5 research outputs found

    Modeling of transportation process in a technological complex of beet harvesting machines

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    Based on a critical review of known research and developments in recent years, the article presents a methodology for analyzing the capacity of the sugar beet sweeping-transport complex. The research aims to find rational use of machinery resources in the technological complex. A reloading method of transportation of root crops was considered. Its peculiarity was flexibility, adaptability to weather, and climatic and economic conditions during the gathering of sugar beet. Under favorable weather conditions and the availability of a sufficient number of vehicles, dug roots, removed from the combine from the field by a tractor semi-trailer, were reloaded into the heavy trucks. They were on the road from the edge of the field and transported to the plant. In case of changing conditions (in rainy weather, when the soil was too wet, or when there were not enough vehicles), a cleaner loader was added to the machines complex. After, the production process was carried out in a transshipment or flow-transshipment way. Beet harvesting and transportation of root crops were considered as work of the technological chain, which consists of three links: “field – beet harvester”, “beet harvester – tractor semi-trailer”, and “tractor semi-trailer – vehicle”. The basic steps of the capacity analysis allowed for determining the capacity of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd links, their comparison, and subsequent analysis and selecting rational options to overcome the possible difference between their values

    Informatyczne technologie graficzne w badaniu warunków temperaturowych we wnętrzu budynków przemysłowych

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    Taking into account the multi parameter character of the investigated process, the means of multidimensional applied geometry for constructing a graphic model of the temperature space of an industrial building interior was proposed. Constructed with the help of computer technologies, the models allow, on the basis of the physical analysis of a particular regime, the performance of the proposed technical means for increasing the efficiency of the system of infra-red heating and ventilation in industrial premises of various uses to be evaluated. The aim of the study is to offer universal geometric shaped models of processes of thermal and ventilation modes for studying the temperature space of an industrial building interior.Biorąc pod uwagę wieloparametryczny charakter badanego procesu, zaproponowano wykorzystanie wielowymiarowej geometrii do stworzenia graficznego modelu przestrzeni temperaturowej wnętrza budynku przemysłowego. Zbudowane na bazie technologii informacyjnych modele graficzne pozwalają, na podstawie analizy fizycznej konkretnego procesu, ocenić działanie zastosowanego wyposażenia technicznego budynku. Wykorzystane one mogą być do poprawy efektywności działania systemu ogrzewania pomieszczeń przy zastosowaniu urządzeń wykorzystujących efekt podczerwieni oraz wentylacji pomieszczeń przemysłowych o różnym funkcjonalnym przeznaczeniu. Celem badań jest zaproponowanie uniwersalnych geometrycznych modeli procesów cieplnych i wentylacyjnych do badania przestrzeni temperaturowej budynku przemysłowego

    Техніко-економічна ефективність експлуатації за станом виробів авіаційної техніки для дифузійно-монотонного розподілу їх відмов

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    The article represents the estimation methodology of condition-based maintenance of aerial vehicul feasibility study taking into account alpha and beta errors. The dependence charts of operating efficiency and vehicle operating costs per hour of work in good condition from the basic parameters of exploitation model for typical operating conditions are shown.В статье представлена методика оценки технико-экономической эффективности эксплуатации авиационной техники по состоянию с использованием диффузионно-монотонного распределения ее отказов с учетом ошибок первого и второго рода. Для типичных условий эксплуатации показаны графики зависимости коэффициента технического использования и удельных затрат на час работы изделия авиационной техники в исправном состоянии от основных параметров. Описание процессов эксплуатации по состоянию изделий авиационной техники осуществляеся с помощью полумарковского случайного процесса, который, в отличие от марковского процесса, позволяет более адекватно описать эксплуатацию изделий авиационной техники.У статті представлена методика оцінки техніко-економічної ефективності експлуатації авіаційної техніки за станом з використанням дифузійно-монотонного розподілу її відмов з врахуванням помилок першого і другого роду. Для типових умов експлуатації показані графіки залежності коефіцієнта технічного використання і питомих витрат на годину роботи виробу авіаційної техніки у справному стані від основних параметрів. Опис процесів експлуатації за станом виробів авіаційної техніки здійснюється за допомогою напівмарковського випадкового процесу, який, на відміну від марковського процесу, дозволяє більш адекватно описати експлуатацію виробів авіаційної техніки

    Computational Approach to Geometric Modeling of Plow Bodies

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    In this article, a detailed analysis of modern research and publications on the selected subject was carried out related to the computer-variant geometric modeling of the working surfaces of the plow blades. Based on this, a new method of proper design was proposed. The performed scientific investigations aimed to create a flexible, productive, and universal approach for the automated shaping of tillage tools. The accentuated effectiveness of geometric modeling was achieved using a developed special mathematical apparatus adapted for use in the environment of current computer information systems of an engineering profile. The implementation was based on such parametric lines as heterogeneous rational B-splines, which are acceptable in automated design systems. The specified geometric models were characterized by the coverage of a sufficiently large range of plow heads. The indicated means of forming could conveniently adapt to the changing conditions of designing tillage tools suggested by theoretical calculations and practical experiments. The given facts contributed to the multifaceted clarification of the specified information. They also ensured the appropriate integration and the possibility of determining the most rational options among the studied varieties of plow dumps. Simultaneously, the most common group of dumps with cylindrical and other plow working surfaces was considered. The significant role of geometric models for qualitative coordination and the effective combination of many other models (e.g., strength, manufacturing technology, and operation conditions) was emphasized. This was aimed at comprehensive optimization throughout their life cycle, in this case of plows. The proper solution to the presented problems contributed to a successful solution to the actual scientific and applied problem of improving the quality of machinery

    Modeling the Resonance of a Swinging Spring Based on the Synthesis of a Motion Trajectory of Its Load

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    The paper reports a technique for building the resonance trajectories of the motion of a swinging spring load. A swinging spring is the kind of a mathematical pendulum consisting of a point load attached to a weightless spring. The other end of the spring is fixed immovably. We have considered the pendulum-like spring oscillations in a vertical plane provided its axis straightness is maintained. Calculations have been performed based on the solutions to a system of differential equations with components that include values for the frequency values of vertical and horizontal displacements of a point on a spring.The relevance of the subject is predetermined by the necessity to study the technological processes of dynamic systems when the nonlinearly connected oscillatory components of the system exchange energy. Using a swinging spring phenomenon illustrates the exchange of energies between the transverse (pendulum) and longitudinal (spring) oscillations. In this case, we also take into consideration the influence of the initial conditions for initiating oscillations. Of particular importance is to study the resonance state of a swinging spring when the frequency of longitudinal oscillations differs by a multiple number of times from the frequency of transverse oscillations. In addition to a common «classic» case (resonance 2:1), there is a need to consider cases with different values for the frequency ratio. The result is the derived geometric shapes of the motion trajectory of a swinging spring load that correspond to the patterns in the state of its resonance.The results obtained in the current paper make it possible, by using a computer, to synthesize the motion trajectory of a swinging spring load that would match the assigned frequency ratio of longitudinal and transverse oscillations. For this purpose, in addition to basic parameters (a load's mass, rigidity of the spring, its length in a no-load state), we added the initial values for the parameters during oscillation initiation. Specifically, the «starting» coordinates for a load position, and the initial load motion velocities in the direction of the coordinate axes. We have considered examples of building a load motion's trajectories for cases of resonances the type of 2:1, 7:3; 9:4; and 11:2. The results obtained are illustrated by the computerized animations of oscillations of appropriate swinging springs for different cases of resonance.The results could be used as a paradigm in order to study the nonlinear connected systems, as well as in the calculation of variants for mechanical devices where springs affect the oscillation of their elements. Additionally, for cases when the technology of using mechanical devices necessitates abandoning the chaotic movements of loads in order to ensure the periodic trajectories of their displacements