health questionnaire and the Burn Specific Health Scale-brief (BSHS-B) 5-7 years post-burn. Outcomes were compared between participants with mild/intermediate and severe burns (>20% total body surface area burned). Seventy-six (36%) of the 213 participants experienced some degree of activity impairment due to burn-related problems 5-7 years post-burn. Seventy percent of the population was employed; 12% of them experienced work productivity loss due to burn-related problems. Nineteen percent reported changes in their work situation (partly) because of the burn injury. A higher proportion of participants with severe burns had activity impairments (56% vs 29%; P =. 001) and work productivity loss (26% vs 8%; P <. 001) compared to participants with mild/intermediate burns. Activity impairment and work productivity loss were both associated with burn-related work problems and lower mood, measured with the BSHS-B. In conclusion, a substantial part of the study population experienced activity impairment and work productivity loss, was unemployed, and/or reported changes in their work situation due to their injury. Particularly patients with severe burns reported productivity loss and had lower employment rates. This subscribes the importance of addressing work-related functioning in the rehabilitation of burn patients

    Improved and standardized method for assessing years lived with disability after burns and its application to estimate the non-fatal burden of disease of burn injuries in Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands

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    Background: Burden of disease estimates are an important resource in public health. Currently, robust estimates are not available for the burn population. Our objectives are to adapt a refined methodology (INTEGRIS method) to burns and to apply this new INTEGRIS-burns method to estimate, and compare, the burden of disease of burn injuries in Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands. Methods: Existing European and Western-Australian health-related quality of life (HRQL) datasets were combined to derive disability weights for three homogenous burn injury groups based on percentage total body surface area (%TBSA) burned. Subsequently, incidence data from Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands from 2010 to 2017 were used to compute annual non-fatal burden of disease estimates for each of these three countries. Non-fatal burden of disease was measured by years lived w

    Do burn patients need burn specific multidisciplinary outpatient aftercare : research results

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    In a cross-sectional study of patients 12-24 months after a burn injury. the need for a multidisciplinary burn specific outpatient clinic was examined in relation to aftercare consumption, physical and psychological problems. Four hundred and twenty nine patients were assessed by means of three self-report questionnaires: IES, SCL(PTSD-SL) and BSHS-SV-S. Results indicated that the current aftercare providers are almost exclusively medical doctors and that a quarter of the patients are dissatisfied with received aftercare. However, dissatisfaction about current aftercare was nor the only criterion to determine whether patients wanted burn-specific aftercare, The severity of psychological and physical problems predicted interest in a multi-disciplinary outpatient clinic. Self-reported psychological and physical problems were found to be related to one another. Univariate logistic regression outcomes suggested that patients with serious psychological and physical problems are more likely to express interest in a burn-specific outpatient clinic, but that, in a multivariate regression analysis, physical problems and psychological problems measured on the SCL(PTSD-SLEEP) do not contribute to the prediction of the interest in a burn-specific outpatient clinic anymore once symptoms of PTSD are taken care of. Results suggest that psychological aftercare for burn patients needs to be improved. Possible steps to improve aftercare to meet patients' needs are discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved

    Reliability and structural validity of the Dutch version of Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire in adults with burns

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    Objective: Burn scars can attract attention from others which can be perceived as stigmatizing behavior with negative psychological consequences. The Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire (PSQ) is a validated instrument measuring the perception of stigmatization in burn survivors. The objective of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the PSQ, specifically its factor structure, reliability, and associations with other relevant constructs. Method: Patients (N = 220) completed the PSQ at 3 months after burn. The factor structure was examined with explorative (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analyses at 3 and 12 months after burn, and reliability was examined using Cronbach's alpha. Three months measurements were used to examine associations of the PSQ with ‘depressive mood’ (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI-II), ‘interpersonal relations’ and ‘body image’ (Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief, BSHS-B), and two scales of the Illness Invalidation Inventory (3*I). Results: A four factor model showed the best fit to the data. Two factors, ‘confused/staring behavior’ and ‘hostile behavior’, were identical to the original PSQ. The third original factor, ‘absence of friendly behavior’, was now divided into two factors separating absence of friendly behavior of strangers and other people. Internal consistency ranged from. 60 to. 88. Especially the ‘confused/staring behavior’ factor was related to the other questionnaire scores. Conclusion: The current study shows acceptable reliability and structural validity of the Dutch version of the PSQ in a 4-factor solution. Further research into measurement invariance across languages is recommended to establish a uniform multicultural instrument

    Reliability and structural validity of the Dutch version of Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire in adults with burns

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    Objective: Burn scars can attract attention from others which can be perceived as stigmatizing behavior with negative psychological consequences. The Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire (PSQ) is a validated instrument measuring the perception of stigmatization in burn survivors. The objective of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the PSQ, specifically its factor structure, reliability, and associations with other relevant constructs. Method: Patients (N = 220) completed the PSQ at 3 months after burn. The factor structure was examined with explorative (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analyses at 3 and 12 months after burn, and reliability was examined using Cronbach's alpha. Three months measurements were used to examine associations of the PSQ with ‘depressive mood’ (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI-II), ‘interpersonal relations’ and ‘body image’ (Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief, BSHS-B), and two scales of the Illness Invalidation Inventory (3*I). Results: A four factor model showed the best fit to the data. Two factors, ‘confused/staring behavior’ and ‘hostile behavior’, were identical to the original PSQ. The third original factor, ‘absence of friendly behavior’, was now divided into two factors separating absence of friendly behavior of strangers and other people. Internal consistency ranged from. 60 to. 88. Especially the ‘confused/staring behavior’ factor was related to the other questionnaire scores. Conclusion: The current study shows acceptable reliability and structural validity of the Dutch version of the PSQ in a 4-factor solution. Further research into measurement invariance across languages is recommended to establish a uniform multicultural instrument