128 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic Assessment and Optimisation of Supercritical and Transcritical Power Cycles Operating on CO2 Mixtures by Means of Artificial Neural Networks

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    Feb 21, 2022 to Feb 24, 2022, San Antonio, TX, United StatesClosed supercritical and transcritical power cycles operating on Carbon Dioxide have proven to be a promising technology for power generation and, as such, they are being researched by numerous international projects today. Despite the advantageous features of these cycles enabling very high efficiencies in intermediate temperature applications, the major shortcoming of the technology is a strong dependence on ambient temperature; in order to perform compression near the CO2 critical point (31ºC), low ambient temperatures are needed. This is particularly challenging in Concentrated Solar Power applications, typically found in hot, semi-arid locations. To overcome this limitation, the SCARABEUS project explores the idea of blending raw carbon dioxide with small amounts of certain dopants in order to shift the critical temperature of the resulting working fluid to higher values, hence enabling gaseous compression near the critical point or even liquid compression regardless of a high ambient temperature. Different dopants have been studied within the project so far (i.e. C6F6, TiCl4 and SO2) but the final selection will have to account for trade-offs between thermodynamic performance, economic metrics and system reliability. Bearing all this in mind, the present paper deals with the development of a non-physics-based model using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), developed using Matlab’s Deep Learning Toolbox, to enable SCARABEUS system optimisation without running the detailed – and extremely time consuming – thermal models, developed with Thermoflex and Matlab software. In the first part of the paper, the candidate dopants and cycle layouts are presented and discussed, and a thorough description of the ANN training methodology is provided, along with all the main assumptions and hypothesis made. In the second part of the manuscript, results confirms that the ANN is a reliable tool capable of successfully reproducing the detailed Thermoflex model, estimating the cycle thermal efficiency with a Root Mean Square Error lower than 0.2 percentage points. Furthermore, the great advantage of using the Artificial Neural Network proposed is demonstrated by the huge reduction in the computational time needed, up to 99% lower than the one consumed by the detailed model. Finally, the high flexibility and versatility of the ANN is shown, applying this tool in different scenarios and estimating different cycle thermal efficiency for a great variety of boundary conditions.Unión Europea H2020-81498

    Contemporary art in higher education: creative pedagogies in political economy

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    We propose that contemporary art, which reflects the problems and attitudes of our times, can be used as a way of promoting creativity in disciplines that are not traditionally associated with the arts. Whilst contemporary art is being used as a learning and teaching aid in higher education in a small number of disciplines, it is not normally used in disciplines dominated by rational discourse; an example is economics, on which we focus. We begin by reviewing the literature on art, education and creativity. We then perform an activity with students taking political economy. Students are given the task of selecting a work of contemporary art which “speaks” to them about political economy, followed by an assessed, in-class presentation on the connection between the piece of art and the subject of political economy. We run a focus group to assess the effectiveness of the activity in terms of encouraging the students to exercise and develop their creativity. We find that it is particularly effective at enabling them to establish innovative connections and associations, increasing their interest in learning and developing a personally relevant body of knowledge. Furthermore, taking into consideration contemporary art’s ability to highlight the problems of our times and to react to them, we consider whether the works presented by the students display these problems and are capable of offering solutions, or elements of solutions, to them, and find that they are indeed capable of doing so

    La eficacia de la wiki como herramienta de aprendizaje colaborativo para aprender Política Económica Internacional

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    According to our experience as teachers of economic policy using different educational tools, we consider convenient to review the teaching methods in order to overcome the teaching-learning scheme that overvalues rote teaching ability. The aim is to find formulas where students become active protagonist of the learning process and facilitate the development of analytical skills. With this objective we have introduced web 2.0 in the classroom to facilitate the collaborative learning in an economic policy course. This paper analyses the results of a didactic methodology based on a combination of collaborative learning and project-based learning using the wiki. According to the students’ opinions we can concluded that the Wiki is a tool that facilitates the process of collaborative learning and self-management working, promotes self-learning ability and is an useful pedagogical platform for presenting argued ideas. Additionally, the use of the wiki allows monitoring and evaluation of individual contributions within a group work by the teacher.Nuestra experiencia como profesores de política económica utilizando distintas herramientas educativas nos han hecho plantearnos la conveniencia de revisar los métodos docentes con el objetivo de superar el esquema de enseñanzaaprendizaje que sobrevalora la habilidad memorística y encontrar fórmulas pedagógicas que conviertan al alumno en protagonista activo del proceso de aprendizaje y faciliten el desarrollo de las competencias analíticas Con esta finalidad hemos introducido la Web 2.0 en clase para facilitar el aprendizaje colaborativo de la política económica internacional. Este trabajo analiza los resultados de una propuesta didáctica basada en una metodología combinada de aprendizaje colaborativo y de trabajo por proyectos mediante el uso de la Wiki. A partir de las opiniones de los estudiantes, se concluye que la Wiki es un instrumento que facilita el proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo y la autogestión del trabajo, promueve la capacidad de auto-aprendizaje y constituye una plataforma pedagógica útil para la presentación de ideas argumentadas. Adicionalmente, el uso de la Wiki permite el seguimiento y evaluación de las contribuciones individuales dentro de los trabajos en grupo por parte del profesor

    Assessment of Part-Load Operation Strategies of Supercritical Power Cycles Using Carbon Dioxide Mixtures in CSP Plants, Including Air-Cooled Condenser Optimisation

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    Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 12: Cycle Innovations. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. June 26–30This manuscript, developed in the framework of SCARABEUS project, presents an assessment of the part-load performance of a transcritical Recompression cycle running on a 80%CO2-20%SO2 mixture under different load-control schemes. The first part of the paper describes the computational platform of the integrated system, implemented in Thermoflex but with profuse use of in-house scripts, in order to accurately describe the off-design performance of key components when operating on CO2 mixtures with non-ideal gas behaviour. These off-design models make use of performance maps for turbomachinery -provided by the SCARABEUS partners- whereas the Conductance Ratio Method employed to model the counter-current heat exchangers is calibrated with in-house tools. The paper is specifically focused on the Heat Rejection Unit, for which a specific design tool accounting for accurate heat transfer between working fluid and cooling medium (air) and for auxiliary power consumption -both in off-design- has been developed by the authors. In the second part of the paper, different operating strategies of the power cycle are considered, based on keeping one of the following three parameters constant: turbine inlet temperature, turbine outlet temperature or return temperature of molten salts. Globally, plant operation is constrained by the need to keep the temperature of cold HTF returning to the storage system as close as possible to its rated (design) value and by the need to keep turbine outlet temperature below 450ºC to avoid the installation of an external cooling system in the low pressure section of this equipment. Therefore, the trade-off between these two parameters and system net efficiency are assessed in the paper. Regarding the Air-Cooled Condenser, the optimal operation strategy of this component found to be based on a combination of Single-speed and Variable Frequency Driver fans. The results show that the operation at constant turbine inlet temperature leads to the highest net efficiency of the power block, closely followed by the control scheme based on constant return temperature of the heat transfer fluid. Nevertheless, this latter option enables a perfect control on the other two figures of merit. As a consequence, the identification of the best operation strategy must be addressed in future works by means of a thorough techno-economic assessment considering the annual yield of the plant.Unión Europea Horizonte 2020 814985Ministerio de Universidades FPU21/0489

    Treatment of Dyspareunia with Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A: Clinical Improvement and Influence of Patients' Characteristics

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    [EN] The treatment of chronic pelvic pain (CPP) with botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) has increased lately, but more studies assessing its effect are needed. This study aimed to evaluate the evolution of patients after BoNT/A infiltration and identify potential responders to treatment. Twenty-four women with CPP associated with dyspareunia were treated with 90 units of BoNT/A injected into their pelvic floor muscle (PFM). Clinical status and PFM activity were monitored in a previous visit (PV) and 12 and 24 weeks after the infiltration (W12, W24) by validated clinical questionnaires and surface electromyography (sEMG). The influence of patients' characteristics on the reduction in pain at W12 and W24 was also assessed. After treatment, pain scores and the impact of symptoms on quality of life dropped significantly, sexual function improved and sEMG signal amplitude decreased on both sides of the PFM with no adverse events. Headaches and bilateral pelvic pain were risk factors for a smaller pain improvement at W24, while lower back pain was a protective factor. Apart from reporting a significant clinical improvement of patients with CPP associated with dyspareunia after BoNT/A infiltration, this study shows that clinical characteristics should be analyzed in detail to identify potential responders to treatment.This study was funded by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia in Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID-01-20), ISCIII, MCIU, VLC Campus in Convocatoria Ayudas: UPV-La Fe (INBIO): 2016 SPEHG (ID:C18), 2019 sEMG_BONTAv (ID:C06) and funds from private contracts with Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH S.L.Tarazona-Motes, M.; Albaladejo-Belmonte, M.; Nohales-Alfonso, FJ.; De-Arriba, M.; Garcia-Casado, J.; Alberola-Rubio, J. (2021). Treatment of Dyspareunia with Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A: Clinical Improvement and Influence of Patients' Characteristics. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health. 18(16):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18168783S112181

    Preliminary investigation on the adoption of CO2-SO2 working mixtures in a transcritical Recompression cycle

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    This paper investigates the interest and potential of using working fluids based on Carbon and Sulphur Dioxide mixtures (CO2-SO2) in a transcritical Recompression cycle. In order to assess the actual thermodynamic potential of the concept proposed, the influence of dopant (SO2) content is assessed for two different turbine inlet temperatures (550 °C and 700 °C). The results obtained are compared with other CO2 mixtures already proposed in literature (CO2-C6F6 and CO2--TiCl4) and for two alternative cycle layouts (Recuperated Rankine and Precompression). The results pf the analysis reveal that, at high ambient temperature, the Recompression cycle operating on CO2-SO2, with Sulphur Dioxide content between 20% and 30%(v), is a very interesting option for Concentrated Solar Power plants, able to achieve thermal efficiencies of approx. 45% and 51% at 550 °C and 700 °C respectively. At a minimum cycle temperature of 50 °C, the proposed configuration leads to thermal efficiency gains of 6% and 2% with respect to the Brayton and Recompression cycles working on pure CO2. This performance enhancement of the Recompression cycle with CO2-SO2 is comparable to or higher than that enabled by other CO2 mixtures proposed in literature, but with significantly higher specific work (smaller footprint) and temperature rise across the solar receiver (lower installation costs).Unión Europea H2020-814985University of Seville - Internal Research Programme (Plan Propio de Investigación) contract No 2019/00000359Junta de Andalucía - Programme for Youth Employment 2014–202

    Characterization of Pelvic Floor Activity in Healthy Subjects and with Chronic Pelvic Pain: Diagnostic Potential of Surface Electromyography

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    [EN] Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a highly disabling disorder in women usually associated with hypertonic dysfunction of the pelvic floor musculature (PFM). The literature on the subject is not conclusive about the diagnostic potential of surface electromyography (sEMG), which could be due to poor signal characterization. In this study, we characterized the PFM activity of three groups of 24 subjects each: CPP patients with deep dyspareunia associated with a myofascial syndrome (CPP group), healthy women over 35 and/or parous (>35/P group, i.e., CPP counterparts) and under 35 and nulliparous (RMS), a predominance of low-frequency components (DI), greater complexity (>SampEn) and lower synchronization on the same side (35/P group. The same trend in differences was found between healthy women (35/P) associated with aging and parity. These results show that sEMG can reveal alterations in PFM electrophysiology and provide clinicians with objective information for CPP diagnosis.This study was funded by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia in Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID-01-20), ISCIII, MCIU, VLC Campus in Convocatoria Ayudas: UPV-La Fe (INBIO): 2016 SPEHG (ID:C18), 2019 sEMG_BONTAv (ID:C06) and funds from private contracts with Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH S.Albaladejo-Belmonte, M.; Tarazona-Motes, M.; Nohales-Alfonso, FJ.; De-Arriba, M.; Alberola-Rubio, J.; Garcia-Casado, J. (2021). Characterization of Pelvic Floor Activity in Healthy Subjects and with Chronic Pelvic Pain: Diagnostic Potential of Surface Electromyography. Sensors. 21(6):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21062225S11721


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    Introducción: Actualmente el tratamiento farmacológico es una pieza fundamental en el manejo del TDAH. En estudios previos se han observado posibles efectos en la antropometría final tras la toma de estas medicaciones, sin hallar conclusiones unánimes entre los distintos trabajos. Objetivo: Hallar conclusiones sobre los posibles efectos de estos fármacos en la talla final de los pacientes diagnosticados de TDAH y atendidos en la consulta de Neuropediatría del Hospital Materno-infantil Miguel Servet (Zaragoza).Metodología: Se presenta un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal con una muestra de 38 pacientes (24 varones y 14 mujeres). Los participantes acudieron a consulta para ser tallados y pesados. Además, se requirió el tipo de TDAH, los años totales de tratamiento farmacológico, la edad de inicio de tratamiento y la talla de sus progenitores. Resultados: Se halló un aumento de la media del peso de los varones(Media=73,73 DE=12,37kg) estadísticamente significativo respecto a la población de referencia(1) (Media=68,3 DE =7,8 kg) (p=0,033) al igual que en la medio del IMC(Media=24,08 DE=3,20, población:Media=21,4 DE=2)(p=0,001). Se observó un aumento estadísticamente significativo del peso en los varones que habían consumido Metilfenidato de liberación retardada (Media=75,94DE=12,93kg población:Media=68,3DE=7,8kg) (p=0,022) y en su IMC (Media=24,44 DE=3,49 Población Media=21.4 DE=2,0)(p=0.004). No se observaron diferencias significativas en la talla de los varones ni en la antropometría del grupo de las mujeres respecto al estudio de referencia.Conclusiones: No se observó una menor talla final o menor peso en la muestra estudiada, hallando incluso un aumento significativo en este último en el grupo de los participantes varones. Palabras clave: Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad, crecimiento, terapéutica, estatura, antropometría.<br /

    Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Cycles for Concentrated Solar Power Plants: A Possible Alternative for Solar Desalination

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    This manuscript investigates the supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycle employed in the power block of concentrated solar power (CSP) plants—solar tower—as an alternative for solar desalination, developed with either distillation or reverse osmosis. This concept is investigated as a possible up-scaling of the SOLMIDEFF project, originally based on a hot-air micro gas turbine combined with a solar dish collector. For the upscaled concept, five different sCO2 cycles are considered, chosen amongst the best-performing configurations proposed in the literature for CSP applications, and modelled with Thermoflex software. The influence of ambient conditions is studied, considering two minimum cycle temperatures (35 °C and 50 °C), corresponding to Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Abu Dhabi, respectively. The results show that the low temperatures at the inlet of the heat rejection unit compromise the viability of distillation technologies. On the other hand, the high thermal efficiency achieved by these cycles, especially with the recompression and partial cooling layouts, reduces the specific energy consumption when combined with reverse osmosis (RO), below that of photovoltaic (PV)+RO. Feed-water preheating is explored as a solution to further reduce energy consumption, concluding that its actual interest is not clear and strongly depends on the location considered and the corresponding water quality standards.Spanish National R+D+i Programme RTI2018-102196-B-100University of Seville Internal Research Programme (Plan Propio de Investigación) contract No 2019/00000359Junta de Andalucía Programme for Youth Employment 2014–2020 (Phase 4

    Intoxicaciones por setas ¿todavía existen hoy?

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    Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 55 años vegana, que ingresa por presentar cuadro de nauseas, vómitos y deterioro general secundario a la ingesta de Amanita próxima. La paciente sufrió un síndrome norleucínico con fracaso renal agudo oligoanúrico, que requirió tratamiento con hemodiálisis urgente. La evolución de la paciente fue satisfactoria con recuperación completa de la función renal al cabo de 3 semanas. A propósito de este caso revisamos los efectos tóxicos de las principales setas y su tratamiento.We treated a 55-year old patient with nausea, vomiting and general malaise secondary to the ingestion of Amanita proxima. Our patient suffered from a norleucinic syndrome, with oligoanuric acute kidney failure; she was treated with urgent hemodialysis. The clinical outcome of our patient was satisfactory and complete recovery of kidney function was observed after three weeks. We review of the main toxic effects of mushrooms and their treatment