20 research outputs found

    Satisfação no trabalho da equipe de enfermagem: revisão integrativa

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    Job satisfaction consists of a feeling of wellbeing, resulting from the interaction of several occupational aspects, and may influence the worker's relationship with the organization, clients and family. Hence, it becomes important for the quality of nursing care to reflect on this topic in depth. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the scientific evidence related to job satisfaction in Brazilian nursing. An integrative literature review was carried out in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF and Cochrane Library, totaling 17 publications, categorized in: Job Satisfaction, Job Dissatisfaction and Associated Factors. It was concluded that job satisfaction is determined by a complex network of factors and may vary depending on the group studied. Additional research, particularly of evidence level III in different nursing fields, covering all of Brazil, is necessary to support the implementation of occupational improvements.La satisfacción en el trabajo consiste en un sentimiento de bienestar resultante de la interacción de varios aspectos ocupacionales, pudiendo influenciar la relación del trabajador con la organización, clientes y familia. Es importante para la calidad de la asistencia de enfermería realizar una reflexión profunda sobre este tema, por eso se objetivó en este estudio analizar las evidencias científicas referentes a la satisfacción en el trabajo del equipo de enfermería brasileño. Se trató de una revisión integradora de la literatura en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF y Biblioteca Cochrane, totalizando 17 publicaciones categorizadas en: Satisfacción en el Trabajo, Insatisfacción en el Trabajo y Factores Asociados. Se concluyó que la satisfacción en el trabajo es determinada por una red compleja de factores, pudiendo variar conforme el grupo estudiado. Investigaciones adicionales, especialmente con niveles de evidencias III, en diferentes campos de actuación de la enfermería, abarcando todo el Brasil, son necesarias para subsidiar la implantación de mejorías ocupacionales.A satisfação no trabalho consiste em sentimento de bem-estar. resultante da interação de vários aspectos ocupacionais, podendo influenciar a relação do trabalhador com a organização, clientes e família. Torna-se importante, para a qualidade da assistência de enfermagem, reflexão aprofundada sobre esse tema, e, por isso, objetivou-se neste estudo analisar as evidências científicas referentes à satisfação no trabalho da equipe de enfermagem brasileira. Trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF e Biblioteca Cochrane, totalizando 17 publicações categorizadas em: satisfação no trabalho, insatisfação no trabalho e fatores associados. Conclui-se que a satisfação no trabalho é determinada por rede complexa de fatores, podendo variar conforme o grupo estudado. Pesquisas adicionais, especialmente com níveis de evidências III, em diferentes campos de atuação da enfermagem, abrangendo todo Brasil, são necessárias para subsidiar a implantação de melhorias ocupacionais

    Antibacterial activity of traditional medicinal plants used by Haudenosaunee peoples of New York State

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The evolution and spread of antibiotic resistance, as well as the evolution of new strains of disease causing agents, is of great concern to the global health community. Our ability to effectively treat disease is dependent on the development of new pharmaceuticals, and one potential source of novel drugs is traditional medicine. This study explores the antibacterial properties of plants used in Haudenosaunee traditional medicine. We tested the hypothesis that extracts from Haudenosaunee medicinal plants used to treat symptoms often caused by bacterial infection would show antibacterial properties in laboratory assays, and that these extracts would be more effective against moderately virulent bacteria than less virulent bacteria.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>After identification and harvesting, a total of 57 different aqueous extractions were made from 15 plant species. Nine plant species were used in Haudenosaunee medicines and six plant species, of which three are native to the region and three are introduced, were not used in traditional medicine. Antibacterial activity against mostly avirulent (<it>Escherichia coli, Streptococcus lactis</it>) and moderately virulent (<it>Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus</it>) microbes was inferred through replicate disc diffusion assays; and observed and statistically predicted MIC values were determined through replicate serial dilution assays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although there was not complete concordance between the traditional use of Haudenosaunee medicinal plants and antibacterial activity, our data support the hypothesis that the selection and use of these plants to treat disease was not random. In particular, four plant species exhibited antimicrobial properties as expected (<it>Achillea millefolium, Ipomoea pandurata, Hieracium pilosella</it>, and <it>Solidago canadensis</it>), with particularly strong effectiveness against <it>S. typhimurium</it>. In addition, extractions from two of the introduced species (<it>Hesperis matronalis </it>and <it>Rosa multiflora</it>) were effective against this pathogen.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data suggest that further screening of plants used in traditional Haudenosaunee medicine is warranted, and we put forward several species for further investigation of activity against <it>S. typhimurium </it>(<it>A. millefolium, H. matronalis, I. pandurata, H. pilosella, R. multiflora, S. canadensis</it>).</p

    Preventive activity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) on gastric and duodenal induced ulcer on mice and rats

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    The alkaloid extract of Senecio brasiliensis inflorescences contain a mixture of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) senecionine, integerrimine, retrorsine, usaramine and seneciphylline. We evaluated this PA mixture on preventive antiulcerogenic effects on standard rodent models of induced gastric and duodenal ulcers. In the HCl/ethanol, indomethacin-bethanechol and hypothermic-restraint-induced gastric ulcer, the lesion was significantly inhibited by PA (p.o.) (p < 0.001). In the pylorus-ligature, PA (i.d.), significantly increased the gastricjuice content and the pH values and decreased the acid output. In the cysteamine induced duodenal ulcers, PA (p.o.) showed significant inhibition (P < 0.001) of the duodenal lesions when compared to the respective control. The levels of the somatostatin hormone in the blood samples of animals pre-treated with the PA (12.5 mg/kg) and the free mucus and prostaglandin synthesis also increased (p < 0.001) after administration of PA extract (p.o.). The results suggested that the PA extract from Senecio brasiliensis inflorescences presents a significant anti-ulcer effect in the selected ulcer models. The mechanism involved with the action of the PA extract is the cytoprotection. Additional studies are in progress to determine other possible mechanisms involved with effect of the PA as anti-ulcer agents. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.954170034535

    Modulation of gastrin and epidermal growth factor by pyrrolizidine alkaloids obtained from Senecio brasiliensis in acute and chronic induced gastric ulcers

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    We investigated the antiulcerogenic activity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) integerrimine, retrorsine, senecionine, usaramine and seneciplhylline, an alkaloidal extract obtained from Senecio brasiliensis. The PA extract demonstrated significantly activity in both, acute and chronic gastric ulcers on rats. The effects of PA extract were dose dependent. The mechanisms implicated on this activity were evaluated by determination of gastrin plasma levels in rats subjected to the acute treatment with PA extract and by expression of mRNA of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) after chronic treatment with this extract. The results showed that the PA extract increased both the levels of gastrin and the expression of EGF on these animals. Moreover, the histological examinations showed a reduction of exfoliation of superficial cells, hemorrhages and blood cell infiltration. We concluded that the PAs showed an important and qualitative antiulcerogenic activity mediated by increase in gastrin secretion and mRNA expression of EGF.82531932

    The antiulcer effect of Croton cajucara Benth in normoproteic and malnourished rats

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The aim of the present study is to investigate the antiulcerogenic effects of the essential oil (EO) of Croton cajucara Benth in rats fed with a normal protein (NP) and low-protein diet (MN). NP and MN rats were treated with the essential oil for 15 days after chronic ulceration was induced. The EO accelerated healing of acetic acid-induced gastric lesions in NP and MN rats (p < 0.05). In a similar experiment on chronic ulceration, Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) mRNA expression increased in NP rats but not in MN rats. In assays of acute antiulcerogenic activity, C. cajucara increased somatostatin plasma levels and decreased gastrin plasma levels in both animal groups. The EO significantly prevented ethanol-induced gastric ulcers in NP and MN rats (P < 0.001). Histological examination showed initial regeneration, formation of inflammatory infiltrate and anglogenesis in the epithelium surface of acetic acid-induced ulcers in NP and MN rats. C. cajucara prevented gastric lesions in both animal groups when ethanol methodology was used. We concluded that the EO showed an antiulcerogenic activity mediated by increased somatostatin secretion and EGF mRNA expression. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.1510815825Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Is gastric ulceration different in normal and malnourished rats?

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    Protein malnutrition can adversely affect all tissues. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that protein deprivation influences gastric ulcer formation, as well as metabolism and organ growth, in rats. In the present study, there was a significant reduction in the body and organ weight of rats fed a low-protein diet (P<0.001). Malnourished rats were less susceptible to ulceration of the gastric mucosa in ethanol and indomethacin models of acute gastric ulcers when compared with rats fed a normoproteic diet (17 % protein). Mucus production and prostaglandin E-2 formation increased in malnourished rats, possibly explaining the lower number of acute ulcers in these animals. Pylorus ligature altered gastric juice composition (increased pH and gastric volume, and decreased total acid concentration) in the animal group fed a low-protein diet compared with the group fed a diet containing 17 % protein (P<0.05). The gastric mucosa was more damaged in malnourished rats than in normal rats evaluated for 14 d after acetic acid injection (P<0.001). Malnourished rats exhibited resistance to acute gastric lesions, owing to an increase in prostaglandin GE(2) release and mucus secretion, which protected their gastric mucosa. This phenomenon was not seen in subchronic gastric ulceration.o TEXTO COMPLETO DESTE ARTIGO, ESTARÁ DISPONÍVEL À PARTIR DE AGOSTO DE 2015.931475

    Evaluation of the gastroprotective activity of cordatin, a diterpene isolated from Aparisthmium cordatum (Euphorbiaceae)

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    Aparisthmium cordatum (Juss.) BAIL. (Euphorbiaceae) is a medium sized tree native to the North Brazilian coastal region, which is known in the State of Para as "ariquena queimosa." To our knowledge it has no popular use. Phytochemical studies of the benzene extract of the bark of A. cordatum yielded a furan diterpene with a clerodane skeleton, called cardatin. Recently, we reported the antiulcerogenic activity of trans-dehydrocrotonin (DHC), another furan diterpene isolated from Croton cajucara bark, in different ulcerogenic models in mice and rats. The aim of the present study was to assess the possible antiulcerogenic activity of cordatin, another compound of the clerodane diterpene group present in A. cordatum bark. When previously administered (p.o.) at the dose of 100 mg/kg, cordatin significantly reduced (p<0.01) gastric injury induced by the indomethacin/bethanechol (78%), ethanol (76%), and hypothermic restraint-stress models (66%) and by pylorus ligature (50%) in mice and rats. In the HCl/ethanol-induced gastric ulcer model in mice, at oral doses of 100 and 250 mg/kg, cordatin from A. cordatum significantly reduced (p<0.001) the formation of gastric lesions by 70% and 77%, respectively, when compared to the control. In the pylorus-ligature model, cordatin (p.o.) only decreased the volume of gastric juice compared to the control (p<0.001). When cordatin (100 mg/kg) was administered intraduodenally to mice, significant modifications were found, such as a decrease in gastric acidity compared to the control (p<0.05). In the animals pre-treated with cordatin, free mucus production was not altered when compared with the control group. The results suggest that cordatin from A. cordatum presents a significant anti-ulcer effect when assessed in these induced ulcer models. Although the mechanism underlying this antiulcerogenic effect remains unknown, it seems to be related to an anti-secretory property but the involvement of mucosal defensive mechanisms are not to be ignored. The good yield of cordatin obtained from A. cordatum, as well as its antiulcerogenic activity, suggest that this compound should be submitted to pharmacological research as a potential new antiulcerogenic drug.23121465146