33 research outputs found

    Expanding the clinical phenotype in patients with disease causing variants associated with atypical Usher syndrome

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    Atypical Usher syndrome (USH) is poorly defined with a broad clinical spectrum. Here, we characterize the clinical phenotype of disease caused by variants in CEP78, CEP250, ARSG, and ABHD12. Chart review evaluating demographic, clinical, imaging, and genetic findings of 19 patients from 18 families with a clinical diagnosis of retinal disease and confirmed disease-causing variants in CEP78, CEP250, ARSG, or ABHD12. CEP78-related disease included sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in 6/7 patients and demonstrated a broad phenotypic spectrum including: vascular attenuation, pallor of the optic disc, intraretinal pigment, retinal pigment epithelium mottling, areas of mid-peripheral hypo-autofluorescence, outer retinal atrophy, mild pigmentary changes in the macula, foveal hypo-autofluorescence, and granularity of the ellipsoid zone. Nonsense and frameshift variants in CEP250 showed mild retinal disease with progressive, non-congenital SNHL. ARSG variants resulted in a characteristic pericentral pattern of hypo-autofluorescence with one patient reporting non-congenital SNHL. ABHD12-related disease showed rod-cone dystrophy with macular involvement, early and severe decreased best corrected visual acuity, and non-congenital SNHL ranging from unreported to severe. This study serves to expand the clinical phenotypes of atypical USH. Given the variable findings, atypical USH should be considered in patients with peripheral and macular retinal disease even without the typical RP phenotype especially when SNHL is noted. Additionally, genetic screening may be useful in patients who have clinical symptoms and retinal findings even in the absence of known SNHL given the variability of atypical USH

    Cone Responses in Usher Syndrome Types 1 and 2 by Microvolt Electroretinography

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    Purpose:Progressive decline of psychophysical cone-mediated measures has been reported in type 1 (USH1) and type 2 (USH2) Usher syndrome. Conventional cone electroretinogram (ERG) responses in USH demonstrate poor signal-to-noise ratio. We evaluated cone signals in USH1 and USH2 by recording microvolt level cycle-by-cycle ERG (CxC). Methods:Responses of molecularly genotyped USH1 (n = 18) or USH2 (n = 24) subjects (age range: 15-69 years) were compared with those of controls (n = 12). A subset of USH1 (n = 9) and USH2 (n = 9) subjects was examined two to four times over 2 to 8 years. Photopic CxC ERG and conventional 30-Hz flicker ERG were recorded on the same visits. Results:USH subjects showed considerable cone flicker ERG amplitude losses and timing phase delays (p < 0.01) compared with controls. USH1 and USH2 had similar rates of progressive logarithmic ERG amplitude decline with disease duration (-0.012 log \u3bcV/year). Of interest, ERG phase delays did not progress over time. Two USH1C subjects retained normal response timing despite reduced amplitudes. The CxC ERG method provided reliable responses in all subjects, whereas conventional ERG was undetectable in 7 of 42 subjects. Conclusions:CxC ERG showed progressive loss of amplitude in both USH1 and USH2 subjects, comparable to that reported with psychophysical measures. USH subjects showed abnormal ERG response latency, but this changed less than amplitude with time. In USH syndrome, CxC ERG is more sensitive than conventional ERG and warrants consideration as an outcome measure in USH treatment trials

    A genetic and clinical study of individuals with nonsyndromic retinopathy consequent upon sequence variants in HGSNAT, the gene associated with Sanfilippo C mucopolysaccharidosis

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    Pathogenic variants in the gene HGSNAT (heparan-α-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase) have been reported to underlie two distinct recessive conditions, depending on the specific genotype, mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIC (MPSIIIC)-a severe childhood-onset lysosomal storage disorder, and adult-onset nonsyndromic retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Here we describe the largest cohort to-date of HGSNAT-associated nonsyndromic RP patients, and describe their retinal phenotype, leukocyte enzymatic activity, and likely pathogenic genotypes. We identified biallelic HGSNAT variants in 17 individuals (15 families) as the likely cause of their RP. None showed any other symptoms of MPSIIIC. All had a mild but significant reduction of HGSNAT enzyme activity in leukocytes. The retinal condition was generally of late-onset, showing progressive degeneration of a concentric area of paramacular retina, with preservation but reduced electroretinogram responses. Symptoms, electrophysiology, and imaging suggest the rod photoreceptor to be the cell initially compromised. HGSNAT enzymatic testing was useful in resolving diagnostic dilemmas in compatible patients. We identified seven novel sequence variants [p.(Arg239Cys); p.(Ser296Leu); p.(Phe428Cys); p.(Gly248Ala); p.(Gly418Arg), c.1543-2A>C; c.1708delA], three of which were considered to be retina-disease-specific alleles. The most prevalent retina-disease-specific allele p.(Ala615Thr) was observed heterozygously or homozygously in 8 and 5 individuals respectively (7 and 4 families). Two siblings in one family, while identical for the HGSNAT locus, but discordant for retinal disease, suggest the influence of trans-acting genetic or environmental modifying factors

    New and emerging technologies for the treatment of inherited retinal diseases: a horizon scanning review

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    The horizon scanning review aimed to identify new and emerging technologies in development that have the potential to slow or stop disease progression and/or reverse sight loss in people with inherited retinal diseases (IRDs). Potential treatments were identified using recognized horizon scanning methods. These included a combination of online searches using predetermined search terms, suggestions from clinical experts and patient and carer focus groups, and contact with commercial developers. Twenty-nine relevant technologies were identified. These included 9 gene therapeutic approaches, 10 medical devices, 5 pharmacological agents, and 5 regenerative and cell therapies. A further 11 technologies were identified in very early phases of development (typically phase I or pre-clinical) and were included in the final report to give a complete picture of developments ‘on the horizon'. Clinical experts and patient and carer focus groups provided helpful information and insights, such as the availability of specialised services for patients, the potential impacts of individual technologies on people with IRDs and their families, and helped to identify additional relevant technologies. This engagement ensured that important areas of innovation were not missed. Most of the health technologies identified are still at an early stage of development and it is difficult to estimate when treatments might be available. Further, well designed trials that generate data on efficacy, applicability, acceptability, and costs of the technologies, as well as the long-term impacts for various conditions are required before these can be considered for adoption into routine clinical practice