89 research outputs found

    Egirdir Gölünden izole edilen yeşil mikroalg (Chlorophyta) Scenedesmus protuberans Fris.'in antimikrobiyal ve antioksidan özelliğinin araştırılması

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    Bu çalışmada, alg biyokütlesine etki eden optimum parametrelerin ve farklı koşullarda yetiştirilen hücrelerin antioksidan ve antibakteriyal aktivitelerindeki değişimin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Isparta' nın Eğirdir gölünden izole edilen yeşil bir mikroalg olan Scenedesmus protuberans Fritsch.'in antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal aktivitesi belirlenmiştir. S. protuberans' ın farklı kültür ortamlarında, ışık şiddetlerinde ve sıcaklıklarda büyüme eğrileri araştırılmıştır. Daha sonra Soxhlet aparatı kullanılarak farklı çözücülerde S. protuberans ekstraksiyonu yapılmıştır. Bu ekstraktların antimikrobiyal aktivitesi disk difüzyon metodu ile 9 bakteri ve 1 mayaya karşı uygulanmıştır. β-karoten renk açılması ve DPPH ölçüm metotları kullanılarak antioksidan aktiviteleri değerlendirilmiştir. Bundan başka, Fenol-Ciocalteau prosedürü kullanılarak ekstraktların fenolik içerikleri belirlenmiştir


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    895 Byzantium coins which were recorded in the inventory between 1970-2006 have been determined in the study carried out in Malatya Archaeology Museum in August 2008. 464 of these coins are anonymous folles. According to sources from that period and numismatic data anonymous folles was started to be struck during the period of John I. The copper coinage Byzantine Empire, between the accession to the throne of John I in 969 and the great monetary reform of Alexius I in 1092 is distinguished from that of earlier centuries in two respects. First, there is a portrait of Christ on copper coins, although it was an application preferred only on golden coins until that time. Second, they were not struck in the name of any emperor. 80% of the coins being the subject of the paper comes from Malatya and its surroundings. Therefore, anonymous folles in Malatya Archaeology Museum is a data group reflecting the Middle Age Byzantine Anatolia well and accurately.Malatya (Melitine), Byzantine, Anonymous Folles


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    There are 11.370 ancient and Islamic coins in the coin collection of Bolu Archeology Museum. 394 Byzantine coins which were recorded in the inventory between 1975Ð2005 have been determined in the study carried out in Bolu Archaeology Museum in September 2008. 11 gold, 2 silver and 381 of these coins are bronze. Byzantine gold coins in museum from the reign of Basileios II, Cosntantine IX, Michael VII, Ioannes III and Michael VIII. In this study information was given on gold coins of emperors in catalogue.Byzantine, Gold Coin, Bolu

    The impact of organizational justice on knowledge sharing: Research on drug industry employees

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütsel adalet ile çalışanların bilgi paylaşımları arasındaki ilişkiyi inceleyerek örgütsel adaletin bilgi paylaşımı üzerine olumlu veya olumsuz etkisini belirlemektir. Araştırmanın verileri İstanbul’da ilaç sektöründe faaliyette bulunan A işletmesinin 138 çalışanından toplanmıştır. Verilerin elde edilmesinde, anket yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, örgütsel adalet üç temel boyutla ele alınmıştır. Birincisi işlemsel adalet, ikincisi dağıtımsal adalet, üçüncüsü ise etkileşimsel adalettir. Bilgi paylaşımı ise beş temel boyutta incelenmiştir. Bunlar bilgi paylaşım niyeti, açık bilgi paylaşım niyeti, bilgi paylaşım tutumu, motivasyon ve örtülü bilgi paylaşım niyetidir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda örgütsel adalet ile bilgi paylaşımı arasında pozitif bir ilişkinin olduğu görülmüştür.he purpose of this research is to identify the positive or negative impact of organizational justice on knowledge sharing by examining the relationship between the knowledge sharing patterns of employees and the justice in their organization. The data for the sur- vey were collected from 138 employees of company A, which is a drug industry company located in İstanbul. The data were collected through the questionnaire technique. In the study organizational justice is treated in three dimensions procedural justice, distributional justice, and interactional justice. Knowledge sharing in organizations is handled from five perspectives: intent to share knowledge, intent to share explicit knowledge, intent to share tacit knowledge, knowledge sharing attitude, and motivation to share knowledge. The results of the analyses demonstrate that there is a positive relationship between organizational justice and knowledge sharing

    Purification of phycocyanin from isolated and identified hot spring cyanobacteria

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    338-345Phycocyanin is a phycobiliprotein used as a healthy food additive as well as an ingredient in cosmetic dye preparation. In this study, we attempted molecular and morphological identification of three thermophilic filamentous cyanobacteria and also explored a method to separate and purify thermostable C-phycocyanin of analytical grade from them for biotechnological applications. Cyanobacteria strains were collected from hot springs in Karakoc-Seferihisar, Gulbahce-Urla and Sifne-Cesme in Izmir, Turkey. The samples were identified both by morphological observations and genetic assay. Filamentous cyanobacteria DNA from the collected samples was isolated and extracted, and were analyzed using a 16S rRNA cyanobacteria-specific PCR and a denaturing-gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Extraction and purification of phycocyanin was performed in two stages, ammonium sulfate saturation and dialysis, gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. Conventional separation of Geitlerinema sp., Halospirulina sp. and Phormidium animale was successfully performed yielding C-phycocyanin at 493.760±3.610, 89.060±3.209, 32.978±0.350, 4.046±0.193, 8.303±0.511 and 4.196±0.090 mg/g purity from gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography processes, respectively. The SDS-PAGE demonstrated that the P. animale, Halospirulina sp. and Geitlerinema sp. were purified phycocyanin. Overall, in this study, three cyanobacteria were isolated and cultivated in a laboratory conditions, and then the cyanobacterial cells was extracted and purified thermostable C-phycocyanin obtained, which may be used as raw material in food supplement and pharmaceutical industry

    A research in furniture industry concerning the factors having an impact on implementation of knowledge management

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    Araştırmanın temel amacı, mobilyacılık sektöründe bilgi yönetimi uygulamasında etkili olan faktörlerin uygulama düzeylerini ortaya koymaktır. Bu bağlamda, Ankara İlinde Sitelerde, Mobilyacılık sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmeler üzerine bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma 35 büyük boy işletme yöneticisi ile yapılmıştır. Verilerinin toplanmasında anket yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın temel amacına bağlı olarak mobilyacılık sektöründe bilgi yönetimi uygulamasında etkili olan temel faktörler belirlenmiştir. Bu faktörler, bilgi altyapısı, bilgi paylaşımı, bilişim sistemleri, bilgi destekli insan kaynakları yönetimi, liderlik ve politika, performans ölçümü olarak tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada söz konusu bu faktörlerin uygulanma düzeyleri ortaya konularak bulgulara ilişkin sonuç ve önerilere yer verilmiştir.The basic purpose of this paper is to find out the application levels of the factors affecting the implementation of knowledge management in the furniture industry. In this context, a research has been conducted among the furniture manufacturing companies in the Siteler district of Ankara. The research has been conducted with 35 large scale enterprise managers application. The data has been collected by means of a questionnaire. The basic factors which are decisive in the implementation of knowledge management have been identified in accordance with the purpose of the study. These factors are knowledge infrastructure, knowledge sharing, information systems, knowledge-based human resources management, leadership and politics, performance and appraisal. Exposing the exploitation levels of these factors, the results and recommendations are presented in view of the findings