9 research outputs found

    Diseño de una propuesta de mejora para el área ambiental y de seguridad y salud en el trabajo de la empresa Shinema S.A.S.

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    Diseñar una propuesta de trabajo que contribuya a disminuir los riesgos ambientales y de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en la empresa SHINEMA S.A.S. Como aporte para prevenir e intervenir los riesgos asociados; incidentes, accidentes de trabajo, enfermedades laborales y la contaminación ambiental.Las empresas productivas y de servicios del país se desarrollan en un ambiente competitivo donde hay una lucha constante por reducir costos, ofrecer productos, servicios de calidad y cumplir con las obligaciones en el ámbito legal. Por tal razón la protección ambiental y la gestión en Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo (SST) se convierten en aspectos diferenciales en este proceso de competencia; brindar un ambiente de trabajo adecuado, minimizar los riesgos a los trabajadores, preocuparse por el bienestar integral del colaborador donde se promueva el trabajo seguro y cuidado del medio ambiente. En la actualidad no es solamente un requisito legal cumplir con los sistemas de gestión en SST y medio ambiente, sino que también es una estrategia para obtener más productividad y establecer ventajas competitivas, frente a las demás empresas que ofrecen productos o servicios similares. Por esta razón, SHINEMA S.A.S, está comprometida con el mejoramiento continuo del Sistema General de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, donde pretende integrar las acciones que aporten a la protección del medio ambiente, desarrollando programas que contribuyan a la disminución de los impactos ambientales negativos en la comunidad, generados a través de sus procesos, y al mismo tiempo busca prevenir los accidentes e incidentes que se puedan materializar por las condiciones inseguras generadas. En este sentido, para el desarrollo del proyecto, la empresa asignó los recursos económicos, tecnológicos y humanos, donde una de las principales necesidades, es realizar una intervención a los riesgos laborales; considerados aquellos que pueden causar daño en la salud y seguridad de sus trabajadores, afectando los recursos físicos y financieros. En SHINEMA S.A.S, la exposición a los factores de riesgo ambiental no controlados, potencializa los peligros locativo, químico y biológico, aumentando la probabilidad de generar accidentes, enfermedades laborales, situaciones de emergencia y otros eventos que una vez materializados, dificultan el óptimo desarrollo de la actividad económica, incidiendo negativamente en el medio ambiente, perjudicando el buen nombre y el posicionamiento en el mercado de la empresa. Se espera que a partir de las acciones implementadas sea posible minimizar el riesgo de generar daño ambiental, y se forjen beneficios, tanto para la empresa como para la salud de los colaboradores. Mediante los resultados planteados se espera que, a través de las acciones propuestas en los objetivos, y conforme al análisis de los resultados se estructuren las acciones propias para la intervención de los riesgos ambientales y de seguridad y salud en el trabajo de forma integral que contribuyan a: 1. La actualización y cumplimiento de la legislación asociada. 2. El compromiso de la protección y responsabilidad ambiental. 3. Fortalecer los sistemas de gestión y sistemas operativos. Por las razones expuestas anteriormente, la gerencia de SHINEMA S.A.S está comprometida con la implementación de las medidas necesarias que contribuyan a mantener y mejorar los niveles de eficiencia en sus procedimientos, para brindar a sus trabajadores mejores condiciones laborales. Asimismo, se hace necesario tomar metodologías orientadas por la normatividad vigente, como el Decreto 1072 (2015), la Resolución 0312, (2019) de SG ST, la Resolución 03708 (2019

    Estudio del sujeto lírico en la obra poética de Ricardo Castrorrivas

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    La investigación sobre el sujeto lírico en la obra poética de Ricardo Castrorrivas, tiene como propósito estudiar las diversas representaciones de la subjetividad en la poesía escrita por este autor salvadoreño y también, suplir esa carencia de estudios en este género. Además, explora la construcción del sujeto lírico en la obra poética del autor antes mencionado

    Novel deep targeted sequencing method for minimal residual disease monitoring in acute myeloid leukemia

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    A high proportion of patients with acute myeloid leukemia who achieve minimal residual disease (MRD) negative status ultimately relapse because a fraction of pathological clones remains undetected by standard methods. We designed and validated a high-throughput sequencing method for MRD assessment of cell clonotypes with mutations of NPM1, IDH1/2 and/or FLT3-SNVs. For clinical validation, 106 follow-up samples from 63 patients in complete remission were studied by NGS, evaluating the level of mutations detected at diagnosis. The predictive value of MRD status by NGS, multiparameter flow cytometry, or quantitative PCR was determined by survival analysis. The method achieved a sensitivity of 10-4 for SNV mutations and 10-5 for insertions/deletions and could be used in acute myeloid leukemia patients who carry any mutation (86% in our diagnosis data set). NGS-determined MRD positive status was associated with lower disease-free survival (hazard ratio [HR] 3.4, p=0.005) and lower overall survival (HR 4.2, p<0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that MRD positive status by NGS was an independent factor associated with risk of death (HR 4.54, p =0.005) and the only independent factor conferring risk of relapse (HR 3.76, p =0.012). This NGS based method simplifies and standardizes MRD evaluation, with high applicability in acute myeloid leukemia. It also improves upon flow cytometry and quantitative PCR to predict acute myeloid leukemia outcome and could be incorporated in clinical settings and clinical trials.This study was supported by the Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain) grants PI13/02387 and PI16/01530, and the CRIS against Cancer foundation grant 2014/0120. M.L. holds a postdoctoral fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FPDI-2013-16409). P.R.P. holds a postdoctoral fellowship of the Spanish of Instituto de Salud Carlos III: Contrato Predoctoral de Formación en Investigación en Salud i-PFIS (IFI 14/00008).S

    Networking for advanced molecular diagnosis in acute myeloid leukemia patients is possible: the PETHEMA NGS-AML project

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    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has recently been introduced to efficiently and simultaneously detect genetic variations in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, its implementation in the clinical routine raises new challenges focused on the diversity of assays and variant reporting criteria. In order to overcome this challenge, the PETHEMA group established a nationwide network of reference laboratories aimed to deliver molecular results in the clinics. We report the technical cross-validation results for NGS panel genes during the standardization process and the clinical validation in 823 samples of 751 patients with newly diagnosed or refractory/relapse AML. Two cross-validation rounds were performed in seven nationwide reference laboratories in order to reach a consensus regarding quality metrics criteria and variant reporting. In the pre-standardization cross-validation round, an overall concordance of 60.98% was obtained with a great variability in selected genes and conditions across laboratories. After consensus of relevant genes and optimization of quality parameters the overall concordance rose to 85.57% in the second cross-validation round. We show that a diagnostic network with harmonized NGS analysis and reporting in seven experienced laboratories is feasible in the context of a scientific group. This cooperative nationwide strategy provides advanced molecular diagnostic for AML patients of the PETHEMA group (clinicaltrials gov. Identifier: NCT03311815)

    Efectivity of Beauveria bassiana isolates “sensu lato” on Rhipicephalus microplus

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    The present project was developed in the Plant Protection Laboratory of the Agronomy Faculty of the Agrarian University of La Habana, Cuba, to determinate the in vitro effectivity of some isolates of Beauveria bassiana sensu lato (Vals.) Vuill. on eggs and neolarvae of Rhipicephalus microplus Canestrini. The three isolates evaluated were effective, with more than 85 % mortality over neolarvae of the ectoparasite, 12 days after application. In the case of the BB isolate a strong effect of the conidia concentration in the suspension over the eclosion of eggs was evident, wich was null in the highest of the concentrations used, and the mortality of tick neolarvae, that was superior to 90 % with concentrations over 107 conidia mL-1

    Improving the prediction of acute myeloid leukaemia outcomes by complementing mutational profiling with ex vivo

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    Refractoriness to induction therapy and relapse after complete remission are the leading causes of death in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). This study focussed on the prediction of response to standard induction therapy and outcome of patients with AML using a combined strategy of mutational profiling by next-generation sequencing (NGS, n = 190) and ex vivo PharmaFlow testing (n = 74) for the 10 most widely used drugs for AML induction therapy, in a cohort of adult patients uniformly treated according to Spanish PETHEMA guidelines. We identified an adverse mutational profile (EZH2, KMT2A, U2AF1 and/or TP53 mutations) that carries a greater risk of death [hazard ratio (HR): 3 29, P < 0 0001]. A high correlation was found between the ex vivo PharmaFlow results and clinical induction response (69%). Clinical correlation analysis showed that the pattern of multiresistance revealed by ex vivo PharmaFlow identified patients with a high risk of death (HR: 2 58). Patients with mutation status also ran a high risk (HR 4 19), and the risk was increased further in patients with both adverse profiles (HR 4 82). We have developed a new score based on NGS and ex vivo drug testing for AML patients that improves upon current prognostic risk stratification and allows clinicians to tailor treatments to minimise drug resistance.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIICRIS against Cancer foundationSpanish Ministry of Economy and CompetitivenessDepto. de Bioquímica y Biología MolecularFac. de FarmaciaTRUEpu

    Surfactant protein A genetic variants associate with severe respiratory insufficiency in pandemic influenza A virus infection

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    Inherited variability in host immune responses influences susceptibility and outcome of Influenza A virus (IAV) infection, but these factors remain largely unknown. Components of the innate immune response may be crucial in the first days of the infection. The collectins surfactant protein (SP)-A1, -A2, and -D and mannose-binding lectin (MBL) neutralize IAV infectivity, although only SP-A2 can establish an efficient neutralization of poorly glycosylated pandemic IAV strains. We studied the role of polymorphic variants at the genes of MBL (MBL2), SP-A1 (SFTPA1), SP-A2 (SFTPA2), and SP-D (SFTPD) in 93 patients with H1N1 pandemic 2009 (H1N1pdm) infection. Multivariate analysis showed that two frequent SFTPA2 missense alleles (rs1965708-C and rs1059046-A) and the SFTPA2 haplotype 1A0 were associated with a need for mechanical ventilation, acute respiratory failure, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. The SFTPA2 haplotype 1A1 was a protective variant. Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox regression also showed that diplotypes not containing the 1A1 haplotype were associated with a significantly shorter time to ICU admission in hospitalized patients. In addition, rs1965708-C (P = 0.0007), rs1059046-A (P = 0.0007), and haplotype 1A0 (P = 0.0004) were associated, in a dose-dependent fashion, with lower PaO2/FiO2 ratio, whereas haplotype 1A1 was associated with a higher PaO2/FiO2 ratio (P = 0.001). Our data suggest an effect of genetic variants of SFTPA2 on the severity of H1N1pdm infection and could pave the way for a potential treatment with haplotype-specific (1A1) SP-A2 for future IAV pandemic

    Networking for advanced molecular diagnosis in acute myeloid leukemia patients is possible: the PETHEMA NGS-AML project

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    Next-Generation Sequencing has recently been introduced to efficiently and simultaneously detect genetic variations in acute myeloid leukemia. However, its implementation in the clinical routine raises new challenges focused on the diversity of assays and variant reporting criteria. To overcome this challenge, the PETHEMA group established a nationwide network of reference laboratories aimed to deliver molecular results in the clinics. We report the technical cross-validation results for next-generation sequencing panel genes during the standardization process and the clinical validation in 823 samples of 751 patients with newly diagnosed or refractory/relapse acute myeloid leukemia. Two cross-validation rounds were performed in seven nationwide reference laboratories in order to reach a consensus regarding quality metrics criteria and variant reporting. In the pre-standardization cross-validation round, an overall concordance of 60.98% was obtained with a great variability in selected genes and conditions across laboratories. After consensus of relevant genes and optimization of quality parameters the overall concordance rose to 85.57% in the second cross-validation round. We show that a diagnostic network with harmonized next-generation sequencing analysis and reporting in seven experienced laboratories is feasible in the context of a scientific group

    Networking for advanced molecular diagnosis in acute myeloid leukemia patients is possible: the PETHEMA NGS-AML project

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    Next-Generation Sequencing has recently been introduced to efficiently and simultaneously detect genetic variations in acute myeloid leukemia. However, its implementation in the clinical routine raises new challenges focused on the diversity of assays and variant reporting criteria. To overcome this challenge, the PETHEMA group established a nationwide network of reference laboratories aimed to deliver molecular results in the clinics. We report the technical cross-validation results for next-generation sequencing panel genes during the standardization process and the clinical validation in 823 samples of 751 patients with newly diagnosed or refractory/relapse acute myeloid leukemia. Two cross-validation rounds were performed in seven nationwide reference laboratories in order to reach a consensus regarding quality metrics criteria and variant reporting. In the pre-standardization cross-validation round, an overall concordance of 60.98% was obtained with a great variability in selected genes and conditions across laboratories. After consensus of relevant genes and optimization of quality parameters the overall concordance rose to 85.57% in the second cross-validation round. We show that a diagnostic network with harmonized next-generation sequencing analysis and reporting in seven experienced laboratories is feasible in the context of a scientific group