4 research outputs found

    The Czech Republic´s Entrance into EU and its Impact on State Administration

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    Import 04/07/2011Účelem této bakalářské práce bylo popsat hlavní změny ve státní správě, které jsou spjaty se vstupem České republiky do Evropské unie. V první části práce se zabývám přípravou vlády ČR na vstup do EU. Je zde rozvedená veřejná správa, státní správa a Evropská unie. Dále jsou zde popsány podmínky pro vstup do Evropské unie. V další kapitole uvádím změny státní správy po vstupu ČR do EU z hlediska legislativního a popisuji také přínosy, změny i omezení, které vstup přinesl. Poslední část této práce je věnována dopadům vstupu ČR do EU na činnost státní správy. Tyto dopady jsou zde uvedeny zejména v Celní správě ČR. V této části porovnávám činnost Celní správy před vstupem a po vstupu do EU. Změny v Celní správě jsou popsány z legislativního hlediska. Na závěr celé práce se zmiňuji o kladech a záporech změn v Celní správě a navrhuji řešení.The purpose of this bachelor labour was describe main changes in state administration, which are adherent to Czech republic´s entrance to European union. In the first part of this labour I deal with preparation of Czech´s government to enter the EU. There are informations about public service, state administration and European union. In next chapter I mentioned changes in state administration after the entrance of Czech republic to EU in light of legislation and I also described the benefits, changes and limitation of the entrance. Last part of the labour is addicted to impacts on state administration activity after the entrance of CR to EU. These impacts are here mentioned especially in customs administration of CR. In this part I compared customs administration activity before and after entrance to EU. Changes in customs administration are described in light of legislation. At the end of the work I mentioned positives and negatives in customs administration changes and suggested resolution.119 - Katedra právavýborn

    Dysfunctional marriage and its impact on children psychology during youth

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    The content of this work is focused on children who live and experience divorce of their parents and must react to this unpleasant situation. Theoretical part explains concept of family, marriage, divorce, which are used throughout this work. In addition to that, the work will explore deeper information about divorce, types of divorces, and reason for them. One chapter is focused on how to communicate with children about divorce. Large amount of focus is given to children?s reactions to divorce. Reactions are split to ?most important reactions?, ?emotional reactions?, ?behavioral reactions? and further into short term and long term reactions. Further to that, reactions of children based on sex and being either an only child or growing with brothers or sisters. Practical part of this work presents story of respondents who experienced divorce as well as one, who did not experience divorce but is convinced that divorce is the only solution to their unbearable family situation. Based on all stories, deeper analysis was developed to compare individual respondents

    Tasks of the Customs Administration in the Trade after the Entrance of the Czech Republic into the European Union

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    Import 21/10/2013Cílem diplomové práce bylo popsat vývoj Celní správy ČR po vstupu České republiky do Evropské unie. Práce byla konkrétněji zaměřena na popis nových úkolů celní správy po vstupu ČR do EU. K závěru byly sepsány praktické ukazatele činnosti celní správy na úseku obchodu v období před vstupem a po vstupu do EU. Dané kazatele sloužily k porovnání působení celní správy v těchto dvou obdobích.The aim of this thesis was to describe the development of the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic after the Czech Republic joined the European Union. The work is particularly focused on the description of the new customs duties after joining the EU. In conclusion, practical indicators of customs administration activities in this field before and after the Czech Republic's admission to the EU are described. The indicators are used to compare the effect of customs administration in both periods.119 - Katedra právadobř

    World through eyes of people with autism - qualitative study of everyday life of an autistic person

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    My work is focused on perceive reality through autistic view and their subjective perception. Part one consists and explains of basic terms of autism spectrum disorders problems. Part two is methodology. It consists of a study which tries to answer research questions. Two techniques are used interview and observation. Respondents are split in two groups in first group are children, which responded themselves, in second group responded parents of children as they were not able to respond themselves. Part three provides work summary, processing the results of the research. It highlights the most important areas of the entire research. Those are analyzed and completed by relevant literature