69 research outputs found

    ホケンシュジ ノ ヤクワリ ニミル ホケンシツ ケイエイ ノ シンテン

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    School health law was revised after an interval of half a century in this April and moved to the school health and safety law.On the report of the Central Council of Education in 2008, it proposes the substantiality of the organization and system which can promote school health, and in order to that, all staffs of school are required to have common consciousness to solve the modern problem of diversification and deterioration about children.On the proposal, it says about five regulative items of duties in school health and safety law, those are health management, health education, health consultation activity, health room management and health organization activity, for a school nurse will play a role as the core of the promotion of the school health.The viewpoint of the health room management is indispensable for the promotion of the school health, and a school nurse ought to play a role as the core of it.Therefore the works such as cooperation of the staff in a school and coordination of other organizations concerned are necessary, in that pointI consider that the health director may perform a role of the key person as the cooperator with the Yogo teacher.I considered the role of the health director and tried to make a form of the cooperation to promote school education and school health education

    ヨウゴキョウユ ノ オコナウ ゼッシン ヲ クワエタ フィジカルアセスメント

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    養護教諭は児童生徒の養護をつかさどる職務において、保健管理、保健教育、健康相談活動、保健室経営、保健組織活動などの役割を行っている。近年、学校において救急処置の対応における専門性を求められる事故がおきており、保健管理における専門的な判断力が一層必要となっている。養護教諭における専門的判断とは、医学的な知識と共に、主訴に対するアセスメントと対象全体の観察力による総合的な判断である。誰でも簡単に器具が必要ではなくできる、五感で感じる観察力の一つとして、東洋医学における対象全体を見る舌診に視点を当て、看護学の授業において講義と演習を行った。学生の生活習慣の問診と舌診の観察における現れ方に関係性がみられ、有効な観察項目であることが実証された。今後は、保健室における児童生徒の対応において、子どもの心身を観る舌診を取り入れたフィジカルアセスメントの実践化に向けて取り組んでいきたい。In duties to control the nursing of children,`Yogo teacher\u27performs roles such as health management, health education, health consultation, school health room management and the health organization activity. In late years the case is found that the specialty in the correspondence of the first aid is required in the school, so it is considered that the specialists\u27 judgment in the health management is necessary still more.The specialized judgment required for`Yogo teacher\u27is the assessment for the main complaints, and the synthetic judgment by the ability of general observation for the object from the medical knowledge.As one of the observations using five senses which anyone can do without tools, there is health check through the tongue observation.Zesshin, medical examination by ovserving the patients\u27 tongues, is the skill of traditional health check in the Oriental medicine. Generally speaking, the Oriental medicine focuses not only the disease but also the overall situation of the patient.I had the opportunity to practice watching the tongues in the classes of nursing science. I had the medical interview for the lifestyle of students, and after all, my interviews were related to the results of Zesshin. Therefore it was demonstrated that Zesshin was one of the useful observation item. Hereafter in the deal ings of the children in the school health room.I will work on the practice of the physical assessment through Zesshin, which cover the mental and physical health condition of children

    ガッコウホケンカツドウ ノ チイキレンケイ ニ オケ ル カダイ ニ ツイ テ

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    今日の子どもの健康課題は社会的背景の複雑・多様化から、学校と社会の関係機関との連携なしには解決が難しい状況がある。養護をつかさどる養護教諭は、健康問題の対応について学校を超えて連携においてその中心となる役割を担うコーディネーターとしての力量が期待されている。 地域保健にかかわる保健師に対し連携を進める目的で調査を行った結果、養護教諭自身の意識とマネージメント力向上の必要性が明らかになった

    ヨウゴキョウユ ノ ショクム ニ オケル モトメ ラレル リキリョウ ノ ケイセイ レンケイリョク カラ コーディネートリョク ノ コウチク ヘ

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    School health law was revised after an interval of half a century in this April and moved to the school health and safety law.On the report of the Central Council of Education in 2008, it proposes the substantiality of the organization and system which can promote school health, and in order to that, all staffs of school are required to have common consciousness to solve the modern problem of diversification and deterioration about children.On the proposal, it says about five regulative items of duties in school health and safety law, those are health management, health education, health consultation activity, health room management and health organization activity, for a school nurse will play a role as the core of the promotion of the school health.The viewpoint of the health room management is indispensable for the promotion of the school health, and a school nurse ought to play a role as the core of it.Therefore the works such as cooperation of the staff in a school and coordination of other organizations concerned are necessary, in that pointI consider that the health director may perform a role of the key person as the cooperator with the Yogo teacher.I considered the role of the health director and tried to make a form of the cooperation to promote school education and school health education

    ヨウゴキョウユ ノ ショクム ト コミュニケーションリョク : ヨウゴキョウユ ニ モトメ ラレ ル ケンコウソウダンカツドウ カラ

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    As for the health problem of the pupils and students, the issue of mental health is the main problem, and the role of the health consultation activity, what the Yogo teacher performs as the staff who can manage, became more and more important today. It is provided in School Education Act, that the duty of the Yogo teacher is the nursing of the pupils and students. It is said that the educational contents, which should be filled up in the teacher\u27s training , are the ability of nursing and communication including basic achievement , by the report of the Yogo teacher in the training school, that accepts for students. In addition, through the comparison of the communication power between the students and incumbent Yogo teachers, I considered about it

    セイキョウイク ト HPVワクチンヨボウセッシュ : コンニチテキ ナ ジョセイ ノ ケンコウ ヲ マモル タメ ニ ジュウヨウ ナ コト

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    The German Dr. Housen discovered that uterine cervix cancer was one of the viral infectious diseases in 1983, and the vaccine for uterine cervix cancer was made in 2006. The vaccination is authorized in our country in 2009, and it is expected in late years that the vaccine will enable to prevent from increasing patients of age 20~30 women. It is said that the number of autonomy, which performing public assistance of vaccination costs, are increasing from 2011 and the HPV vaccination will be encouraged by administrative advice.However, it is considered that there is a different meaning from other vaccinations for the students, who are age for HPV vaccination in school. From June to July in 2010, the publicity of the HPV vaccination was examined through the students around us, and the result was that the spread of knowledge was required with the encouragement of the vaccination in future, and it became clear that the developmental age of mind and body, and psychological support were demanded for the health care about female genital.In addition, the HPV infection is related with the sexual behavior of the youth, and it is considered that the knowledge and power for the action choice, including the prevention from the sexually transmitted disease, is demanded in an educational front today

    ガッコウホケン コーディネーター トシテ ノ ヨウゴキョウユ ホケンシツ ケイエイ ニ ツイテ ノ チョウサ カラ

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    Though Yogo Teachers are indispensable for the school education and specialty is apt to be required, they don\u27t have roles for studies of subject.On the other hands, school health education has important roles for keeping healthy life through promoting skill of how to live one\u27s life.So, Yogo Teachers have more potentialities for promoting health education, roling as health coordinator

    ジョシガクセイ ニ オケル セイカツシュウカン ガ シンシンショウジョウ オヨビ ジソンカンジョウ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of lifestyle on self-esteem and psychosomatic diseases in female junior college students. Subjects were 113 female junior college students (mean age 19.1±3.2 yr) They answered a questionnaire about lifestyle,psychosomatic diseases, and self-esteem. The questionnaire about lifestyle considered nutrition, hours of sleep, hours of watching TV, hours of using PCs and mobile telephones,and use of luxury goods. The questionnaire about psychosomatic diseases evaluated mental health, cardiology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, and gynecology. The self-esteem questionnaire required the subjects to choose only one answer from four choices: "strongly applies" to "does not apply at all," which had numerical ratings from 4 to 1. A total point score was then calculated for each subject.Self-esteem scores were significantly higher in subjects who lived by themselves than in subjects who lived with their families (p<0.01); in smoking than in non-smoking subjects (p<0.05); and in subjects with high psychosomatic disease scores compared with subjects with low scores (p<0.05). Subjects with high psychosomatic disease scores had significantly lower nutrition scores compared to subjects with low psychosomatic disease scores (p<0.01).In conclusion, these results indicate that sufficient nutrition intake was stabilized the shape of a psychosomatic disease

    タンキダイガク ニオケル カンセンショウ ノ ケンコウカンリ ニツイテ シンガタ インフルエンザ A(/H1N1) カンセン ヨボウ ノ トリクミ カラ

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    In late years, the mass outbreak of the "measles" patient was conveyed in the universities of Kanto area mainly, and it caused the closure of school successively.Through the spread of this measles, the preventive correspondence to infectious disease, such as antibody inspection and vaccination, came to be demanded in not only children but also university students.New influenza A (H1N1) which occurred in Mexico in this March speeded all over the world, and WHO declared the caution as six phase of pandemic on June 12, 2009.The virus was brought into island Japan equally in the beginning of May, and the infection opens now for eight months.We had the report of the infecte in our college in the beginning of September and a few outbreaks were watched, but afterwards it doesn\u27t lead to the closure of school.In the spot of group education, the safe management and the crisis control predicting various infections is demanded today.So, we looked back on the precaution of infectious disease in this college and considered about the making of system which corresponds to more demand for new infectious diseases.In late years, as for the outbreak of infectious disease in the school, such as revival of tuberculosis, group lunch infection by O157 and SARS of new infectious disease etc., the correspondence to the crisis control became the important matter of the school