38 research outputs found

    Intestinal schistosomiasis associated with intussusception: a case report

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    We report a case of intestinal schistosomiasis associated with iliocaecal intussusception resulting from obstructions of the terminal part of the ileum by schistosome egg-induced fibrosis. A 7-year-old boy presented with the history of abdominal pain and difficulties in passing stool for two months. Ultrasound examination revealed doughnut signs characterized with multiple concentric rings at the lateral abdomen, and the bowel loop appeared distended. Exploratory laparatomy confirmed intussusception of the terminal part of the ileum into the caecum, extending to the ascending colon. Hemicolectomy and end-to-end iliocolostomy was performed. Histological examination of the resected bowel revealed Schistosoma mansoni eggs within the mucosa, submucosa of the ileum, caecum and ascending colon, granulomatous inflammation with foreign body giant cells accompanied by fibrosis and eosinophilic infiltrate into the mucosa. Postoperatively, the patient recovered well. There may have been a synergistic effect of schistosomiasis with other underlying conditions, leading to intussusception. In conclusion, it is important to consider S. mansoni infection as a differential diagnosis for intestinal obstruction in endemic areas

    Inventory of potential vectors of trypanosoma and infection rate of the Tsetse fly in the National Park of Ivindo, Gabon

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    Background: Trypanosoma’s vectors distribution is poorly investigated in Gabon, where  Trypanosomiasis historical foci exist. Thus, an active detection of Trypanosoma sp transmission needs to be assessed.Objectives: The present study aims to identify potential vectors of Trypanosoma sp and to evaluate the infection rate of the Tsetse fly in an area of Gabon.Methods: An entomological survey was conducted in the National Park of Ivindo in May 2012 using Vavoua traps. All captured insects were identified. Tsetse were dissected and organs were  microscopically observed to detect the presence of Trypanosoma sp.Results: 247 biting flies known as vectors of Trypanosomiasis were caught including 189 tsetse flies, 32 Tabanid and 26 Stomoxys. Tsetse flies had the highest bulk densities per trap per day (ADT = 3 tsetse / trap / day), while the lowest density was found among Stomoxys (ADT= 0.41 Stomoxys / trap / day). The infection rate of flies was 6.3%. Infectious organs were midguts and to a lesser extent salivary glands and proboscis.Conclusion: The presence of Tsetse infected by Trypanosoma highlights an existing risk of trypanosomiasis infection in the National Park of Ivindo.Keywords: Tsetse fly, Tabanids, vector, Stomoxys, biodiversity, trypanosomiasis

    High seroprevalence of specific Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies among HIV/AIDS patients with immunological failure attending a tertiary hospital in northwestern Tanzania

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     Toxoplasmosis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among patients with advanced HIV disease. However, there is limited data on the magnitude of toxoplasmosis among HIV patients with immunological treatment failure. Therefore, this study was designed to determine the seroprevalence of specific Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies among HIV/AIDS patients attending Bugando Medical Centre in Mwanza, Tanzania. Immunological treatment failure was defined using the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria and specific T.gondii IgG antibodies were determined using indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent (ELISA). A total of 178 non-repetitive sera from HIV/AIDS patients were analyzed. The mean age of study participants was 38.5±11.3 years. Majority of study participants were males 120 (67.42%). Out of 178 patients, 38 (21.34%) were diagnosed to have immunological failure. T.gondii specific IgG antibodies were found in 26 (68.4%) of the patients with immunological failure compared to 46 (32.86%) of those without immunological failure (OR: 4.42, CI: 2.05-9.55; p<0.001). The seroprevalence of T.gondii infection is high among patients with immunological treatment failure and place them at a high risk of T. gondii encephalitis necessitating sustained trimethoprim-sulfamethaxazole prophylaxis to prevent reactivation.  

    Etude préliminaire de l’infestation des glossines par les trypanosomes dans le baï de Momba (Nord-Est Gabon)

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    Une étude préliminaire entomo-parasitologique a été effectuée pendant la grande saison sèche à l’interieur et autour du baï de Momba (nord-est Gabon) pour examiner les espèces de Trypanosomes transmises par les glossines. Ces dernières ont été capturées à l’aide des pièges vavoua et nzi. Les infections par les trypanosomes chez ces glossines ont été recherchées à l’aide d’un microscope au niveau des glandes salivaires, proboscis et intestins moyens des glossines. Ainsi, une infection du proboscis seul correspond à T. vivax, celles des glandes salivaires à T. brucei et celle du proboscis et de l’intestin moyen à T. congolense. Au total six espèces de glossines ont été identifiées : Glossina palpalis palpalis, G. nashi, G. fusca congolensis, G. tachinoides, G. frezili et G. fuscipes fuscipes. Le taux global d’infestation des glossines disséquées et observées au microscope a été estimé à 30 %. L’infestation des glossines par les trypanosomes témoigne de l’existence d’un risque trypanosomien dans le baï de Momba et suggère ainsi l’établissement d’un cycle de transmission Animal-Glossine-Homme dans ce milieu.Mots clés: Glossina, T. vivax, T. congolense, baï de Momba, trypanosomes. Preliminary study of infection of tsetse by trypanosomes in the baï of Momba North East GabonA preliminary study are insect parasitology was carried out during the long dry season in and around the baï of Momba (north-east Gabon) to examine the species of trypanosomes transmitted by tsetse flies. The flies were captured using traps and Vavoua nzi. Infections by trypanosomes were investigated using a microscope in the salivary glands and the proboscis intestines means tsetse. In total six tsetse species were identified : Glossina palpalis palpalis, G. nashi, G. fusca congolensis, G. tachinoides, G. frezili and G. fuscipes fuscipes. The overall rate of infestation of flies dissected and observed under the microscope is estimated at 30 %. The infestation of Bai Momba by flies carrying trypanosomes demonstrates the existence of a trypanosome risk and thus suggests the establishment of a transmission cycle Human-Animal-Glossina in this environment.Keywords: tsetse flies, T. vivax, T. congolense, baï of Momba, trypanosome

    Caractérisation physico-chimique des sols en vue de l’amélioration de la productivité du manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz) dans la région de Damara au centre-sud de Centrafrique

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    La présente étude vise à améliorer la productivité du manioc (Manihot esculenta), aliment de base des centrafricains. Plus spécifiquement, il s’agit de (i) caractériser les propriétés physico-chimiques du sol et (ii) déterminer les indicateurs de fertilité des sols étudiés. La collecte des données a consisté à prélever le sol de la couche 0-20 cm, sur les champs de manioc du site expérimental de LaSBAD. Les sols ont été prélevés suivant un dispositif de randomisation, en vue de constituer un échantillon composite de 1 kg par champs. Ils sont séchés, tamisés et analysés au laboratoire de sol du CIRAD-Montpellier-France. Les résultats analytiques de sol ont été comparés à des valeurs de références. Les sols étudiés présentent une texture loameuse et un pH optimal de 5,5, favorable à la culture du manioc, et sont très pourvus en matière organique. Le bilan des éléments nutritifs révèle des carences en calcium et en échangeable. L’analyse en composantes principales a montré une corrélation entre les indicateurs de la fertilité des sols. L’utilisation des légumineuses et la fertilisation organo-minérale à une dose adéquate sont des solutions envisageables pour améliorer la productivité du manioc en Centrafrique.Mots clés: indicateur de fertilité, productivité, manioc, propriété physico-chimique, CentrafriqueEnglish Title: Characterization physicochemical soils to improve productivity of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in the region of Damara in south-central of Central African RepublicEnglish AbstractThe present study is a contribution to the improvement of cassava (Manihot esculenta) tubers’ productivity in the Republic of Central Africa. Especially it aims to characterize the physicochemical properties of soil and (ii) assess fertility indicators of soil. Data collection was consisted to sample the soil from horizon 0-20 cm in cassava fields of producers and the agricultural site of the LaSBAD. Soils were sampled randomly to form a composite sample of 1 kg per field. Soil samples were dried, sieved, and analysed within the laboratory of soil of CIRAD in Montpellier-France. The analytical results of soils were compared to reference values. The studied soils are in their surface organic loamy texture and optimal of 5.5 pH suitable for the cultivation of cassava. They are well supplied with organic matter. The nutrient balance showed that the most significant deficiencies include calcium and magnesium exchangeable. The principal component analysis showed a best correlation relationship between indicators of soil fertility. The use of legumes, and fertilization organicmineral at one dose adequate were possible conceivable solutions to improve cassava in Central African Republic.Keywords: Diagnosis of deficiency, soils’ fertility, cassava, savannah, Central African Republi

    Inventory of potential vectors of trypanosoma and infection rate of the Tsetse fly in the National Park of Ivindo, Gabon.

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    Background: Trypanosoma\u2019s vectors distribution is poorly investigated in Gabon, where Trypanosomiasis historical foci exist. Thus, an active detection of Trypanosoma sp transmission needs to be assessed. Objectives: The present study aims to identify potential vectors of Trypanosoma sp and to evaluate the infection rate of the Tsetse fly in an area of Gabon. Methods: An entomological survey was conducted in the National Park of Ivindo in May 2012 using Vavoua traps. All captured insects were identified. Tsetse were dissected and organs were microscopically observed to detect the presence of Trypanosoma sp. Results: 247 biting flies known as vectors of Trypanosomiasis were caught including 189 tsetse flies, 32 Tabanid and 26 Stomoxys . Tsetse flies had the highest bulk densities per trap per day (ADT = 3 tsetse / trap / day), while the lowest density was found among Stomoxys (ADT= 0.41 Stomoxys / trap / day). The infection rate of flies was 6.3%. Infectious organs were midguts and to a lesser extent salivary glands and proboscis. Conclusion: The presence of Tsetse infected by Trypanosoma highlights an existing risk of trypanosomiasis infection in the National Park of Ivindo

    Surveillance de l'endometre sous traitement hormonal de substitution par echo-Doppler

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    Objectives: To determine endometrial thickness, uterine and endometrial blood flow in postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Study design: forty hundred forty eight women were divided into six groups based on HRT. The endometrial thickness of all of them were examinated with Aloka 2000 and pulsatility and resistance index of uterine and endometrial arteries (if visible) were calculated. P < 0.05 was considered as significative. Result: The endometrial thickness was 2.8 mm ± 2.6 in group without HRT (n = 168), this endometrial thickness was significatively (p < 0.0001) lower than group with oestrogen alone: 8.7 mm ± 6, HRT sequential: 6.7 mm ± 3, HRT continous: 4 mm ± 3.1 (p<0.01), Progestagen alone: 8 mm ± 5.8 and Tibolone 6.7 mm ± 4. The mean RIs and PIs of uterine arteries are significantly lower in women receiving HRT (group 2-6) than women without HRT (0.72 ± 0.12 versus 0.92 ± 0.01) p < 0.01 and 2.16 ± 0.8 versus 2.46 ± 0.8 p < 0.01. The endometrial PI of 1.17 ± 0.4 in the HRT group was not significantly different from that in the no HRT group (1.85 ± 0.4) p = 0.06. Conclusion: The endometrial thickness was considerably lower with continous hormone replacement therapy around 4 mm. Moderate endometrial blood flow were present in all groups. The color doppler ultrasound reflects the hormonal status and change in the uterine and endometrial perfusion depending on hormonal therapy.SCOPUS: re.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe