113 research outputs found

    Temporally multiplexed quantum repeaters with atomic gases

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    We propose a temporally multiplexed version of the Duan-Lukin-Cirac-Zoller (DLCZ) quantum repeater protocol using controlled inhomogeneous spin broadening in atomic gases. A first analysis suggests that the advantage of multiplexing is negated by noise due to spin wave excitations corresponding to unobserved directions of Stokes photon emission. However, this problem can be overcome with the help of a moderate-finesse cavity which is in resonance with Stokes photons, but invisible to the anti-Stokes photons. Our proposal promises greatly enhanced quantum repeater performance with atomic gases.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Optimal Photon Generation from Spontaneous Raman Processes in Cold Atoms

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    Spontaneous Raman processes in cold atoms have been widely used in the past decade for generating single photons. Here, we present a method to optimize their efficiencies for given atomic coherences and optical depths. We give a simple and complete recipe that can be used in present-day experiments, attaining near-optimal single photon emission while preserving the photon purity.Comment: 6+6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Dynamic control of Purcell enhanced emission of erbium ions in nanoparticles

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    The interaction of single quantum emitters with an optical cavity enables the realization of efficient spin-photon interfaces, an essential resource for quantum networks. The dynamical control of the spontaneous emission rate of quantum emitters in cavities has important implications in quantum technologies, e.g., for shaping the emitted photons’ waveform or for driving coherently the optical transition while preventing photon emission. Here we demonstrate the dynamical control of the Purcell enhanced emission of a small ensemble of erbium ions doped into a nanoparticle. By embedding the nanoparticles into a fully tunable high finesse fiber based optical microcavity, we demonstrate a median Purcell factor of 15 for the ensemble of ions. We also show that we can dynamically control the Purcell enhanced emission by tuning the cavity on and out of resonance, by controlling its length with sub-nanometer precision on a time scale more than two orders of magnitude faster than the natural lifetime of the erbium ions. This capability opens prospects for the realization of efficient nanoscale quantum interfaces between solid-state spins and single telecom photons with controllable waveform, for non-destructive detection of photonic qubits, and for the realization of quantum gates between rare-earth ion qubits coupled to an optical cavity.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Creating high dimensional time-bin entanglement using mode-locked lasers

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    We present a new scheme to generate high dimensional entanglement between two photonic systems. The idea is based on parametric down conversion with a sequence of pump pulses generated by a mode-locked laser. We prove experimentally the feasibility of this scheme by performing a Franson-type Bell test using a 2-way interferometer with path-length difference equal to the distance between 2 pump pulses. With this experiment, we can demonstrate entanglement for a two-photon state of at least dimension D=11. Finally, we propose a feasible experiment to show a Fabry-Perot like effect for a high dimensional two-photon state.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Mapping multiple photonic qubits into and out of one solid-state atomic ensemble

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    The future challenge of quantum communication are scalable quantum networks, which require coherent and reversible mapping of photonic qubits onto stationary atomic systems (quantum memories). A crucial requirement for realistic networks is the ability to efficiently store multiple qubits in one quantum memory. Here we demonstrate coherent and reversible mapping of 64 optical modes at the single photon level in the time domain onto one solid-state ensemble of rare-earth ions. Our light-matter interface is based on a high-bandwidth (100 MHz) atomic frequency comb, with a pre-determined storage time of 1 microseconds. We can then encode many qubits in short <10 ns temporal modes (time-bin qubits). We show the good coherence of the mapping by simultaneously storing and analyzing multiple time-bin qubits.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures + Supplementary materia

    Quantum repeaters based on heralded qubit amplifiers

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    We present a quantum repeater scheme based on the recently proposed qubit amplifier [N. Gisin, S. Pironio and N. Sangouard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 070501 (2010)]. It relies on a on-demand entangled-photon pair source which uses on-demand single-photon sources, linear optical elements and atomic ensembles. Interestingly, the imperfections affecting the states created from this source, caused e.g. by detectors with non-unit efficiencies, are systematically purified from an entanglement swapping operation based on a two-photon detection. This allows the distribution of entanglement over very long distances with a high fidelity, i.e. without vacuum components and multiphoton errors. Therefore, the resulting quantum repeater architecture does not necessitate final postselections and thus achieves high entanglement distribution rates. This also provides unique opportunities for device-independent quantum key distribution over long distances with linear optics and atomic ensembles.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Approaches for a quantum memory at telecommunication wavelengths

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    We report experimental storage and retrieval of weak coherent states of light at telecommunication wavelengths using erbium ions doped into a solid. We use two photon echo based quantum storage protocols. The first one is based on controlled reversible inhomogeneous broadening (CRIB). It allows the retrieval of the light on demand by controlling the collective atomic coherence with an external electric field, via the linear Stark effect. We study how atoms in the excited state affect the signal to noise ratio of the CRIB memory. Additionally we show how CRIB can be used to modify the temporal width of the retrieved light pulse. The second protocol is based on atomic frequency combs (AFC). Using this protocol we also verify that the reversible mapping is phase preserving by performing an interference experiment with a local oscillator. These measurements are enabling steps towards solid state quantum memories at telecommunication wavelengths. We also give an outlook on possible improvements.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Non-classical correlations between a C-band telecom photon and a stored spin-wave

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    Future ground-based quantum information networks will likely use single photons transmitted through optical fibers to entangle individual network nodes. To extend communication distances and overcome limitations due to photon absorption in fibers the concept of quantum repeaters has been proposed. For that purpose, it is required to achieve quantum correlations between the material nodes and photons at telecom wavelengths which can be sent over long distances in optical fibers. Here we demonstrate non-classical correlation between a frequency converted telecom C-band photon and a spin-wave stored in an atomic ensemble quantum memory. The photons emitted from the ensemble and heralding the spin-waves are converted from 780 nm to 1552 nm by means of an all-solid-state integrated waveguide non-linear device. We show ultra-low noise operation of the device enabling a high signal to noise ratio of the converted single photon, leading to a high spin-wave heralding efficiency. The presented work is an enabling step towards the practical entanglement of remote quantum memories and the entanglement of quantum systems operating at different wavelengths.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure