161 research outputs found

    Gains in the Life-Cycle of Adaptable, Self-Organizing Material Handling Systems

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    Compared to conventional material flow controls, self-organized material handling systems and the Internet of Things in facility logistics promise several advantages during the life-cycle. Most important is the increased adaptability in case of expansions or modifications due to a consistent modular design; this also promotes an increased robustness due to clearly defined interfaces and a decreased complexity of each module. The use of RFID technology increases the availability of real-time data about the system and the transported units. However, the introduction of self-organized material handling systems also causes costs, e.g. for necessary RFID tags and readers. Against this background, it is unsatisfactory that the increased adaptability as the main advantage of these systems is hard to grasp. This paper proposes a methodology to analyze the advantages of adaptability in facility logistics during the life-cycle of a material handling system and illustrates its usage. The proposed methodology is based on a dynamic optimization of payoffs during the life-cycle; thereby, all payoffs which are influenced by the adaptability of the material-handling system are included; therefore, the methodology allows to consider the adaptability of all material handling systems


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    Oporezivanje je vrlo važno za nacionalni suverenitet jer su prihodi od ubiranja poreza izvor novca nužan za opstanak države i njeno efikasno funkcioniranje. Pravni instrument usklađivanja oporezivanja između država članica Europske unije odnosi se na smjernice kojima se definira uređenje odnosa, a države članice ih moraju implementirati u svoj zakonodavni okvir. Problem istraživanja bio je neujednačenost poreznih sustava i poreznih politika zemalja članica Europske unije, pri čemu su se kao primjer uzele Austrija, Hrvatska i Slovačka. Cilj rada bio je usporediti porezne sustave zemalja članica Europske unije s obzirom na direktne i indirektne poreze. Komparativna analiza usklađenosti poreznih sustava ukazala je na veći stupanj usklađenosti neizravnih poreza. S druge strane, vrlo je malo učinjeno po pitanju harmonizacije sustava oporezivanja dohotka i dobiti poduzeća.Taxation is very important for national sovereignty because revenue from tax collection is a source of money necessary for state survival and its efficient functioning. The legal instrument of harmonization of taxation between the Member States of the European Union refers to guidelines defining the arrangement of relations, and the Member States must implement them in their legislative framework. The problem of research was the inconsistency of the tax systems and tax policies of the member states of the European Union, with Austria, Croatia and Slovakia being taken as an example. The aim of the paper was to compare the tax systems of EU member states with regard to direct and indirect taxes. A comparative analysis of tax system compliance has shown a higher degree of alignment of indirect taxes. On the other hand, little has been done on the harmonization of the income tax and the corporate tax

    A Decentralized Context Broker Using Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus

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    A context broker is a reliable message-relaying service used to connect devices by integrating all device protocols and communication methods, and reliably transporting messages while isolating data from other application service layers and networking complexities. A highly scalable decentralized context broker stack is composed of three layers—starting with a peer-to-peer network connecting a byzantine fault-tolerant (i.e., blockchain-based) consensus protocol—and it manages the communication using a web-socket streaming protocol as interface to other applications. This paper presents such a concept for a decentralized context broker stack for intercommunication between heterogeneous materials handling systems, and deploys the stack as proof-of-concept using ROS-based robots in a logistics scenario


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    PhyNetLab: An IoT-Based Warehouse Testbed

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    Future warehouses will be made of modular embedded entities with communication ability and energy aware operation attached to the traditional materials handling and warehousing objects. This advancement is mainly to fulfill the flexibility and scalability needs of the emerging warehouses. However, it leads to a new layer of complexity during development and evaluation of such systems due to the multidisciplinarity in logistics, embedded systems, and wireless communications. Although each discipline provides theoretical approaches and simulations for these tasks, many issues are often discovered in a real deployment of the full system. In this paper we introduce PhyNetLab as a real scale warehouse testbed made of cyber physical objects (PhyNodes) developed for this type of application. The presented platform provides a possibility to check the industrial requirement of an IoT-based warehouse in addition to the typical wireless sensor networks tests. We describe the hardware and software components of the nodes in addition to the overall structure of the testbed. Finally, we will demonstrate the advantages of the testbed by evaluating the performance of the ETSI compliant radio channel access procedure for an IoT warehouse

    Context-aware human activity recognition in industrial processes

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    The automatic, sensor-based assessment of human activities is highly relevant for production and logistics, to optimise the economics and ergonomics of these processes. One challenge for accurate activity recognition in these domains is the context-dependence of activities: Similar movements can correspond to different activities, depending on, e.g., the object handled or the location of the subject. In this paper, we propose to explicitly make use of such context information in an activity recognition model. Our first contribution is a publicly available, semantically annotated motion capturing dataset of subjects performing order picking and packaging activities, where context information is recorded explicitly. The second contribution is an activity recognition model that integrates movement data and context information. We empirically show that by using context information, activity recognition performance increases substantially. Additionally, we analyse which of the pieces of context information is most relevant for activity recognition. The insights provided by this paper can help others to design appropriate sensor set-ups in real warehouses for time management

    Evaluation of (De-)Centralized IT technologies in the fields of Cyber-Physical Production Systems

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    In the course of the digital transformation, organizations are not only facing increasing volatility of the markets, but also increasing customer requirements and thus an increasing complexity in production and logistics systems. Therefore, production plants need to become more flexible by transforming conventional production systems to Cyber-physical Production Systems (CPPS). CPPS allow organizations to dynamically react to fluctuations in demand and markets and to introduce new product lines quickly and effectively. The challenge in implementing CPPS is to handle and store relevant data streams between Cyber-physical objects in a secure but transparent way. As CPPS involve a high level of decentralization, the data storage can either be combined with centralized IT-solutions like a Cloud or utilize decentralized IT-technologies like Edge Computing or Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) like Blockchains. The paper addresses the suitability of centralized and decentralized technologies in terms of dealing with data streams in the fields of CPPS. For this purpose, based on a paper exploration, appropriate evaluation criteria are derived, followed by a comparison of exemplary centralized and decentralized technologies. The outcome is a qualitative evaluation of the supplement of each technology regarding its suitability of dealing with data streams

    Designing a Blockchain-Based Digital Twin for Cyber-Physical Production Systems

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    Trust in all processes on the shopfloor is crucial for the success of a production process, especially in cross company scenarios such as shared manufacturing, in which independent parties interact with each other. A cyber-physical production system (CPPS) contributes to the vision of a decentralized, self-configuring and flexible production. Digital twins (DTs) can visualize the material, information and financial flows in real time and improve the process transparency of such production systems. The efficiency of digital twins depends on the integrity of the provided data, especially if data is shared across company borders. Due to its characteristics such as immutability and transparency, blockchain technology (BCT) provides a basis for establishing the desired trust in the systems on the shopfloor. This paper proposes the design of a BCT-based DT in CPPS. The design is demonstrated by a prototype including smart contracts attached to a CPPS simulation model visualizing the information and material flow. Tasks are decentrally allocated, deployed and safely documented via blockchain. The demonstrator is revealing supplementary benefits in terms of transparency provided by the BCT. This paper further examines whether BCT can enrich existing solutions and provide a reliable information basis for profound data and process analysis

    Offloading Safety- and Mission-Critical Tasks via Unreliable Connections

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    For many cyber-physical systems, e.g., IoT systems and autonomous vehicles, offloading workload to auxiliary processing units has become crucial. However, since this approach highly depends on network connectivity and responsiveness, typically only non-critical tasks are offloaded, which have less strict timing requirements than critical tasks. In this work, we provide two protocols allowing to offload critical and non-critical tasks likewise, while providing different service levels for non-critical tasks in the event of an unsuccessful offloading operation, depending on the respective system requirements. We analyze the worst-case timing behavior of the local cyber-physical system and, based on these analyses, we provide a sufficient schedulability test for each of the proposed protocols. In the course of comprehensive experiments, we show that our protocols have reasonable acceptance ratios under the provided schedulability tests. Moreover, we demonstrate that the system behavior under our proposed protocols is strongly dependent on probability of unsuccessful offloading operations, the percentage of critical tasks in the system, and the amount of offloaded workload