225 research outputs found

    Benchmarking preconditioned boundary integral formulations for acoustics

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    The boundary element method (BEM) is an efficient numerical method for simulating harmonic wave scattering. It uses boundary integral formulations of the Helmholtz equation at the interfaces of piecewise homogeneous domains. The discretisation of its weak formulation leads to a dense system of linear equations, which is typically solved with an iterative linear method such as GMRES. The application of BEM to simulating wave scattering at large-scale geometries is only feasible when compression and preconditioning techniques reduce the computational footprint. Furthermore, many different boundary integral equations exist that solve the same boundary value problem. The choice of preconditioner and boundary integral formulation is often optimised for a specific configuration, depending on the geometry, material characteristics, and driving frequency. On the one hand, the design flexibility for the BEM can lead to fast and accurate schemes. On the other hand, efficient and robust algorithms are difficult to achieve without expert knowledge of the BEM intricacies. This study surveys the design of boundary integral formulations for acoustics and their acceleration with operator preconditioners. Extensive benchmarking provide valuable information on the computational characteristics of several hundred different models for multiple scattering and transmission of acoustic wave fields

    Frequency-robust preconditioning of boundary integral equations for acoustic transmission

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    The scattering and transmission of harmonic acoustic waves at a penetrable material are commonly modelled by a set of Helmholtz equations. This system of partial differential equations can be rewritten into boundary integral equations defined at the surface of the objects and solved with the boundary element method (BEM). High frequencies or geometrical details require a fine surface mesh, which increases the number of degrees of freedom in the weak formulation. Then, matrix compression techniques need to be combined with iterative linear solvers to limit the computational footprint. Moreover, the convergence of the iterative linear solvers often depends on the frequency of the wave field and the objects' characteristic size. Here, the robust PMCHWT formulation is used to solve the acoustic transmission problem. An operator preconditioner based on on-surface radiation conditions (OSRC) is designed that yields frequency-robust convergence characteristics. Computational benchmarks compare the performance of this novel preconditioned formulation with other preconditioners and boundary integral formulations. The OSRC preconditioned PMCHWT formulation effectively simulates large-scale problems of engineering interest, such as focused ultrasound treatment of osteoid osteoma

    Transcranial direct current stimulation impairs updating of avoidance-based associative learning

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    IntroductionExposure-based psychotherapies for the treatment of anxiety- and fear-based disorders rely on “corrective” associative learning. Namely the repeated confrontation with feared stimuli in the absence of negative outcomes allows the formation of new, corrected associations of safety, indicating that such stimuli no longer need to be avoided. Unfortunately, exposure-facilitated corrective learning tends to be bound by context and often poorly generalizes. One brain structure, the prefrontal cortex, is implicated in context-guided behavior and may be a relevant target for improving generalization of safety learning. Here, we tested whether inhibition of the left prefrontal cortex causally impaired updating of context-bound associations specifically or, alternatively, impaired updating of learned associations irrespective of contextual changes. Additionally, we tested whether prefrontal inhibition during corrective learning influenced subsequent generalization of associations to a novel context.MethodsIn two separate experiments, participants received either 10 min of 2 mA cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over EEG coordinate F3 (Experiment 1 n = 9, Experiment 2 n = 22) or sham stimulation (Experiment 1 n = 10, Experiment 2 n = 22) while previously learned associations were reversed in the same or a different context from initial learning. Next, to assess generalization of learning, participants were asked to indicate which of the previously seen images they preferred in a novel, never seen before context.ResultsResults indicate that tDCS significantly impaired reversal irrespective of context in Experiment 2 only. When taking learning rate across trials into account, both experiments suggest that participants who received sham had the greatest learning rate when reversal occurred in a different context, as expected, whereas participants who received active tDCS in this condition had the lowest learning rate. However, active tDCS was associated with preferring the originally disadvantageous, but then neural stimulus after stimulus after reversal occurred in a different context in Experiment 1 only.DiscussionThese results support a causal role for the left prefrontal cortex in the updating of avoidance-based associations and encourage further inquiry investigating the use of non-invasive brain stimulation on flexible updating of learned associations

    Culture Wars, Revanchism, Moral Panics and the Creative City. A Reconstruction of a Decline of Tolerant Public Policy: The Case of Dutch Anti-squatting Legislation

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    Squatting became illegal in the Netherlands on 1 October 2010. The paper examines the dynamics involved. Theoretically drawing on debates about culture wars, revanchism, moral panics and the creative city, it is based on participant observation in squatter meetings, debates with politicians, a parliament hearing, lobbying meetings and various informal encounters, on a survey and on a collection of documents. A key mechanism that the paper explores is the following. Strategies of resistance that seem more or less manageable in the local context of a creative city can, when they backfire, cause a moral panic on the national level. This provides ammunition for revanchist politicians

    Generation of representative primary virus isolates from blood plasma after isolation of HIV-1 with CD44 MicroBeads

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    Infection of cell cultures with cell-free virus isolated from HIV-infected patients is notoriously difficult and results in a loss of viral variation. Here, we describe viral sequences from PBMC, U87.CD4.CCR5 and U87.CD4.CXCR4 cell cultures and compare them to those from blood plasma from 12 patients from whom virus particles were isolated using CD44 MicroBeads. In both PBMC and U87.CD4.CCR5 cultures, 66% of the plasma viral strains were retrieved after culturing. In addition, coreceptor use was predicted based on the env-V3 sequence and tested in U87.CD4 cells expressing either CCR5 or CXCR4. Recovery was lower for the CXCR4-using viruses. Only 50% of the virus clusters predicted to use CXCR4 could be retrieved from cell cultures, while 71% of CCR5-using strains were found in U87.CCR5 cultures. Therefore, isolation of primary viruses with CD44 MicroBeads results in a good representation in cell culture of the in vivo divergence

    Deficits in Implicit Attention to Social Signals in Schizophrenia and High Risk Groups: Behavioural Evidence from a New Illusion

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    Background An increasing body of evidence suggests that the apparent social impairments observed in schizophrenia may arise from deficits in social cognitive processing capacities. The ability to process basic social cues, such as gaze direction and biological motion, effortlessly and implicitly is thought to be a prerequisite for establishing successful social interactions and for construing a sense of "social intuition." However, studies that address the ability to effortlessly process basic social cues in schizophrenia are lacking. Because social cognitive processing deficits may be part of the genetic vulnerability for schizophrenia, we also investigated two groups that have been shown to be at increased risk of developing schizophrenia-spectrum pathology: first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients and men with Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY). Results We compared 28 patients with schizophrenia, 29 siblings of patients with schizophrenia, and 29 individuals with Klinefelter syndrome with 46 matched healthy control subjects on a new paradigm. This paradigm measures one's susceptibility for a bias in distance estimation between two agents that is induced by the implicit processing of gaze direction and biological motion conveyed by these agents. Compared to control subjects, patients with schizophrenia, as well as siblings of patients and Klinefelter men, showed a lack of influence of social cues on their distance judgments. Conclusions We suggest that the insensitivity for social cues is a cognitive aspect of schizophrenia that may be seen as an endophenotype as it appears to be present both in relatives who are at increased genetic risk and in a genetic disorder at risk for schizophrenia-spectrum psychopathology. These social cue-processing deficits could contribute, in part, to the difficulties in higher order social cognitive tasks and, hence, to decreased social competence that has been observed in these groups

    Clinical significance of HIV-1 coreceptor usage

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    The identification of phenotypically distinct HIV-1 variants with different prevalence during the progression of the disease has been one of the earliest discoveries in HIV-1 biology, but its relevance to AIDS pathogenesis remains only partially understood. The physiological basis for the phenotypic variability of HIV-1 was elucidated with the discovery of distinct coreceptors employed by the virus to infect susceptible cells. The role of the viral phenotype in the variable clinical course and treatment outcome of HIV-1 infection has been extensively investigated over the past two decades. In this review, we summarize the major findings on the clinical significance of the HIV-1 coreceptor usage