25 research outputs found

    Ecological and biological features of Triglochin maritima L. in the biotopes of the littoral zone with different degree of flooding on the coast of the White Sea

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    The study of Triglochin maritima L. was carried out on the Pomor (western) coast of the White Sea, in the Republic of Karelia (64°22'81"N, 35°93'14"E). Morphological analysis of aboveground and underground parts of the clones was performed on virginal plants. Anatomical analysis of leaf sheaths of the current year shoots, rhizomes and adventitious roots was carried out. The viability of pollen was assessed by determining the relative share of normally developed and malformed pollen grains. The content of heavy metals was determined in the soil, sea water and plant samples. The study was carried out on a model transect in the littoral zone on three test plots representing the lower littoral; the middle and the upper littoral zones. Adaptation to wave and storm impact was manifested in a well-developed system of underground organs. In the lower littoral, underground part surpasses the aboveground vegetative organs in terms of the mass and the formation of mechanical tissues. This allows the plants to anchor stronger in the substrate. Pollen analysis confirmed the adaptability of T. maritima plants to the conditions of the lower littoral by a high percentage of normal and, consequently, fertile pollen, which ensures sexual reproduction of the species. T. maritima can be considered as a Fe hyperaccumulator as the plant accumulates very high levels of Fe (22–34 g kg-1), especially in the lower and middle littoral zones, both in underground and aboveground organs. The ability of T. maritima plants to actively deposit metals was revealed on the basis of the coefficient of biological absorption of metals and makes it possible to suggest potential possibility of using the species in phytoremediation technologies on coastal territories

    Inclusive organizational culture as a culture of diversity acceptance and mutual understanding

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    The relevance of the study is the need to reform the educational environment based on the values of inclusion to ensure the accessibility of quality education for all people. The purpose of the study is to justify the need an inclusive culture formation as a culture of acceptance of diversity and mutual understanding. The research problem is the lack of development of an inclusive organizational culture is a barrier to ensuring the availability of quality education in a variety of health limitations and the educational needs of students. The study based on the analysis of regulatory documents, comparison and generalization of the available approaches in international and Russian theory and practice on the inclusion values issue in the strategy of educational organizations and the formation of an inclusive organizational culture. Results: it was established that the inclusive agenda in education aggravates the problem of the formation of an inclusive organizational culture as a culture of accepting diversity as a value, advantage, significant educational, upbringing, developing resource; staged, the need for a proactive strategy of the formation of intercultural competencies are justified. © 2019 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Образовательный потенциал блогосферы как фактор формирования правовой культуры человека

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    Introduction. The relevance of the study is caused, on the one hand, by the blogosphere’s dynamic development, and, on the other, by insufficient theoretical understanding of the blogosphere and its role in the formation of the legal culture of modern man. The purpose of the study is the identification of the educational resource of the blogosphere, its relevance, and justification of the need for its use in the formation of the individual’s legal culture. Materials and research methods. The variety of research methodologies related to the consideration of the blogosphere’s educational resource as a factor in the formation of legal culture is due to the variety of approaches – cultural-historical, contextual, competency building, personality-centered, aimed at achieving the study goal. Research result. As a result of monitoring the list of hashtags that we compiled, correlated with the theoretical construct "legal culture", conducted according to search queries in social networks, platforms and applications – VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, statistics were obtained for the indicators "mention", "engagement", "sentiment", the TOP-10 hashtag rating was built. The data obtained indicates a high demand among users for legal content, legal information, and effective behavioral practices in legal situations. It is justified that interest in legal educational content in the blogosphere is associated with the current situation of people's life, characterized by variability, non-standard, uncertainty, active development of law-making practice, which involves continuous updating of legislation’s knowledge. Discussion of results and conclusions. The media sphere is represented by many environments, one of which is the blogosphere as a dynamically developing Internet space with educational potential. This potential is significant in the formation of the legal culture of the individual, its cognitive and activity components. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved.The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-013-00813 “Educational potential of the media sphere as a space for the development of legal culture and human rights culture in modern Russia”


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    PACS 61.05.cp; 61.50.Ks The products of thermobaric treatment (P = 6 GPa; T = 1800 • C) of mechanical mixtures of nanosized rhenium powder and sibunit have been studied. The formation of high-temperature phases with composition Re 2 C has been revealed

    Digitalization of the educational environment as a factor of personal and professional self-determination of students

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    The relevance of the study is caused by the challenges, which determined the schools' inclusion in the global digitalization processes. The inevitable consequence of digitalization is the transformation of the educational environment and the social situation of students' development. The research problem is the lack of theoretical understanding of the school being transformed under the influence of dynamically developing processes of digitalization, its role in ensuring the quality of general education. The goal is to identify the digital environment impact on the tasks and content of the school's work with students. The everyday life of which is connected with digital devices and technologies as new social and cultural means. The study is based on the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists of the digitalization of general education issues. Results: problem areas and advantages of digitalization are identified, vectors of changes in the content of education, forms, and technologies for working with students are studied; it is proved that the digital transformation of the school environment brings new models for the formation of critical competencies among students as a necessary condition for freedom of choice of the route of self-determination. © 2019 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    О качестве контента блогов в контексте формирования правовой культуры

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    Introduction. The relevance of the study is caused by the development of digital technologies, their increasingly active influence on all aspects of society and human life and, consequently, the need of forming the individual's legal culture using the media sphere's resources. The purpose of the study is to analyze the main characteristics and quality of legal Instagram blog content as one of the dynamically developing applications with a multi-million audience of users. Materials and research methods. The research methodology consists of an integrative approach. Information and target analysis of texts and discourse analysis were used to interpret blog content in the context of specific cultural and historical factors. The results of the study and the discussion. The Top Instagram bloggers was compiled using the hashtag #lawyer, blog content studied. Based on the development of quality content criteria - relevance, social significance, completeness, accessibility, practice orientation, personalization, infoesthetics, multi-factor, literacy, and subscriber response-were developed, according to which the analysis of legal content was carried out. The study identified the content of bloggers who position themselves on Instagram as legal experts, analyzed the content of bloggers with more than ten thousand subscribers based on the developed quality criteria. It is identified that high-quality content causes an adequate reaction of users, contains a knowledge component endowed with legal content and aimed at improving the legal culture of the individual Conclusions. Despite the fact that Instagram, like other apps, has more entertainment content, however, users feel the need for knowledges that will let them to constructively solve situation in the legal sphere. It was revealed that high-quality content as socially significant knowledge has an adequate response of Instagram users. This contributes to the development of the individual's legal culture in the context of socio-cultural transformations, when a modern person increasingly has to solve non-standard objectives in a dynamically developing environment, including changes in the legal framework in various fields of activity. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved.The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-013-00813 "Educational potential of the media sphere as a space for the development of legal culture and human rights culture in modern Russia"


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    Pathomorphology study of bone marrow fibrosis in patients with multiple myeloma by using morphometric image analysis software was performed. It was revealed that bone marrow fibrosis occurs 1.5 times more frequently in relapse of disease than in the initial presentation of the disease and in response to chemotherapy. The highest relative area of fibrous tissue in marrow fibrosis of 2nd and 3rd grade is observed in relapsed multiple myeloma. There is a direct correlation between the relative area of the tumor tissue in the bone marrow and the relative area of fibrous tissue in bone marrow fibrosis of the 1st and the 2nd grade. Chemotherapy is a factor associated with bone marrow fibrosis of the 2nd and the 3rd grade. Gender and age of the patients are not associated with marrow fibrosis.Проведено патоморфологическое исследование миелофиброза (МФ) у пациентов с множественной миеломой путём использования программы морфометрического анализа изображений. Выявлено, что МФ встречается в 1,5 раза чаще при рецидиве заболевания, чем в дебюте и при ответе на химиотерапию. Наиболее высокая относительная площадь фиброзной ткани при МФ II и III степеней наблюдается при рецидиве множественной миеломы. Обнаружена прямая корреляция между относительной площадью опухолевой ткани в костном мозге и относительной площадью фиброзной ткани при МФ I и II степеней. У больных с рецидивом заболевания чаще выявляется миелофиброз II и III степеней. Частота и степень выраженности миелофиброза не связаны с полом и возрастом пациентов


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    A numerical solution of a system of differential equations describing the convective flow of a viscous incompressible fluid is presented. The solution can describe the occurrence of stagnation points. The numerical results are verified by comparing them with exact solutions


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    Стресове нетримання сечі (СНС), особливо у жінок, є найпоширенішим ускладненням урогінекологічних захворювань. Створено адекватну і стабільно відтворювану модель СНС у лабораторних білих щурів шляхом двобічного перев’язування соромітних нервів. Це забезпечувало стійкі прояви СНС, що прогресували у міру збільшення тривалості експерименту. За даними уродинамічних досліджень, реєстрували зниження тиску витікання першої краплини сечі в оперованих тварин; результати гістологічних та морфометричних досліджень свідчили про збільшення просвіту сечівника, зниження тонусу м’язів. За даними дослідження, денервація сечівника та його сфінктера була стійкою, використання моделі дозволяло отримати стабільно відтворювані результати