27 research outputs found

    Pengurusan Pembekalan Air Negeri Perlis

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    This study represents an acempt to forecast the water demand the domestic sector for the state of Perlis until the year 2010 in order to assure that the water resources are available to satisfy the demand requirement. The domestic demand for water of this study was forecasted using the IWR-MAIN (Institute for Water Resources-Municipal and Industrial Needs) software, established computerized forecasting system. The explanatory variables that were considered in this study were housing units, population, household income and land uses, all of which were factors influence the water demand. The change in the water demand forecast is explained by the change in the selected explanatory variables as well as the shange in counting units. The fluctuation of the water demand from January 2003 until December 2.010 was analyzed so as to identify the water demand pattern in the state Perlis. This study also attempts to identify the problems associated with water supply management state of Perlis through data manipulations and interviews with the relevant authorities in the water supply management of the state

    A simulation approach to determine the probability of demand during lead-time when demand distributed normal and lead-time distributed gamma

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    Globalization and advances in information and production technologies make inventory management can be very difficult even for organizations with simple structures. The complexities of inventory management increase in multi-stage networks, where inventory appears in multiple tiers of locations. Due to massive practical applications in the reality of the world, an efficient inventory system policy whether single location or multi-stage location will avoid falling into overstock inventory or under stock inventory. However, the optimality of inventory and allocation policies in a supply chain is still unknown for most types of multi-stage systems. Hence, this paper aims to determine the probability distribution function of demand during lead-time by using a simulation model when the demand distributed normal and the lead-time distributed gamma. The simulation model showed a new probability distribution function of demand during lead-time in the considered inventory system, which is, Generalized Gamma distribution with 4 parameters. This probability distribution function makes the mathematical expression more difficult to build the inventory model especially in multistage or multi-echelon inventory model

    Pengurusan pembekalan air negeri Perlis

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    This study represents an attempt to forecast the water demand the domestic sector for the state of Perlis until the year 2010 in order to assure that the water resources are available to satisfy the demand requirement. The domestic demand for water of this study was forecasted using the IWR-MAIN (Institute for Water Resources-Municipal and Industrial Needs) software, established computerized forecasting system.The explanatory variable that were considered in this study were housing units, population, household income and land uses, all of which were factors influence the water demand. The change in the water demand forecast is explained by the change in the selected explanatory variables as well as the change in counting units. The fluctuation of the water demand from January 2003 until December 2010 was analyzed so as to identify the water demand pattern in the state Perlis. This study also attempts to identify the problems associated with water supply management state of Perlis through data manipulations and interviews with the relevant authorities in the water supply management of the state

    Analysis of performance measures with single channel fuzzy queues under two class by using ranking method

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    In this paper, we propose a procedure to find different performance measurements under crisp value terms for new single fuzzy queue FM/F(H1,H2)/1 with two classes, where arrival rate and service rates are all fuzzy numbers which are represented by triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.The basic idea is to obtain exact crisp values from the fuzzy value, which is more realistic in the practical queueing system.This is done by adopting left and right ranking method to remove the fuzziness before computing the performance measurements using conventional queueing theory.The main advantage of this approach is its simplicity in application, giving exact real data around fuzzy values.This approach can also be used in all types of queueing systems by taking two types of symmetrical linear membership functions. Numerical illustration is solved in this article to obtain two groups of crisp values in the queueing system under consideration

    Non-parametric approach to measure efficiency level of paddy farmers in Kedah

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    Rice is the basic food, most important source of employment and income as well as the main cultivation activity of paddy farmers in northern region of Malaysia.The efficiency of rice production has been of longstanding interest to the responsible organization in agriculture.This paper attempts to study the efficiency of paddy farmers in Kedah using Data Envelopment Analysis model.Four districts have been selected with the total respondents of 200. Overall average performance of paddy farmers is 0.787.The paddy farmers in Kepala Batas are the most efficient followed by Kubang Pasu, Kerpan and Kubang Pasu. Only few paddy farmers in Kubang Sepat, Kubang Pasu and Kerpan are showing very low relative performances,, on the other hand, not a single farmer in Kepala Batas district shows such low performance. By knowing the existing efficiency level of paddy farmers, the government can take viable plans or actions to increase the efficiency of paddy farmers in Kedah

    Efficiency and Environmental Awareness of Paddy Farmers: Stochastic Frontier Analysis vs Data Envelopment Analysis

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    This study compares the paddy production efficiency and farmers environmental awareness using both stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA), the primary data collected from paddy farmer organizations known as Pertubuhan Peladang Kawasan (PPK) under Muda Agricultural Development Authority, Kedah, Malaysia.From the results, the coefficients of area and wage are observed significant and positive impact on paddy production while the effect of overall cost, cost on seed and fertilizer are found negative but the cost on fertilizer is recorded significant.The knowledge on environment and contract with agricultural officers are two exogenous factors that has positive significant impact while the education of the farmer factor has a negative significant impact. All the PPKs performance considered is observed on an average but they have the opportunity to increase more than 50% of their production by using same amount of inputs.The performance of Kerpan PPK is found higher than that of other PPKs when the effects of exogenous factors are considered in SFA. The performance of Kubang Pasu PPK is found minimum comparing to the other PPKs using DEA which is observed similar with SFA with exogenous factors. Again, the Kepala Batas PPK is recorded higher relative performance

    Analytical hierarchy process and Markov Chain in shared knowledge through social media

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    Many studies have been performed to measure successful knowledge sharing in general.However, limited study has been done to assess successful knowledge sharing through social media.Hence, in this paper intend to discuss our approach to assess knowledge sharing among personal social media user.In order to achieve our objective, we proposed to integrate Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Markov Chain (MC) technique to investigate the pattern of the shared knowledge through social media.Markov Chain will be used to model the knowledge sharing success through expert opinion and stochastic process.We anticipate the outcome of the assessment in a form of a final matrix showing the probability of successful knowledge sharing through social media.The elements in each row of the Markov Chain transition matrix will be calculated using Analytic Hierarchy Process. The assessment tool produce from our research is expected to benefit policy maker or internet user in order to enhance their knowledge sharing strategy in social media application

    The impact of knowledge sharing through social media among academia

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    The world of research require researcher, academia and lecturers to share knowledge among them. With the invention of social media, knowledge sharing process has been more effective and easy. Previously, there were numerous researches done to investigate the effect of social media utilization for public used.There were also study that aimed to study social media effects in educatioanal sector but those study were centered around student’s perspective.Less consideration is given towards academia’s perspective. Therefore, this study is directed to explore other niche area on knowledge sharing environment where it will focused on the effects of social media on knowledge sharing among academia.Initially, literature review analysis was done to discover the potential factors that encourage academia to engage in social media.Ability to facilitate communication, idea generation and group establishment are the most cited reasons. Not only that, this paper will highlight the significance of performing this study.In conclusion, there is no doubt that social media do enhance and upgrading the knowledge sharing process thus assisting academia in their scholarly work

    Pengurusan sistem pembekalan air di Utara Semenanjung Malaysia

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    Kajian ini melaporkan sistem pengurusan air domestik yang diamalkan di Negeri Kedah dan Negeri Perlis dan mengupas beberapa isu penting bagi mempertingkatkan keupayaan pengurusan sistem pembekalan air di kedua-dua negeri tersebut.Kaedah Analisis Penyampulan Data (APD) telah digunakan untuk mengukur kecekapan relatif operasi loji-loji di Negeri Kedah dan Perlis.Data tahun 2000 menunjukkan daripada kesemua 20 loji air yang terdapat di Negeri Kedah, empat loji air didapati cekap dan kecekapan ini meningkat kepada enam loji air pada tahun 2001.Pada tahun 2002 dan 2003, didapati hanya dua loji air sahaja yang cekap dan pada tahun 2004, loji air yang cekap meningkat semula kepada tujuh loji air.Manakala bagi Negeri Perlis pula, pada tahun 2000 dan 2001, satu loji air didapati cekap daripada dua loji air yang beroperasi di Negeri Perlis.Kedua-dua buah loji didapati cekap pada tahun berikutnya dan pada tahun 2004, tiada loji yang didapati cekap.Secara keseluruhannya boleh dirumuskan bahawa loji-loji air di Negeri Kedah kurang cekap secara relatifnya berbanding dengan loji-loji air di Negeri Perlis.Dari segi keberkesanan kutipan hasil air pula, analisis diskriptif telah dilakukan bagi mengira peratus kutipan bil menggunakan data daripada Januari 2004 hingga Disember 2005.Hasil analisis menggunakan ujian-t menunjukkan peratusan kutipan hasil air di Negeri Kedah (94.4%) adalah lebih tinggi berbanding Negeri Perlis (74.4%).Bagi Negeri Kedah, tahun 2003 mencatatkan peratusan kutipan hasil air tertinggi (99.9%) manakala Negeri Perlis pula adalah pada tahun 2002 (86.0%).Kajian ini juga mendapati faktor utama penyumbang kepada NRW di kedua-dua buah negeri ini adalah kebocoran air diikuti oleh faktor ketidaktepatan meter air akibat usia meter air yang terlalu uzur.Ujian korelasi telah membuktikan bahawa wujud hubungan yang kuat di antara nilai NRW dengan kedua-dua faktor tersebut.Daripada tren NRW, tahun 2000 mencatatkan kadar NRW yang tertinggi di kedua-dua Negeri Kedah (46.0%) dan Perlis (43.2%).Dengan menggunakan perisian IWR-MAIN, peramalan terhadap pembekalan air dilakukan untuk meramal permintaan bekalan air untuk tahun 2005 sehingga tahun 2014 berdasarkan faktor-faktor populasi, pendapatan isi rumah dan guna tanah. Proses pengesahan model yang menggunakan data tahun 2000 hingga 2004 menunjukkan jumlah penggunaan air yang diramal oleh IWR-MAIN berbeza dalam julat 3.0-5.0% dengan nilai sebenar jumlah penggunaan air.Pada tahun 2014, Negeri Kedah diramal memerlukan air sebanyak 58,665,016.54 ribu gelen dan Negeri Perlis pula sebanyak 5,627,714.36 ribu gelen.Kedua-dua Negeri Kedah dan Perlis menunjukkan faktor populasi merupakan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi jumlah penggunaan air diikuti faktor pendapatan isi rumah seterusnya faktor guna tanah