50,092 research outputs found

    Local noise can enhance entanglement teleportation

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    Recently we have considered two-qubit teleportation via mixed states of four qubits and defined the generalized singlet fraction. For single-qubit teleportation, Badziag {\em et al.} [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 62}, 012311 (2000)] and Bandyopadhyay [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 65}, 022302 (2002)] have obtained a family of entangled two-qubit mixed states whose teleportation fidelity can be enhanced by subjecting one of the qubits to dissipative interaction with the environment via an amplitude damping channel. Here, we show that a dissipative interaction with the local environment via a pair of time-correlated amplitude damping channels can enhance fidelity of entanglement teleportation for a class of entangled four-qubit mixed states. Interestingly, we find that this enhancement corresponds to an enhancement in the quantum discord for some states.Comment: 10 page

    Service life design for infrastructure

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    In the past few years more and more attention has been devoted to the safety and serviceability as well as durability and sustainability of structures. Meanwhile there are intensive research and development activities going on, e.g. on materials properties, deterioration mechanisms, geometric- and structural design, execution aspect and maintenance. Furthermore, codes and standards on service life design are being discussed and partially established world wide. It is now time to present a focused picture of the current status and future trends in this field, including theory, practice and education. The aim of the symposium is to provide a forum to researchers and practitioners for presenting the newest findings and to discuss new ideas on service life design and serviceability of infrastructural Works, effectiveness of service life design methods and experiences from the practice

    Technology development of Kryvyi Rih iron ore open pits within zones stoping of underground mine working

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    На современном этапе отработка залежей железных руд в Кривбассе ведется в условиях как совместных открытых и подземных горных работ, так и открытой разработки месторождений в зонах, подработанных подземными выработками. Приведенные технология и новые способы и устройства погашения воронок обрушения в пределах рабочей зоны карьеров путем засыпки их рядовыми скальными породами вскрыши непосредственно с поверхности, что позволяет существенно повысить безопасность горных работ в карьере и получить значительную экономию за счет предупреждения нарушения окружающей среды внешними отвалами.На сучасному етапі відробка покладів залізних руд у Кривбасі ведеться в умовах як сумісних відкритих і підземних гірничих робіт, так і відкритої розробки родовищ у зонах, що підроблені підземними виробками. Наведені технологія й нові способи та пристрої погашення вирв обрушення у межах робочої зони кар’єрів шляхом засипки їх рядовими скельними породами розкриву безпосередньо з поверхні, що дозволяє суттєво підвищити безпеку гірничих робіт у кар’єрі й отримати значну економію за рахунок попередження порушення довкілля зовнішніми відвалами.At present iron ore in Kryvbas is mined by both a combination of open pit and underground methods and by the open pit method in zones underworked by underground mining. The suggested technology and new methods of backfilling pit craters within the pit working area with rock overburden directly from the surface that enables substantial increase of mine safety and economy due to preventing environmental damage caused by surface dumps

    Potential for Development and Limitations of Regional Business Environment

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    The article considers some questions of institutional support for the development of the regional business environment. In connection with constantly growing social liabilities of regional and municipal authorities, which results in the upsurge of risks of budget imbalance at respective levels, the research provides a foundation to the necessity of forming favorable business environment promoting enterprise activity in regions. The process of creating institutes of a region’s business environment is analyzed with applying a matrix institutional model of entrepreneurship. The article reveals the mechanism stipulating the emergence of specific peculiarities of institutional configurations of the regional business environment. A conclusion is drawn about the decisive role of the institutional configuration of the business environment in the existing differences in the levels of social and economic development of regions. The researchers put forward a hypothesis that supporting a favorable institutional configuration of a region’s business environment that stimulates enterprise activity in the area cannot last indefinitely as its development is of a cyclical nature. Simulation parameters for the formation and maintenance of a favorable institutional configuration of the business environment are given. With the aim of practical application of the suggested approach, the authors suggest a methodology allowing for regional authorities to estimate the expediency of favorable institutional configuration of business environment, and on this basis to formulate rules of play for business so that these rules could boost business activity and increase the contribution of entrepreneurship to the region’s social and economic development. The approach under consideration provides an opportunity to substantiate a theoretical and methodological framework for developing practical mechanisms of projecting and further long-term maintenance of favorable institutional configuration of business environment which will contribute to expanding the region’s business activity, and which is resistant to negative effects of the external environment.Work produced with the financial support of the grant FSBI “Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation” in the framework of scientific — research project “Interaction of authority and business organizations in the municipalities: through compromise to mutual loyalty» № 15-12-02008

    Comparison of the Efficiency of Budget Financing and the Social Security of a Region

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    The article deals with theoretical and economic aspects of the “security” category and draws a distinction between philosophical, sociological, and economic approaches to the concept of social security. From the perspective of a system approach, the authors define the place of the region’s social security in ensuring national security. The article describes the theoretical content of the «social security» category and provides the authors’ specification for such terms as «social risks,» «danger,» and «threat.» The authors offer methodological tools to evaluate the region’s social security based on a complex assessment of the region’s socioeconomic and budget-financing indicators to identify the risks (deviations) and factors of inefficient financing. The proposed methodological approach is based on identifying the dependencies between the social and financial security of the region. The following indicators reflecting the social security level in the territory of residence were selected as estimated indicators: the region’s consolidated budget income and expenses, gross domestic product growth rates, natural population growth ratio, unemployment level, the share of the population with income below the subsistence minimum. This approach was tested by the example of the Perm Territory and Sverdlovsk Region revealing the regularities as well as favorable and unfavorable periods for the region’s social security. The obtained estimated indicators are ranked depending on the growth (fall) time lag, resilience, and sensitivity to budget financing. The assessment results show that the Perm Territory has been entering a deep recession in terms of national security since 2012. Similar tendencies are demonstrated by the Sverdlovsk Region; however, in view of the apparent diversity and dominant influence of the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region on the socioeconomic development of the Privolzhsky and Ural Federal Districts, respectively, the provided comparison is of scientific and practical interest.The research has been supported by the Grant of the Russian Science Foundation (the Project № 14–18–00574 "Anticrisis Information Analysis System: Diagnostics of Regions, Threat Assessment, and Scenario Forecasting to Maintain and Strengthen the Economic Security and Welfare of Russia")

    "Black Star" or Astrophysical Black Hole?

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    Recently wide publicity has been given to a claim by T. Vachaspati that "black holes do not exist", that the objects known as black holes in astrophysics should rather be called "black stars" and they not only do not have event horizons but actually can be the source of spectacular gamma ray bursts. In this short essay (no flimsier than the original preprint where these extravagant claims appeared) I demonstrate that these ill-considered claims are clearly wrong. Yet they present a good occasion to reflect on some well known but little discussed conceptual difficulties which arise when applying relativistic terminology in an astrophysical context.Comment: Poster presented at "Compact Objects" meeting in Hunagshan, China, 2-7 July 2007. To be published in the AIP Conference Proceeding serie