179 research outputs found

    Relacje między strategią a strukturą organizacyjną w przedsiębiorstwach sektora wysokich technologii.

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    W rozwiniętych gospodarkach postindustrialnych sektor przedsiębiorstw wysokich technologii jest powszechnie zaliczany do dziedzin charakteryzujących się najwyższym stopniem wykorzystania oraz uzależnienia od tzw. wyspecjalizowanych czynników produkcji – wiedzy i kapitału ludzkiego. Są one bezustannie tworzone, co umożliwia poszczególnym firmom nie tylko konkurowanie, ale wpływa także pozytywnie na otoczenie (tradycyjne przemysły, poziom nauki itp.). Sektor wysoko technologiczny wymaga ciągłej i intensywnej działalności innowacyjnej oraz wysokich nakładów na badania i rozwój (ta ostatnia cecha jest zresztą jednym z podstawowych czynników wyodrębniania przemysłów wysoko technologicznych na świecie). Ponadto sektor ten charakteryzuje się krótkim cyklem życia wyrobów i procesów, szybką dyfuzją innowacji technologicznych, wzrastającym zapotrzebowaniem na wysoko kwalifikowany personel, dużymi nakładami kapitałowymi, wysokim ryzykiem inwestycyjnym i ścisłą współpracą naukowo-techniczną, w obrębie poszczególnych krajów i na arenie międzynarodowej, pomiędzy przedsiębiorstwami i instytucjami badawczymi. Należy również zauważyć, że przedsiębiorstwa wysoko technologiczne wykazują często tendencje do koncentrowania swojej działalności w ściśle określonych lokalizacjach, nazywanych we współczesnej literaturze klastrami (kiściami, gronami, wiązkami) wysoko technologicznymi. Znaczenie silnego, dynamicznie rozwijającego się sektora firm high-tech we współczesnej gospodarce światowej jest ogromne, ponieważ w dużym stopniu decyduje on o zdolności do globalnej konkurencyjności poszczególnych narodów czy regionów.The present dissertation is concerned with the issue of strategy and organizational structure relationship examination and formation in high-tech companies. The question of relationship between these elements is not recent in management theory. However, in high-tech companies, due to their specific character, the issue has not been thoroughly recognized. What is more, taking into account the evolution in approaches to strategy and constantly appearing new organizational structure forms the question of their relationship gains new dimensions which became the core subject of considerations presented in the work. The considerations were organized according to nine research questions with adequate detailed hypothesis assigned and later verified on the course of research. The scientific research aims were identification of key high-tech companies features determining their strategies and organizational structures, identification of strategy and organization structure relationship in such companies, and, finally, development of relationship management model for this type of organizations. Both literature studies and expert and empirical research carried out in 61 high-tech companies allowed to confirm the dissertation main hypothesis which states that relationships between strategy and organizational structure are the high-tech company development stimulant

    Effect of Light Quality and Microbiological Inoculum on Geranium (Pelargonium zonale L.) Gas Exchange Parameters

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    Geranium plants were cultivated in a growth chamber with different light quality and microorganism inoculation conditions. The long-term effect of irradiance quality (LED and fluorescent) as well as two types of microorganism treatments on photosynthetic activity parameters was examined. The maximum reached values of net photosynthesis rate (PN), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) were afterwards measured in plants cultivated under six colours of light – white, white-blue, blue, red, red-blue and green – emitted by two types of lamp: LED and fluorescent. Two types of microorganism treatments were used: BAF1 created in the Department of General and Environmental Microbiology and the commonly used Effective Microorganisms (EM) biopreparation. A highest level of PN were found in plants after cultivation under white-blue light (both – fluorescent and LED) and treated by BAF1. The positive effect of EM was only noted in the case of plants cultivated under blue-red fluorescent light. Considering plants without microbial inoculation the highest levels were recorded in plants under red and blue light. The comparison of the effect of light quality revealed that in all colours a higher or similar level of net photosynthetic rate was noted in plants under LEDs. Mostly the higher photosynthetic activity was connected with higher stomatal opening as well as with higher transpiration rate, which is especially true for plants cultivated under red and blue LED light

    Hybrydowa struktura organizacyjna z perspektywy paradoksu eksploracji i eksploatacji

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    Paradoxes are ubiquitous in modern management. One example is the paradox of exploration and exploitation. In order to successfully implement both of these activities, enterprises need appropriate organisational structures that combine features from various organisational solutions. Therefore, they need hybrid structures. The paper’s goal is to identify and evaluate the organisational structures of companies operating in Poland from the perspective of the ambidextrous strategy, taking into account the age, size, and organisational life cycle. Based on the research conducted on the sample of 363 companies, it was found that hybrid organisational structures including strong structural differentiation and formal coordination mechanisms characterise larger and older companies that carry out exploration and exploitation activities simultaneously.Paradoksy są wszechobecne we współczesnym zarządzaniu organizacjami, a jednym z nich jest paradoks eksploracji i eksploatacji. Chcąc realizować z powodzeniem obie te aktywności, przedsiębiorstwa potrzebują odpowiednich struktur łączących cechy z różnych modelowych rozwiązań. Potrzebują zatem struktur hybrydowych. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i ocena struktur organizacyjnych przedsiębiorstw funkcjonujących w Polsce z perspektywy realizacji strategii oburęcznej i przy uwzględnieniu wieku, wielkości oraz fazy rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa.Na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych na próbie 363 firm stwierdzono, że hybrydowe rozwiązania organizacyjne oparte na silnej strukturalnej dyferencjacji oraz towarzyszących jej formalnych mechanizmach koordynacji charakteryzują firmy większe i starsze, które realizują działania eksploracyjne i eksploatacyjne w sposób symultaniczny


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    Dynamika zmian zachodzących we współczesnym otoczeniu, w tym postępująca globalizacja, informatyzacja i cyfryzacja, szybki postęp techniczno-technologiczny i związany z tym coraz krótszy cykl życia produktów, nacisk na innowacyjność i szybką adaptację do nowych potrzeb nabywców kształtują nową rzeczywistość – Smart World. Stworzenie inteligentnej przyszłości wymaga znacznie więcej niż tylko inteligentnych gadżetów, zaawansowanych technologii, strategii konwergencji i wsparcia rządu. Wymaga ono także specyficznych dla epoki wiedzy, strategii i modeli biznesu, kompetencji menedżerskich i pracowniczych oraz szerokiego  wykorzystania sztucznej inteligencji, Internetu rzeczy czy nowoczesnych systemów cyber-fizycznych


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    The paper examines a hybrid business strategy as the one that combines various sources of competitive advantage. Taking into account the ambidexterity concept, as the best typology of competitive strategies in the contemporary business environment, the research was conducted on a sample of 363 companies. Its aim was to identify business strategies in the context of firms' performance. Our results showed that most companies implement the ambidextrous strategy focusing on maintaining the existing and searching for a new competitive advantage. However, better overall efficiency and success of the company are ensured by a hybrid ambidextrous strategy achieved in a simultaneous way rather than a hybrid ambidextrous strategy achieved in a sequential way. Keywords: hybrid strategy, ambidexterity, exploitation, exploitation, competitive advantage, market performance JEL classification codes: L1, L210, M21W artykule podjęto problem biznesowej strategii hybrydowej jako tej, która łączy różne źródła przewagi konkurencyjnej. Przyjmując perspektywę koncepcji oburęczności (ambidexterity), jako najtrafniej opisującej typologie strategii konkurencyjnych we współczesnym środowisku biznesowym, przeprowadzono badania na próbie 363 firm, których celem była identyfikacja ich strategii w kontekście osiąganych rezultatów. Ich wyniki pokazały, że zdecydowana większość przedsiębiorstw realizuje strategię ambidexterity koncentrującą się na utrzymywaniu dotychczasowej i poszukiwaniu nowej przewagi konkurencyjnej, przy czym lepszą ogólną efektywność i sukces firmy zapewnia hybrydowa strategia oburęczności symultanicznej niż hybrydowa strategia oburęczności sekwencyjnej. Słowa kluczowe: strategia hybrydowa, ambidexterity, eksploatacja, eksploracja, przewaga konkurencyjna, wyniki rynkowe Kody klasyfikacji JEL: L1, L210, M2

    Visualization of amphetamine and its analogues in TLC

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    Derivatisation followed by iodine azide reaction was employed for detection of amphetamines and its analogues in TLC. The derivatisation reaction with phenyl isothiocyanate took place directly on the TLC plate before the developing step. Afterwards, the plate was sprayed with a mixture of sodium azide and starch solution and then exposed to iodine vapour. The obtained limits of detection were compared with other commonly visualization techniques: UV, iodine vapour, Marquis and Simon’s reagents, ninhydrin, Fast Black K

    Unique function of the bacterial chromosome segregation machinery in apically growing streptomyces - targeting the chromosome to new hyphal tubes and its anchorage at the tips

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    The coordination of chromosome segregation with cell growth is fundamental to the proliferation of any organism. In most unicellular bacteria, chromosome segregation is strictly coordinated with cell division and involves ParA that moves the ParB nucleoprotein complexes bi- or unidirectionally toward the cell pole(s). However, the chromosome organization in multiploid, apically extending and branching Streptomyces hyphae challenges the known mechanisms of bacterial chromosome segregation. The complex Streptomyces life cycle involves two stages: vegetative growth and sporulation. In the latter stage, multiple cell divisions accompanied by chromosome compaction and ParAB assisted segregation turn multigenomic hyphal cell into a chain of unigenomic spores. However, the requirement for active chromosome segregation is unclear in the absence of canonical cell division during vegetative growth except in the process of branch formation. The mechanism by which chromosomes are targeted to new hyphae in streptomycete vegetative growth has remained unknown until now. Here, we address the question of whether active chromosome segregation occurs at this stage. Applied for the first time in Streptomyces, labelling of the chromosomal replication initiation region (oriC) and time-lapse microscopy, revealed that in vegetative hyphae every copy of the chromosome is complexed with ParB, whereas ParA, through interaction with the apical protein complex (polarisome), tightly anchors only one chromosome at the hyphal tip. The anchor is maintained during replication, when ParA captures one of the daughter oriCs. During spore germination and branching, ParA targets one of the multiple chromosomal copies to the new hyphal tip, enabling efficient elongation of hyphal tube. Thus, our studies reveal a novel role for ParAB proteins during hyphal tip establishment and extension

    Early and late endothelial response in breast cancer metastasis in mice : simultaneous quantification of endothelial biomarkers using a mass spectrometry-based method

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    The endothelium plays an important role in cancer metastasis, but the mechanisms involved are still not clear. In the present work, we characterised the changes in endothelial function at early and late stages of breast cancer progression in an orthotopic model of murine mammary carcinoma (4T1 cells). Endothelial function was analysed based on simultaneous microflow liquid chromatography' tandem mass spectrometry using multiple reaction monitoring (microLC/MS-MRM) quantification of 12 endothelium-related biomarkers, including those reflecting glycocalyx disruption' syndecan-1 (SDC-1), endocan (ESM-1); endothelial inflammation' vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), E-selectin (E-sel); endothelial permeability' fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (FLT-1), angiopoietin 2 (Angpt-2); and haemostasis' von Willebrand factor (vWF), tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), as well as those that are pathophysiologically linked to endothelial function' adrenomedullin (ADM) and adiponectin (ADN). The early phase of metastasis in mouse plasma was associated with glycocalyx disruption (increased SDC-1 and ESM-1), endothelial inflammation [increased soluble VCAM-1 (sVCAM-1)] and increased vascular permeability (Angpt-2). During the late phase of metastasis, additional alterations in haemostasis (increased PAI-1 and vWF), as well as a rise in ADM and substantial fall in ADN concentration, were observed. In conclusion, in a murine model of breast cancer metastasis, we identified glycocalyx disruption, endothelial inflammation and increased endothelial permeability as important events in early metastasis, while the late phase of metastasis was additionally characterised by alterations in haemostasis

    Perspective of Obtaining Rare Earth Elements in Poland

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    Along with the increasing development of electric and electronic industries, the demand for rare earth elements is also growing due to their high position in many applications. In Poland, there are minerals containing REE; however, the concentration of these elements in raw materials is rather low, so they do not have a big impact on the national economy. The potential source of REE is secondary materials; among them are phosphogypsum, uranium tailings, and the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Lanthanides as accompanying metals of uranium in Polish uranium ores were leached in the technology of uranium recovery from these resources. The recovery of REE from pregnant liquors was conducted by solvent extraction and ion exchange. Novel apparatus solutions like membrane contactors in extraction stage were tested. Different types of matrices (uranium ore, phosphorites, etc.) were used

    Validation of LC/MS/MS method for assessment of the "in vitro" activity of the selected rat cytochrome P450 isoenzymes : application to early drug metabolism screening

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    A sensitive and specific liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method for simultaneous determination of seven metabolites of CYP450 model substrates (acetaminophen, 4-hydroxytolbutamide, 4í-hydroxymephenytoin, 1-hydroxybufuralol, 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone, 1í- and 4í-hydroxymidazolam) in rat liver microsomes was developed. The assay used Kinetex analytical column and a gradient mobile phase consistent of acetonitrile and water with addition of 0.1% formic acid. The analysis was performed in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode both in positive and negative (for 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone) mode. The method was validated over the concentration ranges of 10-2000 ng/mL for 4í-hydroxymephenytoin and 4-hydroxytolbutamide, 50-2000 ng/mL for 1-hydroxybufuralol and 25-2000 ng/mL for the rest of the analytes. The intra- and inter-day precision (2-12%) and accuracy (93-119%) were within the limits set by the FDA and EMA guidelines. The developed method was successfully applied to assess the activity of selected CYP450 isoenzymes in rat liver microsomes after addition of ketoconazole