15 research outputs found

    Determinanty bezpieczeństwa państwa wobec współczesnych zagrożeń

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    Przedstawiona monografia zawiera swoisty obraz bezpieczeństwa państwa i jego specyfiki zbudowanej na zagrożeniach zarówno tych typowych dla procesu filogenezy, jak i charakterystycznych dla współczesnych czasów zjawisk związanych z rzeczywistością społeczną, polityczną, ekonomiczną, ekologiczną, militarną itp. Pomysł na powstanie pozycji, którą oddano do rąk Czytelnika, zrodził się w środowisku akademickim, gdzie wspierając się wiedzą i umiejętnościami teoretyków i praktyków, sprowokowano do wnikliwej dyskusji w obszarze bezpieczeństwa jednostki, grupy, narodu i koalicji państw. Celowość powstania niniejszej pozycji oparto na założeniu, że współczesne zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa państwa, mimo swego globalnego wymiaru, a może właśnie z tego powodu, dotyczą każdego z nas. Z tej właśnie racji nałożony jest na nas obowiązek zapoznania się ze specyfiką dzisiejszych zagrożeń, by w odpowiedni i świadomy sposób zapobiegać i przeciwdziałać negatywnym skutkom ich występowania

    Austenitic Stainless Steels - New Aspects

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    Stainless steel is still one of the fastest growing materials. Today, the austenitic stainless steel with the classic composition of 18% Cr and 8% Ni (grade 304L) is still the most widely used by far in the world. The unique characteristic of stainless steel arises from three main factors. The versatility results from high corrosion resistance, excellent low- and high-temperature properties, high toughness, formability, and weldability. The long life of stainless steels has been proven in service in a wide range of environments, together with low maintenance costs compared to other highly alloyed metallic materials. The retained value of stainless steel results from the high intrinsic value and easy recycling. Stainless steel, especially of austenitic microstructure, plays a crucial role in achieving sustainable development nowadays, so it is also important for further generations

    Motywacja do studiów na kierunku turystyka i rekreacja w różnych typach uczelni

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    The aim of this study was to present the tool used to identify, analyse and diagnose students’ motivation to study. The research is based on the Self Determination Theory. This research included 442 students of tourism and recreation at three types of universities. The Academic Motivation Scale was used and the method of the diagnostic survey using the questionnaire technique was applied. Results indicated that the respondents were a homogeneous group. The students scored the highest on two subscales of extrinsic motivation (external regulation and identification) and on the subscale of intrinsic motivation to know. Results revealed significant difference between female students of different universities regarding amotivation. Female students of the university of economics scored higher on amotivation than female students of other universities. Diagnosis of students’ motivation requires regular monitoring and should be done at least two times every education cycle. The most alarming result regarding students’ motivation to study is the high, or even soaring level of amotivation. Conversely, the internal motivation is the most autonomous and therefore the most desirable type of motivation for students and should be nurtured. Internal motivation refers to the act of doing something for the sole pleasure of the activity, excluding the external structure of punishment and reward, the so-called “carrot and stick” method

    Health-oriented physical activity in prevention of musculoskeletal disorders among young Polish musicians

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    Objectives: Musicians represent a very specific professional group, which due to some occupational hazards is exposed to different health problems known as playing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs). The aim of this study was to assess correlations between the level of physical activity, and the occurrence of musculoskeletal pain among young instrumentalists. Materials and Methods: Total of 225 Polish musical school students were investigated. To assess the study participants' physical activity level, the moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) index was used. To assess pain complaints on the side of the musculoskeletal system, Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) was applied. The NMQ questionnaire was complemented by adding a visual-analog scale (VAS), which also allowed to assess pain intensity on a numerical scale 1-10. Results: The pain localized in neck, shoulders, upper and lower back was reported significantly more often by the participants who did not meet standard criteria for the recommended or minimal physical activity level. Conclusion: Performing the recommended health-oriented physical activity may reduce the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in young musicians

    Energy expenditure of nordic walking and conventional walking assessed by accelerometer

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    Study aim: the objective was to assess and compare the energy expenditure (EE) and exercise heart rate (EHR) during Nordic Walking (NW), and conventional walking (W) in physical education and tourism/recreation university students