19 research outputs found


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     本研究は,基礎看護学実習Ⅱが看護学生の思いやり行動と職業的アイデンティティに及ぼす影響について明らかにすることを目的とした. A大学看護学部2年生96人を対象に,基礎看護学実習Ⅱ前後に自記式質問紙調査を行った.実習前62人(回収率64.6%),実習後71人(74.7%)のうち,62人(有効回答率実習前100%,実習後87.3%)を分析対象とした.調査には,尾原による思いやり行動評価尺度と藤井らによる職業的アイデンティティ尺度を用いた.分析には統計解析ソフトSPSS Ver.19.for Win. を用い,Wilcoxon の符号付順位和検定とSpearman の順位相関係数をみた. 結果は,男性1人(1.6%),女性61人(98.4%)で,平均年齢19.9 ± 0.3(SD)歳であった.看護師になることへの迷いでは,ある者が実習前33人(53.3%),実習後33人(53.2%)で変化はみられなかった.将来の希望職種では,看護師が実習前53人(65.5%),実習後51人(56.8%)で最も多かった.思いやり行動評価については,最も得点が高かったのは<相手の態度表情を読み取る>実習前平均3.8± 0.7 点,実習後平均3.8 ± 0.7 点であり,最も得点が低かったのは<相手の気持ちを察する>実習前平均3.5 ± 0.5 点,実習後平均3.4 ± 0.7 点であった.実習前後では,思いやり行動の得点に違いがなく有意差もみられなかった.職業的アイデンティティについては,実習前後ともに最も得点が高かったのは<社会への貢献の志向>で,実習前平均5.2 ± 0.9 点,実習後平均4.8 ± 1.4 点であり,有意(p<.05)に実習後が下がっていた.最も得点が低かったのは,実習前<看護職として必要とされることへの自負>平均4.3 ± 1.1 点で,実習後<看護職の選択と成長への自信>と<看護職として必要とされることへの自負>平均4.3±1.3点であった.思いやり行動評価総得点と職業的アイデンティティ総得点では,両者に正の相関(実習前r=.62, 実習後r=.53,p<.01)がみられた. 以上のことから,看護学生の思いやり行動は,2週間の基礎看護学実習期間では変化がみられなかったが,思いやり行動は職業的アイデンティティに影響を及ぼしており,相手の立場に立ち考え理解しようとする姿勢が,職業的アイデンティティを高めることが推察された.The purpose of this research was to clarify the effect of basic nursing practice Ⅱ on thesympathetic attitudes and professional identity of nursing students. A self-report questionnaire survey was conducted on 96 students at A Medical University School of Nursing before and after basic nursing training Ⅱ. I assumed 62 people (eff ective answer before training 100% , after training87.3% ) among 62 people before training (response rate 64.6% ) and 71 people after training (74.7% ). The sympathetic attitude scale of Ohara and professional identity scale of Fujii were used. The statistical analysis software SPSS Ver.19.for Win. was employel for analysis along with the rank sum test of Wilcoxon and correlation coefficient of Pearson. As a result, there were 1 male (1.6% ) and 61 women (98.4% ) subjects, and the average age was 19.9 ± 0.3 (SD). 26 (41.9% ) people hesitated about becoming a nurse before training and 25 people (40.3 % ) after it. The type of employment most hoped for was nursing before training among 51 people (56.8 % ) and after training among 53 people (65.5 % ). “Being considerate of others,”which scored highest, was 3.8 ± 0.7 before training and 3.8 ± 0.7 points after training. This meant “being Sensitive to the other\u27s feelings .” The lowest score training was 3.4 ± 0.7 points and after training 3.5±0.5 points, with regard to“ respect for the other\u27s feelings.” No significant difference was noted before and after training in considerate behavior. The highest scores were for professional identity before (5.2 ± 0.9) and after training (4.8 ± 1.4),in terms of “contributing to society.”It was “self-confidence about what was needed as a nurse” which scored lowest before training (4.3 ± 1.1),“the choice of the nurse and confidence in growth” was 4.3 ± 1.3 points, and “self-confidence in what was needed as a nurse” after training. The “intention to contribute to society” (p<.05) was significantly low after training. An equilateral correlation was found between sympathetic attitudes and professional identity(before training r=0.62, after training r=0.53,p<.01). From the foregoing, sympathetic attitudes of nursing students showed no change during the two-week basic nursing training Ⅱ . However, their sympathetic attitudes influenced their professional identity, and their understanding of other persons could be taken to mean a heightened sense of professional identity


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     本研究は,看護学生の自己教育力と精神的健康との関係について明らかにすることを目的とした. A 県内の3つの看護系大学の看護学生1~4年生1,288人を対象に,平成23年5~7月に自記式質問紙調査を行った.回答者は876人(回収率68.1%)で,そのうち824人(有効回答率94.1%)を分析対象とした.調査項目は背景,自己教育力,精神的健康で,自己教育力には梶田が作成し西村らが10項目を追加した自己教育力尺度を用い,精神的健康にはGoldbergらが開発し中川らによって翻訳されたGeneral Health Questionnaire(GHQ)28項目版を用いた.分析には統計解析ソフトSPSS Ver.19. を用い,自己教育力総得点の中央値23点で高群低群の2群に分け,23点以上を高群,23点未満を低群とし,記述統計,差の検定にはMann - Whitney U 検定を行った. 結果は,全体では男性91人(11.0%),女性733人(89.0%),平均年齢は20.0 ± 2.4 歳,高群では男性48人(10.3%),女性419人(89.7%),平均年齢は20.1±2.8歳,低群では男性43人(12.0%),女性314 人(88.0%),平均年齢は19.8±1.7歳であった.自己教育力尺度で最も得点が高かったのは全体,高群,低群ともに<Ⅰ . 成長・発展への志向>で,次に<Ⅱ . 自己の対象化と統制>,<Ⅲ . 学習の技能と基盤>で,最も低かったのは<Ⅳ . 自信・プライド・安定性>であった.総得点は,全体22.88±4.86点,高群26.31±2.71点,低群18.40±3.08点であった.GHQで最も得点が高かったのは,全体では<身体的症状>で,次に<不安と不眠>,<社会的活動障害>で,最も低かったのは<うつ傾向>であり,高群でも同様であった.低群で最も得点が高かったのは<不安と不眠>で,次に<身体的症状>,<社会的活動障害>で,最も低かったのは<うつ傾向>であった.総得点は,全体9.41±5.77点,高群8.09±1.61点,低群11.14±6.17点であった.2群間比較では,GHQ総得点と因子<不安と不眠><社会的活動障害><うつ傾向>において,自己教育力高群は低群より有意(p < .05)に得点が低かった. 以上のことから,自己教育力が高い看護学生は,精神的健康が良好であることが示唆された.The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between self-education ability and mental health in nursing students.  A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted of 1,288 first to fourth year nursing students at three nursing colleges in one prefecture, during the period of May‒June 2011. Of the 876 respondents (response rate 68.1 % ), 824 people were taken as the subjects for analysis (valid response rate 94.1% ). Survey items included individual attributes, self-education ability, and mental health. The instruments used were a self-education scale created by Kajita with 10 items added by Nishimura, and the 28-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) developed by Goldberg et al. and translated by Nakagawa. SPSS Ver. 19 for Windows statistical analysis software was used in the analysis. The subjects were divided into a high and low score group with the median score for total self-education ability, 63 points, as the cutoff . Descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney U-test were used for comparison. The subjects included 91 men (11.0% ) and 733 women (89.0% ), with a mean age of 20.0 ± 2.4 years. The high group included 48 men (88.0 % ) and 419 women (89.7 % ) with a mean age of 20.1 ± 2.8 years, and the low group had 43 men (12.0% ) and 314 women (88.0% ) with a mean age of 19.8 ± 1.7 years. The self-education ability item with the highest score was “I. Aspiration for growth and development” in all subjects, the high group, and the low group. This was followed by “II. Objectivization and control of the self,” and “III. Learning skills and foundation.” The lowest score was for“ IV. Confidence, pride, stability.” The total score was 22.88±4.86 for all subjects, 26.31±2.71 for the high group, and 18.40 ±3.08 for the low group. In all subjects, the highest score on the GHQ was for “Somatic symptoms,” followed by “Anxiety and insomnia,” and “Social dysfunction.” The lowest score was for “Depressive tendency.” This was the same in the high group. In the low group, the highest score on the GHQ was for “Anxiety and insomnia,” followed by “Somatic symptoms” and “Social dysfunction.” The lowest score was for “Depressive tendency.” The mean total score was 9.41 ± 5.77 for all subjects, 8.09 ± 1.61 for the high group, and 11.14 ± 6.17 for the low group. In a comparison between the two groups, GHQ total score and the factors of“ Anxiety and insomnia,”“ Social dysfunction,” and“ Depressive tendency” were significantly lower in the highself-education ability group than in the low group (p<.05). The above suggests that nursing students with high self-education ability have good mental health


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     本研究は,胃切除術後患者の食の変化の影響について主観的な生活満足感の視点から明らかにすることを目的とした.大学病院と一般総合病院の2 施設で胃がんの手術を受け術後1ケ月以内の患者25名を対象に,退院後初回の外来受診日に自記式の質問紙による調査を行った.調査には,古谷野らが作成した生活満足度尺度Kを使用した.分析では,対象者を生活満足度尺度のスケール中央値で2群に分け5.0点以上を高群,5.0 点未満を低群とし群間比較を行った.統計解析ソフトPASW Ver.18 for Win. を用いて,χ2 検定,Mann‐Whitney U検定を行った.その結果,対象者の性別は男性21名(84.0%),女性4名(16.0%),平均年齢は62.2 ± 10.3歳(SD)で対象者全員に同居者があり,16名が職業をもっていた.術式は,13名が胃全摘出術であった.生活満足度尺度は9項目で構成され「人生全体についての満足感」4項目,「心理的安定」3項目,「老いについての評価」2項目の3因子構造である.対象の「人生全体についての満足感」は平均1.9 ± 0.9点,「心理的安定」は平均1.8± 0.9点,「老いについての評価」は平均0.8 ± 0.7点で,生活満足度総得点は平均4.4 ± 1.6点であった.生活満足度得点の高群は14名で生活満足度総得点平均5.8 ± 0.8点,低群は11 名で3.0 ± 1.0点であった.高群・低群の2群間比較では,因子「人生全体についての満足感」,「心理的安定」は高群の方が低群に比べ有意に得点が高く,「老いについての評価」では有意差は認められなかった.生活満足度総得点では,高群の方が低群に比べ有意に高かった.以上のことから,胃切除術後患者の生活満足度は,健康に生活している人々と比較しても得点に大きな違いはなく,術後1ヶ月の人々では食の変化のおよぼす主観的な生活満足度への影響は少ないことが明らかになった. The aim of the present study was to clarify subjective life satisfaction in patients aftergastrectomy with respect to the effects of changes in patients’ diets. The subjects were 25 patients who had undergone operation for stomach cancer within the preceding month at 2 hospitals, a university hospital and a general hospital. A survey was conducted by self-administered questionnaire on patients’ first outpatient visit since leaving the hospital following the operation. The Life Satisfaction Index K developed by Koyano et al. was used in the investigation. The subjects were divided into 2 groups using the median value for life satisfaction as the cutoff point. The groups were a high group with a score of ≥ 5 and a low group with a score of <5. The groups were then compared using the χ 2 test and Mann-Whitney U test with statistical analysis software PASW Ver. 18 for Windows. The subjects were 21 men (84.0%) and 4 woman (16.0%), with a mean age of 62.2 ± 10.3 years(SD). All subjects lived with family members. There were none who lived alone. Sixteen were employed and 9 were not. The surgical procedure was distal gastrectomy in 12 patients and total gastric resection in 13 patients. There were 3 factors for life satisfaction,“ satisfaction with entire life,”“ psychological stability,” and “assessment on aging,” for which the mean scores were 1.9 ± 0.9, 1.8 ± 0.9, and 0.8 ± 0.7, respectively. The mean total score for life satisfaction was 4.4 ± 1.6. The 14 patients of the high life satisfaction score group had a mean total score for life satisfaction of 5.8±0.8. The mean total score for the 11 patients of the low group was 3.0 ± 1.0. A comparison of the 2 groups revealed that the life satisfaction score was significantly higher in the high group than in the low group. There was not a large difference in a comparison between the life satisfaction of patients following gastrectomy and that of healthy people. This demonstrates that changes in diet do not have a large effect on subjective life satisfaction of patients 1 month after gastrectomy


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     本研究は,看護師の共感経験と共感的コーピングとの関係を明らかにすることを目的とした.対象は,A 県内の7病院で病棟に勤務する看護師2,349 名に自記式質問紙調査を行った.共感経験は,角田による「共感経験尺度」,共感的コーピングは,加藤による「共感的コーピング尺度」を用いた.分析は統計解析ソフトPASW Ver.18 for Win. を用いてPearson の相関係数をみた. その結果,回収は1,751人(回収率74.5%),そのうち有効回答1,561人(有効回答率89.2%)を分析対象とした.対象者は,女性1,488人(95.3%),男性73人(4.7%),平均年齢31.6 ± 8.3(SD)歳であった.看護師経験年数は平均9.5 ± 8.1 年で,1~ 5年が659人(42.2%)と最も多かった.勤務場所は外科系573人(36.6%)が最も多かった.現在の勤務場所の経験年数は平均3.8 ± 3.3 年で,1 ~ 5 年1,253人(80.3%)が最も多かった. 看護師の共感経験では,共感経験総得点は,<共有経験>は平均35.0 ± 9.0点,<共有不全経験>は平均30.1 ± 10.1 点であった。また下位尺度の<共有経験>,<共有不全経験>が共に嬉しさを共有する得点が高く,怒りを共有する得点が低かった. 看護師の共感的コーピングでは,共感的コーピング総得点は,<認知・情動>は平均9.3 ± 3.5 点,<行動>は平均6.3±2.4点であった.共感経験と共感的コーピングには全体では相関が認められなかったが, 共感経験の下位尺度の<共有経験>と,共感的コーピングの総得点,共感的コーピングの下位項目の<認知・情動>,<行動>との間それぞれに弱い相関が見られた.従って下位尺度、下位項目ではあるが弱い相関が見られたことから,自分の感情を意識して患者と接する看護師は,患者の感情を代理的に経験・共有し,患者の話を傾聴して援助しようとしていることが推察された.Objective: The objective of this study was to clarify the relation between the experience of empathy and empathic coping among nurses.Methods: A self-administered questionary survey was distributed to 2,349 nurses working in the wards of seven hospitals in A Prefecture. The measurement of empathic experience according to the "experience empathy scale" of Kakuda was used. Then, the measurement of empathic coping by Kato’s "sympathetic coping scale" was used. For the analysis, statistical analysis software PASW Ver.18 for Win. using the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated.Results: 1,751 nurses responded (response rate 74.5%), of which 1,560 valid responses (effective response rate 89.2%) were analyzed. The subjects were 1,488 women (95.3%), 73 men (4.7%), and mean age 31.6 ± 8.3 (SD) years, respectively. Experience in nursing averaged 9.5 ± 8.1 years, and 659 (42.2%) nurses had from 1-5 years of experience. Most nurses worked in surgery (573;36.6%). The current workplace years of experience averaged 3.8 ± 3.3 years, and most of the 1,253 nurses had worked there from 1 to 5 years (80.3%). Experience empathy overall score and the "shared experience" score averaged 35.0 ± 9.0 points. While “shared failure experience” averaged 30.1 ± 10.1 points. Coping total score of empathy, and "emotion recognition" averaged 9.3 ± 3.5 points, while "behavior" averaged 6.3 ± 2.4 points.Conclusions: Thus ,since the subscale of "shared experience" and "emotion recognition" showed a weak correlation, nurses with a sympathetic understanding of the patient revealed their support and sympathy in coping


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     本研究の目的は、プリセプター看護師の役割受容を臨床経験年数別に比較することによって役割受容の違いを明らかにすることである。 対象者は、プリセプターシップを導入している450 床以上の病院7 施設に勤務し、プリセプターの役割を担っている看護師320 人である。調査には、三川が作成した役割受容尺度を用いて自記式質問紙調査を行った。分析には統計解析ソフトPASW Ver.18.for Win.を用いて、記述統計、一元配置分散分析、多重比較を行った。 その結果、229人(有効回答率:84.5%)を分析した。対象者を看護師の臨床経験年数に2 ~ 3 年目をA群(n=100)、4 ~ 5 年目をB群(n=78)、6 年目以上をC群(n=51)の3群に分類した。3群別でみると、A群の平均年齢は24.2 ± 1.7 歳、所属病棟での経験年数は平均2.9 ± 0.3 年であった。B群の平均年齢は25.7 ±2.7 歳、所属病棟での経験年数は平均3.8 ± 1.0 年であった。C群の平均年齢は31.2 ± 4.3歳、所属病棟での経験年数は平均3.5±1.8年であった。役割受容は4つの下位尺度から構成されている。<役割満足(8項目)>の平均得点では、全対象者は24.1 ± 4.3 点、A群は23.8 ± 4.5 点、B群は23.7 点± 4.1 点、C群は25.0 ±3.8 点であった。<役割評価(7項目)>の平均得点では、全対象者は22.7 ± 3.9点、A群は22.4 ± 3.6 点、B群は22.4 ± 3.6 点、C群は23.3 ± 3.7 点であった。<役割有能感(5項目)>の平均得点では、全対象者は12.2 ±3.1 点、A群は11.6 ± 3.3 点、B群は12.3 ± 2.8 点、C群は13.0 ± 3.0点であった。<役割達成(7項目)>の平均得点では、全対象者は22.3 ± 2.9 点、A群は22.3 ± 2.9 点、B群は21.8 ± 2.7 点、C群は22.9 ± 3.0 点であった。役割受容の3群比較では、<役割有能感>で3 群間に有意差(P < 0.05)がみられ、臨床経験年数2 ~ 3年目のA 群と6年目以上のC群の間で有意(P <0.05 F=3.60)に A群が低かった。<役割満足><役割評価><役割達成>では、臨床経験年数4 ~5 年目のB群が最も低い傾向を示した。 プリセプター看護師の<役割有能感>は、臨床経験年数で異なることが明らかになったことから、プリセプター看護師の臨床経験年数を踏まえたプリセプターシップの検討が必要であることが示唆された

    Aberrant overexpression of membrane-associated mucin contributes to tumor progression in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma cells.

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    Aberrant overexpression of membrane-associated mucin (MUC1) is implicated in the pathogenesis of cancer, particularly of adenocarcinomas. Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL), an aggressive neoplasm etiologically associated with human T-lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1), exhibits invasive tropism into various organs, resulting in disease progression and resistance to treatment. In the present study, we showed that MUC1 is overexpressed exclusively in cells of ATL among hematological malignancies. Furthermore, increased expression of MUC1 correlated with a poor prognosis, suggesting MUC1 to be a prognostic marker in ATL. Various functional analyses with knockdown experiments using a specific siRNA for MUC1 revealed that MUC1 is involved in cell growth, cell aggregation, and resistance to apoptosis. Although it has been shown that the anti-adhesive properties of MUC1 facilitate migration and metastasis of tumor cells, our findings indicated that MUC1 contributes to cell-cell adhesion. Mucins thus seem to play a role in the pathogenesis and/or progression of ATL

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead