36 research outputs found

    The role of criminal law politics against ambush marketing behavior in the implementation of ASEAN community

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    Until now, Indonesia does not recognize the term ambush marketing, both in the Trademark Act, 2001 or the Anti Monopoly and Unfair Competition Act, 1999. However, based on the Criminal Code, particularly Article 382 bis, there is similar behavior with ambush marketing, which is based on the meaning of misdirection public view for the purpose of personal benefit or business benefit. So according to the author, ambush marketing can be qualified as a crime in the criminal justice system in Indonesia. The Establishment of the Political criminal law against ambush marketing if related with the ASEAN Community 2015, therefore, the establishe of the political criminla law in the future (ius contituendum) in the domain of intra-ASEAN trade, as a study of political law, currently has two main parameters, ie philosophy of Indonesian, in this case is the Pancasila; and agreements that have been made fellow ASEAN members.peer-reviewe

    Indonesian market economics is reviewed of the constellation of law

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    Economic activity is strongly influenced by the layout of economic actors (political economy theory), the design of the rules of the game (the economic theory of transaction costs), the norms and beliefs of an individual / community (terori of social capital), incentives for collaboration (collective action theory) Arranged agreement (contract theory), choice of ownership of physical and non physical assets (theory of property rights), and others. In essence, there is always an incentive for individuals to behave so that the economic system can not only be guided by the market. In this case, non-market institutions are needed to protect the market from being trapped in endless failures by designing the rules of the game. At the macro level, the institute contains a set of political, social and legal rules that establish production, exchange and distribution activities. And at the micro level, institutions contain governance issues in order to exchange between economic units can take place both through cooperation and competition.peer-reviewe

    Kepastian Hukum Dalam Pelaksanaan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Melalui Video Konferensi Berdasarkan Konsep Cyber Notary Di Indonesia

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    The GMS allows owners residing abroad to join via teleconference with other shareholders. In accordance with Article 76 jo 77 of the Company Law, the GMS may be conducted in person or via electronic media. The most crucial aspect of the GMS is that all participants can see, hear, and participate directly. Nevertheless, the authenticity of a notarial act must be preserved. The notion of Cyber Notary continues to violate Article 1 point 7 and Article 16 paragraph (1) letter m of the UUJN. This study employs normative legal research in an effort to gather the pertinent information regarding the issue. The data should be utilized in conjunction with secondary and tertiary items. In addition, primary data is utilized to support secondary data-based legal documents. Using the method of normative legal analysis, the data were analyzed. The results of the study indicate that the GMS held via video conference can be considered an authentic deed if it applies the legal principle of lex specialis derogate lex generalis, where lex the general is Article 16 paragraph (1) letter m of the Notary Position Act and lex the specialist is Article 77 paragraph (1) in conjunction with the Explanation of Article 77 paragraph (4) of the Limited Liability Company Law.Keywords: GMS; Cyber Notary; Teleconferencing AbstrakPara pemegang saham yang berada diluar negeri dapat mengikuti RUPS menggunakan media telekonferensi dengan pemegang saham lainnya. RUPS menurut Pasal 76 jo 77 UUPT dapat dilakukan secara tatap muka ataupun melalui media elektronik. Hal terpenting bahwa semua peserta RUPS dapat melihat, mendengar, dan berpartisipasi secara langsung dalam RUPS. Namun demikian, sifat autentik dari suatu akta Notaris tetap harus dijaga. Konsep Cyber Notary masih bertentangan dengan Pasal 1 angka 7 UUJN dan Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf m. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif yang dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk mendapatkan data yang diperlukan sehubungan dengan permasalahan. Data yang akan digunakan dengan data sekunder dan bahan tertier. Disamping itu juga digunakan data primer sebagai pendukung bahan hukum data sekunder. Untuk analisis data dilakukan dengan metode analisis yuridis normatif. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diperoleh bahwa RUPS yaang dilaksanakan melalui video konferensi dapat disebut sebagai akta autentik jika menggunakan asas perundang-undangan lex specialis derogate lex generalis dimana yang menjadi lex generalis adalah Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf m Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris, sedangkan lex specialis-nya adalah Pasal 77 ayat (1) jo Penjelasan Pasal 77 ayat (4) Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas.Kata Kunci: RUPS; Cyber Notary; Telekonferens

    Test of Biodiesel Usage to Engine Performa on Dong Feng Diesel with Power 7 HP

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    Abstract. This study aims to see the ability of Biodiesel fuel to Engine Performance onDong Feng diesel engines with 7 kW Power. The biodiesel used was synthesized byBiodiesel using frying oil and methanol as well as limestone catalyst (CaCO3). Thereare 2 types of Biodiesel used, namely Biodiesel with synthetic catalysts (homogeneous)and Biodiesel with natural (heterogeneous) catalysts. The synthesis catalyst resulted ina 31.52% randement, while the natural catalyst produced a 78.79% randement.Theproduced biodiesel was tested on a Dong Feng diesel engine with 7 HP Power. To geta comparison of engine performance, Biodiesel fuel is used with synthetic catalysts(homogeneous), Biodiesel with natural (heterogeneous) catalysts, and Solar fuels. Theresults showed that the engine power produced from Biodiesel was lower than theengine power using Solar. Power from Biodiesel with synthetic catalysts(homogeneous) averages 33% lower than Power using Solar, while Biodiesel withnatural catalysts (heterogeneous) is 41% lower than Solar-powered Power. FuelConsumption, FC (g/ hour) on the engine using Solar is higher than FC engine usingBiodiesel. FC from Biodiesel with synthetic (homogeneous) catalyst is an average of7% lower than Solar, while Biodiesel with natural catalyst (heterogeneous) is 30%lower than Solar. This proves the use of Biodiesel fuel with heterogeneous catalysts ismore economical than Solar fuels.Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC), also shows thatSFC on a Solar fueled engine is almost equal to the SFC Biodiesel fueled engine. SFCfrom Biodiesel with synthesis catalyst (homogeneous) is 4% lower than Solar fuel,while Biodiesel with natural catalyst (heterogeneous) is 7% lower than Solar fuel

    Identifikasi Penyebab Kerusakan Valve pada Mud Pump Type Triplex Pump Menggunakan Metode Fault Tree Analysis di PT. X

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    Failure that occurs in mud pump one of which caused by the mud pump valve while the valve failure caused to three (3) components namely the valve complete, valve seat and valve spring. Such failure would cause mud pump unit can not be operated so as to interfere with the smooth operation of drilling. The research was focused on identifying the critical components of the valve and evaluate the cause of the valve failure with fault tree analysis method (FTA). Data that obtained from the company processed using calculations pareto chart and FTA method. Critical component is a valve 3 i.e valve complete. Valve failure caused corrosion, wear and failure rubber valve

    Perlindungan Sosial Bagi Perempuan Korban Pernikahan Dini di Gorontalo

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    This study explores the dynamic of early-age marriage and implementing social protection concepts for households’ women victims in Gorontalo. This research uses qualitative method with explorative-inductive approaches. We were collected data by interviews, observation, and documentation. Resulting studies that early-age marriage cases in Gorontalo effected by low education, patriarchy system, domestic violence, divorced, and multi-dimensional poverty. For that, this study recommended that social control be worked fine, where the role of parent’, education, and community—create a social safety net for getting better—this role of parents and educational institutions in implementing the protection concept as a social policy reformulation material.Studi ini mengeksplorasi dinamika pernikahan dini dan skema perlindungan sosial yang tepat bagi perempuan korban kekerasan dalam ruamh tangga di Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksploratif-induktif. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa kasus pernikahan dini di Gorontalo disebabkan oleh rendahnya tingkat pendidikan, budaya patriarkhi, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, perceraian, dan kemiskinan multidimensi. Untuk itu, studi ini merekomendasikan agar kontrol sosial dapat berfungsi dengan baik—peran orang tua, sekolah, dan komunitas—agar social safety net berjalan dengan baik. Peran ini tercermin dalam konsep perlindungan sebagai bahan untuk reformulasi kebijakan sosial.

    Analisis Kerusakan Liner pada Mud Pump Ideco T-800 Type Triplex Pump Berdasarkan Reliability, Availability, dan Metode Fault Tree Analysis di PT. X

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    Mud pump is one type of pump is widely used in industry, mud pump included in the positive type pump. Components of these machines often damage by suddenly one of them is theliner. The purpose of this study is to identify the critical component liner, evaluate the damage cause liner by the method of fault tree analysis (FTA), determine the basic design of the treatment and determine the optimum schedule component replacement liner, analyze the value of reliability, availability, mean time between failure (MTBF), mean time to repaire (MTTR). The existence of the effort are intended to increase the reliability and availability that high to maximize the life of the equipment, as well as the maintenance of an effective. Conclusions obtained includes critical component is the liner 1, cause damage to the liner is scratch. The processing data using Minitab software 16 to determine distribution test, thevalue of MTTR, MTBF, reliability and availability. It is obtained the optimal schedule component liner replacements is done every 56 day with some advantages namely the frequency of replacement of the liner component decreased from an average of 11 times/year be 7 times/year and an increase in the value of reliability in the liner 2

    Implementasi RCM pada mesin diesel Deutz 20 kVA

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    The aspect that most influences the functioning of this telecommunications service is the aspect of maintaining the equipment or assets supporting the telecommunications service. For this reason, companies must periodically measure the performance of their maintenance so that telecommunications services continue to function properly. From the data, the frequency of damage to the diesel generator engine from 2017 to 2020 is very high. In the period 2017 to 2020 there were a total of 90 times the damage, and the biggest contributor to the damage was in the 20kVA Deutz diesel engine. The purpose of this research is to know how the maintenance conditions are and to know the level of effectiveness and to know the right recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the diesel generator engine. The research method used is RCM (Reliability Centered maintanance) which is a technique used to develop scheduled preventive maintenance. Research results obtained, the component whose frequency is often damaged in the Deutz generator diesel engine is the Alternator. This selection is based on the highest number of damage frequencies and the longest downtime for approximately 3 years. Calculation of the Alternator's Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) value is 25305 hours, which means that the Alternator component will experience damage again after operating for 25305 hours. While the Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) value of the Alternator is 22.54 hours, which means that the average time to repair the Alternator component is 22.54 hours. From the calculation of the Reliability Value, the alternator is said to still have a good function because the average value interval is still in the range 0 1), the appropriate types of maintenance for the Alternator component are Preventive and Time Based Maintenance.Keywords: Reliability Centered Maintenance, Critical Components, Maintenance