32 research outputs found

    Possessive Adjectives Formed from Personal Names in Polish Translations of the New Testament

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    The study focused on possessive adjectives derived by means of the suffixes -ow(y), -in, -sk- formed from proper personal names in old and contemporary translations of the New Testament. Adjectival derivatives have been excerpted from 15 full and 6 incomplete translations of the New Testament, which date back to the 16th, 17th and 20th century. These translations differ in methods of translation (loose and word-for-word; philological, interlinear, ecumenical, dynamic and artistic) and its basis (Greek original or Latin Vulgate). The comparative analysis of old and contemporary translations shows that possessive adjectives, though used frequently in former times, are now going out of use and the substantival genitival attribute is taking their place. This phenomenon is reflected in processes linked with the development of the Polish language. Moreover, tracking the use of the type of adjectives analysed can be used to distinguish various methods of translation. The use of possessive adjectives in contemporary texts suggests respect for the tradition of translation, whereas the failure to use them – the modernization of Polish

    Linguistic Equivalence of the Hebrew Term Eden in Slavic Translations of the Bible

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    The authors study different equivalents of the Hebrew word Eden in selected old and new Slavic translations of the Bible. The equivalents of this lexeme have been excerpted from several Slavic translations of the Bible, which were selected on the basis of diverse criteria. The translations are presented chronologically and old translations are opposed to the new ones. They represent three groups of Slavic languages: West Slavic, East Slavic and South Slavic and are connected with the base of translation, i.e. the original text and/or Greek or Latin text. They can also be classified according to religious denomination and the strategy of the translation.The observation of those equivalents enables us to see not only their variety and mutual influence among translations but also the struggle of Slavic translators with a very difficult language matter. Many factors were important in that struggle: genetic and structural distances between Semitic and Slavic languages, different perceptions of reality in distant cultures, the discrepancy between biblical and Slavonic realities and the influence of religious denomination. Another important factor was the state of biblical knowledge at the time – incomparably poorer in the case of the oldest Slavic translations in comparison to modern ones

    Napoleonov zakonik i poljska pravna terminologija tijekom XIX. stoljeća

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    This paper aims to discuss the terminological influence of the Napoleonic Code on Polish legal terminology. Five major theses are formulated and supported by selected examples from two 19th century translations of the Code into Polish. We claim that, firstly, the Napoleonic Code had a major impact on the Polonisation of Polish legal lexis in the 19th century, and secondly, that where Polish legal language bears evidence of the influence of the adaptation of the Napoleonic law it is in structural calques from French and not in an increase of French borrowings in the Polish legal language; moreover, we provide evidence that the Napoleonic Code led to the redefinition of previously used terms in the Polish legal system, and finally, that it had a crucial impact on the systematisation of Polish legal terminology in the 19th century leading to its more contemporary character, closer to modern demands. The study contributes to a broader comparative analysis of the role of the Code in the history of shaping and transforming the terminological systems across national languages.U članku se raspravlja o utjecaju Napoleonova zakonika na poljsku pravnu terminologiju. Formulirano je pet osnovnih teza, potkrijepljenih odabranim primjerima iz dvaju poljskih prijevoda Zakonika iz XIX. stoljeća. Može se zaključiti da je Napoleonov zakonik u znatnoj mjeri utjecao na eliminaciju latinizama i latinskih termina te na njihovu zamjenu domaćim ekvivalentima, a zatim i da francuske terminološke posuđenice obično imaju karakter strukturnih prevedenica, a ne leksičkih posuđenica. Štoviše, pokazalo se da je Napoleonov zakonik doveo do redefiniranja termina koji su prije bili u uporabi u poljskome pravnom sustavu i da je imao odlučujući utjecaj na usustavljivanje poljske pravne terminologije tijekom XIX. stoljeća, dovodeći do njezine modernizacije, koja je u skladu i sa suvremenom situacijom. Studija je dio šire poredbene analize uloge Zakonika u povijesti oblikovanja i preoblikovanja terminološkog sustava u narodnim jezicima


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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o bilinguismo histórico, apontar as fontes de pesquisa e indicar possíveis perspectivas para futuras pesquisas. Na Polônia, fala-se muito de bilinguismo contemporâneo, embora recentemente há uma tendência de descrever casos individuais ou comportamentos linguísticos de grupos com um direcionamento histórico. Ademais, os fenômenos descritos anteriormente sob uma outra perspectiva são agora analisados no contexto de comportamentos bilíngues. O surgimento dessa abordagem diferente que enfatiza o papel do bilinguismo na história da língua polonesa é resultado de vários fatores. O mais importante é o fato de que a abordagem normativa na qual os traços de contatos linguísticos eram avaliados de maneira negativa perdeu popularidade entre os pesquisadores. Além disso, o bilinguismo do passado não é mais tratado como um fenômeno marginal

    The Linguistic Creation of a City in the 16th-century Polish Accounts from Travels to the Holy Land

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    The article tries to describe the linguistic creation of a city in Polish 16th-century diaries from journeys to the Holy Land. During long trips, the authors visited many exotic, for the Polish traveller, cities and towns to whom they devoted a lot of space in their diaries. The analysis is based on findings of theory of linguistic image of a world and on the concept of linguistic creation and semiotic role. The author outlines the set of linguistic means used by the diarists to indicate various roles. He concludes that the image of a city presented in the analysed texts oscillates between traditional frame that has its source in the classical antiquity and modern perspective significant for the man of the Renaissance

    Słowo od Redakcji

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    Thermophysical properties of IoNanofluids composed of 1-ethyl-3- methylimidazolium thiocyanate and carboxyl-functionalized long multi-walled carbon nanotubes

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    The concept of IoNanofluids (INFs) as the stable dispersions of nanoparticles in ionic liquids was proposed in 2009 by Nieto de Castro’s group. INFs characterize exciting properties such as improved thermal conductivity, non-volatility, and non-flammability. This work is a continuation of our studies on the morphology and physicochemistry of carbon-based nanomaterials a ecting thermal conductivity, viscosity, and density of INFs. We focus on the characterization of dispersions composed of long carboxylic group-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium thiocyanate. The thermal conductivity of INFs was measured using KD2 Pro Thermal Properties Analyzer (Decagon Devices Inc., Pullman, WA, USA). The viscosity was investigated using rotary viscometer LV DV-II+Pro (Brookfield Engineering, Middleboro, MA, USA). The density of INFs was measured using a vibrating tube densimeter Anton Paar DMA 5000 (Graz, Austria). The maximum thermal conductivity enhancement of 22% was observed for INF composed of 1 wt% long carboxylic group-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes

    Bilingwizm polsko-francuski w perspektywie diachronicznej – stan badań i postulaty badawcze

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    This paper discusses the current state of research on Polish-French contacts and Polish-French bilingualism. It describes examples of language contacts reflected in non-literary texts from various periods in the history of Polish written by bilinguals (both those for whom Polish was the fi rst language and French – the second one, and those for whom Polish was the second language). The study presents also the following research postulates: to cover the most extensive (also in chronological terms) corpus of texts documenting Polish-French and French-Polish bilingualism possible by the research, to analyse bilingual speech of individuals with an average feel for language and not too high language awareness, to include the instances of French-Polish bilingualism where French was the fi rst language, which have been ignored to date

    Some Issues in the Language Research on Polish Translations of The Story of Alexander the Great

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    The author presents the research on lexis and style of Polish translations of The Story of Alexander the Great – a manuscript translation by Leonard of Bończa (1510) and an anonymous print publication of 1550 as a comparative source; both sources constitute a series of translations. The manuscript provides an interesting lexical material (especially various synonymic equivalents placed in the glosses), which can broaden our knowledge on the affluence of lexical resource of Old Polish language. The study of translational practice of a medieval author opens up new perspectives of research, because of varied use of Latin in Polish language. The 16th century print publication sheds some light on the stylistic and linguistic characteristics of the manuscript, indicating constant and variable elements of the language