534 research outputs found
Pengaruh Kompensasi, Kompetensi dan Komitmen Organisasional terhadap Kepuasan dan Kinerja
: The Effect of Compensation, Competencies and Organizational Commitment toward Job Satisfaction and Performance. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of compensation, competencies and organizational commitment to employee's job satisfaction and performance of cooperatives. The population in this study is all employees of KSP (Credit Unions/Loan and Saving Cooperative) in Tuban. Data analysis employed is path analysis with trimming model. The study's findings indicate that the compensation, competency and organizational commitment simultaneously and partially have a significant effect on employee's job satisfaction. Compensation, competencies, organizational commitment and job satisfaction simultaneously have a significant effect on employee's performance, but partially competence and job satisfaction do not has a significant effect on employee's performance
Model Pembelajaran Make a Match Untuk Pembelajaran IPA Yang Menyenangkan
The learning process of Natural Science subject in elementary schools is supposed to implement method, strategy and model which have many variations, so that the ongoing learning process is perceived as something fun by the students; thus, it can enhance their motivation in learning. The selection of the method, strategy and learning model are supposed to be adjusted with the materials which will be delivered in class, with the purpose that there will be no learning material which is missed and in other hand, it has a purpose to trigger the students to be active and feel it fun to learn. The learning model o f ―make a match‖ is one of the learning models, which can be used in delivering natural science materials in elementary schools. It is because the learning model ―make a match‖ has characteristic that is close to students\u27 characteristic that is fond of playing games. Besides, the learning materials of natural science are really close with the students\u27 life so that the uses of this learning model trigger the students to be more active and make the students perceive that learning natural science subject is fun that subsequently may enhance the competence of the students themselves as it is seen in their score
Analyzing the Response of Learners to Use Kahoot as Gamification of Learning Physics
This study aims to investigate the response of learners to use Kahoot as a gamification of learning. Kahoot is available for free applications, and this platform can be used in gamification based learning. Kahoot allows educators to make games based on quizzed, surveys, and other things related. Kahoot can be accessed using a smartphone-based on android and ios as well as through a computer with address www.kahoot.it. The method used in this research is descriptive method qualitative data support the results of analyzing the response of pesetas learners. This research was conducted in SMP Tunas Bangsa, West Jakarta learner class VII, with several 16 students. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. Instrument used validated using product moment formula and reliability using the formula KR-20. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, we can conclude that the response of learners in the use Kahoot as gamification of learning that is in the select category with an average overall score obtained is 87.28%
Menyoal Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) Dan Teori Retorika
: Persuasion is a communication process to establish or change attitudes, which can be understood through theory of Rhetoric and theory of Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). This study elaborates these theories in a Public Lecture series which to persuade the students in choosing their concentration of study. The result shows that in term of persuasion effectiveness it is not quite relevant to separate the message and its source. The quality of source is determined by the quality of the message, and vice versa. Separating the two routes of the persuasion process as described in the ELM theory would not be relevant
Prospek Budidaya Kentang Hitam (Coleus Tuberosum) Di Lahan Kekeringan
- The utilization of Coleus tuberosus Benth is not common for Indonesian citizen especially for the carbohydrate sources. Whereas, the Black Potatoes have a great potention to be develop at dryland . Dryland is distribute rife in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the utilization is not optimal exploitation. The adaptability of the black potatoes in dryland is very well. It can be seen from the requirement to grow plants that spread in many kind of land from low land until high land variety. Black potatoes can be used as carbohydrate source because the content of protein higher than potatoes commonly in highland comercial . In addition, more black potatoes resistant to the diseases. The cultivation of black potatoes easier than the commercial potato crops. By those reason, The utilization black potatoes have a good prospective in Indoneasia especially in dry land
Kontribusi Kemampuan Kerja Dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Kinerja Kepala Tata USAha SMP Negeri Di Kota Bandung
Efektivitas sekolah dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah kualitas Kepala Tata Usaha Sekolah dalam memberikan layanan administrasi pendidikan. Dengan layanan administrasi yang baik, kegiatan belajar mengajar akan berjalan secara kondusif. Karena itu, penelitian ini akan mengkaji tentang bagaimana kontribusi kemampuan kerja dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap kinerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Data diperoleh dari 30 orang Kepala Sekolah sebagai data Primer dan 30 orang Kepala Tata Usaha sebagai data sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan bantuan statistik diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) Kemampuan kerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung berada pada kategori tinggi; (2) Motivasi berprestasi Kepala SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung berada pada kategori tinggi; (3) Kinerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung berada pada kategori tinggi (4) Terdapat kontribusi positif dan signifikan antara kemampuan kerja terhadap kinerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung dengan kategori kuat (5) Terdapat kontribusi yang positif dan signifikan antara motivasi berprestasi terhadap kinerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung dengan kategori kuat; dan (6) Terdapat kontribusi positif dan signifikan antara kemampuan kerja dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap kinerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung dengan kategori kuat
Pengaruh Green Marketing Terhadap Keberlanjutan Lingkungan, Profitabilitas Perusahaan Dan Ekonomi Masyarakat Lokal
Issues and awareness of resource conservation and the environment must be able to motivate companies to compete in the market place. Conservation and environmental sustainability issues should force companies to adapt the strategic planning process at a new socioeconomic needs. Ecological considerations are relevant variables to achieve economic objectives through strategic green marketing concept (GMS) in the tourism business in a sustainable manner. In order to focus the development of green tourism is significant, it is the responsibility of the environment should be part of the agenda of the company, as well as an increased concern for environmental damage should be the concern of travelers, government and non-governmental organizations with a way to put pressure on the industry to have a framework that is environmentally responsible, establish codes of conduct, certification, ecolabelling, awards, and an alliance of green products.
Green Marketing Strategic significant effect and can improve the quality of the environment, corporate profitability and economic growth of local communities. Personal values in berpengruh company and can significantly improve the quality of the environment, corporate profitability and economic growth of local communities.
Environmental values and significantly influential organizations can improve the quality of the human environment, corporate profitability and economic growth of local communities. The role of government can have a significant effect and improve the quality of the environment, corporate profitability and economic growth of local communities.
Keyword : Environmental, Economic Community and Its Profitability Of Lokal GreenTourism Marketin
Pemanfaatan Limbah Sisa Hasil Panen Petani Sayuran di Boyolali sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Pupuk Cair Organik Menuju Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan
The aim of the research is knowing the utilize of vegetable waste into organic liquid fertilizer raw materials. Decomposing microorganisms used is Local Isolates of Boyolali (LIB) and EM4. ILB contains 9 strains of bacteria, which is a group of three strains of actinomycetes isolated researchers and 6 other strains including effective microorganisms Bioedu UNS. Test carried out on a scale liquid fertilizer plots. One plot consisted of 3 rows with a total number of 69 pieces of cabbage plants. Treatments were conducted of 3 levels of fertilization, namely: P0 = without organic liquid fertilizer (control), P1 = organic liquid fertilizer (PCO) in the form of EM4 and, P2 = organic liquid fertilizer (PCO) in the form ILB. Each treatment was repeated 3 times. From the experimental results it can be concluded that: (1) Local Isolates of Boyolali (ILB) is the most excellent in decomposing vegetable waste (20%) (2) cabbage plants were sprayed using ILB have more green colored leaves and weight at 20% increase compared to the current crop using chemical fertilizers manufactured
Konsep Otoritas Alkitab di Hadapan Fakta Kesalahan Tekstual: sebuah Diskusi Teologis
Studi kritik tekstual Alkitab menunjukkan bahwa berbagai salinan Alkitab, PL dan PB, memiliki banyak kesalahan tekstual. Masalah yang muncul ialah di hadapan fakta berbagai kesalahan tekstual yang ada, masihkah Alkitab memiliki otoritas? Para oponen menilai jelas tidak karena fakta kesalahan tekstual menimbulkan problematika yang serius berkaitan dengan ketidakpastian makna teks. Para proponen memiliki penilaian sebaliknya. Melalui diskusi teologis yang dilakukan, penulis mendapati bahwa terlepas dari berbagai kesalahan tekstual, Alkitab tetap memiliki kepastian makna teks. Ini dikarenakan bahwa Perubahan teks tidak berdampak signifikan pada makna teks, jumlah varian yang banyak memungkinkan adanya ketersalingan dalam verifikasi makna, dan ketiadaan kemungkinan konspirasi menunjukkan adanya nilai dan rujukan historis di dalam teks. Kepastian makna teks ini memiliki implikasi kepastian otoritas dalam Alkitab. Akhirnya, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa kesalahan tekstual dalam Alkitab tidak meniadakan otoritas Alkitab.
Kata-kata Kunci: Otoritas Alkitab, Kesalahan Tekstual, Kritik Tekstual, Kepastian Makna Teks
English :
The field of Textual Criticism of the Bible has highlighted that various OT and NT manuscripts contain textual errors in the original apographs. These errors indicate a problem: in the face of various existing textual errors, does the Bible still have authority? Opponents of Biblical authority conclude that we cannot trust the text because of the serious nature of the textual problems. Proponents of Biblical authority take the opposite view and defend the authority of the Scriptures. Proponents argue that there is certainty regarding the meaning of the Bible despites its many textual errors. This is due to the fact that the textual changes do not significantly impact upon the meaning of the text. Additionaly, the numerous textual variants of available manuscripts provides us with an inter-verifying process to ascertain the meaning of the text. Moreover, the impossibility of scribal conspiration signifies historical reference and value within the text. The certainty of the meaning of the text has implications for the certainty of biblical authority. Finally, the author concludes that though there are textual errors within the Bible they do not negate the authority of the Bible.
Keywords: Bible Authority, Textual Error, Textual Criticism, The Certainty of the Text Meanin
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