2,277 research outputs found

    The lattice of primary ideals of orders in quadratic number fields

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    Let OO be an order in a quadratic number field KK with ring of integers DD, such that the conductor F=fD\mathfrak F = f D is a prime ideal of OO, where f∈Zf\in\mathbb Z is a prime. We give a complete description of the F\mathfrak F-primary ideals of OO. They form a lattice with a particular structure by layers; the first layer, which is the core of the lattice, consists of those F\mathfrak F-primary ideals not contained in F2\mathfrak F^2. We get three different cases, according to whether the prime number ff is split, inert or ramified in DD.Comment: Keywords: Orders, Conductor, Primary ideal, Lattice of ideals. to appear in Int. J. Number Theory (2016

    From Linear to Branching-Time Temporal Logics: Transfer of Semantics and Definability

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    This paper investigates logical aspects of combining linear orders as semantics for modal and temporal logics, with modalities for possible paths, resulting in a variety of branching time logics over classes of trees. Here we adopt a unified approach to the Priorean, Peircean and Ockhamist semantics for branching time logics, by considering them all as fragments of the latter, obtained as combinations, in various degrees, of languages and semantics for linear time with a modality for possible paths. We then consider a hierarchy of natural classes of trees and bundled trees arising from a given class of linear orders and show that in general they provide different semantics. We also discuss transfer of definability from linear orders to trees and introduce a uniform translation from Priorean to Peircean formulae which transfers definability of properties of linear orders to definability of properties of all paths in tree

    PRINC domains and comaximal factorization domains

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    The notion of PRINC domain was introduced by Salce and Zanardo (2014), motivated by the investigation of the products of idempotent matrices with entries in a commutative domain. An integral domain R is a PRINC domain if every two-generated invertible ideal of R is principal. PRINC domains are closely related to the notion of unique comaximal factorization domain, introduced by McAdam and Swan (2004). In this article, we prove that there exist large classes of PRINC domains which are not comaximal factorization domains, using diverse kinds of constructions. We also produce PRINC domains that are neither comaximal factorization domains nor projective-free

    "Un atto di accusa, e una preghiera". Un autocommento a "La Storia"

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    National audienceIl contributo analizza i documenti autografi (in buona parte inediti) redatti da Elsa Morante per la stesura della presentazione del romanzo, della quarta di copertina, e della prefazione all'edizione americana. Lo studio dei manoscritti fornisce significative chiavi ermeneutiche per l'interpretazione del romanzo e dei suoi messaggi comunicativi, fornendo un prezioso 'autocommento' morantiano a "La Storia"

    Appunti sui manoscritti della "Storia" di Elsa Morante (con appendice di inediti)

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    National audienceBy offering both manuscript and typescript material related to Elsa Morante's "La Storia" (1974), this paper firstly reconstructs the bonds of dependence of such novel from "Senza i conforti della religione" then it studies the character of Davide Segre (and in particular his speech at the tavern and his period as a worker) afterwards it analyses the variations of the title of the novel and the short chronicles opening the chapters. The Appendix offers a transcription of two unpublished poems ascribed to Davide Segre as an adolescent which the author originally wanted to put at the end of the novel but which she finally dismissed.L'articolo presenta i materiali manoscritti e dattiloscritti relativi a "La Storia" (1974) di Elsa Morante ricostruendo in primo luogo i legami di filiazione che legano il romanzo del '74 a "Senza i conforti della religione"; in secondo luogo studiando il personaggio di Davide Segre (in particolare il discorso che tiene all'osteria e la sua parentesi operaia); successivamente analizza le varianti che interessano il titolo del romanzo e le cronistorie che aprono i vari capitoli. In appendice si trascrivono due componimenti inediti, attribuiti a Davide Segre adolescente, che l'autrice intendeva porre in coda al romanzo, ma che sono stati espunti

    Fiduciary Duties of Directors of Insolvent Corporations: A Comparative Perspective

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    Over the last two decades, in many jurisdictions great emphasis has been placed on directors’ fiduciary duties when a corporation is insolvent or in the amorphous “zone of insolvency”; notably, to investigate whether the directors should continue to promote the best interests of the corporation for the benefits of its shareholders, or whether their duties shift to creditors. The resolution of this ubiquitous issue will help to answer the following questions: Do creditors have standing to pursue claims for breach of fiduciary duties in the insolvency scenario? And, if they do, is it direct or derivative standing? This Article will address both questions. Moreover, it will discuss the issue of who has standing to assert (direct or derivative) claims against directors who have failed to act in the best interests of the corporation upon the commencement of a reorganization proceeding. The Article compares three countries—the United States, France, and Italy—where the role of the reorganization or the (pre-)insolvency proceedings in overcoming corporate crises has been prominent for many years, or has been increasing in importance year by year. Particularly, this comparative analysis aims to highlight the differences between the United States, France, and Italy in terms of creditors’ protection vis- ` a-vis directors’ mismanagement and to evaluate the effectiveness of their respective regulatory and judicial responses

    A hybrid composting and HTC system for the management of the residues of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste treatment

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    viene studiato il trattamento del digestato derivante da rifiuti di matrice organica municipale tramite il processo di carbonizzazione idrotermica. Ăš stato costruito un modello predittivo in matlab per definire le entalpie di reazione del processo. Infine Ăš stato eseguita un'analisi economica e finanziaria su diverse configurazioni impiantistiche.ope

    Analysis of the implementation of the Stipula legal calculus using Distributed Ledger Technologies

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    openThe purpose of this thesis is to provide a possible implementation of the domain-specific language Stipula. The purpose of this language is to assist professionals such as lawyers in programming legal contracts. The language is based on a set of programming abstractions that correspond to the distinctive elements that make up a legal contract, namely, permissions, prohibitions, obligations, asset transfer, and openness to external context, and that is likely to be executed on both centralized and distributed systems. The unique characteristics of the language have strongly driven the implementation of a particular architecture, which is a solution obtained from a combination of different approaches present in the current blockchain context. In parallel with the development of a contract execution system, the aim of the project is also to provide secure mechanisms for asset transfer, to ensure that the transferred sum is not altered during the sending and receiving of a transaction, and avoid attacks such as double-spending. The implementation illustrated in this thesis is the first version that provides the general idea of the project, oriented towards the execution in different types of distributed systems, ranging from a simple client-server system to a network of replicated partially trusted nodes. To illustrate the implementation, the thesis fully discusses the case of non-trivial contracts such as the trading of assets and the rent of a bike. The final part of the paper presents the missing functionalities, addresses the current limits of the version presented, possible solutions proposed, and possible future developments of the project are introduced. In particular, for this last point, future developments are understood as evolutions from the point of view of security, usability, computation, and efficiency for the execution of legal contracts in distributed systems.The purpose of this thesis is to provide a possible implementation of the domain-specific language Stipula. The purpose of this language is to assist professionals such as lawyers in programming legal contracts. The language is based on a set of programming abstractions that correspond to the distinctive elements that make up a legal contract, namely, permissions, prohibitions, obligations, asset transfer, and openness to external context, and that is likely to be executed on both centralized and distributed systems. The unique characteristics of the language have strongly driven the implementation of a particular architecture, which is a solution obtained from a combination of different approaches present in the current blockchain context. In parallel with the development of a contract execution system, the aim of the project is also to provide secure mechanisms for asset transfer, to ensure that the transferred sum is not altered during the sending and receiving of a transaction, and avoid attacks such as double-spending. The implementation illustrated in this thesis is the first version that provides the general idea of the project, oriented towards the execution in different types of distributed systems, ranging from a simple client-server system to a network of replicated partially trusted nodes. To illustrate the implementation, the thesis fully discusses the case of non-trivial contracts such as the trading of assets and the rent of a bike. The final part of the paper presents the missing functionalities, addresses the current limits of the version presented, possible solutions proposed, and possible future developments of the project are introduced. In particular, for this last point, future developments are understood as evolutions from the point of view of security, usability, computation, and efficiency for the execution of legal contracts in distributed systems

    Algebraic entropy for valuation domains

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    AbstractLet R be a non-discrete Archimedean valuation domain, G an R-module, Ί ∈ EndR(G).We compute the algebraic entropy entv(Ί), when Ί is restricted to a cyclic trajectory in G. We derive a special case of the Addition Theorem for entv, that is proved directly, without using the deep results and the difficult techniques of the paper by Salce and Virili [8]

    Dinùmicas culturais indígenas e suas relaçÔes com os lugares de identificação

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    O presente artigo apresenta reflexĂ”es sobre alguns posicionamentos assumidos por grupos indĂ­genas, a partir de situaçÔes que tive a oportunidade de participar e observar. Buscarei dialogar com autores que trazem a identidade como um atributo relacional, que se refere Ă  interação com outros, aproximando-me da argumentação sobre a identidade cultural e suas transformaçÔes, que carregam a necessidade de reconhecer as dinĂąmicas inerentes Ă s vivĂȘncias (inter)culturais e suas relaçÔes com lugares simbĂłlicos que compĂ”e o patrimĂŽnio imaterial. TambĂ©m sĂŁo apresentadas reflexĂ”es acerca do papel da escola indĂ­gena como instrumento para a reafirmação de suas identidades Ă©tnicas, e a relevĂąncia dos ambientes escolares expressarem representaçÔes simbĂłlicas com essa intenção. Para finalizar, utilizo-me dos “lugares antropolĂłgicos” de Marc AugĂ© (1994) relacionando-os com as situaçÔes descritas, que contemplam lugares de identificação de comunidades indĂ­genas, alguns deles presentes em memĂłrias ancestrais, mas ainda vivos e relacionados ao seu patrimĂŽnio imaterial
