103 research outputs found
Probability of erroneous reception of navigational radio signals under ionospheric disturbances
The work deals with the issues of the determination of the probability of frequency-selective fading (FSF) of navigational radio signals in satellite radio navigation systems under artificial ionosphere disturbances. The connection between the coherence band of the trans-ionospheric channel and the conditional size of ionospheric inhomogeneities is established. Based on the results of computer simulation, the threshold values of the Mean square deviation (MSD) of fluctuations of the total electron content in the inclined radio-line are determined, in which the probability of frequency-selective fading is hig
Software choice for support method of "360 degrees"
The article describes the approach to soving the problem of choice of software for the support of the the metod of “360 degrees”, that provides the estimation of personal competencesyesBelgorod State Universit
Автоматизована система обліку руху контингенту здобувачів вищої освіти Дніпровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара
The problem of automation of the accounting process of movement of higher education seekers at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University was reviewed. In higher education institutions great attention is being paid to the problems of the management of the students contingent. Since accounting and monitoring of the of students contingent belong to the main tasks of the higher education institutions, nowadays the task of automating the processing of large volumes of information is acquired when analyzing the movement of students contingent who are studying with the relevant educational training programs to ensure the operational formation of the appropriate managing decisions based on the results of the analysis.An automated system of the calculation and forecasting of students contingent, accounting, recruitment and graduation quotes as well as the information system solving problems connected to this was developed.The automated system of the calculation and the forecasting of the students contingent, the program implementation of which the using the C# programming language was carried out in the development environment of Visual Studio 2017 and the document-oriented database MongoDB were tested and showed very good results. MongoDB’s document model is simple for developers to learn and use, while still providing all the capabilities needed to meet the most complex requirements at any scale. MongoDB is free and open-source. The application has the following features: viewing and editing the contingent of students in specialties (specializations) and educational programs; viewing and editing student admission and graduation plans; reporting of contingent changes; calculation of the number of rates of scientific and pedagogical workers for general and special funds; The results of this work will be used in the training division of DNU for document management. All functions of this application correspond to the study needs of the Oles Gonchar Dniprovsky National University. Currently, the new functionality is being added to the software product to meet the reporting needs of the University.Рассмотрена проблема автоматизации учета движения соискателей высшего образования Днепровского национального университета имени Олеся Гончара. Разработана автоматизированная система для учета и прогнозирования контингента студентов.Розглянуто проблему автоматизації обліку руху здобувачів вищої освіти Дніпровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара. Розроблена автоматизована система для обліку та прогнозуванняконтингенту студентів
On peculiar features of speech development in children with auditory perceptual disorders
The article is devoted to the issue of one of the most severe speech disorders in children commonly known as alalia.Статья посвящена проблеме наиболее грубых нарушений развития речи у детей, а именно алалиям
Інформаційна технологія організації моніторингу впливу мотивованого вибору спеціальності студентом на успішність навчання в ЗВО
Рассмотрена актуальная проблема организации информационной технологии для проведения исследования для влияния мотивированного выбора специальности студентом на успеваемость при обучении в УВО. Для проведения анкетирования разработано мобильное приложение, созданное на языке программирования Java в интегрированной среде разработки Android Studio. Полученные результаты анализировались с помощью SPSS – программы для статистической обработки данных. По результатам исследования сделаны перспективные выводы.The article explores the actual problem of organization of the information technology for conducting research of the social and psychological climate in the groups of students. Two questionnaires were created for students' questionnaires. The first survey was conducted according to the classical Hans Eysenck methodology for the determination of the temperament (this technique is one of the most popular in modern psychology). The goal was to study the personality of each of the students from several components: extraversion and psychotype, emotional-volitional stability and the classification of the temperament in correspondence with the classical types. The second questionnaire was sociological and was created with the goal to clarify the degree of the motivation level in terms of the choice of the study program, the level of satisfaction with the educational process, substantiation of personal opinion about methods of teaching at the university, and a need of potential changes of the teaching strategies. The survey was conducted among the students of the ten study programs at the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: "Political Science", "Sociology", "Informatics", "Applied Mathematics", "Software Engineering"; "System analysis"; "Special Education", "Psychology"; "Chemistry", "Social Work". The total number of survey participants included 205 students. In order to optimize the process of collection of the information a mobile questionnaires application was created. This application was created using the Java programming language in the integrated Android Studio mobile application environment. When creating the application, a convenient user interface of the application was developed with an adaptive design, convenient menu, good running functionality, and the ability to select a passing text. View hierarchies and their subclasses were also used. View objects are the widgets of users interface, such as buttons or text fields. The collected information was analized with the help of SPSS and the results were used to provide objective summaries. In the future it is planned to add such functions as the option to search for a survey by the survey title; sending the result via email, SMS or via social networks; to view statistics on various surveys at the same time; to increase the number of surveys as well as to optimize the application design.Розглянуто актуальну проблему організації інформаційної технології для проведення дослідження впливу мотивованого вибору спеціальності студентом на успішність навчання в ЗВО. Для проведення анкетувань розроблено мобільний застосунок, який було створено за допомогою мови програмування Java в інтегрованому середовищі розробки Android Studio. Отримані відповіді аналізувалися за допомогою SPSS – програми для статистичної обробки даних. За результатами дослідження зроблено перспективні висновки
Objective: Methodology development for quality control of optically active pharmaceutical substances based on water isotopologues.
Methods: Solutions of L-ascorbic acid, glucose, galactose and valine stereoisomers were prepared using deuterium depleted water (DDW-«light» water, D/H=4 ppm), natural deionized high-ohmic water (BD, D/H=140 ppm), heavy water (99.9% D2O). The optical rotation was observed using an automatic polarimeter Atago POL-1/2. The size distribution of giant heterogeneous clusters (GHC) of water was recorded by low angle laser light scattering (LALLS) method.
Results: The infringement of Biot's Law was found for solutions of ascorbic acid, expressed in the absence of a constant value of the specific optical rotation  at a concentration of below 0.1%, depends on the D/H ratio. The inequality was established in absolute values of optical rotation for L-and D-isomers of valine in solutions with different ratios of hydrogen isotopologues. The mutarotation of glucose confirmed the first-order kinetics, and the activation energies were statistically distinguishable for BD and DDW. The mutarotation of the natural galactose D-isomer proceeded with a lower energy consumption compared to the L-isomer. In heavy water, the mutarotation of monosaccharides had different kinetic mechanisms. Polarimetric results correlated with the number and size of GHC, which confirmed the possibility of chiral solvent structures induction by optically active pharmaceutical substances.
Conclusion: In the optically active pharmaceutical substances quality control there should be considered the contribution of induced chiral GHC of water to the optical rotation value that depends on the isotopic D/H ratio, the substance nature and the form of its existence at a given pH
The Use of Fresnel Lenses in LED Sources of Local Illumination to Оptimize the Distribution of Illumination of the Working Plane
For widely used LED sources there is a sharp decrease in the illumination of the working plane from the center to the edge. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of Fresnel lenses usage as a fairly simple and technological element to increase the uniformity of illumination created by LED lamps of local lighting. A method has been developed for calculating of the distribution of illumination created by the combination of “LED matrix – Fresnel lens” when the distance between the lens and the matrix is less than the focal length of the lens. Comparison of the calculation results and experiments for the case when the lens is located at a distance of 50 cm from the working plane indicates the correctness of the developed calculation method. This made it possible to use this technique to solve the problem of improved uniformity of illumination distribution in the working plane of local lighting LED sources. It was found that the change in the distance between the matrix and the lens in the range of 0.5–1.5 cm affects the maximum illumination and its uniformity to a lesser extent than the change in focal lengths in the range of 10–100 cm. Analytical dependences of the uniformity of the working surface illumination as a function of the Fresnel lens focal length and its distance to the LED matrix were obtained for three cases. In the first case one lens is used for the entire matrix while the axes of symmetry of the light intensity curves of LEDs are parallel to the axis of the lens. In the second case one lens is also used for the entire matrix, but the continuations of the axes of symmetry of the light intensity curves pass through the front focus of the lens. In the third one an individual Fresnel lens is used for each LED. It is established that for all three cases dependencies have almost the same character. Therefore, the choice of using one of these three options may be due to manufacturability, cost-effectiveness, thermal stability, and other considerations. Calculations using the above-mentioned analytical dependences made it possible to determine values of the parameters of the “LED matrix – Fresnel lens” system at which the indicators of illumination and uniformity meet the standards’ requirements
Использование линзы Френеля в светодиодных источниках локального освещения для оптимизации распределения освещённости рабочей плоскости
For widely used LED sources there is a sharp decrease in the illumination of the working plane from the center to the edge. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of Fresnel lenses usage as a fairly simple and technological element to increase the uniformity of illumination created by LED lamps of local lighting.A method has been developed for calculating of the distribution of illumination created by the combination of “LED matrix – Fresnel lens” when the distance between the lens and the matrix is less than the focal length of the lens. Comparison of the calculation results and experiments for the case when the lens is located at a distance of 50 cm from the working plane indicates the correctness of the developed calculation method. This made it possible to use this technique to solve the problem of improved uniformity of illumination distribution in the working plane of local lighting LED sources.It was found that the change in the distance between the matrix and the lens in the range of 0.5–1.5 cm affects the maximum illumination and its uniformity to a lesser extent than the change in focal lengths in the range of 10–100 cm. Analytical dependences of the uniformity of the working surface illumination as a function of the Fresnel lens focal length and its distance to the LED matrix were obtained for three cases. In the first case one lens is used for the entire matrix while the axes of symmetry of the light intensity curves of LEDs are parallel to the axis of the lens. In the second case one lens is also used for the entire matrix, but the continuations of the axes of symmetry of the light intensity curves pass through the front focus of the lens. In the third one an individual Fresnel lens is used for each LED. It is established that for all three cases dependencies have almost the same character. Therefore, the choice of using one of these three options may be due to manufacturability, cost-effectiveness, thermal stability, and other considerations.Calculations using the above-mentioned analytical dependences made it possible to determine values of the parameters of the “LED matrix – Fresnel lens” system at which the indicators of illumination and uniformity meet the standards’ requirements.Для широко используемых светодиодных источников света имеет место резкий спад освещённости рабочей плоскости от центра к краю. Целью настоящего исследования являлся анализ эффективности применения линз Френеля как достаточно простого и технологичного элемента для увеличения равномерности освещённости, создаваемой светодиодными светильниками локального освещения.Разработана методика расчёта распределения освещённости, создаваемой комбинацией «светодиодная матрица – линза Френеля», когда расстояние между линзой и матрицей меньше фокусного расстояния линзы. Сравнение результатов расчёта и экспериментов для случая, когда линза располагается на расстоянии 50 см от рабочей плоскости, свидетельствует о корректности разработанной методики расчёта. Это позволило использовать данную методику для решения задачи повышения равномерности освещённости рабочей плоскости в светодиодных источниках локального освещения.Установлено, что изменение расстояния между матрицей и линзой в диапазоне 0,5–1,5 см влияют на максимальную освещённость и её равномерность в меньшей степени, чем изменение фокусных расстояний в пределах 10–100 см. Получены аналитические зависимости равномерности освещённости рабочей поверхности как функции фокусного расстояния линзы Френеля и её расстояния до светодиодной матрицы для трёх случаев. В первом случае используется одна линза для всей матрицы, при этом оси симметрии кривых силы света светодиодов параллельны оси линзы. Во втором случае также используется одна линзы для всей матрицы, но продолжения осей симметрии кривых силы света проходят через передний фокус линзы. В третьем – для каждого светодиода используется индивидуальная линза Френеля. Установлено, что для всех трёх случаев зависимости имеют практически одинаковый характер. Поэтому выбор использования одного из трёх вариантов может быть обусловлен технологичностью, экономичностью и термической устойчивостью и др.Расчёты с использованием выше упомянутых аналитических зависимостей позволили определить значения параметров системы «светодиодная матрица – линза Френеля», при которых показатели освещённости и равномерности соответствуют требованиям стандартов
The article describes a clinical case of 42-year old male patient with necrotising granulomatosis with polyangitis (Wegener's granulomatosis) complicated by pulmonary aspergillosis, and due to the latter a life-saving pneumonectomy had to be done Microbiological tests of surgery specimens detected the cell crowding of mold fungi of Aspergillus fumigatus The histological tests showed necrotising granulomatosis with polyangitis, formation of cavities with fibrotic walls and fungal population; fibrinous-hemorrhagic pleurisy. In one month after surgery the patient was transferred to the rheumatological ward, where biological anti-B-cellular therapy with rituximab was started with a consequent positive outcome.Представлено клиническое наблюдение пациента 42 лет с некротизирующим гранулематозом с полиангиитом (гранулематоз Вегенера), осложненным аспергиллезом легкого, которому по жизненным показаниям пришлось выполнить пневмонэктомию При микробиологическом исследовании операционного материала получен сливной рост плесневых грибов рода Aspergillus fumigatus При гистологическом исследовании ‒ картина некротизирующего гранулематоза с полиангиитом, формирование полостей деструкции с фиброзными стенками и наличием грибковой флоры; фибринозно-геморрагический плеврит. Через месяц после проведенного оперативного вмешательства пациент переведен в ревматологическое отделение, где была начата биологическая анти-В-клеточная терапия ритуксимабом с хорошим эффектом
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