21 research outputs found

    Analisa Terjadinya Kebocoran pada Salah Satu Fitting Sistem Perpipaan Balancing Line Tank pada Line Number 3â€- WW – 37012 - 1B

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    Corrosion is an electrochemical process in which atoms will propose acidic substances and form positive ions (cations). This will cause the flow of electrons from one place to another on the metal surface. Corrosion occurs through chemical reactions or electrochemical reactions in metals or metal alloys that occur in corrosive environments. Corrosion reaction process consists of anodic reaction and cathodic reaction, if one of the reactions occurs then it causes corrosion on the metal. In analyzing this time, which is to repair a leak in one of the piping systems installation which is an elbow. Where the elbow must be replaced before the lifetime desired by the company. The main cause of this leak is internal corrosion. Where is this internal corrosion caused by the nature of the material that is not resistant to the nature of the fluid. This corrosion analysis I used the immersion test method, while the immersion test is a material testing for corrosion. Test this material on the ASTM G31-72 standard. The results obtained the average value of the corrosion that is equal to 1.04 mm / year and 9.76 mm / year. As for the lifetime value of 5.24 years and 0.632 years. Testing of this material is done with 2 types of fluids, according to the content in the fluid

    Pemodelan dan Analisis Pengaruh Penambahan Orifice Plate menggunakan Software Ansys di Perusahaan Gas Alam PT. X

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    Increased natural gas production capacity of PT. X in East Java experienced condensation problems due to the addition of orifice plate which reduced the pressure from 650 psi to 50 psi, causing a temperature difference in the pipeline and environment. It also causes erosion due to changing flowrate then become turbulent flow. The velocity value will determine the value of Re, this calculation aims to prove that changing of gas flowrate after the orifice occurs changes in flow characteristics of the laminar flow into turbulent flow, after that it determines the value of the erosion rate, the amount of mass of the area unit lost, the minimum thickness, lifetime value, also modeling using Ansys software. Analytical method that used in this research is variations analysis in the addition of orifice plate. Based on the test results, the value of the change in velocity was obtained from 2.805 m/s to 41 m/s; erosion rate 0.133 mm/year; the mass of the unit area lost is 3.491 x 10-9kg per second per 1 m2 in the area of the inner wall of the pipe, the minimum thickness of the pipe is 0.866; 0.499; 0.150; and the lifetime of the pipe is 31 years; 34 years old; and 36 years. In CFD modeling, there is a change in laminar flow to turbulence

    Analisa Pengaruh Sudut Stagger Di Depan Advancing Blade Terhadap Performa Turbin Air Savonius Myring Blade n=1 & n=2

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    Savonius water turbines can work at low fluid flow rates and have high torque, but have disadvantageswhich is the lowest Cp value compared to other turbine types. Efficiency can be improved by changing the shapeof the Savonius Turbine blade using the myring equation and adding an obstacle. The experimental method in thisstudy combines two blades resulting from variations of the value (n) in the myring equation n = 1 and n = 2, withmyring n = 1 placed on the concave side and n = 2 on the convex side. To improve performance, a 12 cm diametercircular cylinder is placed in front of the advancing blade with varying stagger angles. The test model has a heightof 0.40 m and a diameter of 0.40 m which will be tested in a flowing tank with a width of 1 m and height of 1 m.Experiments were carried out at a current speed of 0.2 m / s by measuring the turbine rotation and load to producea torque coefficient and a power coefficient. The experimental results show that the placement of the circularcylinder with ds / D = 0.3, S / D = 0.75, and ? = 60º obtained the highest performance with an angular velocityof 0.5160 rad / s, Coefficient of torque (Ct) of 0.2936 and Coefficient of power (Cp) of 0.1515. With a percentageincrease compared to myring n = 1 and n = 2 without an obstacle of 10.27%, this proves that the addition of acircular cylinder can improve the performance of Savonius water turbines


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    Sistem pendingin terdiri dari 3 komponen pokok, yaitu evaporator, kompressor, dan kondensor. Penelitian ini membahas panas yang diakibatkan oleh kompressor yang dimanfaatkan untuk pemanasan air. Pemanfaatan kalor dilakukan dengan menambahkan peralatan pemanas air yang dimasukkan dalam sebuah wadah berisi air, sebelum aliran fluida referigeran masuk ke dalam kondensor. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menambah pemanas air dan membandingkan nilai yang diperoleh antara peralatan normal (tanpa pemanas air) dan peralatan yang sudah ditambah pemanas air. Peralatan pemanas air diletakkan setelah komponen kompressor pada sistem pendingin. Penelitian awal adalah mengukur temperatur keluaran kompresor yang digunakan untuk mengetahui potensi panas yang akan dimanfaatkan untuk memanaskan air, menghitung perpindahan panas yang terjadi pada proses pemanasan air, dan selanjutnya dilakukan eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peralatan yang ditambah water heater memberikan pengaruh pada kerja compressor (Q Comp) yang lebih ringan jika dibandingkan dengan tanpa adanya tambahan water heater. Sedangkan COOP lebih tinggi jika menggunakan tambahan water heate


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    Angin merupakan salah satu sumber renewable terbaik dengan ketersediaan yang sangat melimpah. Penelitian ini menambahkan obstacle segitiga sama sisi diletakkan di depan sisi returning blade pada turbin Darrieus. Obstacle segitiga di depan returning blade diduga akan menurunkan drag sisi sudu returning blade dengan konsekuensi akan menurunkan torsi negatif dan akibatnya akan meningkatkan torsi total dan daya turbin Darrieus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode numerik dengan menggunakan foil NACA 0015, panjang chord 20 cm, diameter Darrieus berukuran 800 cm, kecepatan angin 3 m/s. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memvariasikan jarak obstacle y = 20 cm, 40 cm dan 60 cm. Simulasi numerik menggunakan moving mesh dengan jenis turbulence model Reliazible k-epsilon (RKE). Simulasi numerik melakukan ploting terhadap koefisien torsi (Cm) dan koefisien daya (Cp) Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja terbaik pada y = 60 cm dengan maksimum koefisien daya sebesar 0,377 pada TSR 1,535 atu meningkat sekitar 7,08%

    Studi Numerik Pengaruh Jarak Silinder Pengganggu terhadap Returning Blade pada Performa Turbin Angin Savonius Fin

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    The performance of Savonius wind turbine has increased in the previous experimentalstudies with 1 additional fin and various disturbing cylinder distance in front of returning blade.Although the performance has increased, validation is needed through experiments . Therefore, furtherresearch is needed. The research uses Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) with 3-dimensional modelto obtain an increase on the turbine performance. In this simulation the solver chosen is pressure based with transient time mode. In the Savonius wind turbine simulation, the model used is the realizable k-epsilon model. Numerical method can validate experimental study. The turbine uses 1 additional fin with 40 cm in diameter and height. The variation of disturbing cylinder distance is S/d = 1.4 ; S/d =1.7; s/d = 2.0; s/d = 2.3 with wind speed of 5 m/s. Simulations are also carried out to determine thevalue of Coefficient of Power (Cp). The final result is there is 5,40% increase on the turbineperformance at the distance S/d = 1,7 , 5 m/s speed, and 1,0 TSR. The Coefficient of Power (Cp)simulation value is 0,389

    Studi Numerik Pengaruh Variasi Rasio Diameter Silinder Pengganggu di Depan Returning Blade Terhadap Coefficient of Power (CP) Turbin Angin Savonius Penambahan Fin

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    Experimental research on savonius wind turbine with additional fins and variouscircular cylinders have been carried out as an effort to improve the turbine performance.Further research is needed to validate experimental studies.Based on the problems above,numerical studies using 3-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method isneeded to determine coefficient of torque values. The turbine has the same diameter and heightof 0.4 meters with additional fins. The various diameter of circular cylinder used are ds/D =0.1; ds/D = 0.2; ds/D = 0.3; and ds/D = 0.4. Then the cylinder is placed at a distance of X =34 cm and Y = 10 cm. The final result is the turbine can reach the highest increase of 5.4% inits performance with ds/D = 0.4 with 0.389 coefficient of power (Cp)

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Ekstrusi Plastik Khusus Bahan Styrofoam

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    Styrofoam banyak digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari antara lain digunakan untuk dekorasi, maket bangunandan wadah penyajian bagi hidangan produk siap saji. Namun, pemanfaatan styrofoam yang luas menjadipermasalahan bagi lingkungan berupa pencemaran. Styrofoam yang dimanfaatkan dalam kegiatan pengemasan,alat rumah tangga, mainan, dan bahan pelengkap menyebabkan menumpuknya sisa hasil pemakaian berupalimbah. Limbah styrofoam sulit terurai dan sering kali menggunung di sungai. Bahkan limbah styrofoammenghasilkan 57 zat berbahaya ke udara. Pengolahan styrofoam yang menggunakan metode sabuk pemanasmemiliki hasil keluaran yang belum sempurna. Hal ini dikarenakan suhu pemanasan yang dicapai oleh sabukpemanas tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, juga karena kurangnya gaya penekanan didalam tabung pemanassehingga hanya beberapa bagian yang mencair. Namun, dengan metode ekstrusi ini, panas yang dihasilkan tidakmeradiasi keluar. Dalam penelitian tugas akhir ini telah dirancang dan dibuat mesin pengolahan limbah plastikstyrofoam berupa mesin exstruder dengan ukuran diameter dalam pada barrel 200 mm dan diameter screw 120mm. Dengan pemanas Electrik heater dengan jenis Band heater 7500 watt sedangkan transmisi extruder 1:5dengan motot listrik yang memiliki daya 25 hp pada 1450 rpm

    Desain Ulang Sistem Perpipaan Distribusi Fluida Massecuite dari Reheater Menuju Feed Mixer

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    Abstract - Massecuite fluid can be one of the factors of clogging in pipes. The sediment leads to a blockage in the piping system from the reheater to the feed mixer. In this Journal it begins by determining the flow pattern to determine the effect on the flowing fluid. Then it is conducted a modeling using ANSYS software to find the location of sedimentation. After doing the modeling then it is done a calculation of headloss value and pressure drop. So then the redesigning of the piping system from reheater to feed mixer to prevent the occurrence of precipitation can be done. The result obtained from the calculation of the redesigning of the piping system compared with the result of the early design with a headloss of 0,083 meter, pressure drop, 13421,55 Pa, and the result of the redesigning of the piping system can be said as optimal from the value of the headloss which is 0,078 meter , pressure drop  13356,32 Pa


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    Abstract - Distribution of fuel oil uses pipeline to avoid water hammer, because it can inhibit distribution process. In the case study there was a water hammer at the discharge pump GM 53 line CY.1 pipe. This is caused by the sudden closing of the valve, so that the working pressure exceeds the maximum limit on the discharge pump. This study was conducted to determine the impact of water hammer pressure on pipeline stress and effective way to minimize the impact of water hammer. In this study shows the difference between the calculation of manual pressure increase and using software of 6.291%. From modeling to know the value of stress with normal condition and when water hammer difference of stress happened value 2777 Psi. In reducing the pressure spike is used the addition of accumulator and surge anti valve with pipenet modeling. The result of pipenet modeling shows more effective surge pressure of anti-valve surge in reducing the spike of pressure value. &nbsp