23 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang penanaman nilai-nilai karakter yang baik dalam pembelajaran PKn siswa di SMP Negeri 13 Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penanaman nilai-nilai karakter yang baik dalam pembelajaran PKn siswa di SMP Negeri 13 Makassar telah berhasil dilakukan. Beberapa faktor telah dipertimbangkan untuk mendukung guru dalam menanamkan karakter yang layak pada siswa. Faktor tersebut meliputi keterlibatan aktif dan kepala sekolah, karakter guru yang baik sebagai panutan, peraturan sekolah yang ketat, dan metode pembelajaran yang efektif. Namun

    Fenomena Sandwich Generation pada Era Modern Kalangan Mahasiswa: Analisis Fikih Kontemporer

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    The sandwich generation is a condition in which a person has to bear the cost of living and plan his life in the future such as education, health, career, house, vehicle, and marriage. The sandwich generation is required to be able to help support their siblings' living expenses or pay off debts left by their parents. In addition, they still have to prepare for the cost of necessities, health, and other future costs. According to Islam, meeting the needs of parents is one of the obligations of a child to his parents, providing a happy life, especially if the parents have entered old age. Contemporary Jurisprudence on this issue assumes that living for both parents is obligatory for the child no matter if the child is well off and vice versa. Parents, even with permission or without permission, are allowed to take and manage their children's assets without being excessive and greedy. But not vice versa with children, a child may not take parental property outside the knowledge and permission of parents.The sandwich generation is a condition in which a person has to bear the cost of living and plan his life in the future such as education, health, career, house, vehicle, and marriage. The sandwich generation is required to be able to help support their siblings' living expenses or pay off debts left by their parents. In addition, they still have to prepare for the cost of necessities, health, and other future costs. According to Islam, meeting the needs of parents is one of the obligations of a child to his parents, providing a happy life, especially if the parents have entered old age. Contemporary Jurisprudence on this issue assumes that living for both parents is obligatory for the child no matter if the child is well off and vice versa. Parents, even with permission or without permission, are allowed to take and manage their children's assets without being excessive and greedy. But not vice versa with children, a child may not take parental property outside the knowledge and permission of parents

    Religion, Education and Power Related During The Government of Andi Sultan Daeng Radja in The Kingdom of Gantarang Bulukumba

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    This paper discusses the relationship between religion, education and power during the reign of Andi Sultan Daeng Radja in the Gantarang Bulukumba Kingdom. The type of research used is qualitative with a political, historical and theological approach. Primary and secondary data were obtained through observation, interviews, documentation and reference searches in the form of textbooks and scientific journals. The analysis used is the analysis of Miles and Haberman through the following steps: data presentation, data verification and drawing conclusions. The results obtained from the research include: 1) The relationship between religion and power in the Gantarang Bulukumba Kingdom experienced a golden age during the reign of Andi Sultan Daeng Radja, because he was a figure who really cared about religious issues that were integrated with power. 2) Some of Andi Sultan's successes during his reign, including: building a grand mosque, maximizing religious activities, Education and politics at the at-Taqwa Ponre mosque, and establishing a Muhammadiyah organization and a Muhammadiyah Islamic school in Gantarang which other kingdoms participated in

    Majelis Taklim dan Isu-isu Keagamaan Kontemporer di Sulawesi Selatan

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    Tujuan penulisan buku ini adalah untuk memahami dinamika gerakan Islam di Era Globalisasi, khususnya respon Majelis Taklim terhadap isu-isu keagamaan kontemporer yang ada di Sulawesi Selatan. Tujuan khusus adalah penulisan ini diharapkan untuk dapat menyiapkan informasi penting gerakan Islam Majelis Taklim sebagai wadah transmisi keaagamaan, agar masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan dan Indonesia umumnya dapat memahami eksistensi kiprah para Majelis Taklim tersebut. Penulisan ini diharapkan dapat memberi kontribusi berharga baik kepada masyarakat luas, masyarakat akademik, dan pemerintah, sebagai penentu kebijakan, agar dapat memahami eksistensi Majelis Taklim. Disamping itu, penulisan ini diharapkan dapat menyiapkan informasi yang akurat bagi yang berminat melakukan penulisan lanjutan tentang eksistensi Majelis Taklim di Sulawesi Selatan, yang bukan hanya berfokus pada aspek dakwah, tetapi juga memiliki peran transmisi keagamaan yang cukup kuat dalam merespon isu-isu keagamaan kontemporer

    ICMI AND EDUCATION: An Effort to Prepare Muslim Intellectuals in Indonesia

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    This writing explains ICMI (Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia) organization agenda to improve the quality Muslims intellectuals in Indonesia, particularly in educational aspect. This writing is using lybrary research to explore the role of ICMI in educational aspect in Indonesia. It is realize that there are many educational problems in Indonesia, such as teacher-oriented education, passive, less interested to get information from libraries, and not objectively oriented. The main agenda of ICMI organization in developing of Islamic education in Indonesia is that education has to be oriented to help the students to become better Muslims. Introducing modern education is very important in the improvement of the quality of human resources and people's ability to meaningfully participate in an evolving civil society in Indonesia. Moreover, education can be oriented to prepare students to have good behaviour, values, and norms, which in turn plays an important role in the improvement of the quality of civil society in Indonesia

    TASAWUF DAN PENDIDIKAN MORAL PROF. DR. H. HAMKA:: Upaya Menanggulangi Krisis Moral di Era Kontemporer

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    Tulisan ini membahas tentang pemikiran dan gagasan Hamka dalam dunia mistisisme Islam yang dikenal dengan tasawuf modern sebagai jawaban dan kritikan terhadap perakterk para sufi yang selama ini popular dipahami dan diartikulasikan oleh sebahagian kelompok tasawuf dalam realitas kehidupan manusia modern. Metode yang digunakan adalah kajian pustaka dengan menggunakan metode analisis naskah dan karya-karya Hamka untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang komprehensif terhadap gagasan tasawuf modern dalam kontek kekinian. Hamka merupakan tokoh pembaharu dan reformis pemikiran modern Islam Indonesia yang telah memberikan pengaruh kuat terhadap perkembangan khazanah peradaban dan ilmu pengetahuan Islam terutama pada disiplin tasawuf Islam. Ketajaman analisis intelektual Hamka, dengan kritikan yang tajam terhadap pengamalan tasawuf ia berupaya mengembalikan tasawuf kepada kemurniannya seperti pada awal mula muncul, yaitu tauhid yang bersumber dari al-Quran dan hadis. Tujuan utama dari tasawuf modern dan Pendidikan moral Prof. Hamka adalah berlepas diri dari budi yang tercela dan berupaya memiliki budi atau akhlak mulia melalui zuhud, qana’ah dan tawakal yang menjembatani manusia modern untuk mencapai kebahagiaan, jauh dari keterpurukan, keterbelakangan, kemiskinan dan kebodohan.Tulisan ini membahas tentang pemikiran dan gagasan Hamka dalam dunia mistisisme Islam yang dikenal dengan tasawuf modern sebagai jawaban dan kritikan terhadap perakterk para sufi yang selama ini popular dipahami dan diartikulasikan oleh sebahagian kelompok tasawuf dalam realitas kehidupan manusia modern. Metode yang digunakan adalah kajian pustaka dengan menggunakan metode analisis naskah dan karya-karya Hamka untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang komprehensif terhadap gagasan tasawuf modern dalam kontek kekinian. Hamka merupakan tokoh pembaharu dan reformis pemikiran modern Islam Indonesia yang telah memberikan pengaruh kuat terhadap perkembangan khazanah peradaban dan ilmu pengetahuan Islam terutama pada disiplin tasawuf Islam. Ketajaman analisis intelektual Hamka, dengan kritikan yang tajam terhadap pengamalan tasawuf ia berupaya mengembalikan tasawuf kepada kemurniannya seperti pada awal mula muncul, yaitu tauhid yang bersumber dari al-Quran dan hadis. Tujuan utama dari tasawuf modern dan Pendidikan moral Prof. Hamka adalah berlepas diri dari budi yang tercela dan berupaya memiliki budi atau akhlak mulia melalui zuhud, qana’ah dan tawakal yang menjembatani manusia modern untuk mencapai kebahagiaan, jauh dari keterpurukan, keterbelakangan, kemiskinan dan kebodohan

    Nilai-Nilai Civic Education dalam Falsafah Budaya Bugis: Upaya Mengantisipasi Krisis Global di Sulawesi Selatan

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    Reaktualisasi nilai-nilai civic education dalam falsafah kebudayaan Bugis, diharapkan mampu mengimbangi laju informasi yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai Barat. nilai-nilai seperti kejujuran, kecendikiaan, kepatuhan, keteguhan, usaha, dan harga diri harus dilihat fungsinya yang multidimensional. Kaitannya secara fungsional memiliki korelasi yang erat kaitannya dengan diri sendiri, dengan sesama mahluk, dengan cita-cita, dan dengan Tuhan, seperti ungkapan lontara: tellu uala sappo, tau’E ri dewata, siri’E riwatakkale, siri’E ripadatta tau (tiga hal yang dijadikan prinsip dalah hidup, takut dan patuh pada Tuhan, malu pada diri sendiri, dan malu pada sesama manusia

    Peranan Organisasi Politik Guppi dalam Pendidikan Islam pada Masa Orde Baru

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    Kehadiran para fungsionaris GUPPI sebagai sayap partai politik Golkar di kancah birokrasi dan politik pada masa Orde Baru telah memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap keputusan-keputusan pemerintah terhadap pengembangan pendidikan Islam. Lahirnya SKB 3 Menteri tahun 1984 telah memberi ruang bagi kedudukan madrasah yang setara dengan sekolah umum

    Implementation of FLEGT Licensing Scheme in Deforestation Law Enforcement: Improvements and Handling in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT) licensing scheme in Indonesia, focusing on its improvements and handling in relation to deforestation law enforcement. The research method used is qualitative, with an empirical juridical, statutory, and contextual approach. The results of this study indicate that aspects of environmental law enforcement in Indonesia have not yet come to light. The responsible authorities and powers exhibit a tendency to supersede established regulations of environmental law enforcement regarding procedural requirements, remedies, and sanctions. Consequently, reforestation schemes and forestry restoration permits, which are intended to counteract the effects of deforestation, have proven to be ineffective. This ineffectiveness can be attributed to the ongoing industrial forestry activities carried out by companies and entrepreneurs, which lack the requisite procedures for ensuring accountability in environmental restoration


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    This paper discusses the historical and political relations of the Patani Kingdom in Thailand and Patani in Takalar Regency, Indonesia. These two Patani had strong ties related to historical and political issues. This research uses qualitative methods with observational data collection techniques, interviews and documentation. Secondary data are obtained through textbooks, scientific journals, and online sources. The data were analyzed through the analysis of Miles and Haberman with the steps of data display, data verification and conclusions. This study found that the relationship between these two regions has occurred since 1634, where there was a massive exodus from Patani, Thailand to the Patani region in the Sanrobone Kingdom, Takalar, Indonesia due to the conflict that occurred between the Kingdom of Siam and the Kingdom of Patani in Thailand. Meanwhile, an important position in the politics of the Malays in Patani, Indonesia was as a royal clerk and harbormaster. On the other hand, the existence of the Bugis-Makassarese also had a political role in Patani, Thailand