186 research outputs found

    Pregled komplikacija i neželjenih događaja metalnih urinarnih stentova

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    Urinary stents, be it urethral or ureteral, polymeric, metallic or biodegradable, are one of the most frequently used tools in urology and they have been used for decades in prophylactic and therapeutic setting. Although relatively low invasive, they are prone to complications and adverse effects so much that complication rates up to 100% have been described. Many reviews have focused either on specific groups of patients or particular stent types, materials or designs but so far, no comprehensive review on complications has been published. To tackle this issue, a working group was set up within ENIUS (European Network of multidisciplinary research to Improve Urinary Stents) tasked with literature search in order to screen for and systematically review published stent complications in urethra (male only) and ureters (polymeric and metallic ureteral stents in both sexes) when used in obstructed systems. In this paper, we review, catalogue and summarize complications published for metallic urethral and ureteral stents.Urinarni stentovi, bilo uretralni ili ureteralni, polimerni, metalni ili biorazgradivi, jedan su od najčešće korištenih alata u urologiji i u primjeni su već desetljećima u profilaksi ili kao terapija. Iako su minimalno invazivni, česte su komplikacije i neżeljeni učinci do te mjere da su u nekim studijama stope komplikacija do 100%. Mnogi pregledni radovi su orijentirani na specifičnu skupinu bolesnika ili određeni tip, materijal ili dizajn stenta, ali dosad nije objavljen pregledni rad o komplikacijama upotrebe stentova. Stoga je oformljena radna skupina unutar grupe ENIUS (European Network of multidisciplinary research to Improve Urinary Stents) sa zadatkom probira literature i sistematskog pregleda objavljenih komplikacija stentova u muškoj uretri te polimernih i metalnih ureteralnih stentova (kod oba spola) korištenih kod opstrukcije. U ovom radu iznosimo pregled objavljenih komplikacija u katalogiziranom i sażetom obliku za metalne uretralne i ureteralne stentove

    Review on complications and adverse effects of metallic urinary stents

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    Urinary stents, be it urethral or ureteral, polymeric, metallic or biodegradable, are one of the most frequently used tools in urology and they have been used for decades in prophylactic and therapeutic setting. Although relatively low invasive, they are prone to complications and adverse effects so much that complication rates up to 100% have been described. Many reviews have focused either on specific groups of patients or particular stent types, materials or designs but so far, no comprehensive review on complications has been published. To tackle this issue, a working group was set up within ENIUS (European Network of multidisciplinary research to Improve Urinary Stents) tasked with literature search in order to screen for and systematically review published stent complications in urethra (male only) and ureters (polymeric and metallic ureteral stents in both sexes) when used in obstructed systems. In this paper, we review, catalogue and summarize complications published for metallic urethral and ureteral stents

    MgH2 nanoparticles confined in reduced graphene oxide pillared with organosilica: a novel type of hydrogen storage material

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    Hydrogen is a promising energy carrier that can push forward the energy transition because of its high energy density (142 MJ kg-1), variety of potential sources, low weight and low environmental impact, but its storage for automotive applications remains a formidable challenge. MgH2, with its high gravimetric and volumetric density, presents a compelling platform for hydrogen storage; however, its utilization is hindered by the sluggish kinetics of hydrogen uptake/release and high temperature operation. Herein we show that a novel layered heterostructure of reduced graphene oxide and organosilica with high specific surface area and narrow pore size distribution can serve as a scaffold to host MgH2 nanoparticles with a narrow diameter distribution around ~2.5 nm and superior hydrogen storage properties to bulk MgH2. Desorption studies showed that hydrogen release starts at 50 {\deg}C, with a maximum at 348 {\deg}C and kinetics dependent on particle size. Reversibility tests demonstrated that the dehydrogenation kinetics and re-hydrogenation capacity of the system remains stable at 1.62 wt.% over four cycles at 200 {\deg}C. Our results prove that MgH2 confinement in a nanoporous scaffold is an efficient way to constrain the size of the hydride particles, avoid aggregation and improve kinetics for hydrogen release and recharging

    Access to patient oriented information-a baseline Endo-ERN survey among patients with rare endocrine disorders

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    Aim To perform a baseline survey on condition-specific information access among patients/parents/caregivers with rare endocrine disorders (RD) in Europe. Methods Electronic invitation to participate in a survey (19 questions) was sent to 120 patient advocacy groups (PAGs), and further distributed to 32 European countries. Results A total of 1138 respondents from 22 countries (74% women), aged between 1 year (parents) and 70 years, participated. The Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy and France had highest participation rates. All Main Thematic Groups (MTGs) were represented; the adrenal (32%), pituitary (26%) and thyroid (22%) were the most common. The majority of the respondents got information from their endocrinologist (75%), PAGs (37%) and expert reference centre (22%); 95% received information in their mother tongue. Leaflets (70%), infographics (65%), webinars (60%) and Internet films (55%) were preferred ways of learning. Respondents relied mostly on materials by PAGs and alliances (79%), rather than from specific international RD sites (15%). Fifty-six percent used Facebook, and 37% other social media, with a significant age difference (40 years) among non-users, 19% vs. 36%, p <0.0001. Of all, 685 answered questions on informational materials for children-79% wanted materials that can be used by the children themselves. There was significant age difference (40 years) in the willingness to help create new educational materials; 49% vs. 34%, p <0.001. Conclusions Our current patient information access survey provides a sound basis for further planning and execution of educational and teaching activities by Endo-ERN.Peer reviewe

    Women in Physics in the Netherlands: Progress and Developments

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    The visibility of women and the awareness of a healthy gender balance in physics in the Netherlands have clearly improved over the last few years. Initiatives to promote women and their possibilities to pursue a career in physics are plentiful and commendable. Nevertheless, the numbers do not yet show the desired impact of all these initiatives. Although student numbers have increased, the percentage of female first-year student remains at approximately 13% of the total students in physics. Similarly, the relative numbers of female PhD candidates and postdocs have been stable over the last years at (both) approximately 20% to 25%. Despite the number of women obtaining a PhD in physics and continuing a scientific career as postdoc, the presence of women further up on the scientific ladder in physics remains strikingly low. We will here focus on the current status, ambitions, and initiatives in the Netherlands to promote women, and especially to keep them, in physics

    The use of local therapy in preventing urethral strictures: A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Urethral stricture disease is a common problem amongst men in Western countries often leading to a decreased quality of life. Current endoscopic treatment procedure shows an unsatisfying stricture recurrence rate which could be improved by addition of local therapies. OBJECTIVES: To provide an overview of both preclinical and clinical studies in order to investigate current level of evidence on the addition of local therapy to improve urethral stricture recurrence rates after endoscopic procedures. METHODS: We performed a literature search in December 2020 and August 2021 using Cochrane, Embase, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science and identified articles through combinations of search terms for 'urethral stricture disease', 'stricture formation' and 'local interventions'. We used the SYRCLE, RoB-2 and ROBINS-I tools to assess risk of bias across included studies. We did not perform a meta-analysis due to methodological differences between studies. RESULTS: We included 32 articles in the qualitative analysis, 20 of which were preclinical studies and 12 clinical studies. Regarding preclinical articles using an animal model, nearly all interventions showed to have a positive effect on either urethral fibrosis, urethral stricture formation and/or fibrotic protein expression levels. Here, immunosuppressants and chemotherapeutics seemed most promising for possible clinical purposes. Regarding clinical studies, mitomycin-C and hyaluronic acid and carboxymethylcellulose showed positive effects on urethral stricture recurrence rates with low to intermediate risk of bias across studies. However, the positive clinical effects of mitomycin-C and steroids seemed to decrease in studies with a longer follow-up time. CONCLUSION: Although local adjuvant use of mitomycin-C or hyaluronic acid and carboxymethylcellulose may carry clinical potential to improve urethral structure recurrence rates after endoscopic procedures, we believe that a large, well-designed RCT with a yearlong follow-up time is necessary to identify the true clinical value

    Rat precision-cut liver slices predict drug-induced cholestatic injury

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    Drug-induced cholestasis (DIC) is one of the leading manifestations of drug-induced liver injury (DILI). As the underlying mechanisms for DIC are not fully known and specific and predictive biomarkers and pre-clinical models are lacking, the occurrence of DIC is often only reported when the drug has been approved for registration. Therefore, appropriate models that predict the cholestatic potential of drug candidates and/or provide insight into the mechanism of DIC are highly needed. We investigated the application of rat precision-cut liver slices (PCLS) to predict DIC, using several biomarkers of cholestasis: hepatocyte viability, intracellular accumulation of total as well as individual bile acids and changes in the expression of genes known to play a role in cholestasis. Rat PCLS exposed to the cholestatic drugs chlorpromazine, cyclosporine A and glibenclamide for 48 h in the presence of a 60 μM physiological bile acid (BA) mix reflected various changes associated with cholestasis, such as decrease in hepatocyte viability, accumulation and changes in the composition of BA and changes in the gene expression of Fxr, Bsep and Ntcp. The toxicity of the drugs was correlated with the accumulation of BA, and especially DCA and CDCA and their conjugates, but to a different extent for different drugs, indicating that BA toxicity is not the only cause for the toxicity of cholestatic drugs. Moreover, our study supports the use of several biomarkers to test drugs for DIC. In conclusion, our results indicate that PCLS may represent a physiological and valuable model to identify cholestatic drugs and provide insight into the mechanisms underlying DIC

    Balancing of Histone H3K4 Methylation States by the Kdm5c/SMCX Histone Demethylase Modulates Promoter and Enhancer Function

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    SummaryThe functional organization of eukaryotic genomes correlates with specific patterns of histone methylations. Regulatory regions in genomes such as enhancers and promoters differ in their extent of methylation of histone H3 at lysine-4 (H3K4), but it is largely unknown how the different methylation states are specified and controlled. Here, we show that the Kdm5c/Jarid1c/SMCX member of the Kdm5 family of H3K4 demethylases can be recruited to both enhancer and promoter elements in mouse embryonic stem cells and in neuronal progenitor cells. Knockdown of Kdm5c deregulates transcription via local increases in H3K4me3. Our data indicate that by restricting H3K4me3 modification at core promoters, Kdm5c dampens transcription, but at enhancers Kdm5c stimulates their activity. Remarkably, an impaired enhancer function activates the intrinsic promoter activity of Kdm5c-bound distal elements. Our results demonstrate that the Kdm5c demethylase plays a crucial and dynamic role in the functional discrimination between enhancers and core promoters

    Balancing of Histone H3K4 Methylation States by the Kdm5c/SMCX Histone Demethylase Modulates Promoter and Enhancer Function

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    The functional organization of eukaryotic genomes correlates with specific patterns of histone methylations. Regulatory regions in genomes such as enhancers and promoters differ in their extent of methylation of histone H3 at lysine-4 (H3K4), but it is largely unknown how the different methylation states are specified and controlled. Here, we show that the Kdm5c/Jarid1c/SMCX member of the Kdm5 family of H3K4 demethylases can be recruited to both enhancer and promoter elements in mouse embryonic stem cells and in neuronal progenitor cells. Knockdown of Kdm5c deregulates transcription via local increases in H3K4me3. Our data indicate that by restricting H3K4me3 modification at core promoters, Kdm5c dampens transcription, but at enhancers Kdm5c stimulates their activity. Remarkably, an impaired enhancer function activates the intrinsic promoter activity of Kdm5c-bound distal elements. Our results demonstrate that the Kdm5c demethylase plays a crucial and dynamic role in the functional discrimination between enhancers and core promoters