6 research outputs found


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    Tanaman obat yang terdiri dari daun, akar, buah, kayu dan umbi-umbian telah digunakan sejak lama oleh masyarakat. Sampai saat ini masyarakat percaya dengan pengobatan yang berasal dari bahan alam atau dikenal dengan istilah ā€œBack To Natureā€. Penggunaan tanaman tradisional sebagai alternatif pengobatan pada zaman sekarang sangat dibutuhkan. Oleh karena itu akan diadakan sosialisasi dan demonstrasi mengenai pemanfaatan serta cara pengolahan tanaman tradisional sebagai alternatif pengobatan serta dapat juga digunakan sebagai peluang bisnis. Tanaman tersebut terdiri dari daun coklat, daun insulin, daun kelor, sereh wangi dan daun pandan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu sosialisasi dan demonstrasi pemanfaatan tanaman tradisional kepada masyarakat RT 21 dan RT 23 Desa Mekar Jaya. Hasil dari sosialisasi dan demonstrasi memiliki dampak yang besar terhadap masyarakat RT 21 dan RT 23 Desa Mekar Jaya, dilihat dari antusias masyarakat yang sangat baik ketika sosialisasi dan demonstrasi dilakukan. Dalam hal ini masyarakat dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dalam memanfaatkan tanaman sebagai alternatif pengobatan dan peluang bisnis


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    Dengue Fever (DBD) is an endemic disease caused by dengue virus with vector of Aedes aegypty mosquito. The disease is still a major health problem in Indonesia. DBD often occurs in communities with high pollution levels such as dirty and unkempt environments. Lack of knowledge about health problems, especially DBD and most of the behavior of the community does not support the 3M movement (draining, burying and closing) is one of the factors that increase the risk of DBD. The increase in dbd cases in Indonesia makes many manufacturers create mosquito repellent products to tools and drugs that can kill mosquitoes with various types of products and brands. But the products that are widely sold in the market, can be said to be less environmentally friendly and sometimes not good for health. KKN students have a work program in an effort to increase public awareness and understanding of DBD by providing counseling about mosquito repellent plants. The plant chosen is lemongrass leaves because mosquitoes do not like the aroma and leaves are easily obtained around the community so that it can be processed into an anti-mosquito spray product and in addition

    Quercetin Bioavailability Evaluation on Standardized Herbal Medicine Containing Guava Leaf Extract with HPLC

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    Standardized herbal medicines are classified as one of Indonesia's natural medicine ingredients in addition to herbal medicine and phytopharmaceuticals. The safety and efficacy of standardized herbal medicines are scientifically proven through preclinical trials, and raw materials and products have been standardized. One includes standardized herbal medicines is diapet, psidii, lelap, fitolac, and glucogarp. To determine the bioavailability of standardized herbal products containing guava leaf extract (Psidium guajava L.). which uses single and combined natural materials. The method used is experimental with a crossover design. Blood samples are taken from the marginalis vein of the rabbit ear at 0.5 hours; 1; 2; 4; and 6. The level of quercetin in the blood is determined by the reverse-phase HPLC method. The mobile phase used is methanol:aquabidest (59:41,v/v), stationary phase octadecyl silica (C18), flow rate 1 mL/min, UV-Vis detector 370 nm, and injection volume 20 ?L. The value of bioavailability parameters obtained in the parameters Cpmax, Tmax, and AUC of product A is 1.486454 ?g / ml; 1.4 hours and 10.2615291 ?g/ml/h, product B is 1.29224019 ?g/ml; 1.5 hours and 11.30810501 ?g/ml/hour. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the bioavailability profile of the two products is not much different, so it is expected that the effects caused are the same


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    Latar Belakang : Swamedikasi merupakah hal yang dirasa cukup penting dalam penyampaian informasi terkait sesuksesan dalam rangkaian terapi pengobatan. Obat tradisional dan obat modern juga tidak luput dari peran swamedikasi pada masyakarat agar masyarakat juga mendukung terhadap kesuksesan dalam terciptanya kesehatan yang dikendaki oleh seseorang.Metoda : Dilakukan pencarian dalam database online dengan repositori besar studi akademik, ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan sepenuhnya dapat diakses oleh penulis. Artikel yang sedang ditinjau berkaitan dengan swamedikasi serta kaitannya dengan obat tradisional dan obat modern.Hasil : Swamedikasi pada kategori obat tradisional sekiranya diperlukan perhatian yang lebih besar, mengingat potensi dari kekayaan alam Indonesia adalah pada obat tradisional. Pada sisi obat modern, swamedikasi pada obat modern hanya perlu dipertahankan saja, karena hal ini sudah tertuang dalam kurikulum pembelajaran siswa dan mahasiswa dibidang kesehatan. Metode pemberian edukasi pada swamedikasi juga seharusnya mendapatkan perhatian juga. Mengingat sudah cukup luasnya penggunaan internet di masyarakat, hal ini memicu masyarakat bisa semakin mudah dalam pencarian informasi obat. Hal ini kedepannya dengan menggerakan tenaga kesehatan juga ambil bagian dalam penyebaran informasi obat di internet agar masyarakat terhidar dari informasi obat yang salah dan mensukseskan swamedikasi pada obat tradisional dan obat modern.Kesimpulan : diperlukan perhatian yang cukup besar pada swamedikasi obat tradisional agar tidak terjadinya tidakan yang tidak benar dari masyarakat yang akan berdampak pada kerasionalan pengobatan dan terhidarnya masyarakat dari bahaya jamu BKO. Hal tentunya akan memicu pengkajian tentang swamedikasi obat tradisional secara komprehensif

    Acute Toxicity LD50 Fraction Ethyl Acetate Aquilaria malaccensis, Ficus benjamina, Mikania micrantha, and Fraction Water Cinnamomum burmanii in Mus Musculus

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    Research on the acute toxicity of LD50 had been carried out on the ethyl acetate fraction of Gaharu leaves (Aquilaria malaccensis), beringin leaves (Ficus benjamina), sembung rambat leaves (Mikania micrantha), and kayu manis cortex (Cinnamomum burmanii) water fraction the base of use as traditional treatment by the Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) empirically obtained from ancestors. This research methodwas experimental and it used male and female mice. The control group was given a 1% NaCMC doses of 625 mg/kg body weight, 1,250 mg/kg body weight, 2,500 mg/kg body weight, and 5,000 mg/kg body weight. The test preparation was administered orally once per day. The Thomson-Weil method was used for the measurement of LD50 values. The weight ratio of organs was applied for heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and stomach. The results showed that the LD50 value for male mice was 2454mg/kg body weight; 2454mg/kg body weight; 1546 mg/kg body weight and 2065mg/kg body weight respectfully. The LD50 value for female mice was a pseudo LD50. The value of the organ weight ratio in each sample showed P<0.05 values that were obtained in gaharu leaves in the liver and kidney organs (male); heart in females. Beringin leaves value P<0.05 lung organs (male). Sembung rambat leaves P<0.05 values of the heart, liver, and stomach organs (male); heart and stomach (female). Cinnamomum cortex value P<0.05 liver and stomach organs (male). The conclusions showed that the LD50 value of the ethyl acetate fraction of gaharu leaf, sembung rambat leaf, beringin leaf, and kayu manis cortex in male mice was slightly toxic, while in female mice it could not be counted

    Pemanfaatan Bahan Alam untuk Pemeliharaan Kesehatan di Desa Seleman Kecamatan Danau Kerinci

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    Health problems are still the main problems in Seleman Village, including diabetes, hyperlipidemia, gout, myalgia, and hypertension. This community service aims to improve the health and knowledge of residents in using medicine correctly and can utilize herbal plants as alternative treatments that can also be used as business opportunities. The methods used are counseling and demonstration as well as giving leaflets/brochures. This activity was carried out in the Seleman Village area. The target of counseling is the residents of Seleman Village with a total of 161 residents. From the pre-test results, 49.3% knew about hypertension, 40.42% knew about cholesterol, 56.78% knew about diabetes, and 51.87% knew about gout. After conducting educational activities about the disease, 95.34% knew about hypertension, 97.34% knew about cholesterol, 96.55% knew about diabetes, and 96.44% knew about gout. It can be concluded that from the community service carried out there is an increase in public knowledge on how to use medicine and independent use of herbal plants as alternative treatments derived from nature or known as "back to nature"