50,604 research outputs found

    Higher diversity of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae populations in arable soils than in grass soils

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    The bacterial genetic diversity after long-term arable cultivation was compared with that under permanent grassland using replicated paired contrasts, Pea-nodulating Rhizobium leguminosarum populations were sampled from pairs of arable and grass sites at four locations in Yorkshire, United Kingdom, isolates were characterized using both chromosomal (16S-23S ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism) and plasmid (group-specific repC PCR amplification) markers. The diversities of chromosomal types, repC profiles, and combined genotypes were calculated using richness in types (adjusted to equal sample sizes by rarefaction), Shannon-Wiener index, and Simpson's index. The relative differences in diversity within each pair of sites were similar for all three diversity measures, Chromosomal types, repC profiles, and combined genotypes were each more diverse in arable soils than in grass soils at two of the four locations. The other comparisons showed no significant differences. We conclude that rhizobial diversity can be affected by differences between these two management regimens. Multiple regression analyses indicated that lower diversity was associated with high potential nitrogen and phosphate levels or with acidity

    Super-hard Superconductivity

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    We present a study of the magnetic response of Type-II superconductivity in the extreme pinning limit, where screening currents within an order of magnitude of the Ginzburg-Landau depairing critical current density develop upon the application of a magnetic field. We show that this "super-hard" limit is well approximated in highly disordered, cold drawn, Nb and V wires whose magnetization response is characterized by a cascade of Meissner-like phases, each terminated by a catastrophic collapse of the magnetization. Direct magneto-optic measurements of the flux penetration depth in the virgin magnetization branch are in excellent agreement with the exponential model in which J_c(B)=J_co exp(-B/B_o), where J_co~5x10^6 A/cm^2 for Nb. The implications for the fundamental limiting hardness of a superconductor are discussed.Comment: corrected Fig.

    Progress in resolving charge symmetry violation in nucleon structure

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    Recent work unambiguously resolves the level of charge symmetry violation in moments of parton distributions using 2+1-flavor lattice QCD. We introduce the methods used for that analysis by applying them to determine the strong contribution to the proton-neutron mass difference. We also summarize related work which reveals that the fraction of baryon spin which is carried by the quarks is in fact structure-dependent rather than universal across the baryon octet.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; presented at "The Seventh International Symposium on Chiral Symmetry in Hadrons and Nuclei", BeiHang Univ. Beijing, Chin

    Updated Analysis of the Mass of the H Dibaryon from Lattice QCD

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    Recent lattice QCD calculations from the HAL and NPLQCD Collaborations have reported evidence for the existence of a bound state with strangeness -2 and baryon number 2 at quark masses somewhat higher than the physical values. A controlled chiral extrapolation of these lattice results to the physical point suggested that the state, identified with the famed H dibaryon, is most likely slightly unbound (by 13 ±\pm 14 MeV) with respect to the Λ−−Λ\Lambda--\Lambda threshold. We report the results of an updated analysis which finds the H unbound by 26 ±\pm 11 MeV. Apart from the insight it would give us into how QCD is realized in Nature, the H is of great interest because of its potential implications for the equation of state of dense matter and studies of neutron stars. It may also explain the enhancement above the Λ−−Λ\Lambda--\Lambda threshold already reported experimentally. It is clearly of great importance that the latter be pursued in experiments at the new J-PARC facility.Comment: Invited presentation at APPC12 (12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference), July 14-19, 2013, Chiba, Japa

    Critical behavior of the three- and ten-state short-range Potts glass: A Monte Carlo study

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    We study the critical behavior of the short-range p-state Potts spin glass in three and four dimensions using Monte Carlo simulations. In three dimensions, for p = 3, a finite-size scaling analysis of the correlation length shows clear evidence of a transition to a spin-glass phase at T_c = 0.273(5) for a Gaussian distribution of interactions and T_c = 0.377(5) for a bimodal distribution. These results indicate that the lower critical dimension of the 3-state Potts glass is below three. By contrast, the correlation length of the ten-state (p = 10) Potts glass in three dimensions remains small even at very low temperatures and thus shows no sign of a transition. In four dimensions we find that the p = 3 Potts glass with Gaussian interactions has a spin-glass transition at T_c =0.536(3).Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, 6 table

    Defect energy of infinite-component vector spin glasses

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    We compute numerically the zero temperature defect energy, Delta E, of the vector spin glass in the limit of an infinite number of spin components m, for a range of dimensions 2 <= d <= 5. Fitting to Delta E ~ L^theta, where L is the system size, we obtain: theta = -1.54 (d=2), theta = -1.04 (d=3), theta = -0.67 (d=4) and theta = -0.37 (d=5). These results show that the lower critical dimension, d_l (the dimension where theta changes sign), is significantly higher for m=infinity than for finite m (where 2 < d_l < 3).Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    NASTRAN analysis of an air storage piping system

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    The application of NASTRAN to a complex piping design evaluation problem is summarized. Emphasis is placed on structural modeling aspects, problems encountered in modeling and analyzing curved pipe sections, principal results, and relative merits of using NASTRAN as a pipe analysis and design tool. In addition, the piping and manifolding system was analyzed with SNAP (Structural Network Analysis Program). The parallel SNAP study provides a basis for limited comparisons between NASTRAN and SNAP as to solution agreement and computer execution time and costs
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