2,502 research outputs found

    Pistil transcriptome analysis to disclose genes and gene products related to aposporous apomixis in Hypericum perforatum L.

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    Unlike sexual reproduction, apomixis encompasses a number of reproductive strategies,which permit maternal genome inheritance without genetic recombination and syngamy. The key biological features of apomixis are the circumvention of meiosis (i.e., apomeiosis),the differentiation of unreduced embryo sacs and egg cells, and their autonomous development in functional embryos through parthenogenesis, and the formation of viable endosperm either via fertilization-independent means or following fertilization with a sperm cell. Despite the importance of apomixis for breeding of crop plants and although much research has been conducted to study this process, the genetic control of apomixis is still not well understood. Hypericum perforatum is becoming an attractive model system for the study of aposporous apomixis. Here we report results from a global gene expression analysis of H. perforatum pistils collected from sexual and aposporous plant accessions for the purpose of identifying genes, biological processes and molecular functions associated with the aposporous apomixis pathway. Across two developmental stages corresponding to the expression of aposporous apomeiosis and parthenogenesis in ovules, a total of 224 and 973 unigenes were found to be significantly up- and down-regulated with a fold change >= 2 in at least one comparison, respectively.Differentially expressed genes were enriched for multiple gene ontology (GO) terms,including cell cycle, DNA metabolic process, and single-organism cellular process. For molecular functions, the highest scores were recorded for GO terms associated withDNA binding, DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase activity and heterocyclic compound binding. As deregulation of single components of the sexual developmental pathway is believed to be a trigger of the apomictic reproductive program, all genes involved in sporogenesis, gametogenesis and response to hormonal stimuli were analyzed in great detail. Overall, our data suggest that phenotypic expression of apospory is concomitant with the modulation of key genes involved in the sexual reproductive pathway. Furthermore, based on gene annotation and co-expression, we underline a putative role of hormones and key actors playing in the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway in regulating the developmental changes occurring during aposporous apomixis in H. perforatum

    Direct-current stimulation of posterior tibial nerve modulates the Soleus H-reflex amplitude

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    Introduction: Several studies demonstrated that transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCs) is a promising non-invasive tool able to modulate the excitability of several CNS structures. Its effect is usually facilitatory when using anodal polarity and inhibitory for the cathodal one. In most studies, DC stimulation was applied on cortical or spinal structures, while little is known about its effect on peripheral nerves fibres. This research aims at highlighting such effect. Methods: In twenty subjects, electrical stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve (1 ms current pulses, 1 shock every 9 s) was used to elicit the H-re\ufb02ex in the Soleus muscle. Once the H-re\ufb02ex amplitude was stable for at least 15 min, DCs (either cathodal or anodal) was applied proximally to the same nerve for 10 min, looking for changes in re\ufb02ex amplitude. Then, the H-re\ufb02ex was measured for 30 further minutes, looking for after-effects. Results: Cathodal DCs induced a significant increase of the H-re\ufb02ex amplitude (about +35%) with respect to the control value. In this configuration the after-effect lasted about 25 min. Anodal DCs induced instead a significant decrease (about -25%) of the re\ufb02ex amplitude. A significant after-effect was observed for just about 5 min. Discussion: This study shows that DCs applied to a peripheral nerve is able to elicit neuromodulation. Its polarity dependence suggests a local change in the excitability of nerve fibres rather than a central modulation of the spinal re\ufb02ex circuit. Moreover it is worth to note that the polarity dependence was opposite to what found for tDCS

    Direct current stimulation modulates the excitability of the sensory and motor fibres in the human posterior tibial nerve, with a long-lasting effect on the H-reflex

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    Several studies demonstrated that transcutaneous direct current stimulation (DCS) may modulate central nervous system excitability. However, much less is known about how DC affects peripheral nerve fibres. We investigated the action of DCS on motor and sensory fibres of the human posterior tibial nerve, with supplementary analysis in acute experiments on rats. In forty human subjects, electric pulses at the popliteal fossa were used to elicit either M-waves or H-reflexes in the Soleus, before (15 min), during (10 min) and after (30 min) DCS. Cathodal or anodal current (2 mA) was applied to the same nerve. Cathodal DCS significantly increased the H-reflex amplitude; the post-polarization effect lasted up to ~ 25 min after the termination of DCS. Anodal DCS instead significantly decreased the reflex amplitude for up to ~ 5 min after DCS end. DCS effects on M-wave showed the same polarity dependence but with considerably shorter after-effects, which never exceeded 5 min. DCS changed the excitability of both motor and sensory fibres. These effects and especially the long-lasting modulation of the H-reflex suggest a possible rehabilitative application of DCS that could be applied either to compensate an altered peripheral excitability or to modulate the afferent transmission to spinal and supraspinal structures. In animal experiments, DCS was applied, under anaesthesia, to either the exposed peroneus nerve or its Dorsal Root, and its effects closely resembled those found in human subjects. They validate therefore the use of the animal models for future investigations on the DCS mechanisms

    Precision measurements of Linear Scattering Density using Muon Tomography

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    We demonstrate that muon tomography can be used to precisely measure the properties of various materials. The materials which have been considered have been extracted from an experimental blast furnace, including carbon (coke) and iron oxides, for which measurements of the linear scattering density relative to the mass density have been performed with an absolute precision of 10%. We report the procedures that are used in order to obtain such precision, and a discussion is presented to address the expected performance of the technique when applied to heavier materials. The results we obtain do not depend on the specific type of material considered and therefore they can be extended to any application.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental study of consistency degradation of different greases in mixed neutron and gamma radiation

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    Many of the moving components in accelerator and target environments require lubrication. Lubricants in such environments are exposed to high fluxes of secondary radiation, which originates from beam interactions with the target and from beam losses. The secondary radiation is a mix of components, which can include significant fractions of neutrons. Lubricants are radiation-sensitive polymeric materials. The radiation-induced modifications of their structure reduce their service lifetime and impose additional facility maintenance, which is complicated by the environmental radioactivity. The study of the lubricants radiation resistance is therefore necessary for the construction of new generation accelerators and target systems. Nevertheless, data collected in mixed radiation fields are scarce. Nine commercial greases were irradiated at a TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor to serve for the construction of new accelerator projects like the European Spallation Source (ESS) at Lund (Sweden) and Selective Production of Exotic Species (SPES) at Legnaro, (Italy). Mixed neutron and gamma doses ranging from 0.1MGy to 9.0MGy were delivered to the greases. For an experimental quantification of their degradation, consistency was measured. Two of the greases remained stable, while the others became fluid. Post-irradiation examinations evidence the cleavage of the polymeric structure as the dominant radiation effect. Dose and fluence limits for the use of each product are presented. Apart from the scientific significance, the results represent an original and useful reference in selecting radiation resistant greases for accelerator and target applications

    Noise reduction in muon tomography for detecting high density objects

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    The muon tomography technique, based on multiple Coulomb scattering of cosmic ray muons, has been proposed as a tool to detect the presence of high density objects inside closed volumes. In this paper a new and innovative method is presented to handle the density fluctuations (noise) of reconstructed images, a well known problem of this technique. The effectiveness of our method is evaluated using experimental data obtained with a muon tomography prototype located at the Legnaro National Laboratories (LNL) of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). The results reported in this paper, obtained with real cosmic ray data, show that with appropriate image filtering and muon momentum classification, the muon tomography technique can detect high density materials, such as lead, albeit surrounded by light or medium density material, in short times. A comparison with algorithms published in literature is also presented

    Una procedura per la valutazione dei limiti di utilizzo di O-Ring sottoposti ad intensi fasci di neutroni

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    Si presenta una procedura per la previsione della durata di utilizzo di O-ring in materiale polimerico impiegati nei bersagli per la produzione di fasci di ioni radioattivi. Si sono dapprima condotte prove di tenuta a vuoto e analisi a elementi finiti di un O-ring di riferimento operante con diversi livelli di interferenza con la cava, identificando la precompressione limite per la tenuta e la corrispondente pressione di contatto con la cava. Si sono poi effettuate prove di trazione e di Compression Set su campioni di O-ring in EPDM, preventivamente sottoposti a diversi livelli di irraggiamento in campi misti di neutroni e gamma, analizzando l’effetto della dose assorbita sul comportamento meccanico del materiale e sulle corrispondenti proprietà resistenziali, e definendo opportune leggi costitutive. Si sono infine simulate le progressive modifiche di comportamento della guarnizione indotte dall’irraggiamento, prevedendone la durata in esercizio in termini di tenuta e di resistenza strutturale

    First determination of the one-proton induced Non-Mesonic Weak Decay width of p-shell {\Lambda}-Hypernuclei

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    Previous studies of proton and neutron spectra from Non-Mesonic Weak Decay of eight Lambda-Hypernuclei (A = 5-16) have been revisited. New values of the ratio of the two-nucleon and the one-proton induced decay widths, Gamma_2N/Gamma_p, are obtained from single proton spectra, Gamma_2N/Gamma_p = 0.50 +/- 0.24, and from neutron and proton coincidence spectra, Gamma_2N/Gamma_p = 0.36 +/- 0.14stat +0.05sys -0.04sys , in full agreement with previously published ones. With these values, a method is developed to extract the one-proton induced decay width in units of the free Lambda decay width, Gamma_p/Gamma_Lambda, without resorting to Intra Nuclear Cascade models but by exploiting only experimental data, under the assumption of a linear dependence on A of the Final State Interaction contribution. This is the first systematic determination ever done and it agrees within the errors with recent theoretical calculations.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 2 table
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