125 research outputs found

    Malaysian Islamic capital market : regulatory and legal scaffold altercations in the legal 'Thick" jungle.

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    Islamic capital market is burgeoning in Malaysian and in the world today. This is evident from the diversified products offered to the patrons. Malaysia has fonnulated a distinctive legal framework for the Islamic capital market which is indeed an exemplary to the rest of the world, which is yet considering doing it, but is deliberating whetherMalaysia has overdone the regulating of Islamic Capital Market or not. The legal infrastructure and the regulatory measures utilized in the Malaysian capital market is indeed worthwhile looking at. This is the only way to appreciate the Malaysian regulatory and the legal infrastructure for the Islamic capital market. The main aim of this paper is to highlight the legal issues confronting the Islamic capital market due to the sparks created whilst operating it parallel with its counterpart, i.e., the conventional capital market. In this paper, the existing Malaysian legal framework for Islamic Capital Market would be discussed in depth to give the readers a vivid picture of it, and whether regulating is scalded or not, would be discusse

    Effect of sound radiation from plate attached with absober

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    In everyday life, engineering widely used into solve and assistance people, whether medical, developmental, industrial processing, manufacturing, transportation and others. In the meantime, engineering must be made up of a system to allow it to work well for rapidity, efficiency as well as get the exact results. For the example in development of aerospace industries demands the use of lightweight materials, such as thin panels. However, thin panels have potential to contribute to substantial vibration and sound radiation, which lead to excessive noise. So, the study was carried out by determine the sound pressure radiated from simply support plate (SSP) without absorber and compared with attached single absorber in term of vibration reduction. Later, the study was investigate the effect of mass and damping coefficient also need to optimize the location of absorber. Then, investigation of the effectiveness of using multiple absorbers carried out. The study found that the numerical simulation works by ANSYS® and analytical analysis by MATLAB ® have error less than 105 which negligible. The frequency range used are 0 Hz to 200 Hz and there are a number of modes show. The mass and damping in the absorber have investigated for the effectiveness. The mass of 1 kg more suitable for use as a percentage reduction of vibration is the highest of 98.3921%. The damping values of 20 kg/s shows that the percentage reduction in the amplitude of the vibration is 98.5112%. Further, this study was undertaken by placing the absorber at different locations configuration. This was followed by the addition of a single absorber and multiple absorber to see the average percentage reduction in vibration and the results show the highest usage of absorber better absorption of vibration which is single absorber with 99.9395% and four absorber with 99.6048%. Finally, it can be concluded that multiple vibration absorber can reduce the overall global vibration compared to a single absorber and the structure that takes into account the weight of the dynamic vibration absorber is not suitable to be implemented due to the excessive weight of the structure will result in less fuel efficiency in vehicles, aerospace, automotive systems and machines also for the human healthty

    Sexual harassment in context of Malaysia

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    Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination or unwelcome sexual action includes verbal or physical touch that can affect the individual’s employment, work performance and others including physical and mental health. Sexual harassment may occur in many condition or situation such as between opposite gender or with the same gender. The victim may be the superior, co-worker, an agent or to a non-employee (U. S. E. E. O. Commission, n.d.). Sexual harassment also not an action with interactivity, friendship or teasing that is mutually agreed (V. E. O. & H. R. Commission, n.d.). However, there are two types of sexual harassment, “quid pro quo” (this for that) and hostile environment. For “quid pro quo”, this occur when it is stated or implied that an individual must agree to conduct a sexual nature in order to get promotion. Other that, hostile environment occur when there is unwelcome action of a sexual nature create frighten, abusive working or threatening that can affect the individual’s ability to participate or perform their task (Center, n.d.)

    GIS technique for incinerator site suitability study / Nor Aizam Adnan, Zaharah Mohd Yusoff and Pauziyah Mohammad Salim

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    Until today 'open dumping' is still one of the most common ways of eliminating many types of solid waste. This conventional method has no longer efficient especially for urban areas where there are many competitions occur between the land users. Realising the lack of dumping site especially in urban area and also the need to protect the environment as well as to address the solid waste disposal problem in Selangor, the concepts of an incinerator was introduced. In Malaysia, the locating process is planned by local authority and normally will start by searching the area that match to the requirement, which are sets by the Department of Environment (DOE) and also the Town & Country Planning Department (TCPD). The used of Geographical Information System (GIS) in manipulating data for various development purposes help very much in decision-making. Knowing the capability of GIS in future development decision making, this research is made with the aim on to explore the technique in determining suitable site or sites for the development; as of in this case is to establish a new incinerator. In this research the Department of Environment (DOE) and Town and Country Planning Department (TCPD) standard criteria are used. From this study it shows that as far as physical planning, and especially incinerator siting is concerned, GIS is a versatile and practical tool that can offer speedy spatial operations and layer overlay, hence expedite analysis procedures and processes. Further detailed research is recommended in similar field to narrow down the results and identify suitable lots for incinerator development. The details can go as far as determining land ownerships and land acquisition values, detailed validation on soil types and bedrock geology, environmental and economical requirement and also consequences and mitigating measures

    Enhancing good governance practices of waqf institutions: learning from shariah governance framework of Islamic financial institutions

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    Throughout Islamic history, waqf is proven as an excellent mechanism for the development of the socio-wellbeing of the Muslim community. Waqf assets can be used for religious and social welfare purposes like building mosques, public health, transportation and education and others. However, due to the limited regulatory framework and control over waqf institutions, there are many undesirable issues regarding the waqf management authority. If these issues continue, the waqf institutions will have a negative public image and undermine the objective of the Waqf. This paper highlights the issues on lack of good governance practices in waqf and proposes that waqf institutions should be learn from the established Shariah Governance Framework of Islamic Financial Institutions. The Shariah Governance Framework for Islamic Financial Institutions has been established and well-practiced in the Islamic Finance industry for nearly 10 years. Throughout these years, the industry has seen the excellent impact of good Shariah governance practices in terms of enhancing administration and management of the Islamic financial institutions and thus supporting tremendous growth of the industry. Both waqf and Islamic Financial Institutions share the common basis that they are Shariah compliant based institutions. As such, learning from the success of the other is highly advocated. Thus this paper will examine the governance framework for waqf which is based on trust, accountability, God consciousness, hisbah, and mutual consultation. These principles will be examined and analyse in the context of Shariah Governance Framework of Islamic Financial Institutions to see how Waqf can benefit and learn from the good practices of Islamic Financial Institutions. It is submitted that having a good governance system is a vital way to resolve the issues faced by waqf institutions, which leaves governance an unquestionable aspect for the success of waqf institutions

    Hubungan kepuasan kerja dengan kecerdasan emosi dalam kalangan warga Polis DiRaja Malaysia

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    Pasukan Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) merupakan badan penguatkuasa utama negara. Tugas sebagai seorang anggota Polis menuntut kesiapsiagaan sepanjang masa dalam menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan luar jangka. Menyedari hakikat tugas dan tanggungjawab yang perlu dilaksanakan, keupayaan mengurus kecerdasan emosi menghadapi cabaran berkhidmat dalam sebuah organisasi yang berteraskan disiplin adalah amat penting. Fokus utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti hubungan di antara tahap kepuasan kerja berdasarkan faktor pendorong dan penggerak dengan tahap kecerdasan emosi bagi konstrak intrapersonal dan interpersonal dalam kalangan anggota Polis DiRaja Malaysia. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 400 orang anggota Polis pelbagai pangkat (Konstable hingga Deputy Superintenden Police) yang sedang berkhidmat di IPPD Subang Jaya, Selangor. Data kajian dianalisis menggunakan SPSS ver.22. Ujian statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk menganalisis maklumat demografi responden iaitu gaji dan cawangan berkhidmat. Manakala ujian kolerasi Pearson, ANOVA dan Post Hoc serta analisis Regresi Berganda digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis kajian yang telah diformulasikan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan di antara tahap kepuasan kerja dengan tahap kecerdasan emosi, sementara dimensi rakan sekerja faktor penggerak pula dikenalpasti sebagai penyumbang utama terhadap kecerdasan emosi responden. Kesimpulannya, dapatan kajian membuktikan Teori Dua Faktor Herzberg terpakai dalam organisasi PDRM dan dapatan kajian ini sesuai dijadikan rujukan dalam merangka intervensi menyeluruh program pembangunan modal insan ke arah pemantapan kecerdasan emosi bagi mengurangkan statistik salah laku dalam kalangan warganya memandangkan kedua-dua elemen ini adalah faktor peramal penting dalam menjaga keharmonian organisasi PDR

    Towards providing the best Sharī'ah governance practices for Waqf based institutions

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    Waqf is the donation for the sake of Allah (s.w.t). Historically, it isproven that society can benefit from waqf assets. Waqf assets can beused for religious purposes like building mosques, public health,transportation and education and others. However, due to the limitedregulatory framework and control over waqf institutions, there aremany undesirable issues regarding the Waqf management authority.Most of the issues are due to inadequate management of waqf andtheir accountability towards the donors and beneficiaries. If theseissues continue, the waqf institutions will have a negative publicimage and undermine the objective of the waqf leading peoplehesitant to donate to waqf. Thus, this paper highlights the negativeissues in the waqf institutions and proposes the need for Shari’ahgovernance. This paper proposes that Sharī‘ah governance practicesfor waqf institutions should be based on trust, accountability, Godconsciousness, hisbah, and mutual consultation. It is believed thatthis paper will alert the respective authorities and waqf managementto issue a Sharī‘ah governance framework

    Pendekatan baharu al-Shaykh ‘Abd Allah al-Ghadamsi dan al-Imam Muhammad ‘Abduh dalam memajukan masyarakat Islam

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    Al-Shaykh ‘Abd Allah al-Ghadamsi ialah seorang daripada tokoh yang banyak berjasa dalam sejarah kebangkitan masyarakat Islam di Tanah Melayu. Kehadiran beliau ke Tanah Melayu ialah atas permintaan tokoh-tokoh dan para aktivis Islam tempatan membawa misi untuk memajukan masyarakat Islam rantau ini dan mengeluarkan mereka daripada belenggu kejahilan, kemunduran dan kelempuran. Selari dengan kebangkitan umat Islam global yang ratarata sedang berada di bawah genggaman penjajah, terutama di rantau Timur Tengah yang menjadi pusat kebangkitan semula umat Islam, kehadiran tokoh dari sana amat dialu-alukan. Walau bagaimanapun, misi ini bukanlah suatu yang mudah. Pelbagai cabaran perlu dihadapi dan pelbagai rintangan terpaksa diharungi, sama ada dari luar mahupun dalam, dalam usaha untuk merealisasikan cita-cita murni ini. Dari penelitian terhadap pendekatan yang dibawa oleh tokoh ini, serta tindak balas yang yang diterima dari pendekatan baharu yang dibawanya, didapati banyak persamaan dengan sejarah perjuangan tokoh besar pelopor kebangkitan para ilmuwan dan aktivis Islam era moden, iaitu al- Imam Muhammad ‘Abduh. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti secara perbandingan pendekatan yang diambil oleh kedua-dua tokoh dalam usaha untuk membangkit dan memajukan masyarakat Islam di tempat masing-masing, serta tindak balas yang diterima terhadap pendekatan ini dan sejauh mana pula kecekalan dan kebijaksanaan mereka dalam menangani rintangan dan cabaran ini demi kesinambungan sebuah perjuangan. Kajian ini merupakan sebuah kajian kualitatif yang berlandaskan pengumpulan data dari pelbagai sumber, seterusnya analisis dilakukan bagi menjawab persoalan berkaitan, mengikut kerangka kajian yang ditentukan. Dapatan penting kajian ini ialah wujud persamaan antara pendekatan, tindak balas serta respon balas mereka berdua terhadap tindak balas yang diterima itu, yang akhirnya telah meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam terhadap keberhasilan serta kesinambungan perjuangan mereka di era berikutnya

    The mediating role of employee performance on the relationship between delegation of authority and decision making

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    The aim of this study is to enhance understanding in the animated extent of delegation authority and its role in decision making. Precisely, the prime objective of this study is to visualize the concept and propose the effects of delegation authority on decision making along with the mediating role of employees’ performance in the Police department at Dubai. Based on an inclusive and systematic literature review of delegation authority, decision making, and employee’s performance, this study will collect data through self-administered questionnaires based survey in a quantitative manner. The collected data will be analyzed through smart partial least square structure equation modelling for validating the model, testing hypothesis, and finding results. This study will highlight some new insights into the relevant knowledge area. Specifically, the results will contribute to enhance the motivational synergy of upper management to include the employees in decision-making process to improve their performance. This study is only limited to the police department of Dubai and future studies can examine the relationship between defined constructs in other service sector and the moderating role of employees’ performance. By integrating delegation authority, decision making, and employee’s performance literature, the prime contributions of this study are the analysis of defined variables in the police department of Dubai with emphasize on new challenges and to boost up the gap of relevant literature

    Factors affecting delegation authority toward employees performance

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    Employees are the key asset of every organization and their performance can influence the goals and objectives of organizations in a positive or negative way. The aim of this study is to develop a theoretical framework in relations to examine the effects of employee’s satisfaction and participation, delegation authority and empowerment on employee’s performance in UAE organizations. Specifically, to get an in-depth understanding of the linkage between delegation authority and employees performance with emphasize on (employee participation and employee satisfaction). This study is only limited to Dubai organizations and future research may be conducted in other countries as well as can assess the moderating role in the defined variables. By integrating employee’s satisfaction and participation, delegation authority and empowerment, and employee’s performance literature, the main contribution of this paper is the analysis of defined variables in Dubai organizations with emphasize on new challenges and to boost up the gap of relevant literature