369 research outputs found

    Internet and Users. Who is the Reader?

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    Internet has turned into a fundamental component of everyday life, as it plays a major role in advancing the globalization process. Globalization was fostered by the idea of creating equalaccess opportunities for all and facilitating communication worldwide. Using internet as the core platform, billions of people try to access and benefit from this opportunity through search engines, service providers, websites and social media. However, given the profound difference between internet and user’s languages, users end up on relying on search engines and tools to translate their ideas into a computer-readable language and derive information from them. In order to provide the best possible services, search engines and social media need to accumulate comprehensive data on each user’s identity. The challenge is that once they are fed with convenient information on each user, they tend to personalize the idea they grasp of him or her based on their given regulations and policies, which in the mid- and long-term results in managing users’ access to information.. By applying the reader-response theory, this paper seeks to focus on the challenges stemming from the adoption of users’ personalized profiles by Google, Facebook and Amazon as the most common part of users’ performance in internet. It also explores how the reading differences of the users and the tools result not only in personalized versions of users, but also engender an unrecognized virtual in-betweenness of users’ own perception of themselves and the tools’ perception of users

    Establishment of a regeneration system through callus formation and genetic analysis based on rapd for detection of somaclonal variation in dendrobium serdang beauty

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    Flowers of the Orchidaceae family are highly variable in shape, color and smell, which make orchids the most important cut flowers in the market. Among the orchid varieties, Dendrobium hybrids have high regards in the cut flower industry. This study was aimed at establishing a plant regeneration system of Dendrobium Serdang Beauty and the characterization of colchicine-induced mutation by RAPD. The first part of the study was to develop a plantlet regeneration system for D. Serdang Beauty. Callus was induced from protocorm- like bodies (plbs), and cultured on media supplemented with different auxins of various concentrations for plantlet regeneration. Highest fresh weight in callus induction and proliferation was obtained on MS medium containing 1.5 mg/L IBA. Calli proliferated on medium supplemented with 1.5 mg/L IBA were used as explants for plantlet regeneration. The highest percentage of plantlet regeneration was obtained in treatments with 1 mg/L KIN and 1.5 mg/L NAA (90%). In the acclimatization study, plants were cultured in vivo in different media under the same environment. All media gave high percentage of plant survival. Medium M1 (charcoal), M2 (charcoal mixed with broken rock) and M5 (sawdust mixed with charcoal) produced the highest percentage of plant survival (100%). Following the callus induction study, calli obtained were cultured on media containing different concentrations of colchicine (0, 5, 10, 20 and 25 mg/L). Colchicine treatment at 5 mg/L significantly gave the highest fresh weight of regenerated plantlets (3.43 g). Subsequently, the resulting calli from colchicine treatments were analyzed for somaclonal variation and characterized using RAPD. The study indicated that somaclonal variation existed and was polymorphic in nature. Based on the analysis, D. Serdang Beauty V showed 25% differentiation with the mother plant. In a further analysis, D. Serdang Beauty V was also characterized with other Dendrobium species. D. Serdang Beauty V showed high dissimilarity with other Dendrobium varieties.In conclusion, the result showed that IBA in low concentration was effective to induce and proliferate more callus. In the regeneration study, KIN alone or in combination with other auxin was useful to regenerate more plantlets. Meanwhile in the acclimatization study, charcoal was useful to growth of Dendrobium. Also colchicine induced mutation method was useful for the production of mutated Dendrobium and the RAPD technique appeared to be useful for the detection of variation between species and varietie

    Combined effects of fungal β-glucan and Zataria multiflora essential oil on phagocytosis in Balb/C mice

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    Introduction: Natural substances have been used since ancient times for treatment of a range of diseases and have represented stimulatory effects on the function of innate immunity. The purposes of this study were to prepare β-glucan from S. cerevisiae and to assess the efficacy of purified β-glucan, Zataria multiflora (Z. multiflora) essential oil and their complex on phagocytosis in Balb/c mice.Methods: β-glucan was purified during three stages including alkaline-acid treatment (S1), DEAE sephacel chromatography (S2) and con-A sepharose chromatography (S3). Z. multiflora essential oil was extracted by water-distillation using Clevenger-type apparatus. The chemical composition of Z. multiflora essential oil was analyzed by a GC/MS system. β-glucan (15 mg/kg), Z. multiflora essential oil (100 mg/kg) and their complex (the same doses) were injected into Balb/c mice intraperitoneally (IP). The blood samples were collected at days 4 and 7 after injection and phagocytic activity was assayed by chemiluminescence method.Results: The results showed that the ratios of mannan to β-glucan were 70.3 to 29.7 for S1, 71.9 to 28.1 for S2 and zero to 100 for S3 (purified β-glucan). The major components of Z. multiflora were carvacrol (61) and thymol (25). Phagocytosis index means exhibited significant increases at day 4 (246, 165 and 367) and day 7 (242, 235 and 309) in mice treated with purified β-glucan, Z. multiflora essence, and their complex when compared to control mice, respectively (P < 0.05).Conclusion: The results suggest that the complex of β-glucan and Z. multiflora oil might be used to immunize individuals as prophylactic and/or therapeutic adjuvant in immunocompromised subjects

    Comparing the rate of re-stenosis in patients with ballon angioplasty with and without stent in Isfahan Shahid Chamran Hospital.

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    شایعترین علت مرگ و میر در کشور ما بیماریهای قلبی عروقی و عمدتاً بدلیل آترواسکلروز عروق کرونری می‌باشد امروزه آنژیوپلاستی عروق کرونری با و بدون استنت از مهمترین روشهای درمانی این بیماری می‌باشد و به رغم پیشرفتهای زیاد در این رشته تنگی مجدد (restenosis) عروق کرونری هنوز مهمترین عامل در ایجاد محدودیت در نتایج این بیماری می‌باشد. این مطالعه به منظور بررسی میزان تنگی مجدد عروق کرونری قلب پس از آنژیوپلاستی در بیمارستان چمران طراحی گردیده است. نوع مطالعه مقطعی بوده و جمعیت مورد مطالعه شامل 204 بیماری بودند که در بیمارستان شهید چمران آنژیوپلاستی شده بودند نمونه‌گیری به روش طبقه‌ای آسان در دو گروه جنسی زن و مرد به تفکیک روش مورد استفاده (با و بدون استنت) انجام شد و نهایتاً 22 نفر از هر جنس در گروه اول (بدون استنت) و گروه دوم (با استنت) وارد مطالعه گردیدند و 6 ماه بعد آنژیوگرافی پیگیری جهت بررسی تنگی مجدد انجام شد. نتایج مطالعه نشان داد میزان تنگی مجدد 5/52 در گروه بدون استنت و 5/29 درصد در گروه با استنت بوده است که با قطر رگ نسبت معکوس داشت. وجود فاکتورهای خطر قلبی باعث افزایش میزان ری‌استنوز گردید. با توجه به اینکه با وجود کاربرد استنت هنوز میزان تنگی مجدد از عوارض شایع می باشد. پس باید با کنترل فاکتورهای خطر قلبی عروقی در بیماران و جستجو برای روش‌های جدیدتر در کاهش این میزان تلاش نمود

    Treatment Protocol for Skeletal Class III Malocclusion in Growing Patients

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    Maxillary deficiency in growing patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion can be treated by either extraoral or intraoral appliances. Extraoral appliances include face mask, reverse chin cup, reverse headgear, and protraction headgear. Intraoral appliances include tongue appliance, fixed tongue appliance, tongue plate, Frankel III, miniplate in combination with Class III elastics, and miniscrew in combination with Class III elastics. Herein, we demonstrate our experience and treatment results in these patients

    Frequency and causes of mortality in patients with stroke referred to Zahedan city hospital in 2016

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    Background: Stroke is the fifth common cause of mortality worldwide. This study was conducted with the aim of Evaluation of mortality rate and its causes in patients with stroke referred to Zahedan city hospital.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that conducted on 320 patients with stroke. Data collected by a checklist and then analyzed by statistical methods in SPSS.19.Results: Of all patients, 59.7% were male and 40.3% were female. The mean age of patients was 63.18±13.85 years. 76% of the strokes were ischemic and 24% were hemorrhagic. The mortality rate in this study was 16.3% which was not correlated with age, gender and type of stroke. The most common cause of mortality was pneumonia aspiration with 36.5 % and then sepsis with 32.7%.Conclusions: In overall, this study showed that mortality rate was 16.3 % and the most common cause of mortality was pneumonia aspiration and sepsis

    Ranking critical success factor in chaos management using BSC and AHP method

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    Managing an organization under chaos and uncertainty is often a concern of academic society. These days, we may face unpleasant natural, economical or even political incidents where mangers need to handle them, properly. This paper presents an empirical survey to investigate on an electromotor maker when it faces different chaos. The proposed study uses balanced scorecard in terms of four different perspectives including internal process, learning and growth, customer and financial performances. For each perspective, the proposed study uses analytical hierarchy process to rank different sub-criteria. Based on the results of our survey profit margin is the most important item followed by profit capability and brand name while productivity and sales force performance were the least important items

    Frequency of stroke patients qualified for recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (r-TPA) injection and limitations in Zahedan 2016

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    Background: Stroke is one of the common causes of mortality and disability. By introducing r-TPA into the global drug market and its effect on the patients’ prognosis, using this drug is recommended in all patients with ischemic stroke who visited less than 4.5 hours after stroke and do not have contraindications. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of stroke patients qualified for recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (r-TPA) and its limtations.Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 244 patients examined with stroke admitted to the Neurology Department of Zahedan city hospital in 2016. Information form were completed with demographic data, transmission method, referral time, CT scan preparation time, and the response of the patients' trials, and finally the data were inserted in SPSS.16 software and analysed by statistical methods.Results: Out of all patients with ischemic stroke, 28 (11.5%) patients had contraindication to receive drug. Of 216 remain patients, 201 patients (93.1%) had no possibility to receive r-TPA due to the loss of golden time and only 15 patients (6.9%) had possibility to receive drug because of visited 4.5 hours before the beginning of symptoms. Of them, 3 (20%) patients due to delay in CT scan and test results, had no possibility to receive r-TPA. In summary, of all patients with inclusion criteria, only 12 (5.5%) patients could use the r-TPA in this study.Conclusions: The most important barrier to using r-TPA has been the loss of golden time and training to raise awareness of the society can lead to early referral from the onset of stroke symptoms

    Podešavanje pulsno-širinskog pulsno-frekvencijskog modulatora korištenjem optimizacije rojevima čestica: Inženjerski pristup dizajnu regulatora orijentacije letjelice

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    : In this paper, a new technique for fine tuning of spacecraft autopilots based on pulse-width pulse-frequency (PWPF) modulators is presented. PWPF is one of the most commonly used approaches to control signal modulation. Its main application is found in spacecraft controllers to produce discontinuous on-off control signals for two situational actuators. The main reasons for the popularity of this method are the reduced energy consumption and the quasi linear operation with high degrees of freedom in adjustment. But, due to multiplicity and nonlinear relationship between parameters, fine tuning of PWPF is known to be an engineering problem. Similar complexity is observable in adjusting the incorporated controller parameters. These involvements regarding the industrial and academic background of PWPF are not properly explored. The paper shows how particle swarm optimization (PSO) can be invoked to set both controller and PWPF parameters. Several spacecraft autopilots have been designed to show effectiveness of the proposed method.U ovom radu prikazana je nova metoda za fino podešavanje autopilota letjelice zasnovana na pulsno-širinsko pulsno-frekvencijskoj modulaciji (PWPF). PWPF je jedan od najčešće korištenih pristupa u upravljanju modulacijom signala. Njegova glavna primjena nalazi se u regulatorima letjelica koji proizvode diskontinuirane on-off upravljačke signale za dva aktuatora. Glavni razlozi za popularnost ove metode je smanjena potrošnja energije i kvazi linearno ponašanje s velikim stupnjem slobode kod podešavanja. Međutim, zbog višestrukosti i nelinernih odnosa među parametrima, fino podešavanje PWPF-a je zahtjevno. Slična složenost može se primijetiti i kod podešavanja parametara regulatora. Ovi problemi kod primjene PWPF-a nisu dovoljno istraženi. U ovom radu prikazano je kako se može iskoristiti optimizacija rojevima čestica za podešavanje parametara regulatora i modulatora. Dizajnirano je nekoliko autopilota letjelica kako bi se pokazala učinkovitost predložene metode

    The comparison of spectra and dyeing properties of new azonaphthalimide with analogues azobenzene dyes on natural and synthetic polymers

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    AbstractThe aim of the present research was to prepare new acid dyes based on naphthalimides. In this respect a series of monoazo acid dyes have been obtained using 4-amino-N-methyl (alternatively N-butyl)-1,8-naphthalimide, aniline and p-nitroaniline as diazo components. 2-Naphthol-6-sulfonic acid (Schaeffer’s acid) and 1-naphthol-8-amino-3,6-disulfonic acid (H-acid) were used as coupling components. The spectrophotometric properties of the synthesized dyes were investigated in various solvents and compared with analogues azobenzene dyes. It is found, when acid dyes are applied in various solvents and different pH, additional bathochromically shifted bands of different intensity appear in the electronic spectra. This effect is caused by the occurrence of the equilibrium of azo and hydrazone forms in the dyes. The synthesized acid dyes were applied on wool fabrics in order to consider their dyeing properties, fastnesses and the obtainable color gamut. The synthesized dyes represented that they have the ability of dyeing wool and polyamide fabrics and give red to violet hues with good wash, medium light, and good milling and perspiration fastnesses