6 research outputs found

    Konflikty w rodzinie i ich konsekwencje psychospołeczne

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    Conflicts are inevitable even in the most harmonious life of family. The kind of the conflicts and the ways of their resolution at fi rst depends from the persons’ psychical maturity in them participating. In situation when it fi zzle out to unload tensions and conflicts, it comes to crisis of marriage or family characterizing in this, that husband’s and wife’s essential needs or needs parents and their children are not satisfy on a required level. Some kinds of crises can lead to disintegration of marriage and family and in a long term to weakness the internal coherence characterizing in neglecting the persons’ duties and duties in relation to children, the consequence of this is break-up of the marriage and family. From the formal sight it express as a figure of divorce or separation. Each divorce confi rmed by low means emotional, psychical, economic and parental divorce. In a consequence weakens or annihilates emotional ties, the division of property follows among getting divorced sides and disconnection one of them from caring over juvenile children. Moreover the age, state of the child’s health, degree of emotional sensibility, fear about new condition of life can decide about positive or negative the child’s behavior to divorce of its parents. Counteraction would depends disintegrating conflicts on creating family community, spread in a proper family communication but mainly for preparation of a young person to life in a society, at marriage or in family

    Exploiting European Union Funds by the Self-Government Local Unit on the Example of the Lubenia Commune

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    Gmina Lubenia dzięki możliwości korzystania ze środków pochodzących z Unii Europejskiej realizuje wiele zadań. Gmina ta odnosi wiele sukcesów w wykorzystaniu funduszy unijnych. Środki uzyskane z Unii Europejskiej służą poprawie jakości życia, jak również przyczyniają się do rozwoju intelektualnego jej mieszkańców.The Lubenia commune realize many tasks thanks of possibilities of using centres coming from the European Union. This commune has a lot of successes in exploiting EU funds. Money obtained from European Union serve the improvement of quality of life as well as are contributing to the intellectual development of its residents

    Wholesome and Social - Ethical Aspects of Sport in the Teaching of John Paul I I

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    John Paul II judged that sport has great meaning in human life. To make sport available among men to teach them the values like: loyalty, persistence, friendship, community whether solidarity. Sport can also offe valuable contribution in peaceful agreement between nations as well as contribute to fixation in world of new civilization of love. John Paul II showed also how important is fair play in sport. Pope John Paul II worned of the dangers in sport. Warned from the obsession of profit and comercjalization from the best results in sport cost them their health through doping even whether use of different of prohibited methods. Athletes especially the most famous become patterns for youth, therefore should remember about this, to they unreeled at me human features also and spiritual stately to imitation. Every sport contests should deliver entertainment and one should eliminate violence which prejudices great traditional sport foundations. Sport can not be only aim, but it has to be to man's universal development values on attention deserve first of all. Man in sport should grow up spiritually, intellectually, morally and socially. Sport should be able to carry joy and to enrich man in every respect

    Threat to the freedom of expression posed by advertisers

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    Państwo i Społeczeństwo nr 4, 2012 : Szanse i wyzwania społeczne w okresie wychodzenia z kryzysu

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    Problematyka zamieszczonych w niniejszym numerze tekstów obejmuje trzy grupy zagadnień: 1) dobrostan i jakość życia, 2) zarządzanie w obszarze kreatywnym, 3) uwarunkowania społeczne, kulturowe i prawne współczesnej rodziny oraz zagrożenia jej funkcjonowania