19 research outputs found

    Duroplasty for injured cervical spinal cord with uncontrolled swelling: protocol of the DISCUS randomized controlled trial

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    Background Cervical traumatic spinal cord injury is a devastating condition. Current management (bony decompression) may be inadequate as after acute severe TSCI, the swollen spinal cord may become compressed against the surrounding tough membrane, the dura. DISCUS will test the hypothesis that, after acute, severe traumatic cervical spinal cord injury, the addition of dural decompression to bony decompression improves muscle strength in the limbs at 6 months, compared with bony decompression alone. Methods This is a prospective, phase III, multicenter, randomized controlled superiority trial. We aim to recruit 222 adults with acute, severe, traumatic cervical spinal cord injury with an American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale grade A, B, or C who will be randomized 1:1 to undergo bony decompression alone or bony decompression with duroplasty. Patients and outcome assessors are blinded to study arm. The primary outcome is change in the motor score at 6 months vs. admission; secondary outcomes assess function (grasp, walking, urinary + anal sphincters), quality of life, complications, need for further surgery, and mortality, at 6 months and 12 months from randomization. A subgroup of at least 50 patients (25/arm) also has observational monitoring from the injury site using a pressure probe (intraspinal pressure, spinal cord perfusion pressure) and/or microdialysis catheter (cord metabolism: tissue glucose, lactate, pyruvate, lactate to pyruvate ratio, glutamate, glycerol; cord inflammation: tissue chemokines/cytokines). Patients are recruited from the UK and internationally, with UK recruitment supported by an integrated QuinteT recruitment intervention to optimize recruitment and informed consent processes. Estimated study duration is 72 months (6 months set-up, 48 months recruitment, 12 months to complete follow-up, 6 months data analysis and reporting results). Discussion We anticipate that the addition of duroplasty to standard of care will improve muscle strength; this has benefits for patients and carers, as well as substantial gains for health services and society including economic implications. If the addition of duroplasty to standard treatment is beneficial, it is anticipated that duroplasty will become standard of care. Trial registration IRAS: 292031 (England, Wales, Northern Ireland) - Registration date: 24 May 2021, 296518 (Scotland), ISRCTN: 25573423 (Registration date: 2 June 2021); ClinicalTrials.gov number : NCT04936620 (Registration date: 21 June 2021); NIHR CRN 48627 (Registration date: 24 May 2021)

    Predictors of Intraspinal Pressure and Optimal Cord Perfusion Pressure After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury.

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: We recently developed techniques to monitor intraspinal pressure (ISP) and spinal cord perfusion pressure (SCPP) from the injury site to compute the optimum SCPP (SCPPopt) in patients with acute traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI). We hypothesized that ISP and SCPPopt can be predicted using clinical factors instead of ISP monitoring. METHODS: Sixty-four TSCI patients, grades A-C (American spinal injuries association Impairment Scale, AIS), were analyzed. For 24 h after surgery, we monitored ISP and SCPP and computed SCPPopt (SCPP that optimizes pressure reactivity). We studied how well 28 factors correlate with mean ISP or SCPPopt including 7 patient-related, 3 injury-related, 6 management-related, and 12 preoperative MRI-related factors. RESULTS: All patients underwent surgery to restore normal spinal alignment within 72 h of injury. Fifty-one percentage had U-shaped sPRx versus SCPP curves, thus allowing SCPPopt to be computed. Thirteen percentage, all AIS grade A or B, had no U-shaped sPRx versus SCPP curves. Thirty-six percentage (22/64) had U-shaped sPRx versus SCPP curves, but the SCPP did not reach the minimum of the curve, and thus, an exact SCPPopt could not be calculated. In total 5/28 factors were associated with lower ISP: older age, excess alcohol consumption, nonconus medullaris injury, expansion duroplasty, and less intraoperative bleeding. In a multivariate logistic regression model, these 5 factors predicted ISP as normal or high with 73% accuracy. Only 2/28 factors correlated with lower SCPPopt: higher mean ISP and conus medullaris injury. In an ordinal multivariate logistic regression model, these 2 factors predicted SCPPopt as low, medium-low, medium-high, or high with only 42% accuracy. No MRI factors correlated with ISP or SCPPopt. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated ISP can be predicted by clinical factors. Modifiable factors that may lower ISP are: reducing surgical bleeding and performing expansion duroplasty. No factors accurately predict SCPPopt; thus, invasive monitoring remains the only way to estimate SCPPopt

    Wind farm and environmental aerodynamics assessment using computational engineering

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    The aim of this thesis is the application of computational engineering software for the study of wind resource assessment of a wind farm as well as for establishing the range of influence of different numerical and physical parameters, including turbulence modeling , surface roughness and wakes. Simulations were performed for a wind farm which is in operation since 2006, called Panachaiko, located at the west part of Greece and encompassing an energy capacity of 34.85 MW. Simulations were performed using three variants of the k-ε model. Moreover, the effects of surface roughness and wake on the efficiency of wind farm operation were investigated. Comparisons were performed between linear and non-linear computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, in the framework of the available engineering (commercial) software. Both qualitative and quantitative assessment of the results is presented. The study revealed the dependence of the results on the CFD (linear vs non-linear) model employed. The results of the present study provide useful guidance regarding the applicability of CFD models for wing resource assessment

    Effect of postoperative analgesia on postoperative gut motility

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    Background: Impairment of gastrointestinal (GI) motility is an undesirable but inevitable consequence of surgery. In the present prospective randomised controlled study we tested the hypothesis of whether the postoperative thoracic epidural analgesia with ropivacaine or a combination of ropivacaine and morphine would accelerate postoperative GI function and shorten the duration of postoperative ileus following major thoracic surgery in comparison to IV morphine.Methods: Thirty patients scheduled for major thoracic surgery were allocated in three groups. All groups received general anaesthesia and assessment of their bowel motility one week pre-operatively. Group Ep-R received epidural thoracic analgesia (TEA) with ropivacaine. Group Ep-RM received TEA with ropivacaine and morphine and group IV-M received morphine via patient controlled analgesia pump (PCA), IV. For the assessment of the bowel motility we used clinical signs in addition to oro-ceacal transit time (OCTT) the first and third postoperative days and colonic transit time (CTT) via migration of radiopaque markers.Results: Overall the OCTT revealed a 2.5-fold decrease of bowel function on the first postoperative day. The OCTT test revealed statistically significant difference between all groups (Ep-R vs Ep-RM, p= 0.43 / Ep-R vs IV-M, p= 0.039 / Ep-RM vs IV-M, p= 0.000). There are also statistically significant differences between days (OCCT test) (Ep-R vs Ep-RM, p= 0.000 / Ep-R vs IV-M, p= 0.000 / Ep-RM vs IV-M, p= 0.014). The migration of radiopaque markers did not show any significant differences between groups. There were also no significant differences in clinical signs between groups. However, 70 % of the patients in the Ep-R group and 80 % in the Ep-RM group defecated by the third day compared to only 10 % in the IV-M group, and this was statistically significant (p = 0.004).Conclusions: Objective tests demonstrated the delayed motility of the whole GI system postoperatively following thoracic surgery. They also revealed that continuous epidural analgesia with or without morphine improved GI motility in comparison to intravenous morphine. The differences appear more prominent on the third postoperative day. Trial registration: ISRCTN number: 11953159.Εισαγωγή: Η διαταραχή της κινητικότητας του γαστρεντερικού συστήματος είναι μια ανεπιθύμητη αλλά αναπόφευκτη συνέπεια των κοιλιακών αλλά και άλλων χειρουργικών επεμβάσεων, που καθυστερούν την ανάρρωση των ασθενών και μπορεί να παρατείνουν την ενδονοσοκομειακή νοσηλεία τους. Αυτή η επίδραση στο γαστρεντερικό σύστημα αναφέρεται ως μετεγχειρητικός ειλεός. Η παρούσα προοπτική τυχαιοποιημένη μελέτη διερεύνησε την υπόθεση του κατά πόσο η θωρακική επισκληρίδιος αναλγησία με ροπιβακαΐνη ή με συνδυασμό ροπιβακαΐνης και μορφίνης επιταχύνει τη μετεγχειρητική λειτουργία του γαστρεντερικού συστήματος και μειώνει τη διάρκεια του μετεγχειρητικού ειλεού μετά από μείζονες θωρακοχειρουργικές επεμβάσεις σε σύγκριση με την ενδοφλέβια χορήγηση μορφίνης. Μέθοδος: Η μελέτη πραγματοποιήθηκε τη χρονική περίοδο από το Μάρτιο 2002 έως το Νοέμβριο 2009. Όλοι οι ασθενείς που συμμετείχαν στη μελέτη είχαν ενημερωθεί και συναινέσει για τη συμμετοχή τους σε αυτήν. Στη μελέτη συμπεριελήφθησαν ασθενείς που υποβλήθηκαν σε μείζονες θωρακοχειρουργικές επεμβάσεις. Επιπλέον, εφαρμόσθηκε ένα συστηματοποιημένο πρόγραμμα μετεγχειρητικής αγωγής. Οι επιλεγόμενοι ασθενείς ταξινομήθηκαν με τυχαίο τρόπο σε μια από τις τρεις ομάδες: Ομάδα Ep-R: Θωρακική επισκληρίδιος με χορήγηση του τοπικού αναισθητικού ροπιβακαΐνη, Ομάδα Ep-RM: Θωρακική επισκληρίδιος με χορήγηση συνδυασμού ροπιβακαΐνης με μορφίνη, Ομάδα IV-M: Ενδοφλέβια έγχυση μορφίνης μέσω ελεγχόμενης από τον ασθενή αναλγησίας (PCA). Για την αξιολόγηση της κινητικότητας του πεπτικού χρησιμοποιήθηκαν εκτός από κλινικά σημεία, ο χρόνος στοματο-τυφλικής διάβασης την πρώτη και τρίτη μετεγχειρητική ημέρα και ο χρόνος διάβασης του παχέος εντέρου. Αποτελέσματα: 30 ασθενείς ολοκλήρωσαν τη μελέτη. Οι τρεις ομάδες δεν είχαν στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές όσον αφορά τα δημογραφικά τους στοιχεία, τον τύπο και τη διάρκεια της επέμβασης, την απώλεια αίματος και την διεγχειρητική αντικατάσταση των υγρών. Συνολικά, το OCTT κατέδειξε 2,5 φορές μείωση της κινητικότητας του εντέρου την πρώτη μετεγχειρητική ημέρα (OCTT0 100 ± 64,73 vs OCTT1 256,16 ± 95,59). Το OCTT με την ανάλυση GLM ανέδειξε ότι υπάρχει μια κύρια επίδραση μεταξύ των ομάδων (F = 408,192, p < 0,001) και ότι επίσης υπάρχει μια κύρια επίδραση μεταξύ των ημερών (OCTT μετρήσεις) (F = 30,126, p < 0,001). Για την ακρίβεια, υπάρχει μια στατιστικά σημαντική διαφορά μεταξύ όλων των ομάδων (Ep-R vs Ep-RM, p = 0,43/ Ep-R vs IV-M, p = 0,039 / Ep-RM vs IV-M, p < 0,001). Υπάρχει επίσης στατιστικά σημαντική διαφορά μεταξύ των ημερών (OCTT μετρήσεις) (Ep-R vs Ep-RM, p < 0,001/ Ep-R vs IV-M, p < 0,001/ Ep-RM vs IV-M, p = 0,014). Δεν υπάρχει αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ των δυο μεταβλητών (ομάδες vs OCTT τεστ). Η μετανάστευση και η αποβολή των ακτινοσκιερών σφαιριδίων δεν ανέδειξε καμία στατιστικά σημαντική διαφορά μεταξύ των ομάδων. Δεν υπήρχε επίσης καμία στατιστικά σημαντική διαφορά μεταξύ των ομάδων όσον αφορά τους εντερικούς ήχους, την αποβολή κοπράνων και αερίων, την πρώτη και τρίτη μετεγχειρητική ημέρα. Παρόλα αυτά, το 70% των ασθενών στην ομάδα Ep-R και 80% στην ομάδα Ep-RM απέβαλαν κόπρανα την τρίτη μετεγχειρητική ημέρα σε αντίθεση με μόλις το 10% των ασθενών στην ομάδα της IV-M, και αυτό ήταν στατιστικά σημαντικό (p < 0,004). Συμπέρασματα: Η παρούσα μελέτη έδειξε ότι τα αντικειμενικά τεστ της κινητικότητας του γαστρεντερικού συστήματος είναι ικανά να ανιχνεύσουν την καθυστερημένη κινητικότητα ολόκληρου του γαστρεντερικού συστήματος την πρώτη και τρίτη μετεγχειρητική ημέρα μετά από μείζονες θωρακοχειρουργικές επεμβάσεις. Η συνεχής επισκληρίδιος αναλγησία με συνδυασμό τοπικού αναισθητικού και μορφίνης, φαίνεται να υπερέχει σε σχέση με τη συνεχή επισκληρίδιο αναλγησία με τοπικό αισθητικό μόνο όταν η κινητικότητα του πεπτικού μετράται με το OCTT τεστ. Αυτά τα ευρήματα είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντικά μετά από θωρακοχειρουργικές επεμβάσεις, αφού αυτοί οι ασθενείς είναι επιρρεπείς σε αναπνευστικές επιπλοκές που μπορεί να επιδεινωθούν από την παρουσία μετεγχειρητικού ειλεού

    Gastrointestinal motility following thoracic surgery: the effect of thoracic epidural analgesia. A randomised controlled trial

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    Abstract Backgrounds Impairment of gastrointestinal (GI) motility is an undesirable but inevitable consequence of surgery. This prospective randomised controlled study tested the hypothesis that postoperative thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) with ropivacaine or a combination of ropivacaine and morphine accelerates postoperative GI function and shortens the duration of postoperative ileus following major thoracic surgery compared to intravenous (IV) morphine. Methods Thirty patients scheduled for major thoracic surgery were randomised to three groups. All patients had bowel motility assessments 1 week preoperatively. All patients received general anaesthesia. Group Ep-R received TEA with ropivacaine; group Ep-RM received TEA with ropivacaine and morphine and group IV-M received IV morphine via patient controlled analgesia pump (PCA). Bowel motility was assessed by clinical examination in addition to oro-ceacal transit time (OCTT) on the first and third postoperative days and colonic transit time (CTT). Results Overall the OCTT demonstrated a 2.5-fold decrease in bowel motility on the first postoperative day. The OCTT test revealed statistically significant differences between all groups (Ep-R vs Ep-RM, p = 0.43/Ep-R vs IV-M, p = 0.039 / Ep-RM vs IV-M, p < 0.001). Also, very significant differences were found in the OCCT test between days (Ep-R vs Ep-RM, p < 0.001/Ep-R vs IV-M, p < 0.001 / Ep-RM vs IV-M, p = 0.014). There were no significant differences in the CTT test or the clinical signs between groups. However, 70% of the patients in the Ep-R group and 80% in the Ep-RM group defecated by the third day compared to only 10% in the IV-M group, (p = 0.004). Conclusions Objective tests demonstrated the delayed motility of the whole GI system postoperatively following thoracic surgery. They also demonstrated that continuous epidural analgesia with or without morphine improved GI motility in comparison to intravenous morphine. These differences were more pronounced on the third postoperative day. Trial registration ISRCTN number: 11953159 , retrospectively registered on 20/03/2017