12 research outputs found

    Különleges státuszú területek geopolitikai jelentősége Kínában: Hongkong az új évezred küszöbén

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    The plebiscite on the independence of Catalonia was adopted by the parliament of the Autonomous Community on 6th September 2017, which was suspended two days later by the Spanish Constitutional Court. Despite the prohibition of the Constitutional Court, the Catalan government decided to hold the illegal referendum on 1st October 2017, which increased the tensions between the Spanish cabinet and the Generalitat as a result of harsh police force’s riots. At the end of October 2017, the Catalan regional parliament declared the independence of the Autonomous Community. The reaction of the Spanish government was that it suspended the autonomy of Catalonia and decided to call early elections on 21st December 2017. Although the pro-independence parties (JuntsxCat and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) won the elections, they could only constitute a stable government by the external support of the radical left-wing party, Alternativa de Esquerres. The objective of my essay is to evaluate the political and economic consequences of the Catalan plebiscite, which was held on 1st October 2017. The popular vote about the self-determination of Catalonia caused a political and legal uncertainty and influenced the economic situation of the Autonomous Community and Spain negatively. The events which happened in Catalonia contributed to the loss of control over the legislature by a motion of no confidence against the Government of Mariano Rajoy and increased the division between the Catalan and the Spanish society. Because of length constraints, I will not highlight the European Union’s policy of the People’s Party and the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party. Besides the evaluation of the political and economic outcomes of the Catalan referendum, the main aim of the paper is to give insight into the factors that determined the independence process in Catalonia

    Különleges státuszú területek geopolitikai jelentősége Kínában : Hongkong az új évezred küszöbén

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    The presence of settlements, territories and places with special status in China can be observed in earlier periods of history and today as well, similarly to other parts of the world. In many cases, special status plays an important role in securing strategic positions and territoriality, management and exploitation of status and special rights could be a major economic competitive advantage which may result in a dynamically developing economy. After presenting the past and present economic and geopolitical importance of these Chinese territories, our paper examines the role, competitiveness and sustainability challenges of Hongkong which became a part of China again as a special administrative region (SAR) in 1997. Hongkong's economic history is a series of continuous challenges and successful adaptations. The attractive geostrategic position and special autonomy of this area has resulted an intensive development of commerce and services. Changing external challenges and market competition have generated new economic activities from time to time. Success and longerterm sustainability no longer depends on the relationship between colonial countries and colonies but can be achieved through the management of this special relationship with China. The special status and geostrategic location is an interesting product for the outside world and China is also interested in maintaining Hongkong's special status. However, this system is quite vulnerable: it works as long as its specific products and services are competitive

    The importance of diplomacy : a case study of Taiwan

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    After the de facto separation of China in 1949, the international community was divided on the issue which government represents the Chinese nation as a whole. Until the 1970s the Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan maintained its seat in the UN, and formal ties to a significant number of countries. However, by the end of this decade, in 1980, Taipei government was left with merely 22 diplomatic allies.1 Our article focuses on the position of Taiwan after this shift, examining the regime’s perception of the effects of recognition and derecognition. As the Taipei government has put significant efforts into the preservation (and expansion) of diplomatic relations with states that are not considered globally influential, we examined what possible effects and consequences these ties can have on the international legal status of the entity. It has to be noted that for this purpose, only the official relations, and diplomatic allies of the ROC were considered. After describing the diplomatic activities of Taiwan, and the shifts in the number of its diplomatic allies (between 1988–2020), we found three main areas which are positively affected by these ties. They provide basis for the regime’s claim to sovereignty and statehood, and they enhance Taiwanese presence in international institutions (and indicate the unresolved nature of the entity’s international legal status). Most importantly, they help to maintain the international nature of the cross-strait conflict and contribute to preserve the status quo

    Extending and Enhancing the Existing Motorail (Car Trains) System in the Danube River Basin (Drb)

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    The aim of the project is the enhancement of a greener, innovative and sustainable mobility through the extension of the existing railway system with as little changes as possible and the development of new modes of transport, providing a fast and seamless combination of rail and water transport, followed by short distance travel to the final destination by motorized vehicles or bicycles. This would be achieved through the extension in the Danube River Basin of the motorail system which allows the transport of cars, motorbikes and small trailers, creating an efficient, seamless and low-carbon transport network, thus contributing to the sustainable development of economic competitiveness and growth, of an integrated European single market and of an open and inclusive society, of tourist accessibility to new countries

    Krónikus orofacialis fájdalmak = Chronic orofacial pain

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    Absztrakt: Az orofacialis fájdalom egy gyűjtőszó, mely sokféle kórképet takarhat a gyulladásos kórképektől kezdve a neuropathiás fájdalomig. Maga a kórkép nem ritka, akár a populáció 7%-át érintheti. Sokszor maguk a betegek sem tudják, hogy panaszokkal fogászhoz vagy más szakemberhez forduljanak. A régió sok szakma határterületét képezi (fogászat, fülészet, szemészet, neurológia stb.), így nem meglepő, hogy egy-egy beteg akár 6–7 specialistánál megfordul. Összefoglaló közleményünk célja, hogy áttekintést adjunk a krónikus orofacialis fájdalommal járó kórképek diagnózisáról, az esetleges differenciáldiagnosztikai lehetőségekről és kezelési módokról. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(27): 1047–1056. | Abstract: Orofacial pain is the common name of a variety of disorders from inflammatory diseases to neuropathic pain syndromes. This condition is quite common, it may involve 7% of the whole population. Patients (and doctors) are not aware of the origin of their complaints, therefore initial management falls among the variety of healthcare professionals. The aim of our review was to summarize the current evidence of chronic orofacial pain including diagnosis, management and pitfalls. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(27): 1047–1056

    A kiégés előfordulása szociális munkások körében

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    Bevezetés: Napjaink egyik legszélesebb körben emlegetett jelensége a kiégés (burnout), mely a leggyakrabban a segítő szakmákban dolgozókat érinti. Célkitűzés: Munkánk célja a kiégés jelenségének komplex vizsgálata szociális munkások körében. Módszerek: A demográfiai adatok felvétele mellett a kiégés vizsgálatához a Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) kérdőívet használtuk, a kognitív/viselkedésbeli hibákat, diszfunkcionális elvárásokat pedig a Diszfunkcionális Attitűd Skála (DAS) segítségével térképeztük fel. A hangulatzavar kimutatásához a Beck Depresszió Kérdőív rövidített változatát alkalmaztuk, továbbá az Erőfeszítés-Jutalom Egyensúlytalanság Kérdőív és a Társas Támogatás Kérdőív is kitöltésre került. Eredmények: Összesen 300 fő töltötte ki a kérdőívet: 106 férfi, 194 nő. A munkavállalók döntően a fiatal/középkorú korcsoporthoz tartoznak, a 26-45 év közöttiek aránya 52,2%. Az átlagos kiégési pontszám 53,9 (SD = 18,7) volt, melyből 105 fő (35,1%) alacsony, 182 fő közepes (60,6%) és 13 fő (4,3%) súlyos kiégéssel érintett. A multivariációs analízis során a női nem (OR: 5,857), az életkor (OR: 4,126), a munkában eltöltött évek (OR: 2,721), a sokgyermekes család (OR: 2,861) és a társas támogatás hiánya (OR: 2,81) bizonyultak a kiégés független rizikótényezőinek (p3) (OR: 2.861) and the lack of social support (OR: 2.81) were independently associated with burnout (p<0.05 in all cases). There was a significant association among burnout, depression and dysfunctional attitudes.The vast majority of our social workers suffered from moderate and a small, but a significant proportion from severe burnout. Our work draws attention to the modifiable and unmodifiable risk factors of burnout in this population, which may help in the development of preventive strategies. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(44): 1884-1890

    Trendy mobilności i ich wpływ na zatrudnienie na Węgrzech w latach 2010-2015

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    International and Hungarian labor markets are influenced by many factors. The amount of people available to the labor market is of great importance; as well as the principles and social strategies affecting the people, well-being and living standards; the efficiency of social security; and the existence of social and professional mobility. These trends generate a great challenge on the labor market everywhere in the Central-Eastern Europe and in Hungary as well. This paper presents the mobility trends of Hungary between the period of 2010 and 2015 and focusing on the impacts of employment of the country.Na międzynarodowe i węgierskie rynki pracy wpływa wiele czynników. Ogromne znaczenie ma liczba osób dostępnych na rynku pracy, a także zasady i strategie społeczne wpływające na ludzi, dobrobyt i poziom życia, efektywność zabezpieczenia społecznego oraz istnienie mobilności społecznej i zawodowej. Trendy te stanowią duże wyzwanie na rynku pracy w całej Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, a także na Węgrzech. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia trendy mobilności na Węgrzech w latach 2010-2015 i skupia się na skutkach zatrudnienia w tym kraju