22 research outputs found

    Knowledge management : Emerging roles and challenges of library and information professionals

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    With globalization the credibility of the workforce is determined by how best they can accommodate themselves in the growing challenges of k-economy. Knowledge Management (KM) has been in operation for quite some time. Its close affinity to library and information management is undeniable. Library has not relinquished its role and interest as information and knowledge providers. It is fitting then to recognize that a well planned strategy, involving the library and the management of the institution could provide significant influence to achieve the KM objectives. Librarians and information professionals (IPs) should be dedicated to fulfilling the varied information needs of the users, amidst the k-economy by providing accurate and relevant bibliographic and physical access and offer referral to the multidimensional range of information within the library premise and outside. KM is a challenge to the information professionals and for the fields of librarianship and information science and needs to be taken seriously to leverage the intellectual assets and to facilitate knowledge utilization and creation

    Achieving excellence through information literacy as part of innovative curriculum

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    A great responsibility facing education today is to develop students with information literacy while pursuing their education and extend it further in their workplace. In order for today's students to excel in the 21st century, they must be able to acquire, evaluate, and use and present information effectively. They must become information literate workers, teachers, facilitators and coachers. Information literacy skills allow the problem solving, critical and creative thinking, decision making, and cooperative learning that prepare students for the challenges in society. Information literacy leads to skilful, responsible thinking that facilitates good judgement because it relies on criteria, is self-correcting and is sensitive to context. It helps growth of individuals through a number of methods, programmes and techniques. It would be useful if the educational incorporate these elements since the elementary stage so that by the time their reach the college and university level, they have acquired the reading and information skills much required in the current information and knowledge era

    Strategizing knowledge management in the Malaysian Armed Forces : towards knowledge-centric organization / Ismail Manuri and Raja Abdullah Yaacob

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    Military knowledge management (KM) is about the processes and techniques used to swiftly transfer experience and provide a common understanding from an experienced soldier to an inexperienced soldier. As an integral part of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) transformation to achieve Future Force, the KM strategy will play a valuable role in leveraging existing knowledge and converting new knowledge into action. A study on military officers of the MAF attitudes towards' KM applications was conducted to show the importance of KM in the military environment. Focus of the study is to examine the attitudes of MAF personnel toward KM key drivers, which include the knowledge creation, processes, applications, and technology. The findings of the study may be used as the basis to develop a KM implementation strategy in the MAF which should focussed on the tenet of people, process, and technology. The results of the study indicated that the KM key drivers that include knowledge creation, KM processes, KM application and technology were perceived as key elements in the military organization. In order to develop KM implementation strategy successfully, the MAF needs to focus on factors that include people, KM processes, and infostructure

    Records management and ISO 9000 / Prof. Dato' Dr. Raja Abdullah Yaacob

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    The quality standard in records management depends on proficiency not only in records management but also in the business operations that comprise the mission of the organization. In a quality environment, operating without a records management program could result in loss of business, erosion of customer confidence and non-compliance. Records are being neglected, ill managed and destroyed at an alarming rate. It is hoped that by incorporating quality in records management, proper procedures are abided and a quality document management system can be established in compliance with ISO 9000. This paper attempts to explore the importance of quality in records management and how quality can become part and parcel of records management program

    Peranan pembantu perpustakaan dalam era perpustakaan masa hadapan

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    Dalam memenuhi keperluan profesion kepustakawanan di negara ini,perkhidmatan perpustakaan yang berkesan merupakan kunci kepada kajayaan profession ini. Tidak dinafikan pembantu perpustakaan merupakan peneraju dalam perkhidmatan perpustakaan. Ini kerana merekalah yang berada di barisan hadapan di persekitaran perpustakaan. Mereka di tempatkan di semua kaunter dan di semua bahagian. Malah, merekalah yang di temui terlebih dahulu oleh para pengguna apabila memerlukan mana-mana perkhidmatan di perpustakaan. Tidak hairanlah,ramai pengguna yang akan merasa kecewa jika tidak mendapat perkhidmatan yang baik dan sekali gus menggangap ianya adalam kelemahan perpustakaan keseluruhannya. Sebaliknya, mereka yang berpuas hati dengan layanan yang diberikan oleh pembantu akan terpanggil untuk datang semula ke perpustakanan dan akan menyebarkan saranan yang baik kepada rakan-rakan yang lain. Ini merupakan strategi pasaran yang sangat efektif untuk menarik lagi pengguna ke perpustakaan.Keberkesanan peranan pembantu menjadi lebih mencabar dalan era information dan communication Technology (ICT) dan ilmu pengetahuan yang mana ramai yang mengganggap perpustakaan sebagai tidak relevan lagi. Peranan pembantu perlu berubah mengikut perubahan ICT dan persekitaran dan anjakan paradigma ini harus berterusan. Pada masa yang sama kedudukan mereka yang berhadapan terus dengan pengguna memerlukan mereka pandai berkomunikasi dua hala seta ramah dan mesra pengguna. Peranan pembantu akan terus penting untuk menjayakan khidmat cemerlang perpustakaan dan kemahiran asas mereka dalam perkhidmatan maklumat,sumber maklumat dan ICT perlu dimantapkan. Kertas kerja ini akan cuba meninjau keadaan semasa dan bagaimana peranan pembantu perpustakaan dapat menigkatkan akhirnya dapat membentuk masyarakat maklumat dan pengetahuan yang ber-kiran kritikal di negara kita

    Electronic medical records system (EMRS) for Muslim's information and knowledge sharing

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    Medical records in electronic forms are seen as an effective way of managing medical records, amidst the increasing number of patient’s population. The role of networking system in increasing the utility of technology leads to the adoption of the electronic medical records (EMR) system. Although the EMR system experiences a slow adoption rate, it promises improved efficiency in the medical and healthcare system by facilitating information exchange among physicians, caring for the same patients. More specifically, the study aims at examining physicians' perceptions towards the importance of various functions of EMR system and the extent to which their characteristics are related to the perceived importance of the functions of the system. Although previous studies suggest that age, computer sophistication and medical speciality of physicians impact the extent to which they use EMR technology, the present study revealed little evidence that these characteristics are related to the perceived importance of EMR functions. This paper describes elements of the electronic medical records (EMR) system that can contribute to the development knowledge and research an as an impetus to the research activities in this area in the Muslim world. It also attempts to consider the various roles that need to be assumed and also reports various strategies that could be undertaken in different capacities such as, government and the business sectors with the goal of adopting an electronic medical records system (EMRS) for the purpose of information sharing

    Knowledge management and challenging roles of academic librarians.

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    With globalization the credibility of the workforce is determined by how best they can accommodate themselves in the growing challenges of k-economy. Knowledge Management (KM) has been in operation for quite some time. Its close affinity to library and information management is undeniable. Library has not relinquished its role and interest as information and knowledge providers. It is fitting then to recognise that a well planned strategy, involving the library and the management of the institution could provide significant influence to achieve the KM objectives. Librarians and information professionals (IPs) should be dedicated to fulfilling the varied information needs of the users, amidst the K-economy by providing accurate and relevant bibliographic and physical access and offer referral to the multidimensional range of information within the library premise and outside. KM is a challenge to the information professionals and for the fields of librarianship and information science and needs to be taken seriously to leverage the intellectual assets and to facilitate knowledge utilization and creation. Key words: K-economy; Knowledge management (KM); Globalization; Library management; Information managemen

    Strategy of managing knowledge in organizations / Raja Abdullah Yaacob, Hazeman Ahmad and Raja Ahmad Iskandar

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    In organizations, knowledge can be beneficial in the business process by save costs and time. Organization needs to understand its business, its mission and vision before strategy can be made. Increasing number of organizations have recognized the need for systematically managing knowledge, hence the application of knowledge management in their management system. This paper identifies and discusses the important of mission and vision to generate strategies and what strategy should be used for organizations to manage knowledge with some case studies

    Strategic management of records and risks for the sustainability of organizations / Azman Mat Isa, Raja Abdullah Yaacob and Nordiana Mohd Nordin

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    The sustainability of an organization relies on its financial stability and its ability to demonstrate considerable transparency and accountability. Records management has a significant role in providing evidence for decision-making as well as for demonstrating transparency and accountability. Implementing records management would be costly in the absence of risk management. Unfortunately, the role of records management is hardly recognized. This research attempts to investigate the essence of records management in underpinning good governance and accountability processes as well as to identify the relationship between risk management and records management. This research adopts case study method, using interviews, observation and document analysis for data gathering. It is discovered that an integrated records management system is essential in underpinning critical governance and accountability processes such as internal and external audit, compliance, risk management and decision making

    Reminescence of Radha Nadarajah : The first head school of Library Science, UiTM / Professor Dato' Dr. Raja Abdullah Yaacob

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    This is actually an exciting exercise for me when I was asked to recall what I remember about Mrs. Nadarajah, the first head of school of the then School of Library Science. Radha was a Singaporean who did LLB in Britain and also ended up doing ALA. When I asked her why she did not practice law, her answer was that she wanted to become a law librarian. I was thinking what a waste for a dynamic and eloquent person like her not to practice law. One thing we remembered about her is that, she took pride in her practical training in the British Board of Trade and all the time in the class she was giving that example. That is why I believe practical training is very crucial. At that time she made it a point to send students to do practical training almost every semester. This was made possible because at that time the number of students was very small