12 research outputs found

    Spatial variability of infiltration and its relationship to some physical properties

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    Water infiltration into soil is one of the basic factors for estimating irrigation intensity according to the plants’ requirements; this is aimed at avoiding problems of surface run-off and degradation. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the spatial variation of infiltration and its relationship to some physical properties of soil by means of geostatistical techniques in Typic Plinthaquult soils having average texture and flat relief. A 113 point mesh was designed, having a regular distance of 10 m between points, samples being taken from 0 to 0.20 meters depth. Sand, silt and clay content, bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity and total porosity were determined. Infiltration tests were carried out in the field by means of a 15 cm diameter ring. Descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used for analysing the data. Infiltration, silt and microporosity data did not fit a normal distribution curve. Infiltration had high variability, having an average 36.03 mm h-1. Total porosity was 56.73%, this being the only property that did not show spatial dependency. The smallest ranges were observed for bulk density, macroporosity and microporosity, having values of less than 40 m. The smallest degrees of spatial dependence were observed for infiltration, silt and clay, evidence also being shown of the influence of silt and clay on infiltration rate. Contour maps were constructed; fitting them to the semivariogram models, together with studying the correlations, led to establishing re- lationships between the properties.La infiltración del agua en el suelo es uno de los factores básicos para estimar la intensidad de riego de acuerdo a los re- querimientos de las plantas, para evitar problemas de escorrentía superficial y de degradación. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue el de determinar la variabilidad espacial de la in- filtración y su relación con algunas propiedades físicas del suelo, mediante técnicas geoestadísticas, en un Typic Plinthaquults de textura media y relieve plano. Se diseñó una malla de 113 puntos, con distancia regular entre puntos de 10 m, tomando muestras entre 0-0,20 m de profundidad. Se determinaron contenidos de arena, limo y arcilla, densidad aparente, macroporosidad, microporosidad y porosidad total. La infiltración fue realizada en campo mediante anillo de 15 cm de diámetro. Los datos se analizaron por medio de estadística descriptiva y geoestadística. La infiltración, el limo y la microporosidad no se aproximaron a la distribución normal. La infiltración presentó alta variabilidad, con una media de 36,03 mm h-1. La porosidad total fue de 56,73%, siendo la única propiedad que no presentó dependencia espacial. Lo menores rangos se observaron para la densidad aparente, macroporosidad y microporosidad, con valores inferiores a 40 m. Los menores grados de dependencia espacial fueron apreciados en la infiltración, limo y arcilla, evidenciándose también la influencia del limo y la arcilla en la tasa de infiltración. Los mapas de contorno elaborados, cuando éstos se ajustan a modelos de semivariogramas, junto al estudio de las correlaciones, permite establecer relaciones entre las propiedades


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    O Sistema de semeadura direta (SSD) tem como pressuposto a exigência de cobertura vegetal permanente sobre o solo e, em condições climáticas favoráveis à decomposição dos resíduos orgânicos, visando elevar a produtividade com sustentabilidade ambiental. O nitrogênio é o nutriente requerido em maior quantidade pelas gramíneas, destacando-se a cultura do milho e, por isso, em muitas situações, não é fornecido adequadamente, havendo necessidade de usar outras fontes suplementares desse nutriente. Destacando-se, a utilização isolada ou combinada de adubos minerais, orgânicos, gramíneas e leguminosas. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os atributos físicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, textura argilosa (EMBRAPA, 2006). O delineamento estatístico foi em blocos casualizados com parcelas sub-subdivididas e quatro repetições, sendo três plantas de cobertura com quatro doses de N. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F, de acordo com o delineamento em parcelas subdivididas. O resultado da análise de variância significativo a 5 % ou a 1% de probabilidade, as médias dos tratamentos foram comparadas utilizando-se o teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade

    Indicadores de qualidade de um latossolo vermelho e produtividade do milho sob sistemas de manejo

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    A avaliação da qualidade do solo é considerada um componente fundamental na sustentabilidade dos sistemas de produção agrícolas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os indicadores físicos e químicos de qualidade do solo e a produtividade do milho sob sistemas de manejo em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico argiloso. O experimento foi conduzido na fazenda experimental da UNESP/FCAV - Jaboticabal/SP, utilizando o delineamento em blocos casualizados com três repetições, em esquema de parcelas sub-subdivididas. Os tratamentos principais constituíram de nove sistemas de manejo do solo (parcelas), adubação de cobertura com N no milho (subparcelas) e as camadas: 0-5; 5-10; 10-20 e 20- 30 cm (sub-subparcelas). Os nove sistemas de manejo foram: 1. Preparo do solo com arado de aiveca (AI) + grade niveladora; 2. Plantio direto com feijão de porco (Canavalia ensiformes) após preparo com arado de aiveca - (D_AI_FP); 3. Plantio direto com lablab (Dolichus lablab ) após preparo com arado de aiveca (D_AI_LL); 4. Plantio direto com feijão de porco após preparo com arado de disco (D_DS_FP); 5. Plantio direto com lablab após preparo com arado de disco (D_DS_LL); 6. Plantio direto com feijão de porco após preparo com grade pesada (D_GR_FP);7. Plantio direto com lablab após preparo com grade pesada (D_GR_LL); 8. Preparo do solo com arado de disco (DS) + grade niveladora; 9.Preparo do solo com grade pesada (GR) + grade niveladora. Foram avaliados: porosidade total, macroporosidade, microporosidade, densidade do solo, diâmetro médio ponderado, diâmetro médio geométrico, grau de floculação da argila, índice de estabilidade de agregados, agregados maiores que 2 mm, pH, carbono orgânico, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, acidez potencial, soma de bases, capacidade de troca de cátions, saturação de bases, curva de retenção de água no solo, índice S e produtividade do milho...The assessment of soil quality is considered a fundamental component in the sustainability of agricultural production systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical indicators of soil quality and productivity of maize under soil management systems on an clayey Oxisol. The experiment was conducted at the experimental farm of UNESP/FCAV - Jaboticabal/SP, using a randomized complete block with three replications in splitsplit- plot design. The main treatments were nine management systems (plots), top dressing with nitrogen in maize (subplots) and the layers: 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 and 20- 30 cm (sub-subplots). The nine management systems were: 1. Aiveca plow (AI) + leveling bars; 2. No-tillage with jackbean (Canavalia ensiformis) under aiveca (D_AI_FP); 3. No-tillage with lablab (Dolichus lablab) after aiveca (D_AI_LL); 4. No-tillage with jackbean after disk (D_DS_FP); 5. No-tillage with lablab after disk (D_DS_LL); 6. No-tillage with jackbean after heavy bars (D_GR_FP); 7. No-tillage with lablab after heavy bars (D_GR_LL); 8. Disk plow (DS) + leveling bars; 9. Heavy bars (GR) + leveling bars. Were evaluate: total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, bulk density, the mean weight diameter aggregates, the mean geometric diameter of aggregates, the degree of clay flocculation, stable aggregates index, percentage of stable aggregates > 2 mm, pH, organic carbon, exchangeable calcium, exchangeable magnesium, exchangeable potassium and phosphorus, sum bases, potential CEC, cation exchange capacity, base saturation, retention curve of soil water, S index and maize yield. The physical quality indicators, bulk density and porous system did not evidenced differences among the soil management systems. The chemical quality indicators ranged from medium to high in all management systems. The aggregation indexes differentiated the no-tillage systems to conventional systems... (Complete abstract click eletronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Variabilidad espacial de la infiltración y su relación con algunas propiedades físicas

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    Water infiltration into soil is one of the basic factors for estimating irrigation intensity according to the plants' requirements; this is aimed at avoiding problems of surface run-off and degradation. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the spatial variation of infiltration and its relationship to some physical properties of soil by means of geostatistical techniques in Typic Plinthaquult soils having average texture and flat relief. A 113 point mesh was designned, having a regular distance of 10 m between points, samples being taken from 0 to 0.20 meters depth. Sand, silt and clay content, bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity and total porosity were determined. Infiltration tests were carried out in the field by means of a 15 cm diameter ring. Descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used for analysing the data. Infiltration, silt and microporosity data did not fit a normal distribution curve. Infiltration had high variability, having an average 36.03 mm h(-1). Total porosity was 56.73%, this being the only property that did not show spatial dependency. The smallest ranges were observed for bulk density, macroporosity and microporosity, having values of less than 40 m. The smallest degrees of spatial dependence were observed for infiltration, silt and clay, evidence also being shown of the influence of silt and clay on infiltration rate. Contour maps were constructed; fitting them to the semivariogram models, together with studying the correlations, led to establishing relationships between the properties

    Spatial variability of infiltration and its relationship to some physical properties

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    Water infiltration into soil is one of the basic factors for estimating irrigation intensity according to the plants’ requirements; this is aimed at avoiding problems of surface run-off and degradation. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the spatial variation of infiltration and its relationship to some physical properties of soil by means of geostatistical techniques in Typic Plinthaquult soils having average texture and flat relief. A 113 point mesh was designed, having a regular distance of 10 m between points, samples being taken from 0 to 0.20 meters depth. Sand, silt and clay content, bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity and total porosity were determined. Infiltration tests were carried out in the field by means of a 15 cm diameter ring. Descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used for analysing the data. Infiltration, silt and microporosity data did not fit a normal distribution curve. Infiltration had high variability, having an average 36.03 mm h-1. Total porosity was 56.73%, this being the only property that did not show spatial dependency. The smallest ranges were observed for bulk density, macroporosity and microporosity, having values of less than 40 m. The smallest degrees of spatial dependence were observed for infiltration, silt and clay, evidence also being shown of the influence of silt and clay on infiltration rate. Contour maps were constructed; fitting them to the semivariogram models, together with studying the correlations, led to establishing re- lationships between the properties.La infiltración del agua en el suelo es uno de los factores básicos para estimar la intensidad de riego de acuerdo a los re- querimientos de las plantas, para evitar problemas de escorrentía superficial y de degradación. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue el de determinar la variabilidad espacial de la in- filtración y su relación con algunas propiedades físicas del suelo, mediante técnicas geoestadísticas, en un Typic Plinthaquults de textura media y relieve plano. Se diseñó una malla de 113 puntos, con distancia regular entre puntos de 10 m, tomando muestras entre 0-0,20 m de profundidad. Se determinaron contenidos de arena, limo y arcilla, densidad aparente, macroporosidad, microporosidad y porosidad total. La infiltración fue realizada en campo mediante anillo de 15 cm de diámetro. Los datos se analizaron por medio de estadística descriptiva y geoestadística. La infiltración, el limo y la microporosidad no se aproximaron a la distribución normal. La infiltración presentó alta variabilidad, con una media de 36,03 mm h-1. La porosidad total fue de 56,73%, siendo la única propiedad que no presentó dependencia espacial. Lo menores rangos se observaron para la densidad aparente, macroporosidad y microporosidad, con valores inferiores a 40 m. Los menores grados de dependencia espacial fueron apreciados en la infiltración, limo y arcilla, evidenciándose también la influencia del limo y la arcilla en la tasa de infiltración. Los mapas de contorno elaborados, cuando éstos se ajustan a modelos de semivariogramas, junto al estudio de las correlaciones, permite establecer relaciones entre las propiedades

    Spatial variability of infiltration and its relationship to some physical properties

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    Water infiltration into soil is one of the basic factors for estimating irrigation intensity according to the plants’ requirements; this is aimed at avoiding problems of surface run-off and degradation. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the spatial variation of infiltration and its relationship to some physical properties of soil by means of geostatistical techniques in Typic Plinthaquult soils having average texture and flat relief. A 113 point mesh was designed, having a regular distance of 10 m between points, samples being taken from 0 to 0.20 meters depth. Sand, silt and clay content, bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity and total porosity were determined. Infiltration tests were carried out in the field by means of a 15 cm diameter ring. Descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used for analysing the data. Infiltration, silt and microporosity data did not fit a normal distribution curve. Infiltration had high variability, having an average 36.03 mm h-1. Total porosity was 56.73%, this being the only property that did not show spatial dependency. The smallest ranges were observed for bulk density, macroporosity and microporosity, having values of less than 40 m. The smallest degrees of spatial dependence were observed for infiltration, silt and clay, evidence also being shown of the influence of silt and clay on infiltration rate. Contour maps were constructed; fitting them to the semivariogram models, together with studying the correlations, led to establishing re- lationships between the properties

    Spatial variability of infiltration and its relationship to some physical properties

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    Water infiltration into soil is one of the basic factors for estimating irrigation intensity according to the plants' requirements; this is aimed at avoiding problems of surface run-off and degradation. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the spatial variation of infiltration and its relationship to some physical properties of soil by means of geostatistical techniques in Typic Plinthaquult soils having average texture and flat relief. A 113 point mesh was designned, having a regular distance of 10 m between points, samples being taken from 0 to 0.20 meters depth. Sand, silt and clay content, bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity and total porosity were determined. Infiltration tests were carried out in the field by means of a 15 cm diameter ring. Descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used for analysing the data. Infiltration, silt and microporosity data did not fit a normal distribution curve. Infiltration had high variability, having an average 36.03 mm h(-1). Total porosity was 56.73%, this being the only property that did not show spatial dependency. The smallest ranges were observed for bulk density, macroporosity and microporosity, having values of less than 40 m. The smallest degrees of spatial dependence were observed for infiltration, silt and clay, evidence also being shown of the influence of silt and clay on infiltration rate. Contour maps were constructed; fitting them to the semivariogram models, together with studying the correlations, led to establishing relationships between the properties

    Uso de leguminosas no consórcio com soqueira de cana-de-açúcar e nitrogênio na produção e na qualidade de colmos

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    O cultivo da soqueira de cana-de-açúcar consorciada poderá otimizar o uso do nitrogênio com reflexos na produção da cana-de-açúcar. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a resposta da soqueira de cana-de-açúcar a aplicação de nitrogênio cultivada em consórcio com leguminosas, em um Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófico textura média, na região de Jaboticabal-SP. Os tratamentos constaram de três espécies de leguminosas Crotalaria juncea, feijão de porco e guandu-anão e doses de nitrogênio de 0, 45, 90 e 135 kg ha-l, na forma de uréia, dispostos em blocos ao acaso em 4 repetições. As leguminosas foram semeadas mecanicamente após a colheita manual da cana-planta (em 12/2007), em duas linhas espaçadas de 0,70m, na parte central das entrelinhas da soqueira. Avaliou-se o acúmulo de massa seca e de nitrogênio nas leguminosas (época do florescimento) e também a qualidade tecnológica dos colmos e a produção da cana-de-açúcar. O aporte de nitrogênio acumulado nas leguminosas não foi importante para beneficiar a qualidade e a produção da primeira soqueira de cana-de-açúcar consorciada. A adubação nitrogenada não afetou a produção da primeira soqueira de cana-de-açúcar.