12 research outputs found

    Analysis of static and dynamic deformation modulus

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    This article summarises dynamic deformation modulus correlation with second reload of static plate load test results for an even thickness soil strata layer. An analysis of execution and result interpretation of both static deformation modulus and dynamic deformation modulus is provided also. Different correlations between the two modulus according to different authors are provided. Since dynamic plate load test is not regulated in Lithuania as a soil compaction contron method, a few dynamic plate load tests and static plate load tests were executed in order to compare compaction results. The additional experiments for dynamic plate load tests in different depths were executed which showed that deformation modulus is dependant on depth of test execution, thus it is worthwile to mention to be cautious on compaction results in trenches


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    Goal: The systemic macroeconomic environment is represented by economic and mathematical models that describe basic conditions for transmissions. Transmission mechanisms are formed not only by monetary policy instruments but also by other macroeconomic tools and factors that launch self-organizing processes, in particular, cyclicality and economic growth. Methods: To define such transmissions, the authors used the main macroeconomic models and functions that describe the institutional sectors of the economy; consumption and investment functions; arguments and functions underlying the balance of payments; and identity of national accounts. Results: An example of non-monetary transmissions is the influence of the public sector using the model of monetary and financial markets. The proposed methodological approach can be an economic and mathematical basis for developing software systems focused on forecasting economic dynamics, predicting monetary and financial crises, and managing the development of the national economy

    Influence of Calcite Particles on Mechanical Properties of Grouted Sandy Soil

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    Chemical and mineralogical content of sands has very high influence on uniaxial compressed strength of grouted soils. In this paper influence of calcite particles in sand on mechanical properties of grouted with urea-formaldehyde resin sandy soil is described. Long-lasting experimental laboratory investigations are executed. In result of our investigations we make conclusion, that addition of calcite particles in sandy soil decreased compressed strength of grouted soil specimens observed in time of 3 months.12th international conference “Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques” (MBMST 2016

    Research of cement additives influence on the properties of soilcrete

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    The article analyses a possibility of replacing a part of cement with fly ash in jet grouting piles, because the received strength of cement treated grout is much higher than it is necessary for these piles. The paper presents the problems of fly ash utilization, overviews experimental and theoretical works and analyses laboratory tests on the samples of cement treated grout. The conducted experiments involved manufacturing cylindrical cement treated grout samples containing different additives when the diameter of the cylinder is 35 mm, and its height is 70 mm. The experiments on the samples comprising the additives of fly ash were made in sand and clay soils. 25% to 75% of cement was replaced with fly ash in cement treated grout samples tested under compressive strength following 7 days hardening in air

    Problems and prospects of higher education system development in modern society

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    Education as a subsystem of economy is a structural component of production, exchange, distribution, consumption and reproduction of economic values. At the same time, education produces specific value added, market commodity – educational service, and transforms an ordinary person into a rare labor resource under conditions of extremely dense specialization of economic activity. The decisive role in this process belongs to higher education. In the paper, the problem of development of the European higher school is considered. Attention is focused on priorities of European higher education, which are directed at improvement of the organizational structure and quality of scientific and professional training: internationalization and trans-nationalization of educational processes, higher education quality assurance, actualization and a rise of the level of doctoral training, development of the culture of academic autonomy and creativity of higher educational institutions as a guarantee of sustainable self-development, orientation to a harmonious combination of scientific studies, business and practical training. Basic trends of the experience of European countries in the mechanism of promotion of higher educational institution activity and formation of the educational system in Russia were considered.peer-reviewe

    Project management challenges and labour migration: opportunities for sustainable development

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    The management of projects faces numerous challenges, including those related to labour migration. Labour migration has been a common phenomenon across the globe, and it presents both challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. This literature review is a vital component of an ongoing research project aimed at examining the impact of labour migration on sustainable development. The underlying objective of this paper is to address the apparent disparity between the perceptions of policymakers and project managers regarding the challenges posed by labour migration, and the actual opportunities that it presents for sustainable development. In this article we explore the challenges faced by project managers in dealing with labour migration and the opportunities it presents for sustainable development. The paper findings indicate that project managers face challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences, and legal issues in dealing with migrant workers. However, labour migration presents opportunities for sustainable development by enhancing cultural exchange, skills transfer, and economic growth. The implications of these findings for project management practices and labour migration policies are discussed. The study recommends that project managers and policymakers have to collaborate to develop effective strategies to address the challenges and harness the opportunities presented by labour migration for sustainable development. This study contributes to the existing literature on project management and labour migration by highlighting the need for a sustainable approach to managing projects that involve migrant workers

    Influence of the scheme of air exchange organization in the room on the efficiency of the air-jet hood of the heat treatment chamber

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    Local exhaust ventilation allows maximizing the localization of hazards with minimum values of air exchange in the room. For the study, the design of a local exhaust in the form of an air-jet hood at an open doorway of the UKM Classic M 2005 chamber by Mauting was adopted. Geometric models have been developed, including a heat treatment chamber, a room from which the chamber is loaded, a supply and exhaust hood over the door from the chamber to the room, and a supply air duct with air distributing devices. The results of a computational experiment on modeling the operation of the local exhaust ventilation system of the heat treatment chamber are presented. The STAR-CCM+ software package was used as a calculation program. The calculation results were analyzed. The influence of the air exchange scheme (location of the supply devices) in the room on the efficiency of the local exhaust devices (supply and exhaust hood) has been established

    Personnel resistibility in lean manufacturing

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    One of the barriers of the lean manufacturing introduction in enterprises is staff resistibility to change. The article describes the impact of philosophy and the concept of lean manufacturing training on the level of staff readiness for change. The research object is an engineering enterprise. Using the ROC technique, the authors conduct observations before and after training. The analysis shows that the number of neutral and positively inclined personnel increased from 70% to 82% after the training. Global practice indicates that it is possible to state the absence of barriers to implementation when the threshold is 80% according to these indicators

    Project management challenges and labour migration: opportunities for sustainable development

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    The management of projects faces numerous challenges, including those related to labour migration. Labour migration has been a common phenomenon across the globe, and it presents both challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. This literature review is a vital component of an ongoing research project aimed at examining the impact of labour migration on sustainable development. The underlying objective of this paper is to address the apparent disparity between the perceptions of policymakers and project managers regarding the challenges posed by labour migration, and the actual opportunities that it presents for sustainable development. In this article we explore the challenges faced by project managers in dealing with labour migration and the opportunities it presents for sustainable development. The paper findings indicate that project managers face challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences, and legal issues in dealing with migrant workers. However, labour migration presents opportunities for sustainable development by enhancing cultural exchange, skills transfer, and economic growth. The implications of these findings for project management practices and labour migration policies are discussed. The study recommends that project managers and policymakers have to collaborate to develop effective strategies to address the challenges and harness the opportunities presented by labour migration for sustainable development. This study contributes to the existing literature on project management and labour migration by highlighting the need for a sustainable approach to managing projects that involve migrant workers


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    Актуальность исследования обусловлена тем, что формирование благоприятного социально-психологического климата трудового коллектива является одним из важнейших условий борьбы за рост производительности труда, качество выпускаемой продукции или предоставляемых услуг. В данной статье представлены результаты эмпирического исследования, целью которого является выявление особенностей связи социально-психологического климата в коллективе и ценностных ориентаций сотрудников сферы здравоохранения. Для достижения поставленной цели нами использовался комплекс методов: теоретический анализ научной отечественной и зарубежной литературы, методы сбора эмпирических данных (анонимный анкетный опрос, диагностика психологического климата в малой производственной группе В.В. Шпалинского, Э.Г. Шелест, методика М. Рокича «Ценностные ориентации»), математико-статистические методы обработки данных. Установлено, что формированию благоприятного социально-психологического климата в коллективе способствует культивирование таких ценностей, как ответственность, познание, продуктивная жизнь, интересная работа. При высокой значимости для сотрудников таких ценностей, как развлечения, свобода и материально обеспеченная жизнь наблюдаются более низкие оценки социально-психологического климата. Таким образом, ценностные ориентации сотрудников являются важным фактором формирования благоприятного социально-психологического климата организации.The research is actual and justified because good social and psychological climate in a team is one the most important conditions for increasing of labour efficiency, quality of products and provided services. This article presents the results of the empirical research which had a goal to detect the main features of the connection between social and psychological climate in a team and health workers’ systems of values. To reach this goal complex of the following methods has been used: theoretical analysis of native and foreign works, empirical methods of data collection (anonymous questionnaire survey, diagnostic of psychological climate in a small production by V.V. Shpalinsky, E.G. Shelest, technique “Value systems” by Rockich), mathematical and statistical methods of data processing. It is discovered that cultivation of such values as responsibility, noesis, productive life, interesting work helps to develop good social and psychological climate in the collective. If such values as entertainments, freedom and material well-being are very important for employees, the ranks of the social and psychological climate are lower. In summary, workers’ systems of values are an important factor of developing friendly social and psychological climate in an organization