4,519 research outputs found

    Dissipative Effects on the Superfluid to Insulator Transition in Mixed-dimensional Optical Lattices

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    We study the superfluid to Mott insulator transition of a mixture of heavy bosons and light fermions loaded in an optical lattice. We focus on the effect of the light fermions on the dynamics of the heavy bosons. It is shown that, when the lattice potential is sufficiently deep to confine the bosons to one dimension but allowing the fermions to freely move in three dimensions (i.e. a mixed-dimensionality lattice), the fermions act as an ohmic bath for bosons leading to screening and dissipation effects on the bosons. Using a perturbative renormalization-group analysis, it is shown that the fermion-induced dissipative effects have no appreciable impact on the transition from the superfluid to the Mott-insulator state at integer filling. On the other hand, dissipative effects are found to be very important in the half-filled case near the critical point. In this case, in the presence of a finite incommensurability that destabilizes the Mott phase, the bosons can still be localized by virtue of dissipative effects.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Model Wavefunctions for the Collective Modes and the Magneto-roton Theory of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    We construct model wavefunctions for the collective modes of fractional quantum Hall systems. The wavefunctions are expressed in terms of symmetric polynomials characterized by a root partition and a "squeezed" basis, and show excellent agreement with exact diagonalization results for finite systems. In the long wavelength limit, the model wavefunctions reduce to those predicted by the single-mode approximation, and remain accurate at energies above the continuum of roton pairs.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minor changes for the final prl versio

    Multiphase transport model for heavy ion collisions at RHIC

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    Using a multiphase transport model (AMPT) with both partonic and hadronic interactions, we study the multiplicity and transverse momentum distributions of charged particles such as pions, kaons and protons in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies. Effects due to nuclear shadowing and jet quenching on these observables are also studied. We further show preliminary results on the production of multistrange baryons from the strangeness-exchange reactions during the hadronic stage of heavy ion collisions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, espcrc1.sty included, presented at 15th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (QM2001), Long Island, New York, January 200

    Partonic effects on higher-order anisotropic flows in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    Higher-order anisotropic flows v4v_{4} and v6v_{6} in heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider are studied in a multiphase transport model that has previously been used successfully for describing the elliptic flow v2v_2 in these collisions. We find that the same parton scattering cross section of about 10 \textrm{mb} used in explaining the measured v2v_2 can also reproduce the recent data on v4v_{4} and v6v_{6} from Au + Au collisions at s=200\sqrt{s}=200 \textrm{AGeV}. It is further found that the % v_{4} is a more sensitive probe of the initial partonic dynamics in these collisions than v2v_{2}. Moreover, higher-order parton anisotropic flows are nonnegligible and satisfy the scaling relation vn,q(pT)∼v2,qn/2(pT)v_{n,q}(p_{T})\sim v_{2,q}^{n/2}(p_{T}), which leads naturally to the observed similar scaling relation among hadron anisotropic flows when the coalescence model is used to describe hadron production from the partonic matter.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, version to appear in PRC as a Rapid Communicatio

    Enhanced transmission of optically thick metallic films at infrared wavelengths

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    For an optically thick metallic film, the transmission for both s- and p-polarized waves is extremely low. If the metallic film is coated on both sides with a finite dielectric layer, light transmission for pp-polarized waves can be enhanced considerably. This enhancement is not related to surface plasmon-polaritions. Instead, it is due to the interplay between Fabry-Perot interference in the coated dielectric layer and the existence of the Brewster angle at the dielectric/metallic interface. It is shown that the coated metallic films can act as excellent polarizers at infrared wavelengths.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Appl. Phys. Let

    Late-Time Optical Afterglow Observations with LBT and MDM

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    Using the 2.4m MDM and 8.4m Large Binocular Telescope, we observed nine GRB afterglows to systematically probe the late time behaviors of afterglows including jet breaks, flares, and supernova bumps. In particular, the LBT observations have typical flux limits of 25-26 mag in the Sloan r' band, which allows us to extend the temporal baseline for measuring jet breaks by another decade in time scale. We detected four jet breaks (including a "textbook" jet break in GRB070125) and a fifth candidate, all of which are not detectable without deep, late time optical observations. In the other four cases, we do not detect the jet breaks either because of contamination from the host galaxy light, the presence of a supernova bump, or the intrinsic faintness of the optical afterglow. This suggests that the basic picture that GRBs are collimated is still valid and that the apparent lack of Swift jet breaks is due to poorly sampled afterglow light curves, particularly at late times. Besides the jet breaks, we also detected late time flares, which could attribute to late central engine activities, and two supernova bumps.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 2008 NANJING GAMMA-RAY BURST CONFERENCE. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1065, pp. 93-97 (2008), Eds. Y.F. Huang, Z.G. Dai, B. Zhan

    Ecological surveys of certain plant communities around urban areas of Karachi

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    A phytosociological study was conducted as an initial assessment of the vegetation on different sites to determine the community structure and how the communities were related based on their species composition and edaphic characteristics. The communities were distinct types ranging from halophytes to xerophytes withdisturbed in nature. Plant communities based on first leading dominant species (Prosopis, Avicennia, Gynandropis, Salvadora, Ipomea, Halopyrum, Limonium, Abutilon and Calotropis) were explored in the study area. Out of thirtynine plant species, Prosopis juliflora attained the highest total importance value index (I.V.I.) followed by Avicenniamarina, Suaeda fruticosa and Gynandropsis gynandra. Nine species attained first leading position. Thirteen species attained second dominant position. However, twelve species attained third dominant position in all stands. P. juliflora was the only species that was found six times as a first dominant, three times as second and one time as a thirddominates species. None of the other species was in a position to get first, second and third position as a leading dominant in all stands. The communities were of heterogeneous type, with low species diversity and ranged from 1.36 to 4.54. Most of the plant communities showed less than 50% CMI values. However, Prosopis in association with Pasplidium and Cenchrus community showed highest CMI value (70.00). The soils of the study areas were sandy loam, loamy sand, loamy silt, sandy and silty. The soils are alkaline in nature. An appreciable amount of calcium carbonate (13-26%) with moderate percentage of maximum water holding capacity (19-41%) and high soilEC (593 s/cmì) were recorded. It was also observed that certain edaphic and human activity, discharge of pollutants with out any pretreatment was found responsible for variation in the nature, structure and composition of vegetation. The plant growth and their continuity was in danger in many disturb areas, especially in some coastal areas where salinity and the incident of Tasman spirit oil spillage was occurred just few months before the survey carried out.Construction of flyover, expansion of the roads and cut down of the natural vegetation producing additional losses to flora of the region
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