ヨウゴキョウユ ノ ショクム ト コミュニケーションリョク : ヨウゴキョウユ ニ モトメ ラレ ル ケンコウソウダンカツドウ カラ


As for the health problem of the pupils and students, the issue of mental health is the main problem, and the role of the health consultation activity, what the Yogo teacher performs as the staff who can manage, became more and more important today. It is provided in School Education Act, that the duty of the Yogo teacher is the nursing of the pupils and students. It is said that the educational contents, which should be filled up in the teacher\u27s training , are the ability of nursing and communication including basic achievement , by the report of the Yogo teacher in the training school, that accepts for students. In addition, through the comparison of the communication power between the students and incumbent Yogo teachers, I considered about it

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